CocoaMom's Church Theory

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Hey all;

Cocoamom and I are in Orlando having lunch on the east side at Waterford Lakes. We just came from, well, you know where from, and there is no way in heck that you can get in from the back way. We tried. Thick brush, vines, large stumps, I fell down into some sort of hole (Cocoamom pulled me out). We are exhausted and we don't feel like we've accomplished a darn thing! Checked Bella Vida subdivision, nada. Checked Chapel Hill Cemetary, nada. After lunch, (and after Cocoamom runs into the CupCake Store) we are going to go check and see if there is any excitement down on Hopespring Drive, or over at the other house down there (wink, wink).

Bolded by me.
I hope you don't take this the wrong way, but I instantly had a Keystone Kops image in my head as I read this. It made me laugh a bit.

Seriously, though, please be careful! We've seen how many sinkholes are in Orlando. Good luck with everything and let us know how the afternoon went.
Hey all;

Cocoamom and I are in Orlando having lunch on the east side at Waterford Lakes. We just came from, well, you know where from, and there is no way in heck that you can get in from the back way. We tried. Thick brush, vines, large stumps, I fell down into some sort of hole (Cocoamom pulled me out). We are exhausted and we don't feel like we've accomplished a darn thing! Checked Bella Vida subdivision, nada. Checked Chapel Hill Cemetary, nada. After lunch, (and after Cocoamom runs into the CupCake Store) we are going to go check and see if there is any excitement down on Hopespring Drive, or over at the other house down there (wink, wink).

I just wanna say - :clap::clap::clap::clap::clap: Thank you! :blowkiss:
Sinkholes! Didn't KC appear to have a fascination with sinkholes? From computer findings?

If this area is riddled with sinkholes, would be as easy to use as a dumpster!
cocoamom wants to know if she should get an extra cupcake to take to the A's so they can have it with their Kool Aid ?
hi all - back home and I'm pooped ! We didn't make it over to the A's as Cocoamom and I both had to get back over into our own county by 3ish, so no cup cake and kool aid for the A's.

We were really disappointed that we just couldn't get there from the back way, but the brush, palmetto palms and vines were so thick, you literally had to bring your leg up to your chest just to step through the stuff. And when we thought we were getting close, darned if there weren't some guys on the property, loading up some Christmas trees, so we didn't dare go any closer. Then it took us forever to back our way back out.

When we drove down the street behind the place, we actually saw a homeowner out working in their yard, so we stopped, told him what we were doing and asked if we could park in his yard so the car wouldn't get towed. He graciously allowed us to. I thought, you know, there really are a lot of people in the Orlando area that have really fallen in love with that little girl and just want her to be found. I just wish the people at this location we tried to get to today, felt the same way.

We looked, and DID NOT see any guards or cameras. It makes me really mad that someone sitting in a church, would flat out lie on the phone to Cocoamom about security. So, we will either get up enough nerve to go back and convince the pastor to let us back there for a thorough search, OR, we will just make another field trip on a day when we know that no one will be there. We are NOT giving up on this place just yet.

btw - I didn't think the hole I slipped into was that deep, but Cocoamom said it was. I can see it running through her head now - "should I call for help or ask Katz to just leave the car keys behind" !!!
I haven't followed this thread super closely but enough to catch that the church is not gung ho about having their property searched?

I would either go to the top person, someone who can actually say yes, the person who answers their phones doesn't have that ability. And if still told no take it to the public for pressure.


I would just go and do it, what is really the worse case scenario? They call the police and you without sounding like lunatics explain to the police department why you believe what you do? They can file a complaint, the prosecuters office is not going to be bending over itself to file charges against searchers when they didn't file charges against the protestors or the Anthony's during that zoo. The charges that were filed were for repeat preformances with a record.

If you truly believe this I wouldn't let a receptionist tell me no.
Hey all;

Cocoamom and I are in Orlando having lunch on the east side at Waterford Lakes. We just came from, well, you know where from, and there is no way in heck that you can get in from the back way. We tried. Thick brush, vines, large stumps, I fell down into some sort of hole (Cocoamom pulled me out). We are exhausted and we don't feel like we've accomplished a darn thing! Checked Bella Vida subdivision, nada. Checked Chapel Hill Cemetary, nada. After lunch, (and after Cocoamom runs into the CupCake Store) we are going to go check and see if there is any excitement down on Hopespring Drive, or over at the other house down there (wink, wink).

Oh I wish I was there and had taken a road trip, please keep us updated
I don't know if anyone here reads the Janet Evanovich books but our Orlando Sleuthing friends sound EXACTLY like the main characters. Stephanie Plum and Lulu...don't know yet who's who but nonetheless entertaining!
I haven't followed this thread super closely but enough to catch that the church is not gung ho about having their property searched?

I would either go to the top person, someone who can actually say yes, the person who answers their phones doesn't have that ability. And if still told no take it to the public for pressure.


I would just go and do it, what is really the worse case scenario? They call the police and you without sounding like lunatics explain to the police department why you believe what you do? They can file a complaint, the prosecuters office is not going to be bending over itself to file charges against searchers when they didn't file charges against the protestors or the Anthony's during that zoo. The charges that were filed were for repeat preformances with a record.

If you truly believe this I wouldn't let a receptionist tell me no.

