Found Deceased CO - Suzanne Morphew, 49, did not return from bike ride, Chaffee County, 10 May 2020 #32

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Yes, this gives me pause also as to whether it was Suzanne or not.

Unless these friend suggestions, is the activity they allude to, but I think it sounds more than that.
I just did a little exploring on Facebook. I seem to remember an option - something like - suggest friends.
When I clicked on the generic "friends" icon an interesting screen came up. It had a long column of "People you may know". Then there was an option to "Select People's names to Preview their Profile". There must have been at least 50 names suggested. We all had friends in common. I don't know exactly what Preview Profile means, but it suggests to me it will allow you to see more information.

I'm wondering if Suzanne was looking around on Facebook, and "Previewed" Profiles of BM's friends. This in turn might have generated SM friend suggestions to those people.

ETA - I don't think SM realized or meant to generate friend requests, I think Facebook was "trying to be helpful".

JMO, MOO, etc.
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Keep in mind this is conjecture upon conjecture... not that "it would appear".. It's all moo for folks that are commenting


This is really getting legs at WS. Do we know for a fact this happened?
Speaking for myself, I am confidant that it did. Admissible in court? No idea. A lot of that would depend on what LE found in the digital records. MOO.
So theoretically, BM logged into SM’s FB account to send messages as her. When he logged in as SM, the phone read his messenger contacts and sent out friend suggestions.

WOW. Normally, that might be fairly innocuous. Under the circumstances, WOW. Think of that timeline. Think of ALL those people seeing that suggestion pop up. It’s almost like a message from the voiceless. And potentially, he sent it out into the world, himself. There is some justice in that.

I’m losing hope that BM will ever put his daughters before himself. I hope the evidence is clear, for their sake.


BBM. That just gave me goosebumps.
I worry a great deal about the daughters’ safety! Man up, BM! Where’s SM?

They're all very much in the public eye which will have a protective element for now. LE will be watching like hawks.
It's not inconceivable that one or both daughters were given a confidential safety net contact by LE around the time of the early searches, perhaps under the pretext of "if there's anything you can think of/would like to tell us..."
Would be interesting to know - if they were given contact details- whether they ever told BM about it.
IMO, it’s pretty clear what happened. Before it is known that SM is missing, multiple people that are connected to BM on Facebook but not SM, start receiving notifications that they should connect with SM.

For the algorithm to make that suggestion, something needed to happen for it to connect SM’s profile to BM’s contacts.

Facebook states this: Help Center

What that link is saying is that any device you use to log into your profile on the Facebook app and separately Facebook messenger app, the apps will be allowed access to all of the contacts you have saved on that device.

The algorithm then takes in these new contacts and makes suggestions on connecting.

So if BM logs into to Facebook or Facebook messenger as SM on BM’s phone, SM’s profile then reads all of BM’s contacts (since it’s his device) and for any of those contacts that SM is not connected to, it suggests that they connect.

Thus why you have all of BM’s contacts receiving notifications to connect with SM before she is even reported missing.
Thank you!!!
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Thanks. Ironically, I haven’t been on Facebook for at least 10 years because of all of the data privacy issues but that’s also why I know a lot about them. (And I work in tech and have been at several big Silicon Valley companies)

I think it would be a good test to have two members here that aren’t connected on FB test out looking at each other’s profile or liking each others content to see if that would generate a friend request. Having the answer to that would pretty much make my explanation definitive.

I have clicked through “likes” on posts on FB and viewed the profile of the poster’s friend who liked their post. Then later, said friend pops up in MY “suggested friend” list.

Facebook has so many algorithms, it’s hard to know exactly what combination of views or logins created the notifications that Hoosierfan72 described.

Fortunately, FB logs access from other devices, and has extensive activity logs, in general.

One thing is for sure, something hinky happened with the Morphew’s FB accounts that weekend.
I don't use FB, but for those who do...FB has some kind of internal communication between users, right? Messenger or something, where you could 'talk' back and forth? Could BM have gone into SM's FB to see those internal one-on-one communications, possibly with an eye towards deleting anything incriminating?
And fwiw, my iPad also has iMessage enabled on it. So I can be out of my house, texting and receiving messages, and anyone who has access to my iPad at home can read every single one of them. And actually text-“as me” from my iPad.
This is really getting legs at WS. Do we know for a fact this happened?

