CO - The Stalking and Mysterious Death of Morgan Ingram #2

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Also, on that show, one stalker broke into a womans house and licked her bathroom mirror. Ewwww
Good evening all!

I am having a hard time with why Morgan's ex-boyfriend doesn't seem to have been thought of as a suspect by the family. One her personal blog an entry from Nov 2010 talked about using her boyfriends old jeans to make shorts. Mom says that she was not seeing anyone at the time the stalker made his presence known.

With the issues starting in February with the keying of her car, I would like to know when they broke up. Could it be possible that ex-BF was friends with the boy suspected by the mother? Or was close friends with the girl who is suspected? Could Morgan have broken up with him and his friends decided to "get back at her" then taken it too far?

I'm very curious as to why he has not come up at all. It seems as though Mrs. I is only focusing on 1-2 people so far.

So many possibilities in this case! I need answers!
But did they have people stationed around her house with the thermal imaging, motion detector lights, and cameras? That's what bothers me.

But, your suggestion is an excellent one. I'm in between shows right now (waiting for Dexter to come back on and the ending of Weeds!), so I think I'll see if that program is On Demand! Thanks!

Im starting to think this stalker was so smart that if the military was camped around the perimeter they still couldn't have caught him.

Paranormal Activity
Sounds of movement: Unexplained sounds can be just about anything that an individual hears but cannot later be explain away with a logical source for the sound produced. Such sounds can include the sounds of glass breaking, footsteps, floors creaking, doors slamming, and the sound of furniture moving when no one is present to cause such noise. Further, in many instances, when the individual checks out the location where the sound is coming from, when paranormal activity is present, there is usually no sign of disturbance in the area whatsoever.
Unexplained scratching noises: In some instances, individuals will report hearing scratching noises coming from various areas of a location. Scratching noises, like all other reported noises, need to be examined carefully to determine if they can be ruled out and explained by mundane experiences. Sometimes mice and small animals can get into walls and ceilings and produce similar sounds.
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Sometimes mice and small animals can get into walls and ceilings and produce similar sounds.
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That's not all they can do. I lived in a downstairs apartment several years ago which had windows right at ground level. I was sitting at my computer one day and heard someone tap on my window. I went to the window, moved the drapes and looked out. There was no sign of anyone there. I figured it was just some kid playing around and went back to my desk. I barely sat down and the tapping started again. Again, there was nobody there when I went and looked.

After this happened several times over a couple of hours, I finally got smart (I'm a bit slow sometimes!) Instead of sitting down, I stood to the side of the window and just quietly waited. After a few minutes, it started again. I pulled the drapes open just in time to watch a little red squirrel (who had been on it's back legs hitting my window with its front feet) jump off the window sill and run into a bush about 2 feet away.
Gosh, I spent the better part of the last two days reading up on the blog. I've googled, read news reports and I'm baffled. Truly baffled. I do believe this girl was being stalked. I highly doubt that after 19 years of parenting Morgan (and two other kids) the parents suddenly over-reacted and became paranoid about strange noises in their home to the point that the police were called out fifty times in four months.

I just don't understand how she could overdose on Elavil without traces of the pills being found in her stomach, without vomiting them up, without her parents witnessing intoxicated behavior before she went to bed. On the other hand, if she wasn't behaving as if intoxicated prior to bed, how in the world did the Elavil/Amitriptaline/Flexoril get into her system? How could she be poisoned and there be no signs of a struggle or entry into the house?

Lastly, according to the blog, the coroner apparently didn't do more than a standard tox screen because they're expensive and this didn't appear to be a homicide situation, did I read that right? You mean, a normal healthy 20 year old girl dies, there is no suicide note, no open pill bottles, no signs of self-injury, no history of suicidal ideation, and that isn't suspicion enough to run additional tests? Are you flipping kidding me? Remind me if I ever decide to commit a crime to head over to their neck of the woods, would ya? Because unless they have video of me choking the living daylights out of someone, chances are good no one is going to even question it.

Maybe she did finally commit suicide. Who knows at this point....the problem I have is that the two CODs don't appear to have been fully investigated and the stalker was never identified. Yeah, I'd have some serious issues if I were her folks...maybe mom is in denial...maybe not...if she had concrete answers maybe she could move forward. COD shouldn't be a game of 'let's throw some ideas out there and see which one sticks'.
Merical2...thank you for what I've been trying to put into words since I've read this blog.

