Found Deceased CO - Suzanne Morphew, 49, did not return from bike ride, Chaffee County, 10 May 2020 #36

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We don't know if it was BM who had the choice as to when to fix the wall or whoever hired him to do the work.

It could be that BM himself only found out on Saturday, and he had to rush to get to get a crew and supplies at the last minute. That might explain why nothing was done and there were no materials there. He may have been busy doing other things for 8 or 9 hours.

RSBM (Respectfully snipped by me)

MG told LS that the "do over" had been rescheduled more than once (she didn't say which party had changed the date) and that originally the crew was to be just she and BM. She was surprised when he called and instructed her to assemble a crew on Mother's Day, particularly since she had just seen him the day before at the Salida worksite and it didn't come up.

MG said BM had done some minor set up for the job. Was it just enough to make the job look legit? Was there ever an order placed for bricks? Or was it all just a way to keep his crew away from the Salida/Maysville area when the news that Suzanne was missing broke?

RSBM (Respectfully snipped by me)

MG told LS that the "do over" had been rescheduled more than once (she didn't say which party had changed the date) and that originally the crew was to be just she and BM. She was surprised when he called and instructed her to assemble a crew on Mother's Day, particularly since she had just seen him the day before at the Salida worksite and it didn't come up.

MG said BM had done some minor set up for the job. Was it just enough to make the job look legit? Was there ever an order placed for bricks? Or was it all just a way to keep his crew away from the Salida/Maysville area when the news that Suzanne was missing broke?

Thanks for reminding that this wall job -was mentioned as rescheduled and not last minute. That leaves Morgans claim suspect ...that it was rescheduled....maybe she was told to say that.......imo.......and that is why it is important to look at the permits and any proof there was such a job to begin with....throwing the usual suspect in jail for not pulling a permit or registering a license if there was and he short cutted it ABC scab style---...icing besides exposing any alibi lie.imo
I would like to know what type of work BM was doing at the job site on Friday evening and where on the job site he was working. Were there others on site? Did he tell MG he was there or was she there also? What time did he leave the job site? Did he typically work into the evening?

RSBM (Respectfully snipped by me)

MG told LS that the "do over" had been rescheduled more than once (she didn't say which party had changed the date) and that originally the crew was to be just she and BM. She was surprised when he called and instructed her to assemble a crew on Mother's Day, particularly since she had just seen him the day before at the Salida worksite and it didn't come up.

MG said BM had done some minor set up for the job. Was it just enough to make the job look legit? Was there ever an order placed for bricks? Or was it all just a way to keep his crew away from the Salida/Maysville area when the news that Suzanne was missing broke?


IMO Barry needed to get out of Dodge to establish his own alibi. He could not be in a hotel with MG alone as part of that, so he asked her to recruit others and make it into “rebuild the 2019 wall on Mother’s Day” Project. He may have not even thought through the part about the girls and the neighbor. Maybe he expected to stay in Broomfield until much later, interact with the workers to further establish his alibi, but the 911 call timing changed it up.

Absolutely. I don't think we can assume that 12:30 time is accurate.

The time of that final text has already been revised once…Chris from PE initially characterized that last communication as coming from SM on the "evening" of Saturday, May 9th.

Nobody considers 12:30 in the afternoon, "evening."

LE has been very careful not to disclose anything with regard to the times SM was last seen or heard from.
I don't think LE has shared that with anyone, not even SM's family members, so it would have had to come from whoever SM was texting with that day.

That person SM last communicated with is unquestionably cooperating fully with LE, as evidenced by her absolute silence regarding SM's disappearance, and her complete anonymity, i.e., not once has she been named in MSM.

I think she and LE are the only people who know what communication SM had with her that day and when those texts occurred.

There's a reason LE asked people in the area to preserve their footage from May 8th - May 12th.

They're giving BM as much rope as possible with which to hang himself with his lies.

MG told LS that BM rounded her up and took her out to that Salida dig site on the morning of Saturday, May 9th.

We need to back our timeline up to May 8th and see if we can account for SM at all on that day.


Andy in his last PE interview said
Start on Friday and work backwards.
So something of interest did happen on Friday.
RSBM (Respectfully snipped by me)

MG told LS that the "do over" had been rescheduled more than once (she didn't say which party had changed the date) and that originally the crew was to be just she and BM. She was surprised when he called and instructed her to assemble a crew on Mother's Day, particularly since she had just seen him the day before at the Salida worksite and it didn't come up.

MG said BM had done some minor set up for the job. Was it just enough to make the job look legit? Was there ever an order placed for bricks? Or was it all just a way to keep his crew away from the Salida/Maysville area when the news that Suzanne was missing broke?

