Found Deceased CO - Suzanne Morphew, 49, did not return from bike ride, Chaffee County, 10 May 2020 #34

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MG doesn't present like any meth user I've ever encountered. My experience with meth users is that they have scabby facial complexions. I guess meth makes your skin crawl or something and meth users scratch.

Here's a description of how meth users present, with some photos: How methamphetamine destroys your face and physical appearance
If I’m MG, I’m running to the nearest lab to have hair, blood and urine drug testing done. Then I’m getting myself a killer attorney and suing Barry for all he’s worth for slandering my name.
Gen. Public Access to G-F---M- Info?
Is something like GoF***Me covered by freedom on information act?
@EggSalad Here, ;) :cool: :Dmy shortest post * ever.:rolleyes: In a word afaik, Nope.
* I fibbed, so - Fed. "FOIA" and state and municipal "open records acts" or "sunshine" laws apply to public and media requests for info or records of governments, at fed. st, local levels.
Freedom of Information Act (United States) - Wikipedia
Requires the full or partial disclosure of previously unreleased information and documents controlled by the United States government upon request.

Freedom of information in the United States - Wikipedia includes some info on state laws.
Ex of state laws:
California Public Records Act - Wikipedia
Public records - Wikipedia

A party in litigation against G.F... M. would not use FOIA or open records acts to request info, dox, or records.
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Gen. Public Access to G-F---M- Info?
@EggSalad Here, ;) :cool: :Dmy shortest post *ever.:rolleyes: In a word, Nope afaik.
* I fibbed, so - "FOIA" and state and municipal "open records acts" apply to public and media requests of governments, at fed. st, local levels. (Possibly different result for parties in litigation making requests of govt).
Freedom of Information Act (United States) - Wikipedia
Requires the full or partial disclosure of previously unreleased information and documents controlled by the United States government upon request.

Freedom of information in the United States - Wikipedia includes some info on state laws.
Ex of state laws:
California Public Records Act - Wikipedia

Public records - Wikipedia

Thanks! And I think we’ve established that GoF***Me doesn’t have an obligation to release the details of funds moving off their platform?
I think it’s important to keep an open mind, and I’ve been thinking of alternate scenarios, ones in which BM isn’t involved. Here’s the one that I think is most probable:

I think the killer had familiarized himself with Suzanne’s routine, and had stalked her biking route on multiple occasions. On the day in question, he lurked just off the trail, crouching in the bushes, waiting for his opportunity to strike. As she rode by, he sprang out of nowhere, startling her. He knocked Suzanne off her bike, disorienting her. He quickly picked up the bike and flung it down the ravine as far as he could, so as to delay discovery of her disappearance. He then dragged Suzanne away, carefully removing any traces of his tracks left behind.

BTW, the perpetrator is a mountain lion in this scenario. Give me a break Barry.
I don't mean to beat a dead horse about that ridiculous mountain lion story, but aren't mountain lions nocturnal hunters?
I don't mean to beat a dead horse about that ridiculous mountain lion story, but aren't mountain lions nocturnal hunters?

Just the female cougars....and bobcats are a whole other story

Seriously, mountain lions have been known to attack people in broad daylight in Colorado and California, including cyclists in Marin County.
I simply do not get this timeline, either. Remember also that he told LE that he left the S house at 5 AM Sunday, with SM still asleep. That's most likely a lie, of course.

Also remember the driving times! It's 2 1/2 hours to Broomfield from Salida, and 2 1/2 hours back. And he did that twice?? S to B Sat. afternoon, and then back to S to be at the remodel site, then back to B sometime during the night? That's 10 hours of driving. If he just went once (which makes more sense), it's still 5 hours drivetime. And when did he go, and why? IMO, he went once, maybe after he was running the machine at the remod site at 11:30, got to B around 3 or 4 AM. Sometime in that madness, he got rid of the body. The cops must have this all worked out through GPS and phone pings, etc., but we don't have enough real info to see the actual pattern.

