Found Deceased CO - Suzanne Morphew, 49, did not return from bike ride, Chaffee County, 10 May 2020 #48

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True. I also think they are more naive than malicious. Most of their other cases they were looking for lost or missing people which were cold cases or at least not so intense and contentious.
I’m sure they read about BM with the gun, about MG allegedly being threatened, about the “watcher” on the bike at the search site, and all the other rumors that have been floating around and they started reading malice into every little thing they noticed as they began their search.
I think they’d prefer to be heroes not drama queens.

I think SM's case really highlights both the potential upsides and the marked downsides to online communities seeking to become case actors vs. interested onlookers.

Aside from one or two toxic sites, what I've seen from most of the YT channels discussing this case has been a mixed bag: Some really solid and informative content, accompanied by heavy doses of speculation.

LEAs deal with facts and evidence.

What a lot of these SM platforms survive on is dramatic presentation.

The potential upside to LE welcoming more public assistance/involvement is obviously having more boots on the ground, both literally and figuratively.

The downside is that those boots can potentially muck up the case landscape, both literally and figuratively.

"Loose lips sink ships."

LEAs keep things strictly on a need-to-know basis with the public.
A YTers stock in trade is spilling the tea.
It's the nature of the business.

Those 2 approaches are diametrically opposed.

This case isn't a clickbait headline for LE.
It isn't fodder for chat rooms.

They're tasked with a higher calling…a much more significant calling.

I think LE is behaving very wisely in this case in terms of their decision not to invite these outside actors into the inner sanctum of their investigation.

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I had to re-watch the AwP SM update video just to be sure I heard what I thought I heard. I was unable to watch it all, but indeed these guys did say they had a "team" they were calling "overwatch", that according to them, were familiar with the area and looking out for their safety while they were there searching, complete with scopes and sniper rifles (3:02 and again at 16:43). Sniper rifles? o_O

Seems a bit melodramatic to me.

"Mediums" and "snipers" in the same video. And for that reason..I'm out. o_O
Regarding LSs report re: the wall:
  • I don't understand how or why the job was apparently planned at least as early as the 7th to start on the 11th but there were no materials ordered/present. If that's not part of the planning process (and wouldn't have been ordered on the 7th), when would have they been ordered normally? Was BM simply bad at his job (or maybe had bigger things on his mind) and forget to order them, or is there more to it than that?
  • Even if the ordering of the materials was an innocent oversight, BMs story that he had to leave at 5 am to do prep work has never rung true and LS cements that with her story. There was no reason for BM to be at that wall all day long on Sunday. Not only were they not in possession of the right materials, they weren't allowed to work on Sunday.
  • Re: the no working on weekends without a permit. I didn't hear LS say what the penalty is for that. Is that a big deal? A big risk? What's the punishment? She alluded to her source saying BM should have been aware of that - but it wasn't clear to me if that's a strange town-specific ordinance that most officials would look the other way on (and many contractors ignore), or if that's a big deal and BM would have definitely been well aware of it (and taking some significant risk to work on Sunday).
  • In terms of the speculation that SM's remains may be buried at the wall - I say zero percent chance of that. Even BM would know the dumbest thing for a criminal to do is to put remains in the location of your alibi. I'm sure it would be good due dilligence to take cadaver dogs there, but I just can't see that panning out.
From tonight's PE, discussion between Chris and Wendy K, the dog handler who's dogs (Molly and ?) hit twice at the beach site:

well you know i like to say the universe
is on schedule
sometimes and what what's interesting
is you you guys just molly just kind of
fell into this if i if i remember right
right i mean you guys weren't even
specifically looking for this one
geographic uh uh area
uh and then so molly uh
falls into it but so did your other dog
didn't they both
pretty much uh go to the exact same spot
yes i think what what are the odds of
what are the odds of that
i'm just curious i mean with all your
and and what are the odds of when the
dogs went to that spot
that the authorities showed up right
behind you didn't they
yeah it was it was definitely different
but that way i was very shy because we
were actually heading back to the car
and then i looked over and i was like
and weren't they asking you weren't they
asking you how did you
end up in this area yes
totally by accident that's all right

Are they saying LE showed up behind the dog owner after her dogs hit and questioned her about why she was there? That is certainly what has been implied, especially if LE was standing back during the search. I wonder why she replies "it was definitely different."

Starts at 21:47.

