Found Deceased CO - Suzanne Morphew, 49, did not return from bike ride, Chaffee County, 10 May 2020 #33

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Hello All;
As a former state trial judge doing criminal cases exclusively for over thirty years, I am making my initial foray onto this site. I have a lot of catching up to do but this comment about courts permitting LE to lie to get at the truth of a case was so overboard that I wish to correct its breath. Courts do not operate on the theory that the end justifies the means 'to get at the truth of a case'. It is OK for LE to tell a suspect that their fingerprint was found at the scene in an effort to get an admission or some statement for the suspect. Courts do not sanction lying in court to a judge or jury regarding facts.
WELCOME! As a current 3L I look forward to your future thoughts and to learning from many years of legal wisdom.
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Besides selfish, evil, controlling, BM knows more about matters.
Here, in SM's health treatment, he is the expert: not the Doctors, the experts etc.
We saw this in BM's account of poor LE work around the bike.
BM knows all, and advises.
He knows best, and you listen to him.

"This is what happened....."
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I still believe that TD's report of seeing BM bare chested, distraught, soaked and red a will be more at play. I also stand behind my original speculation that he returns to the scene to "check" on things. Even if it's a drive by etc. Not to replay it, but to remain in control of it.

He is too controlling, he needs to feel like he knows everything that LE has or doesn't yet have.... Again, JMO

That's my hypothesis, too. He realized around that time that all the scenarios he had presented to LE were no-goes; that LE wasn't looking for an abductor, or a bike ride gone wrong, or a mountain lion who defied the laws of the jungle by carrying his prey uphill. That they were searching for a body beyond the parameters of his suggestions and it made him really, really nervous. Because if TD had actually spoken to him that day, he would have had a hard time explaining he was searching outside the parameters he was still spouting at that time. And we know he wasn't going for a swim.
to piggyback off this Premeditation, being a process of the mind, is wholly subjective and hence not always susceptible to proof by direct evidence. It may be inferred from all the circumstances surrounding the event. It is not necessary for premeditation to exist for a specific length of time. While premeditation requires no specific period of time for deliberation, some amount of time must pass between the formation of the intent and the carrying out of the act.

A premeditated decision to kill may be reached in a short period of time (its debated by a minutes is enough). However, an unconsidered or rash impulse, even though it includes an intent to kill, is not premeditated. premeditation is the deliberate formation of and reflection upon the intent to take a human life, and involves the mental process of thinking beforehand, deliberation, reflection, weighing, or reasoning for a period of time, however short.

A defendant's actions before and after a murder are relevant to the question of premeditation. Evidence that the defendant had previously sought to carry out or had made preparations for the killing of the victim tends to establish deliberation and premeditation and is, therefore, relevant. Evidence regarding the accused's behavior after the killing may include evidence of the accused's treatment of the victim's remains, or of the accused's behavior and demeanor.
Is there a law that can add on an extra 30 years if he is convicted of murder and won't tell where the body is. Probably not, you lawyers need to get to work on that new law. Wink. Moo.
The case that this most reminds me of is Susan Powell, not that they have small children, but I do believe the camping trip was a convenient plan for BM to have time for his diabolical plan. I am not of the belief that he just came in Saturday night and an argument ensued and something just happened off the cuff. I feel that he had plans made, claims of a class or job so he could be out of town, hotel reservations and a supposed job that he could call a worker to come and do so he could have an alibi to head home. then he wanted us to believe she went "missing" I would not be surprised if he has told Suzanne's girls that he has to do this and that with money so one can stay in college and the other can have the same lifestyle she is accustomed to. I just pray that if and when it comes down to brass tacks that we are not looking at an ending like the Powell children endured.

JMHO...I have a huge concern if he pulls a Fotis D, that he tries to bring his daughters along with him. I try and imagine the conversation he has with his daughters, when it's just the 3 of them (elephant in the room) and how very unnerving it must be for them. In my opinion, I think those girls are petrified of him and what he is capable of. They are minding their P's and Q's until they are old and independent enough to escape his clutches.

I truly worry for them and cannot imagine what is going through their minds on a daily basis. My hope is that they have some amazing friends/boyfriends who are supportive and loving with them. JMO
Yes! That was it! Well of course lawyers have laws that cover that kind of situation. Duh! What was I thinking. Lol :D But it would still feel weird though. Thanks @ivegotthemic! I can tell you are going to be a most excellent attorney!
i totally understand where your coming from. it can be a delicate balance for everyone., sadly i should add a realistic note that while the law does exist, and we all have to pass the multi-state professional responsibility exam before we even sit for the bar (so we all have to know it) the rules are enforced solely through self-regulation. In 90% of cases lawyers follow the rules but if they dont... they usually have to do something egregious to be reported on by another lawyer (when it happens its usually BAD). theres a level of professional courtesy that gets extended for most of the rules (nobody wants to work with a snitch) so when there is a bad egg they can REALLY do some horrible stuff if their sublte.

and also THANK YOU for your kind words. it makes my sad little legal heart so happy
She was standing about 10 yards away, shouting at him, according to witnesses. I have no idea how her shouts were supposed to help him - he thought he was firing a "test bullet" and he also hoped it would be in the right spot. Neither of them appeared to take into account that he was firing directly into an area where she was standing, thereby breaking one of the key rules of gun safety.

