CO - The Stalking and Mysterious Death of Morgan Ingram #3

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I disagree respectfully

TI started this and had a plan that has been working hasn't it? Look how many have taken interest. To change now would take that advantage away. She started out with a format and a reason. To account each day as it happened a year ago, going off of the copious notes she and her husband took. I believe she should stay the course.

I think her reason for presenting the case that way was for sentiment. It was a way to connect her readers, and herself, with her daughter. But on the interview, she said that she was willing to release info sooner if it would help.
I won't go into a lot of details, but they couldn't charge him with rape (because he didn't have sex with her until she was already dead), but it was an obvious murder; she had been severely beaten and shot in the head, He was convicted and released from prison after only 6 years.

That is a gross miscarriage of justice. He should never have seen the outside of prison walls again.
Yes she did, graduated from Aspen High, but I clipped this
and Morgan Ingram, shared inspiring stories of their paths to GED success as well as their future plans at CMC. Bolded by me, Morgan had an AA degree. writing college level IIRC at age 7. That all my memory can recall right now

Also I think she was home schooled. I will correct myself if I am wrong
Yes, Mom states that M was home schooled but it is commonly reported here and there that she graduated from Aspen High. Not so.

She received her High School GED along with a handful of others and wore a cap and gown at a ceremony that was held at a local community college. She was one of a few speakers.

I'm bad at linking articles but see below
By Gina Waller

Student success is always a good reason to celebrate. On the evening of June 16th, the Roaring Fork Campus Learning Labs honored 41 successful GED and high school diploma student with a graduation ceremony and party. It was an exciting event attended by a large and supportive audience of families and friends.

Three student speakers, Ana Mendenhall, Matt Burmaster, and Morgan Ingram, shared inspiring stories of their paths to GED success as well as their future plans at CMC. Lab students presented special guest and speaker, Alexandra Yajko, then leader of the CMC Foundation, with a hand-crafted collage

To me, this says she was a past graduate speaking to inspire the current graduates. And of course, she could have taken summer classes at the community college or participated in a special program like the learning labs cited in the article, or done technical training at the community college (e.g., photography) while she was still in high school.
Exactly what does it matter about if she was home school or went to a regular public high school. what on earth would this information tell you that would add to this case?

Rich, Old, educated, stupid, whatever all have been killed, all have been stalked, all have died of suicide so on and so on. <modsnip>
Yes she did, graduated from Aspen High, but I clipped this
and Morgan Ingram, shared inspiring stories of their paths to GED success as well as their future plans at CMC. Bolded by me, Morgan had an AA degree. writing college level IIRC at age 7. That all my memory can recall right now

IIRC, Morgan's mom has never stated that Morgan gradated from Aspen High School. HOWEVER, a few MSM articles state that she did. BUT there was a comment very, very early on in the blog (by Morgan's sister-in-law, I believe?) that stated that Morgan did NOT graduate from Aspen High School, and that she was actually home schooled. Note: I did not read that comment with my own eyes. Another WS'er did, and referenced it in one of her postings on the board.

Morgan's mom does say, on Morgan's site, " “Morgan especially loved the Aspen Community School, and after graduation, Aspen High School.” But it does NOT say Morgan graduated (or did not graduate) from Aspen High.

There is a GED preparation course(s?) at the Colorado Mountain College campus in Carbondale. This is also where Morgan's car was keyed. This is also the campus where Morgan took some of her AA classes. (Being a recipeint of an AA degree from CMC myself, I imagine that Morgan also took classes at the 2 campuses in Glenwood Springs. That is pretty common.)

Why does all of this matter?

1) It's a possible answer to the question, "How did Morgan get her AA degree in under two years?"
2) It forces us to think about possible reasons why Morgan would go the GED route vs. the traditional high school diploma route, and it proves to us that we don't have all the answers. (Ha, ha!! Just checking to see if you are really reading this. OF COURSE we already know we don't have all the answers. :banghead:
So, Dalmane, an unusual medication to be had, is observed RX'd more often to elderly patients by the transcriptionist on this board and is sold over-the-counter in Australia. So M was around 2 of the demographic groups associated with that medication the very day she died. She could have gotten the medication from either place, or as some believe, it could have been gotten by someone else at either place and given to her.

So if we continue to follow the drugs, we're bound to get more answers. Ami and Flex are way too common; but the Dalmane . . . . I think that's the smoking gun, so to speak. Figure out where it came from, and we're most of the way there.
I will try to help.

