CO - The Stalking and Mysterious Death of Morgan Ingram #4

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Hahaha! I thought WTH when I first heard about this. Why not just drink? I guess b/c it would be on your breath, but uh, no thank you. :floorlaugh:

The last few years it was popular with teens, before that it was popular in the BDSM world. Enemas and tampons strike some as a sexy way to get high.
The last few years it was popular with teens, before that it was popular in the BDSM world. Enemas and tampons strike some as a sexy way to get high.

Dang, there went my dreams of joining the BDSM club! :maddening: ;)
The mother states that she has the mattress and if using such a method you would think there would be some sort of stain or residue left on the mattress possibly? But how to test for that IDK...
The mother states that she has the mattress and if using such a method you would think there would be some sort of stain or residue left on the mattress possibly? But how to test for that IDK...

But the stalker was a brilliant mastermind, he would have laid out plastic and cleaned the victim afterwards. You can be sure no evidence would be on the mattress.
If there is a stalker (Which I believe there is) you would have to think this person is not going to quit. I'm scanning police reports in the post right now from the time M was killed until now. One thing that I can say, there are a lot of calls in that town for harassments and theft. What's odd to me, in some of these cases, it says case closed pending further evidence.

I do know that the residents of that town do not feel safe anymore. Here is a news article talking about it.
I was reading those things last night trying to get back to December or earlier. I could only get back as far as January 5 2012. I did, however, find a few interesting pages in there.

A business owner had reported several robberies (she owned a pawnshop, but I wasn't clear on how many actually happened there.) She never did reopen her shop after the last one when police found her in her bathroom with duct tape binding her hands and feet. LE has never released any information on why, but they were supposedly investigating the robberies and suddenly arrested her instead and charged her with filing false police reports, and I believe insurance fraud. It's very possible that their accusations are true and she is guilty, but once again, their refusal to eplain their actions makes things sound suspiscious at best.
Police initially prepared a composite sketch of the suspects, as described by Garcia, and circulated the sketches to the local media in hopes of developing leads.
But for reasons that have not been made public, police shifted the focus of their attentions to Garcia herself.
Following months of investigation by local police and the Ninth Judicial District Attorney's office, authorities concluded the robbery reports were bogus and accused Garcia of trying to commit insurance fraud.
Teresa Garcia Trial

The Sheriff's Department was also accused of a conflict of interest for a partisan email invite in July 2012.
“Law enforcement should not be bound by political ideology but rather by a dedication to keeping our community safe. Tanny McGinnis should be held accountable for her apparent disregard of the law,” Real stated.

Vallario said of the Monday invite. “It was just another meeting that we sent out notice about.
“We will do a better job of scrutinizing our public notices in the future. I'm sorry the Democrats are offended. It was not our intent,” he added.
Conflict of Interest

In May 2012, when there were reports of a man or men hiking naked on local trails, LE didn't seem to take it real seriously. I never did find anything about an arrest/trial or anything, but I may have missed it. The said they had a picture taken by a covert camera and put out by Crime Stoppers. It's stated here that they already identified the guy and will be contacting the person.

“This is still a safe place to live,” Vallario said in response to questions from a group of five local women who turned out for a personal safety meeting at the Carbondale Firehouse.
"Don't let something like this interfere with what you enjoy doing,” he said. “You shouldn't be afraid to go out and do things.
“There's always risk with anything you do. … Just be aware of your surroundings,” Vallario said.
Naked Hikers

This naked hiker/s has/have been reported there since 2009. McGinnis did eventually make a statement about it
“People need to be prepared,” she said, citing a directive from Sheriff Lou Vallario that informing the public was more important than investigative results at this point.
“We'd rather run him off and not capture him, and have the public be aware,” she said, adding about the case, “this is evolving every single day.”
More Naked Hiker

There were several other cases I thought sounded a bit off, but I don't really have the time or energy to go back and read everything again to get quotes and links. It just sounds to me (from several quotes on there and lack of information being released to the public) that the deputies themselves may care, but the department itself is mainly interested in making it look like they do a great job of keeping serious crime under control. :twocents:
The drug she had a script for and had been taking? Did the autopsy report say no traces of the drug were found in her stomach or intestines? I haven't seen that, please post a link.

Amitriptyline is used for depression and anxiety disorders.

It is commonly prescribed for migraine and headache prevention. It is very effective. This medication was prescribed to Morgan years prior to treat headaches and abdominal migraines as a result of possible chronic CO poisoning.

She had not been prescribed the drug for the last 1 1/2 years according to Doberson's report as the information was reported to him.


Here is a link to Doberson's reportThere is some good information in it- Especially to those that may not have followed the case closely.
The drug she had a script for and had been taking? Did the autopsy report say no traces of the drug were found in her stomach or intestines? I haven't seen that, please post a link.

Amitriptyline is used for depression and anxiety disorders.

Amitriptyline is an antidepressent that is used for many things. In M's case, it was used for migraines and stomach pain (also stated to be migraines). She was NEVER diagnosed with depression or anxiety. I really don't understand why people keep bringing it up when it has been stated many times that the Elavil was for pain and not a mood disorder. I do know several people right now who have presctriptons for Amitriptyline, and not one of them is for treatment of depression or anxiety. In fact, all but one is prescribed for migraines.
I've been caught up in the whirlwind of this case for the past week or so. I still can't find words to accurately convey my thoughts. So much WTF. So. Much.
Most murders have the motive of either love, money, or revenge, IMO.
And in cases I've seen where murders have been committed in such a way as to make it look like suicide or accident, the motive has generally been either money (insurance, child support, etc.) or love (get out of a marriage).