Do we have any ‘facts’ in this case yet?

I can say that the way I am trying to explain how Facebook works is a fact and the explanation of what they do is even provided in the link on their website.

Is it a fact that all of these BM contacts got recommendations to friend SM before she was reported missing? I have no idea, but I’m highly inclined to believe @Hoosierfan72
Thanks. Ironically, I haven’t been on Facebook for at least 10 years because of all of the data privacy issues but that’s also why I know a lot about them. (And I work in tech and have been at several big Silicon Valley companies)

I think it would be a good test to have two members here that aren’t connected on FB test out looking at each other’s profile or liking each others content to see if that would generate a friend request. Having the answer to that would pretty much make my explanation definitive.

I posted last night that this recently happened to me on fb. I have some distant crazy relatives that I’m estranged from. One night, I went looking for their profiles and clicked on a few. Being nosy
The next morning, my aunt sent me a friend request! I haven’t spoken to her in years, in fact, I’m married and she wouldn’t know that or my name. So I had to assume she got the suggestion after I was on her page and recognized it was me.

I found this on google too.
Who knows if it’s correct, just going by my own recent experience.

Link to this screenshot
How to Find Out Who Looks at Your Facebook Profile - ReadWrite


  • 54FF3303-5191-42D5-89E9-1ADAF5BBFEFA.png
    290.3 KB · Views: 74
Also, I don’t believe just looking at someone’s profile or liking content is what the algorithm uses to make connection recommendations. But I could be wrong.
Okay this is exactly what I was wondering. If she was just snooping around on his profile (logged in as herself on her own device) would that be enough to suggest friending HER to HIS contacts. It doesn’t sound like it. I mean we ALL do that, right? Hee hee.

Even though I think she probably was snooping & maybe that’s even how she found something out, it was his act of logging into her account on his phone that set off the suggestions to his contacts. I think he did that to impersonate her &/or see who she told what.
I just did a little exploring on Facebook. I seem to remember an option - something like - suggest friends.
When I clicked on the generic "friends" icon an interesting screen came up. It had a long column of "People you may know". Then there was an option to "Select People's names to Preview their Profile". There must have been at least 50 names suggested. We all had friends in common. I don't know exactly what Preview Profile means, but it suggests to me it will allow you to see more information.

I'm wondering if Suzanne was looking around on Facebook, and "Previewed" Profiles of BM's friends. This in turn might have generated SM friend suggestions to those people.

ETA - I don't think SM realized or meant to generate friend requests, I think Facebook was "trying to be helpful".
You don't generate friend requests merely by looking at the people FB suggests to you. Nor does logging in on other devices send out requests. Just saying. People you may know pops up if you have a mutual friend in common mostly.
And yes, if he had her phone, likely she is always signed into FB like myself. Would be easy to delete messages...HOWEVER they are not deleted on the end of the person you were messaging with. They are also retrievable for a period of time.
I have clicked through “likes” on posts on FB and viewed the profile of the poster’s friend who liked their post. Then later, said friend pops up in MY “suggested friend” list.

Facebook has so many algorithms, it’s hard to know exactly what combination of views or logins created the notifications that Hoosierfan72 described.

Fortunately, FB logs access from other devices, and has extensive activity logs, in general.

One thing is for sure, something hinky happened with the Morphew’s FB accounts that weekend.

Yes those Facebook data logs and IP address access will completely tell the story.

I think what is interesting, as @Hoosierfan72 mentioned, is that if SM was suspicious of BM’s behavior, she would not have been snooping around the profiles of old high school friends that live in IN. She’d most likely be snooping around people that live in the Salida area. So why did all of the old high school friends living several states away get the friend suggestion?
If it was SM herself, she wouldn’t log into her profile on his phone. There would be no use for that since she can look at her profile on her own phone anytime.

She’d either log on to his profile on her phone or she’d just look at his profile on his phone.