Very nicely said.
I have a couple of questions that puzzle the heck out of me. How did the stalker get to the tree to get on the roof without being detected and why was there a deer on the cam by Morgans room the night she died but never one of the stalker?
I have a couple of questions that puzzle the heck out of me. How did the stalker get to the tree to get on the roof without being detected and why was there a deer on the cam by Morgans room the night she died but never one of the stalker?

Don't know for Sure there is not another picture of the stalker yet.??

I don't know. This story is making my head spin.
I still believe at the beginning there was a stalker. And I believe the drugs were probably taken from the horse farm. By who I am open to. Maybe Morgan herself because she wanted some sleep, maybe she wanted to end it all and even someone else took them. How he got in to administer them without being seen tho is a mystery.
JMO. I think m was talking to a local bad boy. Maybe one of the ABC's, don't know. She ended things and it went bad afterwards. I think she started to be harassed, then it got worse. Maybe bad enough she finally told her parents. I think maybe another person got involved. I think the person was very mad bc he thought m was being a snobbish about him. IMO, I believe that's why she was turning white and leaving the rooms when he was there.

I think he and another enjoyed their game with m and her family.

After that, I don't know. My brain is still trying to wrap that part up.

As always, JMO
The only thing I suspect Elliot of doing is letting B's mom know how scared and traumatized this family was.........which would reach K ..........and he would get off on it.
You'd think with that it would be easy to catch the stalker(s). :banghead:

I agree. I think they should have. It's all pretty obvious when it all comes out.

The creep that targeted me got my address when he carded me at at bar. At the time my boyfriend was a cop in a MAJOR METRO area. He worked in a different district. The "beat" I lived in was not the one he worked in, but he witnessed several instances when the CREEP was there.

He could't find him, he went out with his gun and looked for him and called it in. (I was having a heart attack). The jerk was trying my door handle, it was an old house with old locks...

It's a much longer story but I was dating a cop in a major metro area and we could't prove anything. We KNEW WHO HE WAS but we couldn't do a thing...there was no proof there was not "CSI" type investigation, but they were well aware that I was being harassed. They knew, but they didn't do a thing.

This chaffed his *advertiser censored** but he couldn't do a thing...that's the way it works...he did sleep on my sofa for a few weeks...a good guy....but he could't make his department pay attention.

Just saying...

Always MOO

That's not all they can do. I lived in a downstairs apartment several years ago which had windows right at ground level. I was sitting at my computer one day and heard someone tap on my window. I went to the window, moved the drapes and looked out. There was no sign of anyone there. I figured it was just some kid playing around and went back to my desk. I barely sat down and the tapping started again. Again, there was nobody there when I went and looked.

After this happened several times over a couple of hours, I finally got smart (I'm a bit slow sometimes!) Instead of sitting down, I stood to the side of the window and just quietly waited. After a few minutes, it started again. I pulled the drapes open just in time to watch a little red squirrel (who had been on it's back legs hitting my window with its front feet) jump off the window sill and run into a bush about 2 feet away.

He liked you.
Nice post Herding Cats and for me your words were quite easily understood..I believe what has always been called and referred to as just "bullying" and "mean girls" that many instances which have been labeled and place in this catagory quite likely if looked at, the details would actually quite clearly show that it also very much fits into the "stalking" catagory..

So, to clarify what im trying to say(as i now feel as tho my thoughts are coming out a bit jumbled as point is that the whole uniqueness or newness to female stalking, and even more so multiple female(group) stalking is in fact nothing "new" at all but just has never been classified as stalking..imo when looking at the decades and decades of cases involving girls "bullying" and "mean girls" you clearly see that they absolutely bear the classic markers associated with stalking..

