Found Deceased CO - Suzanne Morphew, 49, did not return from bike ride, Chaffee County, 10 May 2020 #6

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Keen eye, @Coffiecat! I noted, however, that the same inspector who passed the the Plumbing and Insulation on Monday failed that on Thursday (Aaron). Since there is no other formal inspection, I would guess he was back at the jobsite to see how the curing slab was looking. Caisson/Piers issue was remedied and re-inspected by inspector Chad the next day on Friday. Whatever the cause, it's likely that it happened after the Monday inspections. stretching the event further away from the disappearance of SM. IMO
I don’t know how it works in Chaffee County but in Denver different inspectors show up for different parts of a job (for instance, plumbing and drywall). If drywall has it’s own inspector I imagine poured concrete does too. And if that’s the case I don’t think we can infer anything by the dates of inspection. JMO
I'm also familiar with the ways of the industry and I would not find it unusual if a crew of unmarried and/or younger guys worked on Mother's Day for the reasons you cited.

I think what made this situation so unique was the fact this occurred during an unprecedented time in the world, while COVID19 restrictions were in place, that an individual business owner, that by all appearances had the trappings of a successful owner, would find it necessary that he personally be on the job site on Mother's Day.

Personally, I believe things at home were not what the photographs showed and that there was enough tension in the home where the entire household desired separation on Mother's Day.

The pics I've seen are all like PR.
Why is the other daughter living with another family? For the quarantine?

Also, does anyone find it odd to have family retire and move out of state with a child still in high school? Live in a remote area away from any potential friends?
I don’t find it odd. I’m a 49 year old single mom of four. I retired at 40 so I moved my two youngest kids one that was in grade school and the other in high school to Maui for 3 years. We loved it! We moved back to Iowa once I became a grandma and couldn’t stand being so far away. It’s an experience that I’ll always remember. One I never will regret either.
Why is the other daughter living with another family? For the quarantine?

Also, does anyone find it odd to have family retire and move out of state with a child still in high school? Live in a remote area away from any potential friends?
I don’t find it odd. I’m a 49 year old single mom of four. I retired at 40 so I moved my two youngest kids one that was in grade school and the other in high school to Maui for 3 years. We loved it! We moved back to Iowa once I became a grandma and couldn’t stand being so far away. It’s an experience that I’ll always remember. One I never will regret either.
While the big digging distraction is going on at the Salida building site, I think I'd also be looking at wells and bores in the district - particularly any old sealed wells or disused bores. All someone would need would be ready access to wireline equipment (typically used to lower heavy items or other equipment into a well) and you've got a remarkably good hiding place.

According to Colorado data sets on well depths and elevations (linked here), there are quite a few wells around Maysville particular off County Rd 240, as you can see from the dots on the attached screen grab.

Could LE be looking for a cell phone?
Any news on whether LE have cell phone info or last time anyone spoke or heard from SM?
If I may propose some amateur statement analysis, I think the word honey in the husband's statement might be a clue as to where he thinks she is. Honey farm?
Am I even allowed to post this?
If you state it is opinion and add JMO or similar then that is OK.
A Honey farm - so you think he was deliberately hinting or it was a subliminal message?
Is there any live video from the search site today (Saturday, May 23? ) I did see the press release stating that the search is done for today and will resume tomorrow, however I have not seen any video from the site today? It made me wonder if they were increasing security or privacy measures? All MOO

Anyone else struck by the media images from Friday showing unusually detailed views of FBI searchers at work? Was it a flaw in the screening (plugged by Saturday) or was it a tactic to make someone sweat?
Anyone else struck by the media images from Friday showing unusually detailed views of FBI searchers at work? Was it a flaw in the screening (plugged by Saturday) or was it a tactic to make someone sweat?
The DM pics of them with their sifting trays certainly struck me as interesting. Also, no forensic suits or anything. Normally if looking for remains, wouldn't they suit up?
Re-watching the helicopter view of the Morphew home. At 1:23 you can see yellow crime tape in an area where it looks like there was some recent movement of dirt. Not sure if the bobcat and trailer parked near there is BM's or LE's?

Brings back memories to the Frazee case where we saw the earth moved in the area in the front of the house where the drive was in the overhead drone shots. Then, lo and behold, we find the actual burn pit and earth movement was way behind the house to the right. Just makes me consider....Soo, could be red herring.
Brings back memories to the Frazee case where we saw the earth moved in the area in the front of the house where the drive was in the overhead drone shots. Then, lo and behold, we find the actual burn pit and earth movement was way behind the house to the right. Just makes me consider....Soo, could be red herring.