Yes, she said it was originally rescheduled for the end of April, then the beginning of May, and then for the Monday after Mother's Day. So it sounds like it was changed two or three times, for whatever reason.
I would like to know what type of work BM was doing at the job site on Friday evening and where on the job site he was working. Were there others on site? Did he tell MG he was there or was she there also? What time did he leave the job site? Did he typically work into the evening?


Yes. Did he do something on Friday that left the beach mucked up? Like bury his wife? That throws our time line way off, by a whole day. But MG does state that she thought that he was acting weird about the beach area Saturday morning. If she was picking up weird vibes, it could have been he was upset about something else, tho, and she wrongly assumed it was all about the beach area.

Just imagine for a moment: if that's where Suzanne is buried, what BM must be going thru, since MG gave her interview. Moo
Andy in his last PE interview said
Start on Friday and work backwards.
So something of interest did happen on Friday.
We know BM was out of sorts Saturday am at the jobsite. IMO the die had been cast at that point in time and he had things to do.

Maybe the title company advised them that the sale of their IN home was on track to close and that started a discussion about where the proceeds would be going and things went south from there.

Thank you @OldCop!

One thing that struck me as possibly odd in your recap: did the girls call BM when they couldn't get in touch with their mother? It seems logical to me that he would be the first person they would call, not the neighbor.

The whole story of who called who that night is not totally clear. We know the neighbor called LE from the CCSO report. We have BM’s disjointed report to TD. I think maybe the girls did call him when they tried to text and call SM to wish her a happy Mother’s Day and didn’t get any response and he told them to call the neighbor to check on her. It was stated the neighbor called him when she found SM’s car, but not SM at the house. He reportedly asked her to go back and check for the bike. She went back to the Morphew house, found no bike, went back to her own house and called BM on her landline. According to BM, she told him she was worried, he said that he was, too, and that she should call LE.
This is all cobbled together from bits we have from PE and TD. None is verified at this point.
I’ve posted a partial transcript from that part of the TD video. You can see how disjointed his statements are whenever he is asked pertinent questions. There are a lot of um’s and long pauses. Did he slip when he said “we” because he changes direction as if he caught himself. Was he with someone in “Denver” at that point? We also now know he was in Broomfield, not Denver. MOO


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Yes, she said it was originally rescheduled for the end of April, then the beginning of May, and then for the Monday after Mother's Day. So it sounds like it was changed two or three times, for whatever reason.

Still interested in knowing who changed the dates for the job, the client or BM. That they had changed got my attention and if I am remembering correctly, we learned from a different source that the dates for the camping trip had also been changed. Does anyone else remember that?
Previous post discussing Broomfield wall ( Company usual suspect worked for or owner, address of wall photo and photo, and usual suspects d.b.a name ) needed don't know how to search back. To check if permits pulled. Thanks in advance.
My main theory is simple. They were having some sort of strife in the marriage, Suzanne may have told him she wanted to leave and go back to Indiana. We all know the most dangerous time for a woman is when she tries to leave.

Whatever was going on was building that week since the girls were not home and culminated Saturday afternoon, it ended with Suzanne's death. Everything after that is cover-up.
Low risk for stranger violence.
High risk for domestic violence.
She was not low risk,
RSBM (Respectfully snipped by me)

MG told LS that the "do over" had been rescheduled more than once (she didn't say which party had changed the date) and that originally the crew was to be just she and BM. She was surprised when he called and instructed her to assemble a crew on Mother's Day, particularly since she had just seen him the day before at the Salida worksite and it didn't come up.

MG said BM had done some minor set up for the job. Was it just enough to make the job look legit? Was there ever an order placed for bricks? Or was it all just a way to keep his crew away from the Salida/Maysville area when the news that Suzanne was missing broke?


I wonder why it would have been important to him to keep the crew away from Salida/Maysville when the news broke? Why did he go to all that effort considering the Broomsfield job came together at the last minute on Sunday for that crew?

Especially considering it was reported that BM never worked Sundays. Not only was it important for him to work that day but it was a holiday. Why could he have not arranged for everyone to meet that Monday morning to start the job?

It seems it was all for the purpose to establish his alibi IMO.
I would like to know what type of work BM was doing at the job site on Friday evening and where on the job site he was working. Were there others on site? Did he tell MG he was there or was she there also? What time did he leave the job site? Did he typically work into the evening?

A curious move from Indiana, apparent continous working outside of normal hours, excessive hunting, leaving scent of meat by house.
MOO it looks to me like BM was in a slow mo break down.
A curious move from Indiana, apparent continous working outside of normal hours, excessive hunting, leaving scent of meat by house.
MOO it looks to me like BM was in a slow mo break down.
Mid-life crisis for sure! The geographic (move), coloring his hair, hanging out with younger companions, that wild at heart bs.....

