Found Deceased CO - Suzanne Morphew, 49, did not return from bike ride, Chaffee County, 10 May 2020 #34

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I know some people around the Internet are wondering if the local LE totally botched the investigation in the days before CBI & FBI were on board & that’s why they’re so quiet.

I don’t think so. I think I’m going to go with others who say they’re waiting on evidence processing & I think maybe it’s just not this sheriff’s style to do a bunch of PR stuff when there’s nothing to say yet. I also think BM has gotten wind of the botched theory and he is SEIZING the opportunity to tell everyone how LE messed this up, is investigating him and is ruining their lives!! Waaaaaaa.

Maybe LE is just waiting on labs and letting BM stew in not knowing what’s going on. Hoping he will crack. Maybe they’re not talking to AM anymore b/c he talks too much for their taste.
Good post.
I doubt LE is feeling any pressure from the outside.
Guessing they are pretty sure they have their man.
Guessing BM knows that, too.
And, IMO, BM is the gift that keeps on giving.
How many times have we seen these men whine about LE not being up to the task?
I didn't follow the other cases mentioned.
But I did follow FD. What a cluster that turned out to be.

And, his beloved wife has yet to be found.
We are blessed at present being spared the defense attorneys comments.
BM is sweating . Not remorseful but definitely angst ridden. Feeling the heat. What will the searchers find?
The day is coming when he shuts down on LS.
What was the timeframe between when he came to the store and we first heard about this in the media, anyone remember?
Not exactly a valid question, but not your fault. When we discuss something it is usually much later as it takes awhile to make MSM, if and when it ever does. The note was posted on SM the very next day as I recall....and she claimed to have called the tip line. I can tell you for a was Aug 13th when I had a post deleted for referencing said note as it still wasn't MSM.

ETA...I referenced it because the P/E fellows mentioned it but there still wasn't a 'copy' posted.
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Yes attorneys are allowed to challenge the credibility of any witness. In cases where police testimony is the evidence against the deft., the defense must be permitted to try the case as they see fit. Accusing the police of lying is proper as often it is the only defense available to the accused. Preventing such arguments would be unfair, inappropriate and reversible error. The prosecutor, who argues last, can rebut the credibility challenge by using the police acknowledgement of a falsity to the accused to buttress the officer’s credibility. Ultimately, the jury, not the judge decides credibility and must be permitted to hear the issue fully argued to them.

Thank you! We do it the same way here. I do like to meet with the officer & prosecutor before closing to let the officer know that -- while it may seem that I'm calling him a liar -- I'm doing it simply as a tactic to defend my client by creating doubt as to the veracity of the officer's testimony.

The good cops know exactly what I'm doing & have no hard feelings; in the event they ever have a civil or administrative hearing, they would want their attorney to fight hard for them too.
Well, I'll be keeping one eye on the football game, one eye on WS to see what LS has to share tonight. I've been racking my brain on what it could possibly be that would "blow up the timeline" as has been insinuated. I think to blow up a timeline, it has to involve BM being spotted somewhere that he shouldn't be based on the timeline we know (or at least think we know), BM not being somewhere he claimed to be when he claimed to be, or possibly BM knew something he couldn't have known at that time - all of which is pretty limited based on what little info we have at this point:

Per BM, he at least inferred was at home Saturday night, at least long enough to go to sleep and wake up next to SM (we don't know if he has admitted to going anywhere on Sat evening)
Per BM, he woke up early on Sunday am and drove to Broomfield (I don't believe he specified if he went to the hotel first, or to the job site first or somewhere else?)
Per BM, he was in Broomfield when he became aware of the concerns re: SM (around 5:00, per BM) and headed home in a hurry
Per BM he arrived at the scene around 9:00 pm (though AM mentioned 6:00)

- Can someone place BM at the hotel Saturday night or too early on Sunday am? (this seems unlikely, as even BM pointed out there are cameras all over the hotel, so why lie when you know it's going to be discovered)?
- Can someone place BM somewhere else late Sat night or early Sun am when he has claimed to be at home? (maybe having something to do with the bobcat "mechanical thing" that he's already talked about)?
- Can someone say definitively that BM told them about a "family emergency" before anyone was aware that SM was missing?

I do think any of those things would indeed be a bit of a bombshell...... all we can do is wait and see (and speculate). JMO, MOO.
Yeah, but when exactly on Saturday afternoon, and where specifically in Salina?

