Found Deceased CO - Suzanne Morphew, 49, did not return from bike ride, Chaffee County, 10 May 2020 #37

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This is a terrific timeline OldCop - many thanks! Did we ever find out for 100% certainty that the neighbor at the Salida job site heard the noise on Friday or Saturday night? Didn't she say that she spoke to someone the next day about leaving the keys in the equipment? And did we ever find out if the people she saw were Barry and MG or someone else? Didn't she say she saw a man and a woman?
Most reports seem to indicate that it was Saturday evening going into Sunday and that the “next day” was Monday when construction workers returned to work. It was highly unlikely workers were there on Sunday, Mother’s Day.
The man and woman sighting was a social media rumor that has never been verified so we cannot discuss that here.
In my opinion, BM’s biggest fear is having his daughters and his mother acknowledge him as a proven liar and hypocrite.
I think he knows it is coming.
For all we know they have already expressed their doubts.
In the face of all this news how could they not?
And, by all accounts the family have been connected for years.
AM has spoken about what a wonderful family they are, especially his mother.
OMG. This is awful.
yes and I've wondered if the older neighbor who called 911 wasn't privy to some unrest in the M household. If she regularly saw SM out cycling, maybe she was a chatting buddy for SM.
She was certainly friendly enough to be the one called to go check the house for her.
Good point.
There aren't many who are friendly enough with neighbors to have them do a welfare check.
***Below is @gitana1 's prior post from back on Thread #18 ***

Quoting gitana's list:

"However, I look at everything combined to see if a picture forms. On their own, no one thing says much. But put together it starts to make me lean. So the combined factors for me are:

1. Statistics- women are most likely to be murdered by a intimate partner.
2. Demographics - Suzanne is not in a high risk category for murder/abduction by a stranger. (Age, race, income, profession, location).
3. The only evidence we know of that Suzanne went on a bike ride on Mother’s Day is the statement by Barry that the neighbor went to check and saw that Suzanne’s car was there but her bike was not.
4. Extensive searches were conducted that found Suzanne’s bike relatively close to home, and a “personal item” that LE won’t disclose to the public or the family (per Barry’s words in the hidden video). But no evidence or trace of Suzanne being there was found, from what we can tell, except those two things.
5. Three days after she disappeared, local LE got the CBI and FBI to be involved in the case.
6. Barry floated multiple scenarios including abduction, wandering off and falling in a stream (or something to that effect), and a lion attack, suggesting one was seen in the area. He seemed stoic and calm when discussing these possibilities.
7. LE started early on that a mountain lion attack was unlikely.
8. Nine days after she went missing, Suzanne’s home with Barry was held, and searched via a sealed search warrant.
9. Three days after that, a work site of a Barry’s was excavated after ground penetrating radar was utilized.
10. LE stated Barry was cooperating and they hoped he would continue to do so.
11. LE has not released any statements or flyers that would indicate they believe SM was riding her bike that day and are this searching for information from people who may have seen her or her bike or anyone near her on the day in question.
12. However, LE has requested ring camera footage from neighbors for the day she was reported missing AND the days leading up to that date AND FOR TWO DAYS AFTER.
13. Barry didn’t make the 911 call. He asked the neighbor to.
14. There were two, varying accounts of where Barry was that day, reported to the media.
15. LE has not made any statements to anyone who possibly has her, to release her.
16. Other than one 26 second statement, neither Barry nor the family have begged a possible abductor/killer to release her or confess or come forward AND no one has come forward from the family to talk about suzanne.
17. “Oh Suzanne...”.
18. Neither Barry nor the family are in the public eye begging for help from the public. They’re very quiet.
19. LE have not publicly cleared Barry.
20. A Barry sought and obtained a temporary guardianship over Suzanne in their former state of residence and an order selling a property of theirs, without her signature, filing the request 20 days after she disappeared, at a time when he would presumably be despondent and scared of what happened to his missing wife. But he had the wherewithal to speak with and participate in the action in another state, communicating with counsel and signing documents, for likely at least a week or so prior to the June 1st filing date. So we know money was inexplicably important at that time, to him.
21. In six weeks LE has failed to come up with a vehicle description or other description of someone or some vehicle in the area that was seen, that they want to follow up on.
22. Barry failed to issue any public statement until a week after Suzanne disappeared, stating, reportedly, that it was “too soon”.
23. According to the reporter who got his conversation on hidden camera, Barry threatened him if he later found out the guy was a reporter.
24. Barry offered a reward for her safe return, not just for information or to find her.