Hello All, sorry I haven’t contributed lately. Have been off the grid on a long planned road trip. Due to COVID, most accommodations are backwoods cabins with no cell service or internet. When I do manage to get online, it’s mostly to check mail, messages, and to pay bills. Then, if I am lucky, I try to catch up with this case. I can’t believe how much new info has come out in the last couple of weeks. I dared not make any comments until I read all the threads. To keep myself occupied, I fiddled with the timeline of just Saturday and Sunday, May 9th and 10th. I did this based on the facts that we have as of now from LE and MSM. Because my background is in Intelligence and analysis, it is always easier for me to “see” a timeline in black and white so I can visualize how things happen chronologically and to also see where there are holes that need to be plugged. When I started out, we used to draw these out by hand. Now you just have to plug in the data and the computer draws it for you.

Saturday 5/9/20

BM & MG at Salida Dig Site (see below) working on the beach area

11:00 a.m.:
BM tells MG to go home. He tells her he has to go home to make wife “happy” and take her hiking or biking. It is not known how long BM stayed at the site after MG left.

12:30 p.m. :
SM is talking with BFF on a message app or FB when suddenly she stops replying.

Afternoon, exact time unknown:
BM contacts JP and hires him for a Bloomfield job on Sunday. According to JP, this was an in person meeting.
MG states that BM was seen shopping around town. Unverified

11:30 p.m.:
A neighbor of a home being built in Salida hears heavy machinery running for about a half hour. BM has been hired to do prep work for a foundation pour at this site. According to MG, he is also prepping the “beach area”. This is where BM and MG were working on Saturday morning.

Sunday 5/10/20

5:00 a.m.:
BM allegedly leaves SM sleeping and heads to a job in Bloomfield, CO approximately 3 hours from his home in Maysville. The job allegedly consists of a repair to a wall that BM had completed the previous September and that had structural problems.

A.M. Exact time unknown:
BM checks into the HIE in Bloomfield.
According to MG, BM contacts her and asks her to get a crew together to head to Broomfield for the job. MG stated that BM sounded like he had the worst night of his life. ?

5:46 p.m.:
SM is reported missing by a neighbor. SM’s daughters allegedly contacted her and said they were worried because they hadn’t been able to reach their mother. Exact details are unclear, but neighbor checked the house and did not find SM but noted her car was there. According to BM in his TD interview, the neighbor then contacted him and he asked her to go back and check if her bike was there. The neighbor checked, returned home, and called BM on her landline and told him the bike was gone. BM asked her to call LE.

Approximately 6:00 p.m.:
BM started home to Maysville.

After 6:00 exact time unknown:
JP, MG, and a third worker arrived at the HIE in Broomfield. It is not clear if all 3 travelled together. JP and MG both report that there was an intense smell of chlorine in the room and several wet towels on the floor. JP stated that it looked like someone had laid down on the bed, on top of the bedspread. MG stated that the bed looked like it had been slept in and remade.

BM let workers know that he had left for a family emergency and that they were on their own. Workers allegedly found some of BM’s tools in a “hotel cart”. MG stated they looked like a bunch of tools from the back of BM’s truck. Both JP and MG indicated they had neither the correct tools nor the materials to do the job.

Approximately 6:00 p.m.:
LE arrives at the Morphew home where they are met by the neighbor who reportedly told them that SM had not returned from a bike ride.

LE begins a search.

Sometime before 9:00 p.m. :
LE allegedly finds SM’s bike down a hill about a quarter of a mile from her home. (Never verified by LE). There is no sign of SM. The Morphew home is allegedly sealed off.

Approximately 9:00 p.m.:
BM arrives home.

Would be interested in seeing if anyone has any corrections or additions they’d like to add.
Thank you Old Cop! Do we know what happened to those Tools found in the hotel cart? Did LE check this hotel and gather evidence? I do not recall it being taped off?
Thank you Old Cop! Do we know what happened to those Tools found in the hotel cart? Did LE check this hotel and gather evidence? I do not recall it being taped off?
We haven't heard whether or not LE searched the hotel room but they did mention having searched in about 10 other locations besides the area where the bike was found. I would think they would have gone to the hotel, gathered surveillance footage, questioned hotel employees and searched the room, but we don't know if there were any warrants pertaining to the hotel.
Permits for Muni, State, or Federal Project? RTD?
Previous post discussing Broomfield wall ( Company usual suspect worked for or owner, address of wall photo and photo, and usual suspects d.b.a name ) needed don't know how to search back. To check if permits pulled...
Glad for all the knowledge of construction/contractors/builders shared here.

Just crossed my mind - for muni, st, or fed projects, would permit procedures be the same as for private or commercial projects, so the office which issues permits would have same/similar online records and inspections?
What about for the Reg'l Trans Dist?
Of course, ^ azz-umes BM's Broomfield area work was an actual job, not a figment of BM's imagination shared w three other ppl.
I've missed or forgotten who said RTD. Source/link, anyone?
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