That’s important, as I believe Suzanne was murdered in the early afternoon.

I agree, from all we do know, I think she was deceased not long after her chat with her friend abruptly ended.
JP placing BM in Salida on that afternoon is rather interesting.
What will be even more interesting will be his (BM's) banking info, cell activity (and SM's as well) and gps data and various surveillance video footage of BM in Salida and anywhere else he was, that Saturday afternoon/evening.
Where did he make purchases?
Is he on surveillance at that store?
What did he purchase?
Did he google anything?
Text/call anyone?
Where was his phone pinging that day?
Where was SM's phone pinging?
Same towers? Same times?
Where does his GPS have him that day/evening?

I do believe this is where the real timeline starts.

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Today marks 4-month since #SuzanneMorphew disappeared. Chaffee Co. Sheriff released a statement: "We are handing out flyers with Suzanne’s picture and info in hopes of more public awareness. Our sole purpose is to either find Suzanne or determine the cause of her disappearance...

..Our investigative team would like nothing more than to disseminate information to the public in regards to our progress in this process however in any open investigation we cannot divulge any information as it puts the integrity of the investigation at risk." #FindSuzanne

Salida, Colorado


September 10, 2020

Today marks the 4 month anniversary when Suzanne Morphew was reported missing.

Since that initial report the Chaffee County Sheriff’s Office has joined forces with CBI, FBI and the 11th Judicial District in an intensive investigation to find Suzanne Morphew.

In this investigation resources were called in to assist with numerous searches. These resources have included Chaffee SAR South and North, The Colorado Department of Corrections S.O.R.T Team, the CBI Crime Scene Investigation Team, FBI Evidence Response Team, Chaffee County Combined Tactical Team, Salida Fire Department Swift Water Rescue Team, Colorado Parks and Wildlife, Salida Police Department, Buena Vista Police Department, Pueblo County Sheriff’s Office Dive Rescue Team, Colorado State Patrol, El Paso County SAR Dog Team, Fremont County SAR Dog Team, Reach Air Medical Service, FBI Aviation Support Team, Necro Search International, Elizabeth Police Dog Team, Colorado Department of Corrections East Canon Tracking Team and the SAR Board of Colorado, which includes numerous SAR teams from around the state.

These above resources have contributed to numerous foot searches, Air Aviation searches and mapping, underwater imaging, dive team searches, several search dogs which includes air scent, tracking and HR Dogs. We have used numerous Drones for searches in several different areas.

We continue to follow leads and tips as well as develop information and have not limited our search areas to one particular location. With this we are planning another law enforcement search in the near future.

Our investigation team continues to work closely with one another and is committed 100% to this endeavor.

We continue to field tips and follow up on all information through our dedicated tip line as well as by way of interviews.

Our investigation team has made it a priority to remind the public of Suzanne and her disappearance and with todays 4 month anniversary we are once again contacting the public. We are handing out flyers with Suzanne’s picture and information in hopes of more public awareness.

Our sole purpose is to either find Suzanne or determine the cause of her disappearance.

Our investigative team would like nothing more than to disseminate information to the public in regards to our progress in this process however in any open investigation we cannot divulge any information as it puts the integrity of the investigation at risk.

With this we ask the public to focus on Suzanne Morphew and encourage once again anyone who has information to please call our dedicated tip line at 719-312-7530.

Thanks You

John A. Spezze

Chaffee County Sheriff
“We are handing out flyers with Suzanne’s picture and information in hopes of more public awareness.

Our sole purpose is to either find Suzanne or determine the cause of her disappearance.”

Still need help from the public? By now, either you got him or you don’t.

Lauren Scharf@LaurenScharfTV

Today marks 4-month since #SuzanneMorphew disappeared. Chaffee Co. Sheriff released a statement: "We are handing out flyers with Suzanne’s picture and info in hopes of more public awareness. Our sole purpose is to either find Suzanne or determine the cause of her disappearance...
2:23 PM · Sep 10, 2020

Lauren Scharf@LaurenScharfTV

...Our investigative team would like nothing more than to disseminate information to the public in regards to our progress in this process however in any open investigation we cannot divulge any information as it puts the integrity of the investigation at risk." #FindSuzanne
2:23 PM · Sep 10, 2020
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