~ @gitana1

Adding a few more of mine from a previous thread to gitana's list of red flags:

25. LE obtained two separate search warrants to conduct not just one, but a second, search at the home. Obtaining the second search warrant would have almost certainly required compelling evidence in order to convince a judge to sign off on it.
26. "Let me show you what happened."
27. "The wheel was facing…"
28. "The best thing you can do…find something…if you find anything, don't touch it. Take a picture of it."
It never even occurred to BM to express to TD to be on the lookout for SM, who is, ostensibly, the entire focus of the search efforts. He provides TD with no physical description of SM, no clothing description, no offer to show TD a picture of SM, no mention of what TD should do if he discovered SM and she was unconscious or injured, e.g., don't move her, call 911 immediately," etc.
29. BM asks TD to put his electronic device away when he spies it because, y'know, "we've had a lot of media bother us." BM wanted nothing to do with MSM for months, the fact that media exposure is viewed as an absolute Godsend to most families trying desperately to generate tips and leads from the public re: missing loved ones, notwithstanding.

If/as others want to add to this list, please feel free to reply to this post and add yours on to the end.

I know there's been plenty more that's come to light since way back on Thread #18, which was well before BM's employees or BM ever spoke to LS.

Great job to the both of you!

Let’s not forget that BM refuses to talk to the media ABOUT his wife, but talks to LS for roughly 30 mins. To defend himself and call his workers “meth heads”

Also, the whole “publicity stunt” aimed at AM.

He never mentions Suzanne’s name in any interview- why is that?

You can’t make this stuff up o_O
This is likely a headache for local LE. This is especially true if LE was focused on a particular suspect. Do they now process everything from this search?

Plus, the locality involved here is also having budget issues, so any extra staff time is hard to pay for.
IMO, it should not be considered by local LE to be a "headache". Someone has been murdered on their watch. I sincerely don't think that fact has escaped them.

As I understand, they have the full technical support of CBI as well as the FBI. Should any significant evidence be found on this search, I have no doubt it will be properly processed on a very timely basis.
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I am worried, that this massive search, and the effort by so many, will not find Suzanne's body.
These folk will be devastated.:(:(:(.
Thinking of AM after the search.
He will need wonderful friends surrounding him, for a long time.

But BM will be overjoyed, knowing how smart he really is, and an entire army cannot solve the case.
BM will carry on, with more 'money making' efforts, knowing he is safe.

I think Andy will know that he is doing every thing he can do to find Suzanne.
He will meet and make more connections with people in Colorado and make local people,such as hunting groups more aware of the need to look for Suzanne,so even if she is not found on this trip,locals will still be keeping her in mind when hunting or pursuing other recreational activities.

The added publicity could also result in more tips to LE or Andy personally.

I do not think Barry will be resuming any form of normal life.He has lost any respect he might have had in Colorado and with people who knew him in Indiana.
LE do not need a body to arrest him.
Updated timeline for the days surrounding SM’s disappearance. We are limiting the dates to those put forth by LE when they requested that area residents save their video footage: May 8-12, 2020.

Friday 5/8/20

Evening, exact time unknown:
-BM works at “beach area” at Salida dig site (MG)

Saturday 5/9/20

-BM & MG at Salida dig site. MG states BM was acting unusual. MG is supposed to rake out beach area that BM had worked on the night before. (MG). BM picked up MG (unverified) to bring her there.

11:00 a.m.:
-BM tells MG to go home. He tells her he has to go home to make wife “happy” and take her hiking or biking. (Did BM drop off MG?)

12:30 p.m. : (conflicting information, time not verified, could be later in the day, or even earlier)
-SM is talking with BFF on a message app or FB when suddenly she stops replying.