Hi There IRH

Don't worry, we did a property search and CCM was turned down by either the person who owns the land or their representative. This was not some receptionist who just didn't want to be bothered.

CCM had also done a prior visit before seeking permission to search. For a couple of Keystone Cops, it was actually very well thought out. All this while prepping and getting the space shuttle sent into orbit on time, talk about multi tasking!

OCSD was also informed of the property and it's proximity to the search area and Amscot. They aren't interested either. With the way the SD reacted to LP, I truly hope the area is able to be searched without alerting the authorities, unless something is found.
.... she couldn't recall why it was named Hawk's Hollow.

She gave her permission for me to post the information - it is in my own context, not word for word...but you get the idea - NO CAMERAS..., why not ramble around back there with binoculars and a notebook because DING-DING you are a Bird Watcher and someone told you that you might see some hawks at this Hawks Hollow place!!
hi all - back home and I'm pooped ! We didn't make it over to the A's as Cocoamom and I both had to get back over into our own county by 3ish, so no cup cake and kool aid for the A's.

We were really disappointed that we just couldn't get there from the back way, but the brush, palmetto palms and vines were so thick, you literally had to bring your leg up to your chest just to step through the stuff. And when we thought we were getting close, darned if there weren't some guys on the property, loading up some Christmas trees, so we didn't dare go any closer. Then it took us forever to back our way back out.

When we drove down the street behind the place, we actually saw a homeowner out working in their yard, so we stopped, told him what we were doing and asked if we could park in his yard so the car wouldn't get towed. He graciously allowed us to. I thought, you know, there really are a lot of people in the Orlando area that have really fallen in love with that little girl and just want her to be found. I just wish the people at this location we tried to get to today, felt the same way.

We looked, and DID NOT see any guards or cameras. It makes me really mad that someone sitting in a church, would flat out lie on the phone to Cocoamom about security. So, we will either get up enough nerve to go back and convince the pastor to let us back there for a thorough search, OR, we will just make another field trip on a day when we know that no one will be there. We are NOT giving up on this place just yet.

btw - I didn't think the hole I slipped into was that deep, but Cocoamom said it was. I can see it running through her head now - "should I call for help or ask Katz to just leave the car keys behind" !!!

Great job!!! Wish I had been with ya'll. Maybe next time if you want the extra help! You may not have been able to cover all the ground you wanted today but you did make progress. Keep up the good work!!
Glad the hole wasn't deep!:)
Cocoamom and Floridakatz,

From all of us to both of you: :Jumpie: :Jumpie: :Jumpie: :Jumpie:

You both rock!!!! :takeabow: :takeabow:

You deserve the WS Super Sleuths award. :blue: :gold_star: :blue: :gold_star:
with your very own :sleuth: :sleuth:

I'm in awe :bowdown: to you both :toastred:

Wish we were there for :grouphug:

And Katz, careful of those sink holes!! :eek:uch:

:Justice: for Caylee! :highfive: for searchers
Cocoamom and Floridakatz,

From all of us to both of you: :Jumpie: :Jumpie: :Jumpie: :Jumpie:

You both rock!!!! :takeabow: :takeabow:

You deserve the WS Super Sleuths award. :blue: :gold_star: :blue: :gold_star:
with your very own :sleuth: :sleuth:

I'm in awe :bowdown: to you both :toastred:

Wish we were there for :grouphug:

And Katz, careful of those sink holes!! :eek:uch:

:Justice: for Caylee! :highfive: for searchers

Whooo hoooo ! Cool post and I love it ! Hey, I would fall into several sinkholes just to find that baby. We just want her found !, why not ramble around back there with binoculars and a notebook because DING-DING you are a Bird Watcher and someone told you that you might see some hawks at this Hawks Hollow place!!

When we saw them loading up those Christmas trees as we were hiding in the brush, we were both thinking and saying "gee, I bet they would love to host a Christmas Tree lot around Hawks Hallow to raise money for the church, etc. We would have quickly volunteered to work the tree lot and help sell the trees !! During the day only of course...:)
When we saw them loading up those Christmas trees as we were hiding in the brush, we were both thinking and saying "gee, I bet they would love to host a Christmas Tree lot around Hawks Hallow to raise money for the church, etc. We would have quickly volunteered to work the tree lot and help sell the trees !! During the day only of course...:)
The image of the two of you peering through the bushes set me laughing out loud! Kudos to you guys for staying the course!

(Next time you should remember to take a pair of binoculars...You know...Bird watchers...):)
Hugs and kisses to both of you for going!:blowkiss:
Great job! Yes , if you go again tell them you think you may have spotted the elusive ivory-billed woodpecker and you need to confirm before droves of bird watchers show up,lol!!!
The image of the two of you peering through the bushes set me laughing out loud! Kudos to you guys for staying the course!

(Next time you should remember to take a pair of binoculars...You know...Bird watchers...):)

Ha ! Took everything we had to keep from busting out laughing! What would we say if we got caught....uh....officer....I was driving down this here road last night and my teenager was mad at me and uh.....tossed the house key out the window ! Yea...that sounds good ! Of course then we would have to explain why we didn't have an Orange County tag on the car. (geez I'm not a good liar on the spot like KC).:rolleyes:
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