I can't think of any murders that were committed in such a way to look like a non-murder, without one of those motives.

Who, if anyone, would benefit from Morgan's death? And who would want her dead but not want anyone to know she was murdered? That seems so anti-stalkerish behavior to me.

When there is a murder, there is always a motive, even if it is a lousy one. I just can't see what the motive would be for Morgan to be murdered, much less in such a "secretive" way.

Amitriptyline is an antidepressent that is used for many things. In M's case, it was used for migraines and stomach pain (also stated to be migraines). She was NEVER diagnosed with depression or anxiety. I really don't understand why people keep bringing it up when it has been stated many times that the Elavil was for pain and not a mood disorder. I do know several people right now who have presctriptons for Amitriptyline, and not one of them is for treatment of depression or anxiety. In fact, all but one is prescribed for migraines.

On Trisha's Radio Show the mother clearly states the girl was hiding in her parents closet and sleeping there with her puppy. The mother was talking to her through the closet door, which is how the stalker must have realized she was in the closet.

Errmmmm. If one of my dogs starts hiding in the closet (other than during thunder storms) I am taking the dog to a vet. If a human family member started hiding in the closet I would call a doctor.
But the stalker was a brilliant mastermind, he would have laid out plastic and cleaned the victim afterwards. You can be sure no evidence would be on the mattress.
Do you have a link to that? I didn't even know s/he had been indentified. I don't really think a person would have to be brilliant to do what has been suggested - just agile, knowledgable about the house and surrounding area, brash at times, sneaky at times, probably sadistic, and possibly well-known to at least one person in the family. MOO

Really? I recall whole pages of discussion about how the conspiracy could have reached right into the heart of the grocery store and M's favourite yoghurt could have been injected with drugs through the foil - or maybe I was just imagining it.

I guess either you did imagine it or I just missed it. I don't remember anyone saying drugs had been injected into yoghurt through the foil in the heart of the grocery store. If that was actually said, I have to agree that it's highly unlikely. I know it was stated that one of the "suspects" works in the grocery store, that yoghurt could have been used to mask the taste of the drugs, and that drugs could have been injected. All three statements are true (he does/did work there, and the other things COULD have happened), but that doesn't mean that all 3 are related in any way. MOO
On Trisha's Radio Show the mother clearly states the girl was hiding in her parents closet and sleeping there with her puppy. The mother was talking to her through the closet door, which is how the stalker must have realized she was in the closet.

Errmmmm. If one of my dogs starts hiding in the closet (other than during thunder storms) I am taking the dog to a vet. If a human started hiding in the closet I would call a doctor.

She was NEVER prescribed anything for depression or anxiety. Aspirin can be used to prevent heart attacks, but that doesn't mean that everybody who uses aspirin regularly has a heart problem. It also doesn't mean that everybody with a heart problem is told by their doctor to take aspirin. MOO (No personal experience here, I don't take aspirin and I don't have any heart problems.)
Most murders have the motive of either love, money, or revenge, IMO.
And in cases I've seen where murders have been committed in such a way as to make it look like suicide or accident, the motive has generally been either money (insurance, child support, etc.) or love (get out of a marriage).

I can't think of any murders that were committed in such a way to look like a non-murder, without one of those motives.

Who, if anyone, would benefit from Morgan's death? And who would want her dead but not want anyone to know she was murdered? That seems so anti-stalkerish behavior to me.

When there is a murder, there is always a motive, even if it is a lousy one. I just can't see what the motive would be for Morgan to be murdered, much less in such a "secretive" way.

The murders most likely to end up in the news and in convictions are the ones that have an obvious motive and suspect and usually a smoking gun. The ones that end up in a burial and everyone walking away afterward usually do not.

There are are many different types of stalkers. Several boards ago, I posted two workplace stalking that included poisoning. In one case it was two firefighters ganging up on a fellow firefighter. In the other, it was a male boss who became obsessed with his female employee.

The family clearly believes there are those in community who had some sort of grudge against Morgan.
I guess either you did imagine it or I just missed it. I don't remember anyone saying drugs had been injected into yoghurt through the foil in the heart of the grocery store. If that was actually said, I have to agree that it's highly unlikely. I know it was stated that one of the "suspects" works in the grocery store, that yoghurt could have been used to mask the taste of the drugs, and that drugs could have been injected. All three statements are true (he does/did work there, and the other things COULD have happened), but that doesn't mean that all 3 are related in any way. MOO

There was indeed such a discussion here, which I would categorize as a "brainstorming" session for the purpose of figgering out how the drugs could have entered M's system (especially without her knowledge).

And we're still doing that, IMO. ;)
<SNIP>If a human family member started hiding in the closet I would call a doctor.

You can't force an adult to go to a doctor if s/he isn't a threat to anyone (self or others). TI did ask her about going to talk to someone, and she chose not to. Unfortunately, I know that from my history with my son. We weren't allowed to "force" him to get treatment until he finally did attempt suicide; and that was even after he had been hospitalized at least 5 times for attempted suicide. I really believe it's insulting to suggest that you would do more to help your family members than those of us who lived through it were allowed to do for ours.
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