Afternoon, exact time unknown:
-BM makes contact with JP and hires him for a Broomfield job on Sunday. According to JP, this was an in person meeting in Salida.
-MG states that BM was seen shopping around town. (Unverified)

Evening, exact time unknown:
-SM’s bff receives texts that seem “unusual” from SM
-Friends of BM receive FB friend requests from SM

11:30 p.m.:
-A neighbor of a home being built in Salida hears heavy machinery running for about a half hour. BM has been hired to do prep work for a foundation pour at this site. This is the same site where he is also prepping the “beach area”. This is the job site that was later searched by FBI teams.

Sunday 5/10/20

5:00 a.m.:
-BM allegedly leaves SM sleeping and heads to a job in Broomfield, CO approximately 3 hours from his home in Maysville. The job allegedly consists of a repair to a wall that BM had completed the previous September and that had structural problems.

A.M. Exact time unknown:
-BM checks into the HIE in Broomfield.
-According to MG, BM contacts her and asks her to get a crew together to head to Broomfield for the job. MG stated that BM sounded like he had the worst night of his life. ?

Approximately Noontime:
-BM calls JP to confirm Broomfield job.

5:46 p.m.:
-SM is reported missing by a neighbor. SM’s daughters allegedly contacted her and said they were worried because they hadn’t been able to reach their mother. Exact details are unclear, but neighbor checked the house and did not find SM but noted her car was there. According to BM in his TD interview, the neighbor then contacted him and he asked her to go back and check if her bike was there. The neighbor checked, returned home, and called BM on her landline and told him the bike was gone. BM asked her to call LE.

Approximately 6:00 p.m.:
-LE arrives at the Morphew home where they are met by the neighbor who reportedly told them that SM had not returned from a bike ride.
-LE begins a search. Dog teams from the prison and County SAR teams are called in. (CCSO)
-BM started home to Maysville. (TD)

After 6:00 exact time unknown:
-JP, MG, and a third worker arrived at the HIE in Broomfield. It is not clear if all 3 travelled together. JP and MG both report that there was an intense smell of chlorine in the room and several wet towels on the floor. JP stated that it looked like someone had laid down on the bed, on top of the bedspread. MG stated that the bed looked like it had been slept in and remade.
-BM let workers know that he had left for a family emergency and that they were on their own. Workers allegedly found some of BM’s tools in a “hotel cart”. MG stated they looked like a bunch of tools from the back of BM’s truck. Both JP and MG indicated they had neither the correct tools nor the materials to do the job.

Sometime before 9:00 p.m. :
-LE allegedly finds SM’s bike down a hill about a quarter of a mile from her home. (Never verified by LE). There is no sign of SM. The Morphew home is allegedly sealed off.
-Friend(s) of BM arrive at search area (unverified)

Approximately 9:00 p.m.:
-BM arrives home.
-Friend(s) tell BM that SM’s bike was found and that LE mishandled the scene/evidence. (BM to TD)

(At some point, either Sunday night or Monday, volunteer firefighters were told not to participate in the official searches. BM told TD in a later video that his friend tried to stop LE from mishandling the evidence, which may have been the reason that they were not allowed to participate further.)

Monday 5/11/20

Time unknown:
-Concrete foundation is poured at the Salida dig site.

-Search resumes after overnight break. Over 100 LE are eventually involved including LE on foot, drones, divers, aircraft, SAR, Swift Water Rescue units, and various canines.
-BM calls MG crying and tells her SM is missing and that either a mountain lion got her or she was abducted. He stated they were going up the mountain to search. He tells MG and JP to stay in Broomfield and wait for supplies to be delivered for the job.

-AM arrives in town to help look for his sister, meets with BM and some friends, and they formulate a plan to search for SM the following day.

Tuesday 5/12/2020

-LE continue their search. No request for volunteers was made.
-BM, AM, and friends divide into teams to search. They were not allowed to search where LE was actively searching, but could cover area already searched. AM and BM we’re on separate teams. At one point, a member of AM’s team separated from the group. They backtracked to try to find him. He was later located back at the home where BM was staying. (On the following Thursday, 5/14/2020, a personal article belong to SM, was found about 20 yards from the trail where AM’s team was searching. Were they meant to find it? Was it placed there by the disappearing team member?)

