CO - The Stalking and Mysterious Death of Morgan Ingram #3

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wait what is this about a GED? Is that cap and gown pic from high school graduation? I thought she was home schooled.....I'm confused about the schooling....

Yes, Mom states that M was home schooled but it is commonly reported here and there that she graduated from Aspen High. Not so.

She received her High School GED along with a handful of others and wore a cap and gown at a ceremony that was held at a local community college. She was one of a few speakers.

I'm bad at linking articles but see below
By Gina Waller

Student success is always a good reason to celebrate. On the evening of June 16th, the Roaring Fork Campus Learning Labs honored 41 successful GED and high school diploma student with a graduation ceremony and party. It was an exciting event attended by a large and supportive audience of families and friends.

Three student speakers, Ana Mendenhall, Matt Burmaster, and Morgan Ingram, shared inspiring stories of their paths to GED success as well as their future plans at CMC. Lab students presented special guest and speaker, Alexandra Yajko, then leader of the CMC Foundation, with a hand-crafted collage
Just wondering...what's wrong with giving a 20 yr old curfew? My 20 yr old daughter has a curfew. No way am I going to wait up all night while my kid runs the road and I have to wait to close my house down for the night. I've told her many times, if she doesn't like, she's more than welcome to rent her own place. She is 20 after all. Nothing I could do if she leaves.

When my daughter is not at work, I expect to know where she is at. AND my daughter likes me to go to the dr. with her.....and the dentist.....and to get her meds. Actually, I've figured out why.....she likes me to be there when she conveniently forgets her money.
IMO, none of that means control on the parents' part.

I really think of 20 as a funky stage. Most kids want to leave, but most kids do not have the money to live on their own yet. Some are still trying to figure out what they want to be. I am experiencing it with my own daughter.

My daughter would let me do everything for her if I would. It's not b/c of's b/c she doesn't want to do it.


My kids have a key to the house and a cell phone, and the understanding is if they're going to be out all night to text me and let me know so I can lock up, and more importantly, not greet them with a gun if I hear funny noises downstairs. After a couple of "oops, I forgot" or "I fell asleep before I could call you", it all pretty much works out. I respect their privacy and they respect mine. They are also welcome to bring BFs or GFs home; they are adults, after all.

Honestly, I worry more about them when they're living on their own and I don't have that daily contact!

Now, my oldest, 24, has me go her doc appts with her, but that's because she wants me there to remember to ask specific questions, and I also delivered her kids, so she wanted to establish me as her "voice" while she was in labor. My 19-year-old, on the other hand, would be mortified if I went to the doctor with her.
In SOME STATES, parents will have their child sit for the GED exam as an exit strategy when completing home school. Not sure about CO - but here in Indiana, we home schoolers do not do this. Our home schools are considered private schools (very, very SMALL private schools) and we issue diplomas just like any other school would.

MY OPINION ONLY FOLLOWS: I consider a GED something a dropout earns, not a home school graduate. And I admire those who return and earn a GED - not dissing them in any way, shape or form.
Back to a tired topic, I spent to much time trying to find this yesterday, so I looked at it again this morning.

Glenwood Spring is indeed listed in here, so for any that were looking for specific dates (which I don't know what they are) keep scrolling past A-Z then there begins another A-Z. Page 25 begins snowfall, then scroll to Glenwood Spring. I'm like a dog with a bone, but no idea why I am getting the bone, hahaha!

So in Glenwood Springs, in the month of December, there wasn't snowfall or snow on the ground until the 14th. Did you find anything for November or October?
There is a huge factor of importance that appears to continue to be forgotten, disregarded, or unimportant in some opinions..
I dont care who you are or where you live but when a 20 year old young woman just up and dies it damn well deserves an investigation into just why in the hell this young woman is dead..

That didnt happen here no matter how many times anyone wants to say there is zero proof of negligence or wrongdoing by anyone in this case..the fact is yes they have been extremely negligent as well as unethical and did not do their job..this suicide bs and realization of there being masive amounts of prescription drugs just "came to be this summer of 2012"..this ME did not do their job they did not investigate this death of a 20 year old..they didnt do squat and they didnt even do toxicology..they ruled firmly that this was straight up natural causes...

How is that just disregarded as unimportant and not stand out like the bright red waving flag that it is?

The problem begins and ends right there as far as evidence needed to show that a faulty, negligent, or just flat out non existent investigation went on WRT Morgans was is bs..and it more than warrants an investigation into this young womans not claiming anything happened either way..I, nor you know what the hell happened to this young woman and by God one of the reasons we dont know is due to how her death was not properly investigated to begin with..even in just following the most basic of standard procedures..this ME and autopsy FAILED MISERABLY..