Your post kinda congealed a bunch of similar posts for me. If WE have all the additional info and timelines that are somewhat verified in the acceptable sources we can quote? There are some minor inconsistencies, but WE are tightening it up? LE has much more info than we can ever get and had most of it for 4 months, I have great confidence in their ability to fill in the gaps, as WE are clearly putting it together, this IS clear to me, from your info...
BM has very little unaccounted time, (paper trails, digital, eyewitness) to accomplish committing a crime, cleaning up afterwards, and disappearing SM...the timeline is tightening up for us, and LE should have already cleared BM, IMO.
We’ve also gone back and forth, he’s brilliant, hes stupid, can’t keep his mouth shut, etc, premeditates, spur of moment, and so on.
MVHO, he probably isn’t capable of pulling this off...based on what I’ve seen, LE figured this out long ago, with enough evidence to clear him, the true perp is a good bit smarter than BM.
LE May or may not know who harmed SM, at this point. If they do, MOO, it will be much harder to build probable cause on this person, search warrants, etc, and w/o her body they are being meticulous in their investigation... there is nothing to be gained by outing them, before the case is solid...I’ve had my working theories discarding my favorite for newly unearthed ones, then another...they are keeping low profiles, but mostly, they do display a lot more ability to pull this off...
I for one, would have the good sense to keep all of my work associates, very well paid, and certainly not offend them...hush money? Im talking bonus, for their extra efforts. LOL

BM is in full blown protect himself mode, has been from day one, he would have slipped up long ago...

Someone else is out there, unknown to us, but hopefully known to LE, smarter than BM, but not smarter than LE.

I kept up with early threads, hiatus, now the same issues are being discussed, with more info. Things are getting clearer. We have more frustrations from BM and those around him...we take “and & but”and try to assign a different meaning to an interview, I am sure, I could handle a LS interview, but where do nerves and introverted personality, factor in? Innocent people, co workers, and SO, just aren’t experienced at prethinking their every word. lawyers(respectfully, just as an example), or criminal types are...they play word games too, now that’s something I need to check out...they love to tell you exactly what you want, but just slip it in, MOO, Gannon’s LS did this, but she wasn’t skillfull, exactly. I’m gonna have to revisit some things...
Thanks! And I think we’ve established that GoF***Me doesn’t have an obligation to release the details of funds moving off their platform?
Releasing info re release of $ to someone other than a campaign's/project's team fundraisers, organizer or beneficiary?
In reading the co's website at "Terms and Conditions'' and other detailed sections, if this is addressed, I've missed it.
Maybe someone else here knows or can find it. jm2cts.

ETA: wiki has some basic info re the site (Google wiki g. f...m.)
IMO, the only viable points from the MG interview are 1) her assessment that Barry was behaving oddly that weekend and 2) her corroboration of the strong chlorine smell.

The rest seems irrelevant.
IMO, she gave a critical timeline detail and a few other nuggets-
  • She told us where Barry was on Saturday morning, working with her on the job site.
  • Barry cut her loose at 11:00 am, he had to go home and "make the wife happy".
  • MG said she thought they would work all day and seemed confused that she was sent home early.
When you combine the above with what we know about Suzanne's conversation abruptly ending at 12:30 pm, it starts to get interesting.
I don't mean to beat a dead horse about that ridiculous mountain lion story, but aren't mountain lions nocturnal hunters?
Barry may know something about hunting, but he clearly doesn't know much about mountain lions or Rocky Mountain wildlife (maybe because he's new to Colorado). Anyone who's lived here for most of their lives knows that, while they're not unheard of, mountain lion attacks are extremely rare. Mountain lions are notoriously shy and avoid encounters with humans. When they do attack, they usually prey on children who get separated from their parents. I've spent most of my life out here in the Rockies. His story sounded like bunk to me right off the bat, and I'm certain that it did to LE too, since they immediately dismissed the possibility of a cougar attack. I just think it's an indication of his narcissism that he, a relative newcomer to the state, thought he was smarter than oldtimers and locals.
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IMO, the only viable points from the MG interview are 1) her assessment that Barry was behaving oddly that weekend and 2) her corroboration of the strong chlorine smell.

The rest seems irrelevant.

I'm going to have disagree with this.

3. her statement that he "changed everything at the last minute" about the job in Broomfield
4. her recollection that he didn't leave the proper tools for the job he called them all there to do
5. her statement about the supplies not showing up on Monday to do the job (that he allegedly set up the day prior)
6. her statement that she was fired by BM because she cooperated with CBI by handing her phone over to them

To me, the first 3 I've listed tell me this Broomfield job was a last minute throw-together alibi, and when MG didn't do what he wanted, he made her pay for it (then) by firing her, and (now) by trash talking her to the national news.

This offers a decent little snapshot into BM's character makeup. Something I suspect the local guys and gals working this case already knew, months ago.

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<modsnip: Insinuations against non POI>

Would it be normal for LE not to find these men and see exactly what went down concerning this "threat"?

Also, why did these workers NOT contact BM to see what was going on and ask about the tools? They just sat there for, what 2 days inhaling chlorine fumes, waiting for him to call them? That's strange, IMO.
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