Exact time unknown:
-MG, JP, and possibly one other person arrived back in Salida after no supplies were delivered to complete the job in Broomfield.
-MG was allegedly approached by two individuals connected to BM, (TN and GD), who told her she would not be paid for her time in Broomfield because it would look like hush, hush, money. MG also implied that she was asked not to cooperate with LE or turn over her phone.

8:00 p.m.:
-BM was observed by an employee of the Poncha Market digging in a trash can. (The market had closed at 7:00 p.m.) Upon being questioned, BM states he is looking for a bike helmet.

Shortly thereafter, BM taps on market window and when they let him in he stated that his wife was missing. When asked for a description he wrote a note on a crumbled receipt. The note said:

Baby Blue bike


Biking clothes

(No further description)

By Tuesday or Wednesday, CCSO has asked CBI and FBI for assistance.

Updated timeline was constructed based on LE info, MSM reports, and suggestions from fellow WS’ers. All additional comments/corrections are welcome. We may have additional information to plug in after the search this week.
Thank you so much OC! Couple kicked around bazillion times observations/questions:
1). Based on way BM acted Sat. A.M. with MG - he could have either already killed her or decided he was going to do so that day after something she said or discovered and shared w/him Friday night. Do we even know he was at the beach Friday night? Himself? An alibi beginning? Did anyone see him? When did he ask MG to clean up his Friday night beach work? Was it planned or an urgent phone call Sat. A.M.?
2). He launched the bike story Sat morning by telling MG wifey would be happy with a bike ride so he was quitting early. E. g. You know how wifey loves that bike! If she was deceased on Friday, I can’t imagine him taking a chance of leaving her body at the house to go to meet MG and then go back to dispose of her Sat afternoon. But maybe her sweet body was not there. Had he stashed her somewhere temporarily or up all night Friday hiding her?
3). Do we know if it really was SM texting with her friend Saturday afternoon? Did they talk by phone? Were the text responses simple, one word? Do we know when the friend contacted LE? Was it after the email sent to the church or did a daughter reach out to tell her what was going on that caused her to call LE? (MOO is the friend alerted them only after it was known she was missing.)
4). Sounds like the bike story continues when BM asks neighbor to check house then call him back. Which she does and he asks her to then check for the bike. Which she does. Then bingo - asks her (not him!) to call police and tell them she went on a bike ride (as if she was a witness almost) - like all, wondering how long girls had been trying to reach her and dad and if he didn’t reply for hours because “he was on a job site or out of pocket.”
5). You’d know better than I but wouldn’t she have had to be socially unresponsive/unreachable for a number of hours before an all out search is done? Wouldn’t LE be calling her cell too?
6) Regarding his 5 A.M. Sunday departure - it was Mother’s Day. Wouldn’t he maybe kiss her goodbye and/or mumble Happy Mothers Day? Or leave a note or card on the counter? Why even leave for a wall broken over a year ago. The upcoming beach concrete pour was more urgent. I know this is a duh but so is he.
7). Wonder when the hotel reservation was made. . .
8). Sorry but on Monday Less than 24 hours after she’s gone missing he tells his crew that supplies will be sent to Broomfield! And he was out searching! What’s up with that? Another duh.
Take this for what it's worth as I've conducted no research to substantiate the accuracy of this information.

We have a friend who is a former college Athletic Director and head baseball coach who once, in an off-handed comment, stated he could always tell when a male is taking steroids. He said on a warm day, if the guy is wearing a tee-shirt and his nipples are erect, he's using.

Exhibit A.

I can imagine they are receiving a large volume of calls, which is why they should include Andy's contact info. Is there a legal reason not to include it maybe?