THAT ALONE DESERVES TO BE THOROUGHLY AND PROPERLY INVESTIGATED..why is it continued to be forgotten, disregarded, or deemed unimportant?..makes zero sense how that major issue is just glossed over and just non existent..

BBM: I just find it slightly odd for anyone to have a poster of Tinkerbell hanging in their room at age 20. Usually we're all in such a rush to maturity at that age that childlike props are long gone.

I don't see anything unusual about this. I graduated from college 6 years ago (so not that terribly long) and pictures like that were very common in dorm rooms, on on doors, etc. I don't think it's that uncommon for the generation of girls who grew up with Disney princesses to still have a fondness for them in their twenties.
There is a huge factor of importance that appears to continue to be forgotten, disregarded, or unimportant in some opinions..
I dont care who you are or where you live but when a 20 year old young woman just up and dies it damn well deserves an investigation into just why in the hell this young woman is dead..

That didnt happen here no matter how many times anyone wants to say there is zero proof of negligence or wrongdoing by anyone in this case..the fact is yes they have been extremely negligent as well as unethical and did not do their job..this suicide bs and realization of there being masive amounts of prescription drugs just "came to be this summer of 2012"..this ME did not do their job they did not investigate this death of a 20 year old..they didnt do squat and they didnt even do toxicology..they ruled firmly that this was straight up natural causes...

How is that just disregarded as unimportant and not stand out like the bright red waving flag that it is?

The problem begins and ends right there as far as evidence needed to show that a faulty, negligent, or just flat out non existent investigation went on WRT Morgans was is bs..and it more than warrants an investigation into this young womans not claiming anything happened either way..I, nor you know what the hell happened to this young woman and by God one of the reasons we dont know is due to how her death was not properly investigated to begin with..even in just following the most basic of standard procedures..this ME and autopsy FAILED MISERABLY..

THAT ALONE DESERVES TO BE THOROUGHLY AND PROPERLY INVESTIGATED..why is it continued to be forgotten, disregarded, or deemed unimportant?..makes zero sense how that major issue is just glossed over and just non existent..


I understand what you are saying, and it is worth asking!

However, we know that EMT's were there and LE that day. What we do not know is what they found, was was there or not there at that point. It seems it was a while before they were called? Was anything cleaned up?

Usually when it is what would appear to be a suicide, and 20 is a fairly average year for suicide if you look all the stats up, then there is nothing to investigate.

I'm certain if any investigations for any legal proceedings come up, EMTs and LE will be on record for what was and was not going on or there. In fact, any logs or paperwork should have already been requested and gathered. Questioning would be if any legal proceedings come up.
There is a huge factor of importance that appears to continue to be forgotten, disregarded, or unimportant in some opinions..
I dont care who you are or where you live but when a 20 year old young woman just up and dies it damn well deserves an investigation into just why in the hell this young woman is dead..

That didnt happen here no matter how many times anyone wants to say there is zero proof of negligence or wrongdoing by anyone in this case..the fact is yes they have been extremely negligent as well as unethical and did not do their job..this suicide bs and realization of there being masive amounts of prescription drugs just "came to be this summer of 2012"..this ME did not do their job they did not investigate this death of a 20 year old..they didnt do squat and they didnt even do toxicology..they ruled firmly that this was straight up natural causes...

How is that just disregarded as unimportant and not stand out like the bright red waving flag that it is?

The problem begins and ends right there as far as evidence needed to show that a faulty, negligent, or just flat out non existent investigation went on WRT Morgans was is bs..and it more than warrants an investigation into this young womans not claiming anything happened either way..I, nor you know what the hell happened to this young woman and by God one of the reasons we dont know is due to how her death was not properly investigated to begin with..even in just following the most basic of standard procedures..this ME and autopsy FAILED MISERABLY..

THAT ALONE DESERVES TO BE THOROUGHLY AND PROPERLY INVESTIGATED..why is it continued to be forgotten, disregarded, or deemed unimportant?..makes zero sense how that major issue is just glossed over and just non existent..

We haven't seen the official reports, so I don't know how you can say for certainty nothing was done/investigated. Obviously, toxicology reports were done as they are referenced in the letter from Dr. Dobersen. This is exactly why I want to see official reports before making up my mind. If there are things missing from the official reports that should have been investigated then we have somewhere to go with the allegation it wasn't properly investigated. However, without the official reports we only have the word of a grieving mother that nothing was done.

And as sad as it is, and hard to accept, young people do die of natural causes.
In SOME STATES, parents will have their child sit for the GED exam as an exit strategy when completing home school. Not sure about CO - but here in Indiana, we home schoolers do not do this. Our home schools are considered private schools (very, very SMALL private schools) and we issue diplomas just like any other school would.