Man Installing Satellite TV Shoots, Kills Wife

It was satellite TV, not cable. The witnesses were their two children.

Not to speak ill of the poor woman who was shot and killed but that doesn’t sound like a well thought out plan. Poor husband & children too! :(
I'm not sure if Suzanne was prescribed anti-depressants when she had cancer but apparently in 2013 she had a "breakdown" or was diagnosed with Depression and she was "browbeaten" by BM almost every day, according to AM. It was at that time he was against her taking medication, and more recently against her trying medical marijuana.


It’s possible, even if BM objected to Rx meds or medical marijuana, she took them anyway. Perhaps the browbeating (according to the brother) was from her doing it anyway and hearing about it from BM.

If true, either scenario (not taking them or taking them with BS talk from your spouse) makes me angry & sad for her. IMO
Is there a law that can add on an extra 30 years if he is convicted of murder and won't tell where the body is. Probably not, you lawyers need to get to work on that new law. Wink. Moo.
yes in fact I think thats called the DB (insert not nice name here) statute. it only gets applied to the worst and most offensive criminals. i mean there are some charges you can get a little petty with but sadly theres never a guarantee
Perhaps they could also check if there was an unusual amount of water used like say, in the middle of the night.

Bentonville Police Use Smart Water Meters As Evidence In Murder Investigation |

Court documents show investigators believe James Bates cleaned up the murder scenebecause of the amount of water he used in a two-hour window. Police said they got that data from the smart water meter at his home, which, according to the city utilities department, takes a measurement every hour of how much water is used.

5NEWS spoke with Heath Ward, the executive director of Springdale Water Utilities, which uses meters similar to those used in Bentonville. Ward said Springdale’s meters can read data continuously or do a spot reading and then send back that information to a central server.

"If a customer has a problem, a specific problem, and suspect they have a leak, we do have more technology that actually monitors and takes a reading 24-hours a day for 30 days and you can see the habits, the water habits of the house," he explained.

Thanks Cindizzi, about 'Water Used during a specific period'.
How could someone account for a huge amount used, in a short time? (If that happened).

Doubtful AM would know what coolers the Morphews had if they were somewhat estranged ?
However a cooler seen on camera would have piqued LE's interest right away.
How many semi-truths or outright lies have LE documented by now ?
If you tell the truth from the beginning, you have one story and you stick to it.

I'd be interested in whether or not, the Ms ate what BM hunted. I have a sneaking suspicion that the Ms didn't eat elk burgers or venison stew. Maybe BM was only interested in trophy kills. If true, he would have no need for the coolers.
i totally understand where your coming from. it can be a delicate balance for everyone., sadly i should add a realistic note that while the law does exist, and we all have to pass the multi-state professional responsibility exam before we even sit for the bar (so we all have to know it) the rules are enforced solely through self-regulation. In 90% of cases lawyers follow the rules but if they dont... they usually have to do something egregious to be reported on by another lawyer (when it happens its usually BAD). theres a level of professional courtesy that gets extended for most of the rules (nobody wants to work with a snitch) so when there is a bad egg they can REALLY do some horrible stuff if their sublte.

and also THANK YOU for your kind words. it makes my sad little legal heart so happy

Hmmm...sounds a little like how nursing works. :p Your heart should be glad not sad! You’re almost there and will have an awesome career! I worked while my husband went to law school. He was a marine engineer but always regretted not going into law. Take the LSAT I said...thinking he wouldn’t get in...guess he was much smarter than I thought! So at 28 yo he went to law school and now 22 years later has been in his dream job as a corporate attorney for most of his career. I remember how hard it was on him (and me) especially at the end. And his first job at a big law firm...billable hours! Ugh! But it’s worth it so hang in there @ivegotthemic because it seems like it’s your calling. :D


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I used to thrive on pressure but now I am retired. We'll see how it goes.
Welcome to our little gang of snoopers here!!
Looking forward to your perspective on things
here and if I may ask a quick question of you:

Are you following the election in Chaffee County
DA race and do you have any opinions on how
that may affect this case?
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