Maybe the CCSO is getting a ton of media inquiries since this story is becoming more mainstream and this is their way to saying ‘stop calling us.’ I’d doubt they’d give out AM’s contact info in that case too.
***Below is @gitana1 's prior post from back on Thread #18 ***

Quoting gitana's list:

"However, I look at everything combined to see if a picture forms. On their own, no one thing says much. But put together it starts to make me lean. So the combined factors for me are:

1. Statistics- women are most likely to be murdered by a intimate partner.
2. Demographics - Suzanne is not in a high risk category for murder/abduction by a stranger. (Age, race, income, profession, location).
3. The only evidence we know of that Suzanne went on a bike ride on Mother’s Day is the statement by Barry that the neighbor went to check and saw that Suzanne’s car was there but her bike was not.
4. Extensive searches were conducted that found Suzanne’s bike relatively close to home, and a “personal item” that LE won’t disclose to the public or the family (per Barry’s words in the hidden video). But no evidence or trace of Suzanne being there was found, from what we can tell, except those two things.
5. Three days after she disappeared, local LE got the CBI and FBI to be involved in the case.
6. Barry floated multiple scenarios including abduction, wandering off and falling in a stream (or something to that effect), and a lion attack, suggesting one was seen in the area. He seemed stoic and calm when discussing these possibilities.
7. LE started early on that a mountain lion attack was unlikely.
8. Nine days after she went missing, Suzanne’s home with Barry was held, and searched via a sealed search warrant.
9. Three days after that, a work site of a Barry’s was excavated after ground penetrating radar was utilized.
10. LE stated Barry was cooperating and they hoped he would continue to do so.
11. LE has not released any statements or flyers that would indicate they believe SM was riding her bike that day and are this searching for information from people who may have seen her or her bike or anyone near her on the day in question.
12. However, LE has requested ring camera footage from neighbors for the day she was reported missing AND the days leading up to that date AND FOR TWO DAYS AFTER.
13. Barry didn’t make the 911 call. He asked the neighbor to.
14. There were two, varying accounts of where Barry was that day, reported to the media.
15. LE has not made any statements to anyone who possibly has her, to release her.
16. Other than one 26 second statement, neither Barry nor the family have begged a possible abductor/killer to release her or confess or come forward AND no one has come forward from the family to talk about suzanne.
17. “Oh Suzanne...”.
18. Neither Barry nor the family are in the public eye begging for help from the public. They’re very quiet.
19. LE have not publicly cleared Barry.
20. A Barry sought and obtained a temporary guardianship over Suzanne in their former state of residence and an order selling a property of theirs, without her signature, filing the request 20 days after she disappeared, at a time when he would presumably be despondent and scared of what happened to his missing wife. But he had the wherewithal to speak with and participate in the action in another state, communicating with counsel and signing documents, for likely at least a week or so prior to the June 1st filing date. So we know money was inexplicably important at that time, to him.
21. In six weeks LE has failed to come up with a vehicle description or other description of someone or some vehicle in the area that was seen, that they want to follow up on.
22. Barry failed to issue any public statement until a week after Suzanne disappeared, stating, reportedly, that it was “too soon”.
23. According to the reporter who got his conversation on hidden camera, Barry threatened him if he later found out the guy was a reporter.
24. Barry offered a reward for her safe return, not just for information or to find her.

~ @gitana1

Adding a few more of mine to gitana's list of red flags:

25. LE obtained two separate search warrants to conduct not just one, but a second, search at the home. Obtaining the second search warrant would have almost certainly required compelling evidence in order to convince a judge to sign off on it.
26. "Let me show you what happened."
27. "The wheel was facing…"
28. "The best thing you can do…find something…if you find anything, don't touch it. Take a picture of it."
It never even occurred to BM to express to TD to be on the lookout for SM, who is, ostensibly, the entire focus of the search efforts. He provides TD with no physical description of SM, no clothing description, no offer to show TD a picture of SM, no mention of what TD should do if he discovered SM and she was unconscious or injured, e.g., don't move her, call 911 immediately," etc.
29. BM asks TD to put his electronic device away when he spies it because, y'know, "we've had a lot of media bother us." BM wanted nothing to do with MSM for months, the fact that media exposure is viewed as an absolute Godsend to most families trying desperately to generate tips and leads from the public re: missing loved ones, notwithstanding.

If/as others want to add to this list, please feel free to reply to this post and add yours on to the end.

I know there's been plenty more that's come to light since way back on Thread #18, which was well before BM's employees or BM ever spoke to LS.