Mom spoke on June 23, 2012 about sending letters out to the men in hats.

On June 30, 2012, they spread her ashes

On July 10th, they wondered if her killer would ever be bought to justice

On July 12, the family spoke of the tide turning. Only a picture posted

On July 22, 2012, they spoke of rumors coming

On July 24, 2012, they spoke of reflecting b/c the next day they were going to hit the ground running

July 31, 2012, somebody stole the gnome

Aug 31, is when the crap hit the fan, so to speak, on the blog. Lots of details about the ME. She also explained about the men in hats.

There's a ton more information in between all those IMO, I think it started on June 23, 2012 even though mom talked about it beforehand. That is the day she sent letters to the ME.
OH I guess I did not word my question very well. But,thanks for taking the time to link all that, rollinginit.
Exactly what does it matter about if she was home school or went to a regular public high school. what on earth would this information tell you that would add to this case?

Rich, Old, educated, stupid, whatever all have been killed, all have been stalked, all have died of suicide so on and so on. *rolls eyes*

It could be relevant if she was pulled out of public school because of issues with other kids. I have a couple of theories, but posting my thoughts would likely be a violation of WS rules, so I'm keeping them to myself.
That is a gross miscarriage of justice. He should never have seen the outside of prison walls again.

I always wondered if he had actually received an unoffical death sentence. He disappeared shortly after being released and nobody in the area ever heard from him again. I know one of the girl's brothers had said many times that he'd kill him if he ever saw him, and a lot of people think he may have. Most people just think the guy may have been smart enough to leave the area while he could. I've often wondered if he was still alive, if he may have eventually become a serial killer - he sure had the makings of one.

I didn't know any of the family until about 10 years after the death, but I did know a few of his friends and his ex-wife at the time of the murder.
. . .

So if we continue to follow the drugs, we're bound to get more answers. Ami and Flex are way too common; but the Dalmane . . . . I think that's the smoking gun, so to speak. Figure out where it came from, and we're most of the way there.

Does anyone remember how much of the Dalmane she had in her system? Or do we even know this?
I always wondered if he had actually received an unoffical death sentence. He disappeared shortly after being released and nobody in the area ever heard from him again. I know one of the girl's brothers had said many times that he'd kill him if he ever saw him, and a lot of people think he may have. Most people just think the guy may have been smart enough to leave the area while he could. I've often wondered if he was still alive, if he may have eventually become a serial killer - he sure had the makings of one.

I didn't know any of the family until about 10 years after the death, but I did know a few of his friends and his ex-wife at the time of the murder.

Sometimes justice has to take a detour, I guess.

Hopefully this guy, by what ever means, isn't around anymore. Did you ever learn his name and run it thru here? Maybe he continued somewhere else. Would be interesting to find out.
I've done several, but for a while there were none; I think that was when the Ambien and Lunesta came out, then there were the sleep walking/cooking/eating/driving/killing that started happening, and I started seeing Dalmane again. Still not very much, but it sure has me curious where it came from.

It is curious I agree.

The high level of Elavil bothers me more.

I think I remember the level being "not the highest they have ever seen but up there" or something to that effect.

Are you a nurse or a doctor?
Does anyone remember how much of the Dalmane she had in her system? Or do we even know this?

This was just mentioned by mom on the interview. We have no lab values at all to go by. It wasn't mentioned in the pathology report she posted specifically, but I think he mentioned there were other drugs. Dad also mentioned "a couple more drugs" that were in her system before mom's interview, so I'm assuming the Dalmane is one of them and the metabolite the other.
He (the reporter) contacted the Coroner&#8217;s office, and asked for Morgan&#8217;s postmortem examination report &#8211; he was told that they had revised it. He was faxed the report at 12:12 pm this afternoon

(the reporter) was added by me.

Family did have questions beforehand. same link

So after months, and months of trying to get the Dr. Kurtzman
It is curious I agree.

The high level of Elavil bothers me more.

I think I remember the level being "not the highest they have ever seen but up there" or something to that effect.

Are you a nurse or a doctor?

Of course the levels are concerning, but since both the ami and the flex are more available, they may be harder to track down. Something as unusual as Dalmane might be easier to trace, especially in a town that small. If it's being sold on the streets, the police might have knowledge of that. It would also be easy to check if anyone associated with the family or the group has had it RX'd. If I were an investigator, that's the route I'd be looking into right now, lacking anything else to go on.
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