CO - The Stalking and Mysterious Death of Morgan Ingram #3

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reminder: medical information needs either linked up or verification as a professional. Below is the link that describes the process for verification:

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Unless you are a VERIFIED expert in pharmacology,toxicology,pathology or an area of expertise more specifically related to the issue of Morgan's tox results- We need to link information regarding interpreting the data as it relates to her postmortem blood levels.

We already know that experts themselves are not in complete agreement and the issue is very complex so we need to be careful about posting data as fact when none of us, to date, are verified experts in this field.

You can discuss the issue in general terms but if anything specific regarding the interpretation of the data it must be linked to the source of the information . Posts that do not comply will be removed.

Thank you so much!
Wouldn't be the first time I've heard somebody complain about LE, or ME's and use names. It happens. They do work for the public, right?

I think the concern is more for the people named and tagged all over the internet who are not associated with professional bodies or departments. However, like me, some also have a problem with unsubstantiated accusations of misconduct, incompetence, conspiracy and dereliction of duty launched at certain professionals too.
I think the concern is more for the people named and tagged all over the internet who are not associated with professional bodies or departments. However, like me, some also have a problem with unsubstantiated accusations of misconduct, incompetence, conspiracy and dereliction of duty launched at certain professionals too.

It's not that I don't agree with you, I was just stating that it does happen all the time.:twocents:
I think the family found some help, or at least that's what it sounds like. I am glad.

Are we allowed to summarize what it says? I can't see it, this computer tells me I have to log in. I don't have a facebook acct, and never intend to.

I do hope they have someone, anyone, that is a professional in some sort of capacity to help them.
Are we allowed to summarize what it says? I can't see it, this computer tells me I have to log in. I don't have a facebook acct, and never intend to.

I do hope they have someone, anyone, that is a professional in some sort of capacity to help them.

Well, it lists a name and says he is going to help them. He is also the one that encouraged them to start the blog. He has some contacts and is going to help them find an attorney.
Well, it lists a name and says he is going to help them. He is also the one that encouraged them to start the blog. He has some contacts and is going to help them find an attorney.

Excellent news! I hope the best for them.
I think the concern is more for the people named and tagged all over the internet who are not associated with professional bodies or departments. However, like me, some also have a problem with unsubstantiated accusations of misconduct, incompetence, conspiracy and dereliction of duty launched at certain professionals too.

I am also concerned with using people's names who the family suspects or just neighbors in general. I am not at all concerned with the use of the ME or any other public official's name as they can easily be found and, since she reported a threat by the ME to the sheriff concerning his saying he would change the report to suicide, that too is easily found in the police blotter. When you work for the public and your name is out there, you probably expect some backlash in any controversial matter.
I not only hope the family finds the answers they seek, I hope they can accept them when they get them.
I am also concerned with using people's names who the family suspects or just neighbors in general. I am not at all concerned with the use of the ME or any other public official's name as they can easily be found and, since she reported a threat by the ME to the sheriff concerning his saying he would change the report to suicide, that too is easily found in the police blotter. When you work for the public and your name is out there, you probably expect some backlash in any controversial matter.

Did she make an official report of the alleged threat by the ME? Is it in the police blotter? I'll have to go back and check the blog, I guess, my memory's not the greatest but I seem to remember she said she told the sheriff - in a phone call (?) - the ME threatened her but I don't recall her saying she made an official complaint about it.
Ah, found the entry:

" first Forensic Pathologist honestly was on a phone call discussing how he could not change her manner of death from natural causes, and calmly said Morgan was taking Amitriptyline (elavil, WHICH SHE WAS NOT), for her porphyria (WHICH SHE DID NOT HAVE). So how can a person so uninformed about Morgan Ingram be in any position to render an opinion about Morgan Ingram? It was on this phone call that I was threatened by this Pathologist that if I continued fighting the natural causes he would have to look into suicide or accidental overdose, but he couldn’t because he did not find any pills or remnants in her stomach at the time of autopsy. Now to BE ABSOLUTELY CLEAR, I have advised everyone involved that she did not take Amitriptyline, and I advised the Sheriffs Detectives in person that I was threatened by the doctor long before he actually carried through on his threat."

She says she advised the Sheriffs Detectives in person that she was threatened by the doctor long before he carried through on his threat but it doesn't make clear whether she logged an official complaint or it was just something she said to them in the course of other conversation.
Ah, found the entry:

" first Forensic Pathologist honestly was on a phone call discussing how he could not change her manner of death from natural causes, and calmly said Morgan was taking Amitriptyline (elavil, WHICH SHE WAS NOT), for her porphyria (WHICH SHE DID NOT HAVE). So how can a person so uninformed about Morgan Ingram be in any position to render an opinion about Morgan Ingram? It was on this phone call that I was threatened by this Pathologist that if I continued fighting the natural causes he would have to look into suicide or accidental overdose, but he couldn’t because he did not find any pills or remnants in her stomach at the time of autopsy. Now to BE ABSOLUTELY CLEAR, I have advised everyone involved that she did not take Amitriptyline, and I advised the Sheriffs Detectives in person that I was threatened by the doctor long before he actually carried through on his threat."