If he used fire it would be highly noticeable by neighbors right? IMO
If they suspect a body may have been burned, I wonder whether LE would search sites where woodland fires had occurred. Such as, for example, the site of the bad fire that the Sheriff made specific mention of at the press conference (where he also talked about running into the fire while others run away).

Could ash from countryside fires feasibly remain in an area over a period of time? So that no-one would find it odd to find ash in an area?
I actually perused the website extensively looking for a way to report that fund as inappropriate but couldn’t find a way. Too bad they don’t have Mods like WS does and handy little “report” buttons!

There's a place on the site to report. I'm assuming I can't link it, but keep looking :).

It certainly did !
There's no way LE would break up concrete and sift through huge piles of dirt on a whim.
And likely much more evidence already bagged and tagged --re. the search at the residence.
When this is over and someone's trial starts, we'll be amazed at the amount of evidence LE had.


Paying for Damage to Property, Caused by LE Action. Other COL Case
@Alethea :) sbm bbm Thanks for link to law review article analyzing who should pay for ^ damages. I haven't searched COL statutes or case law. Your MSM link re Greenwood, COL case was interesting as well. A Mar 2020 MSM article w links to ct filings:
SWAT Team House Destruction Case Could Land at U.S. Supreme Court . From article: "...Redfern [atty] predicts that the U.S. Supreme Court will decide whether or not to hear the case sometime in June...Click to read the U.S. Supreme Court petition in the case of Leo Lech et al., v. City of Greenwood Village et al., as well as the original Greenwood Village SWAT team lawsuit and the Tenth Circuit Court of Appeals ruling."

From article below re Greenwood case w house damaged w 2015, homeowner paid "...$28,000 in legal fees he also incurred as he pursued compensation from the city and police..." Police Owe Nothing To Man Whose Home They Blew Up, Appeals Court Says


Thanks for sharing this. I think it's the first time I've heard of anyone trying to contact SM's family - I've been wondering.

I disagree and I'll go on record for continuing to believe that I think it's extremely unusual (and think a majority agree) that any construction owner would be performing construction on Mother's Day or that fire training would be scheduled for a volunteer ff on Sunday, Mother's Day.

The fire chief previously confirmed to MSM that there was no "district sanctioned" fire fighting training scheduled for Sunday and that (as most presumed) their fire training schedule was suspended during COVID19.

Also, NG's expert panel a few days ago independently commented on their disbelief the husband would schedule himself away on Sunday, Mother's Day.
They seem to think the prosecution would certainly use this "odd event" with a jury.


At least here, we did a lot of residential construction work on weekends - and even on minor holidays. Maybe it's more unusual in Colorado, but it's not unusual here at all. Homeowners get pretty bitey when deadlines pass, and so we did a lot more residential weekend work than commercial weekend work when I was in construction.

As far as him being out of town working, that's not a huge flag for me. My husband is in the construction trade and is often away. With weather being unpredictable here, and him having deadlines, I would always encourage him to do what needed done.....
especially if we ran our own company.

As far as being alone on Mothers Day, I'm must just be the odd one. If he couldn't be there, it is NOT going to be the end of my world. We would probably just pick another weekend to celebrate it, when everyone would be home.

Agree - I don't get it either - it's a "Hallmark" holiday, and not really the end of the world if there isn't a way for people to get together. No one in my family would think this was odd.
While I am still open to who or how many may have committed this crime, it’s becoming clear to me this was premeditated and not a spur of the moment event. The facts are lining up : you have a known period of time where SM would be alone (opportunity), A pre-planned place to dispose of body potentially (landscaping job that had been set for weeks) and time to stage a bike. JMO
I don’t find it odd. I’m a 49 year old single mom of four. I retired at 40 so I moved my two youngest kids one that was in grade school and the other in high school to Maui for 3 years. We loved it! We moved back to Iowa once I became a grandma and couldn’t stand being so far away. It’s an experience that I’ll always remember. One I never will regret either.
Moving from Iowa to Hawaii sounds like heaven.
I think it’s still odd though with the M family. In your situation, you had multiple kids and were in Maui. Not a remote, isolated home with one teen. Just seems like a lonely existence for a sole high school student.
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