As I am typing this off the top of my head on my tablet with NOT having googled around for any back up or sources(due to the fact hubby&I are sitting here in the pitch dark with our street along with the street over both having lost power suddenly&without storms or even rain we're sitting here saying its likely someone from one of the neighboring pubs may have had one too many at happy hour&ran into an electric pole, transformer, or God knows what??..just hopefully not another vehicle..if thats the case I think I can grin&bear a few hours without electric..anyhoo sorry for that waaaay OT)..but as I said didnt search around for any specific cases due to my attempting to preserve what tablet battery I can;)..but for example what I am speaking about I know first hand was alive and well and thriving throughout the females of my jr high/sr high school days..vicious doesnt even begin to describe what young females would gang up and do to a lone female(and 9 times outta 10 you better believe not only was that lone female a "threat")...but the majority of times would be beyond beautiful both inside&out..was respected and adored by peers and adult authorities as well..and believe me those things alone are what made her the target of the "mean girls"..but imo those mean girls were exhibiting every bit of stalking behaviors as was part of the attack, mentally break down, humiliate, and annihilate that which was the threat to the mean girls...

That included stalking..yes, in some ways that could be construed as innocent and harmless but believe me their motives driving it were anything but innocent and harmless..they re intent was to harm, humiliate and to warn the female that she best "know and recognize her role" recognize as in know her place was not with the elite, in crowd, but rather she better cower, bow her head when she crosses their path, and dont even dare to make eye contact with people whose class is so elevated from your own.. They made the rounds of stalking her home, you know good ol harmless fun of "rolling" with toilet paper..except it was repeated on a weekly basis with each week only a little more to it, a little bit meaner, and alot more verbal with the trash talking tauntings written in shaving cream, whipped cream, tempera definitely escalates with time..

But hey isnt that alone what stalking is known for a fact to do...escalate..well, the same goes for the "mean girls" and the extensive amounts of brutal "bullying" that has been going on for decades and decades with absolute zero male involvement..these decades of building of female on female crime just technically has never been placed in the stalking classification, tho clearly you can see that every single trait and characteristic of "stalking" is more than present in BOTH the "mean girls" and "bullying" classifications...

I wont continue to drone on about the subject(especially due to my NOT sourcing any specific named cases due to my battery therefor just mainly giving you the generalities of what some of the actual mean girls/bullying/stalking girl on girl brutalities ive witnessed in my day and that theyve been thriving as well as escalating for some time now...almost under the radar in a sense..especially in my highschool days, the mid nineties when I graduated and I can attest for a fact that in that era that these brutalities, these all out mental and emotional war fares on beautiful, lone girls targeted within their schools....there was no refuge for them...there were no consequences for their torturers..infact if anything many times when the lone girl spoke up to teachers, coaches, cheerleading sponsors..well..they basically were punished for tattling, called a p****, and then mocked and berated by coaches and teachers as well(and by no means am i attempting to say all teachers/coaches took part in this type thing)..but u better believe there were many that did..and I am more than certain there still are those who do and who are the very ones that allow and even encourage these all out attacks of physical, mental and emotional war fare on many many young women..

No matter what name you wanna give matter what label you wanna place on it, or what catagory it gets classified under..its all one and the same and most importantly IT ALL STEMS FROM AND COMES FROM THE SAME PLACE..female insecurity, female jealousy, and inabilibity to coexist among other females who are in any way smart, attractive, or any other trait that one female finds threatening about another female..and Ive seen it and I know it..females can be so much more than beotches..Ive seen downright evil in the eyes of another female that hates your existence merely because your attractive with a good head on your shoulderss..evil exists within many hearts of the young, insecure, jealous females that somehow, someway manage to gain a little status, a little "power", and then her little posse who exist to merely make other females' lives miserable..

If anything Ive seen is the fact that in these exact type situations of which I speak..if a male(or even males) is/are to some how, even inadvertantly to get involved when these type targeted war fares on a lone female are taking God as my witness it is the males that "hurt" and "feel" for the targeted female..and God help the poor lone, targeted female then..she only is further punished by the queen bee beotch due to the venemous anger she now has even more for the lone female...why u may ask?..because the male showed affection or feeling for the lone girl thereby only fueling the hatred and insecurities of the crazy witch doling out the heaping helpings of abuse toward the female she views as a threat...

Trust me its every bit STALKING...sadly the stalking is merely one of the many various forms of abuse in the "mean girls/bullying" girl on girl war fare that continues to be alive and well and as I mentioned earlier even encouraged in some schools, groups, and social circles..

All jmo..
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