And if she logged in to his profile on her phone, the inverse of what happened would happen. Basically, SM’s contacts would receive a notification to connect with BM.

Also, I don’t believe just looking at someone’s profile or liking content is what the algorithm uses to make connection recommendations. But I could be wrong.

From what I read, it's not just looking at profiles but activity, such as likes, comments, shares, etc.
Although, since FB's algorithm is a highly protected proprietary secret, it's all just guesswork.

I believe JP said he met with BM Saturday afternoon in Salida. But yes indeed, his cell data from Saturday morning onward has already been seen by investigators (his phone and truck were taken very early on), and I can only imagine it's full of very curious little red flags.
I'm trying to track down where this was said (they met Saturday afternoon). Does anyone have the sound bite or print media to verify?

With the new timeline verified by PE- Suzanne's communications with friend ceased at 12:30 pm MT. This particular fact becomes critical to BM's movement around the time we suspect Suzanne was not alive.
Gosh, you don’t know how bad I want the ghost cat to be real! :p

When I was (much) younger, while walking back from a party to where I was staying, I came across a cat at the edge of someone's garden. It wasn't moving and didn't respond when I knelt down to speak to it. It felt cold when I stroked it. I was worried that it was injured but didn't want to walk along the road, waking people up at 2 am to check if it was their cat. So I 'phoned a local veterinary surgery to say I was bringing a very sick cat in. When I tried to pick it up to wrap it in my jacket, it was a dead weight. That was because it was a large brick/stone that someone had set into their garden. Worse still, the occupants of the property were alerted to my antics because they could hear me chatting to the stone. The guy came out to challenge me for trying to steal one of their decorative stones. To add insult to injury, I had to 'phone the vet to tell them the cat was a brick.
That's the closest I've ever been to seeing a ghost cat.
I blame the alcoholic punch.
You don't generate friend requests ... Nor does logging in on other devices send out requests. Just saying. .

Directly from Facebook’s site:

Help Center

When continuous contact uploading is turned on, Facebook will automatically upload your contacts from your phone or tablet whenever you log into your Facebook account.

Continuous contact uploading is only available on iOS or Android devices. Learn how to upload contacts or delete contacts you've uploadedfrom your mobile device.

Keep in mind:
  • Turning off contact uploading in the Facebook app doesn't automatically turn off contact uploading in the Messenger app. Learn how to manage contact uploading on Messenger.
  • If you use the Facebook app on more than one phone or tablet, you'll need to turn off continuous contact uploading on each one.

Help Center

How does Facebook use my info to show suggestions in People You May Know?

If you upload your contacts through the Facebook app, learn how to manage contact uploading. If someone has uploaded their contacts and it includes your mobile phone number or email address, you may show up as friend suggestions for each other
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The solid fact is, this is FB behavior that had not occurred up until the time frame of SM's disappearance. In and of it's self, it's a huge clue. Thank you so much @Hoosierfan72.'ve made that point more than once.....and it is huge. Algorithms aside.

L/E must get exhausted chasing down hundreds of tips that go nowhere. This one must have been a high five moment for them.

From LE’s perspective…The tip comes from an unexpected/unrelated source, out of the blue. Therefore, not tainted and seeking to influence a particular outcome. The tip comes from someone not looking for their 15 minutes. They have a report of digital evidence of a personal detail, related to the victim , that can be verified independently. I am somewhat enthralled with this detail because it gives support to a time line on when Suzanne may have died. It backs up her friends claim 100% (not that I doubted it) indicating something was up on Saturday. And if it was Saturday, it was Barry, no questions, that supports the “planted bike” theory and not a possible stranger abduction occurring on Sunday. Can you imagine @Hoosierfan72 wife plus her friends calling in this same tip? Makes it a good and valuable piece of information.

Depending on what the 'questionable text" read that her friend received later, after an abrupt disconnect, this could be part of a trifecta of digital evidence ....
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From what I read, it's not just looking at profiles but activity, such as likes, comments, shares, etc.
Although, since FB's algorithm is a highly protected proprietary secret, it's all just guesswork.


Like google, the algorithm changes regularly. Just when you think you’ve got it figured out, updates are made.
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