Thanks for posting this. A general comment (not directed at you), it's always good to vet a professional resource. In most cases, you can spend a few minutes researching a handler or an organization on-line to get a feel for a reputation. In the working dog community, which can be cut throat, because peoples lives are often times in your dogs paws and yours, as the handler. They can spot BS a mile away. LE has become SO MUCH better over the last decade in crafting their reliable and proven resources they trust to call upon. Poor unsuspecting families of the missing become victims all over again when they are sought out by these folks. Also, steer clear of an person or organization who would collect a single cent from you. IMO IMO
If we are to believe Barry’s statement that he went up to do prep work on Sunday morning, what prep work could he have been referring to for the wall? No brick deliveries on Sunday. Was he setting up hotel rooms? Was he buying food for his workers? Did the Walmart have items he needed for the wall or the workers? If he was removing capstones, while we know that’s a violation of local ordinance, would that be enough for a resident to call authorities about? Would he take the chance and operate a bobcat on Sunday on a transit job that would be scrutinized?
Phone under a capstone, that sounds like a fairly good hiding place.
Regarding LSs report re: the wall:
  • I don't understand how or why the job was apparently planned at least as early as the 7th to start on the 11th but there were no materials ordered/present. If that's not part of the planning process (and wouldn't have been ordered on the 7th), when would have they been ordered normally? Was BM simply bad at his job (or maybe had bigger things on his mind) and forget to order them, or is there more to it than that?
  • Even if the ordering of the materials was an innocent oversight, BMs story that he had to leave at 5 am to do prep work has never rung true and LS cements that with her story. There was no reason for BM to be at that wall all day long on Sunday. Not only were they not in possession of the right materials, they weren't allowed to work on Sunday.
  • Re: the no working on weekends without a permit. I didn't hear LS say what the penalty is for that. Is that a big deal? A big risk? What's the punishment? She alluded to her source saying BM should have been aware of that - but it wasn't clear to me if that's a strange town-specific ordinance that most officials would look the other way on (and many contractors ignore), or if that's a big deal and BM would have definitely been well aware of it (and taking some significant risk to work on Sunday).
  • In terms of the speculation that SM's remains may be buried at the wall - I say zero percent chance of that. Even BM would know the dumbest thing for a criminal to do is to put remains in the location of your alibi. I'm sure it would be good due dilligence to take cadaver dogs there, but I just can't see that panning out.
Couldn’t agree more. The biggest takeaway is that BM’s alibi isn’t only less believable than most of us imagined, but it’s flat out damning.

Of less importance but still interesting, is the fact that BM doesn’t exactly operate a professionally run company.

Operating without permits, lack of planning, lack of proper tools and materials, and performing low quality work with no oversight, isn’t exactly a good look.

Oh, and his company was in delinquent status too. Fortunately he fixed that a couple weeks after Suzanne disappeared.

It seems that networking is the only thing keeping him afloat. I don’t anticipate that continuing now that the cat is out of the bag.

I had to re-watch the AwP SM update video just to be sure I heard what I thought I heard. I was unable to watch it all, but indeed these guys did say they had a "team" they were calling "overwatch", that according to them, were familiar with the area and looking out for their safety while they were there searching, complete with scopes and sniper rifles (3:02 and again at 16:43). Sniper rifles? o_O

Seems a bit melodramatic to me.

Mountain lions.
I think SM's case really highlights both the potential upsides and the marked downsides to online communities seeking to become case actors vs. interested onlookers.

Aside from one or two toxic sites, what I've seen from most of the YT channels discussing this case has been a mixed bag: Some really solid and informative content, accompanied by heavy doses of speculation.

LEAs deal with facts and evidence.

What a lot of these SM platforms survive on is dramatic presentation.

The potential upside to LE welcoming more public assistance/involvement is obviously having more boots on the ground, both literally and figuratively.

The downside is that those boots can potentially muck up the case landscape, both literally and figuratively.

"Loose lips sink ships."

LEAs keep things strictly on a need-to-know basis with the public.
A YTers stock in trade is spilling the tea.
It's the nature of the business.

Those 2 approaches are diametrically opposed.

This case isn't a clickbait headline for LE.
It isn't fodder for chat rooms.

They're tasked with a higher calling…a much more significant calling.

I think LE is behaving very wisely in this case in terms of their decision not to invite these outside actors into the inner sanctum of their investigation.


Lack of information causes rampant speculation. CCSO is not doing a professional job communicating, which includes PIOs having PCs and regular assurances they are working on the case.
This lack of assertiveness brings questions about their professionalism inside the investigation.
I had to re-watch the AwP SM update video just to be sure I heard what I thought I heard. I was unable to watch it all, but indeed these guys did say they had a "team" they were calling "overwatch", that according to them, were familiar with the area and looking out for their safety while they were there searching, complete with scopes and sniper rifles (3:02 and again at 16:43). Sniper rifles? o_O

Seems a bit melodramatic to me.