Almost forgot....

* The bleach/chlorine smell at the house and the hotel room
* AM says that the CBI tells him the GPS data doesn’t match along with NOT taking a poly or voice analysis AFTER BM says he did so.

I’m sure I will think of more, but my mind is scattered right now after losing my beloved dog -Nola

Keep the posts coming because I’m relying on my WS family to take my mind off of it! :(
Take this for what it's worth as I've conducted no research to substantiate the accuracy of this information.

We have a friend who is a former college Athletic Director and head baseball coach who once, in an off-handed comment, stated he could always tell when a male is taking steroids. He said on a warm day, if the guy is wearing a tee-shirt and his nipples are erect, he's using.

Exhibit A.

I have heard the same.
Are there other reasons this could occur?
I am worried, that this massive search, and the effort by so many, will not find Suzanne's body.
These folk will be devastated.:(:(:(.
Thinking of AM after the search.
He will need wonderful friends surrounding him, for a long time.

But BM will be overjoyed, knowing how smart he really is, and an entire army cannot solve the case.
BM will carry on, with more 'money making' efforts, knowing he is safe.
My greatest fear.
Almost forgot....

* The bleach/chlorine smell at the house and the hotel room
* AM says that the CBI tells him the GPS data doesn’t match along with NOT taking a poly or voice analysis AFTER BM says he did so.

I’m sure I will think of more, but my mind is scattered right now after losing my beloved dog -Nola

Keep the posts coming because I’m relying on my WS family to take my mind off of it! :(
So sorry about your puppy boy.
I think he knows it is coming.
For all we know they have already expressed their doubts.
In the face of all this news how could they not?
And, by all accounts the family have been connected for years.
AM has spoken about what a wonderful family they are, especially his mother.
OMG. This is awful.

I do think BM is nervous. I imagine the thought of hundreds traveling there in search of SM has him very edgy. I also believe regardless of how this plays out, he will be able to convince his mother and the two girls he was set up. He's a fast talker and it's worked his whole life. BM is way past his prime and it appears to me that this makes him very insecure. I believe this to be true even if and when he is convicted.

He seems to be an ego maniac with an inferiority complex. A dangerous combination. I'm no psychologist but I sense he is a brow beating bully. Those that don't buy what he's selling just fade out, for fear of incongruous retaliation. He's a bully and I want to see him have to face the music. He'll never confess and personally, I don't think he would ever take his own life, he thinks he's too important, too loved, too needed and too much of a gift to society. (I just threw up a little in the back of my mouth) To me, he believes if he talks fast enough and has enough explanations, it all will just go away.

Sadly, I've been around similar personalities and they are exhausting. Level up to murderer either by premed or sheer anger, that is a recipe for a Sh*$show...
Unlike Fotis Dulos who came across quite cosmopolitan, BM does not strike me at all as the kind of person that would be happy flying under the radar in a foreign country or have the skills to arrange a successful life anywhere other than the US. He likes being the big man on campus, living large, and I'm gonna go out on a limb here and guess that he doesn't speak any foreign languages.

Plus, I still don't really believe that he understands how much trouble he really is in. I think he still thinks he can get out of it or that LE will never be able to pin him down. Arrogance is always the downfall of murderers who get caught.
I quite agree - he is so arrogant he is mouthing off and saying stupid things (publicity stunt, etc) will no one save him from himself? Guess not
Almost forgot....

* The bleach/chlorine smell at the house and the hotel room
* AM says that the CBI tells him the GPS data doesn’t match along with NOT taking a poly or voice analysis AFTER BM says he did so.

I’m sure I will think of more, but my mind is scattered right now after losing my beloved dog -Nola

Keep the posts coming because I’m relying on my WS family to take my mind off of it! :(

Oh good grief. So sorry for your loss, Nola- RIP. :(:(
Well, he'd have to fly. The border crossings for land passage for Americans going to Canada or Mexico are still closed.

I am not positive on this but some Americans were able to drive through the border to go to Alaska. Maybe they had to have certain connections there.

Two were caught touring around Banff which is a national park and they were fined and returned to the border. They only have a certain amount of time to pass through Canada. JMO
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