MY OPINION ONLY FOLLOWS: I consider a GED something a dropout earns, not a home school graduate. And I admire those who return and earn a GED - not dissing them in any way, shape or form.

I agree with your opinion.

I don't know anything about homeschooling, but upon graduation are you normally awarded a diploma? I wonder if there were problems or issues at school with regards to other students and that was why she was homeschooled? That could have been a stressful situation for her.
MindMountaineer......isn't Aspen where all the movie stars go for winter fun?
that is very important question - why was it so long before the paramedics got there? do we know the times of:
when she was found
when the police/paramedics were called
when the police/paramedics arrived
I don't see anything unusual about this. I graduated from college 6 years ago (so not that terribly long) and pictures like that were very common in dorm rooms, on on doors, etc. I don't think it's that uncommon for the generation of girls who grew up with Disney princesses to still have a fondness for them in their twenties.

Right but what I was pointing out in the post you quoted was there was a re-occurring theme of child-like (some have called it immaturity) brewing around M and the way her Mom treated her. Some may say it could be due to the stalking but I propose it was deeper than that. Going back to my post, a lot of things are a little "off".
I agree with your opinion.

I don't know anything about homeschooling, but upon graduation are you normally awarded a diploma? I wonder if there were problems or issues at school with regards to other students and that was why she was homeschooled? That could have been a stressful situation for her.

I have not read thru this but here is a link to CO homeschooling (everything here...; testing, requirements, etc)
that is very important question - why was it so long before the paramedics got there? do we know the times of:
when she was found
when the police/paramedics were called
when the police/paramedics arrived

these would be great questions to put in the no discussion/question list, lilly:

[ame=""]**NO DISCUSSION** Morgan Ingram-The Questions **LIST ONLY** - Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community[/ame]
So in Glenwood Springs, in the month of December, there wasn't snowfall or snow on the ground until the 14th. Did you find anything for November or October?

Don't make me look at that thing again, lol!

I'll go back and find the link to put in the info and bring it over for any curious. BRB.

Here it is, I used number 4 (scroll down, not the ones on the top of the page) the first option. Then a screen will come up asking for the state and time period. Then another screen with a link to the pdf requested. Just play around with the options, including top of the page options, be sure that you are using the free ones, until you find what you need.

ETA: Here is annual, can't see how detailed it is:

Here is October, I'm just playing with the time periods now, btw:

Here is November, I'm not looking anymore, I can't read them:

Might as well throw in September:
Right but what I was pointing out in the post you quoted was there was a re-occurring theme of child-like (some have called it immaturity) brewing around M and the way her Mom treated her. Some may say it could be due to the stalking but I propose it was deeper than that. Going back to my post, a lot of things are a little "off".

I have a sister the same age as Morgan. A lot of things that are being pointed to as being "off" seem to me to be fairly common for kids in this age range. I'm not at all saying that doesn't speak to immaturity or a need to grow up a bit, in fact, I'd freely admit my sister and many of her friends are immature and need to grow up, but I don't think that necessarily means something is off. Morgan's room looked exactly to me like what I saw on the walls of many many dorm rooms in college, yet they have been described as odd or immature and I just don't agree that these things are that uncommon. I don't think a 20 year old having a parent go to the doctor with them is unusual either.

Maybe something else was going on. That could very well be the case. We don't know much about Morgan's private life. I just don't think the things that are being pointed out are that unusual among many 20 year olds today.
Is there a state diploma or can my child earn one from the district?

There is no state diploma. District diplomas are presented only to students who have attended a public high school in the district. Some companies selling home schooling curricula offer a diploma at the completion of their program. A parent or guardian can purchase a diploma at an office supply store or make a diploma on a computer to present at the completion of the program.

Does my homeschooled child have to take the GED?

No. The adult in charge of the program may graduate the student by simply issuing a diploma. However, taking the GED is an option.
There are other ways to Homeschool a child other than at home. For example, some church's do it. Some retired teachers do it.

I have a friend that has 6 kids. She home schools all of them. She also did home births with most of them. Her oldest son was accepted into quite a few good colleges. Parents home school for MANY different reasons and most don't really have to do with Mental Issues in a kid.

I give a big hand clap for all the parents that home school their kids.
Personally, I loved shipping mine off to school for a break. LOL
I don't see anything unusual about this. I graduated from college 6 years ago (so not that terribly long) and pictures like that were very common in dorm rooms, on on doors, etc. I don't think it's that uncommon for the generation of girls who grew up with Disney princesses to still have a fondness for them in their twenties.

I've seen a few senior citizens walking around with Tinkerbell shirts on. I seen one this morning at walmart that had a lion king shirt on.
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