No way ! If you blaze into town with a overwatch crew armed with sniper rifles, hello your vehicles just might get circled by undercover LE . This team is over the top IMO If you are a professional team , bonded and insured (which you should be) your first stop or call is to local LE let them know your intentions. Do we know if they did that? So no one ever says who did the circling, was it one vehicle that circled around your RV?
Was it a group of pedestrians that circled your RV?
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Lack of information causes rampant speculation. CCSO is not doing a professional job communicating, which includes PIOs having PCs and regular assurances they are working on the case.
This lack of assertiveness brings questions about their professionalism inside the investigation.

Serious question: how often does CCSO need to assure people they're continuing to work the case? From what I've seen people start complaining about every 7 to 10 days from the last time, assuming LE has dropped the case, the case is cold, LE doesn't care, etc, etc. It's like playing Whac-a-Mole with a Dementia patient.

The day after AM left town I read complaints that there's no one talking about the SM case, after literally 6 weeks of near-constant interviews, podcasts, articles, things on the news.

I don't know how many times people have been told that LE is not going to share investigative details, and yet the expectation and entitlement and the refrains of "...but *I* need to know..." continue. Not going to happen no matter how many tantrums are thrown.

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Lack of information causes rampant speculation. CCSO is not doing a professional job communicating, which includes PIOs having PCs and regular assurances they are working on the case.
This lack of assertiveness brings questions about their professionalism inside the investigation.
I’d argue that the lack of communication is in fact a sign of how professionally this investigation is being run.

If this was truly a missing persons case, then I’d agree. I believe this to be a homicide investigation with a prime suspect though.

No threat to the community, and no reason to hold a press conference where you would hurt the case by sharing information.

This is the Letecia Stauch investigation all over again, just with a much longer timespan.

If this was merely the sheriff’s department running the investigation, then I’d be concerned. They have formed a task force with the FBI and CBI, and their monthly press releases have made it clear that they are leaving no stone unturned.

We’re incredibly fortunate to have that much.
Couldn’t agree more. The biggest takeaway is that BM’s alibi isn’t only less believable than most of us imagined, but it’s flat out damning.

Of less importance but still interesting, is the fact that BM doesn’t exactly operate a professionally run company.

Operating without permits, lack of planning, lack of proper tools and materials, and performing low quality work with no oversight, isn’t exactly a good look.

Oh, and his company was in delinquent status too. Fortunately he fixed that a couple weeks after Suzanne disappeared.

It seems that networking is the only thing keeping him afloat. I don’t anticipate that continuing now that the cat is out of the bag.

I've always thought BM worked for the construction company owned by GD, at least since he moved to Colorado. That would explain GD making the comment about the paycheck for Morgan. Imo
I've always thought BM worked for the construction company owned by GD, at least since he moved to Colorado. That would explain GD making the comment about the paycheck for Morgan. Imo
As far as I know, they are separate entities. I think that company gave him business, but he wasn’t part of it.

GD wasn’t the only one there when the paycheck comment was made, and I believe they did that in an effort to protect Barry.
As far as I know, they are separate entities. I think that company gave him business, but he wasn’t part of it.

GD wasn’t the only one there when the paycheck comment was made, and I believe they did that in an effort to protect Barry.
Well, I meant that he could have been a subcontractor hired by GD, not necessarily a full time employee. Wasn't MG subcontracted herself? Idk.
"Mediums" and "snipers" in the same video. And for that reason..I'm out. o_O


Nothing delegitimizes an organization more quickly in my eyes than mention of "mediums."

Which is a shame, because it sounds like that group has actually done some useful work.

They need to deep-six the witchy-poo and/or Branch Davidian crap, and focus on their practical skills and tools.

<modsnip: Quoted post was removed>

As for the video at the market, I can only speculate that they didn't collect it because they didn't need it. I mean, it's not like it's Barney Fife running the show. The CCSO, CBI and the FBI know what they're doing, regardless of whether or not anyone agrees with what they're doing.

As to searchers being allegedly threatened, I honestly don't believe it. Sure, someone might have made some flippant comment or something but as to an actual threat on their personal safety or a threat on their life? Nope, I don't buy it. It does make for curious clickbait though.

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The Dylan Redwine (victim) jury selection process this week prompted me to think about other CO. cases starting as MisPers, then searches for remains, and eventually homicide trials.
IIRC Dylan's remains were found several months post disappearance, 10 miles from his father's home, also in so. CO.
Any disposal, burial, or LE search techniques used in that or other CO cases we have not discussed in this thread? Or any MisPers case not in an urban area.

IOW, not perp Frazee, victim Kelsey; not perp Watts, victim Shan'non (sp? ) & two dau's.
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