She says she advised the Sheriffs Detectives in person that she was threatened by the doctor long before he carried through on his threat but it doesn't make clear whether she logged an official complaint or it was just something she said to them in the course of other conversation.

I am hoping that if this doctor actually did threaten her she immediately madea formal official complaint. If she did then I am sure there is an internal record of it. If she didn't then I wonder why she chose not to.
Did she make an official report of the alleged threat by the ME? Is it in the police blotter? I'll have to go back and check the blog, I guess, my memory's not the greatest but I seem to remember she said she told the sheriff - in a phone call (?) - the ME threatened her but I don't recall her saying she made an official complaint about it.

In the blog she said she reported it to the police. I am assuming, because she reported it that it would be in their blotter. When you call because you saw a drunk driver on the road, even if the police send an officer out and they don't find the driver, that is logged. I am assuming they logged her complaint ... if not, well, I'll let others be the judge of that. If she told, called or e-mailed them, that makes it an official complaint, from my understanding.
I am hoping that if this doctor actually did threaten her she immediately madea formal official complaint. If she did then I am sure there is an internal record of it. If she didn't then I wonder why she chose not to.

Thank you! That's precisely the kind of ambiguity and detail just left 'hanging' that has driven me crazy since the beginning..
I'm wondering too why we haven't heard from her friends. I asked awhile back if she was complaining to her friends about the stalker to them or if she wasn't as concerned as her parents.

So far, imo, the stalker hasn't done all that much stalking. Maybe in the beginning but as she's telling it now, there hasn't been much of anything. But when the motion lights are tripped, how do they know it's not just animals?
I'm wondering too why we haven't heard from her friends. I asked awhile back if she was complaining to her friends about the stalker to them or if she wasn't as concerned as her parents.

So far, imo, the stalker hasn't done all that much stalking. Maybe in the beginning but as she's telling it now, there hasn't been much of anything. But when the motion lights are tripped, how do they know it's not just animals?

I have been thinking the same thing. The stalking seemed so "loud" in the beginning, but it has seemed so sporadic to non-existent the last several weeks. Did the stalker become wary with all the police activity and lights/cameras?

I've also wondered about her friends ... maybe they choose not to post on the blog because they don't want to be the focus of questioning by readers, etc. ??? It would be nice to get their perspective on all of this since they did live it too.
Unless you are a VERIFIED expert in pharmacology,toxicology,pathology or an area of expertise more specifically related to the issue of Morgan's tox results- We need to link information regarding interpreting the data as it relates to her postmortem blood levels.

We already know that experts themselves are not in complete agreement and the issue is very complex so we need to be careful about posting data as fact when none of us, to date, are verified experts in this field.

You can discuss the issue in general terms but if anything specific regarding the interpretation of the data it must be linked to the source of the information . Posts that do not comply will be removed.

Thank you so much!

Sorry, I'm not trying to cause trouble, I'd seriously like an answer to this. I usually post information I have from personal experiences, but I have no formal education in the area. Since my brain has no links I can post (sometimes I wonder if it has links to my mouth), does that mean I can't post anything I know about the drugs in question?

A bit of background I wasn't planning to share: I was once treated for an OD of a tricyclic antidepressent, but it was only about 25 pills. At the time, the doctor and later the staff in the crisis intervention center I was in for a month explained exactly what the pills do and how an OD can affect you even if they don't kill you.

Over the years, I have lost 2 friends to suicide using prescription drugs, and have dealt with several people I'm close to ODing, but not dying. This included my son who took over 60 diphenhydramine a couple different times and was totally messed up for a long time and used other meds at other times (luckily, he has been doing much better the past 5 years) and a friend who OD'd on amitriptyline and a few other meds (but only enough to need observation for a couple days).

Because of my health problems now, I have several medications I have to take every day, and a few years ago I was taking close to 20 prescriptions a day. With every medication I take, I ask my doctor and pharmacist what it does, what kind of side effects it might have, what drugs it might interact with and what happens in I accidentally take too much (I did once accidentally take all of my meds twice one day a few years back, and ended up manic enough to never make the mistake again). I also read all information I get with each prescription (usually about 6 printed pages) and research it online to find whatever information I can.

Too late to make a long story short, but I just want to know if I am allowed to post anything about the drugs or will I just be wasting my time if I do? Thanks.
I have been thinking the same thing. The stalking seemed so "loud" in the beginning, but it has seemed so sporadic to non-existent the last several weeks. Did the stalker become wary with all the police activity and lights/cameras?

I've also wondered about her friends ... maybe they choose not to post on the blog because they don't want to be the focus of questioning by readers, etc. ??? It would be nice to get their perspective on all of this since they did live it too.

Could very well be. But I also figured that would excite him even more and he would become more brave. Maybe not though. I'm very curious to see what happens next.

Has there been a full account of the day she would found deceased? I have read a few small details but not much else. I had read a few details by posters on here (can't remember what they were now, duh!) but hadn't seen them anywhere else and I wondered where people have found that information.
Confusion, this is OT but I wanted to say I'm happy to hear that you and your son are doing better. Having dealt with those issues in my own family members, I know that a happy outcome is sometimes not always the case.
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