Coincidence or Not? Please List!

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I know and didn't Casey even say to George and Cindy, or maybe it was just George, in one of the prison visits, "This isn't teaching me anything" or "I'm not learning anything from this"....which was so strange. Seems like it was in the same discussion where she was telling George she needed to be home when Caylee returns home iirc. At the time I did always think maybe she had mistakenly assumed that her parents had taken Caylee from her. And I always wondered why George didn't say something like, "What do you mean this isn't teaching you anything? I don't understand."


I believe KC was saying "Mom put me in jail for taking the car, the money. No one knows Caylee is dead. I can just ask mom to drop the charges and I will be out of here and on my merry way." She blames it all on mom here.

I don't know if KC learned anything from jail other than how to be alone for more than a few seconds. It seems she may just have learned that lying will still get you off, making up wild stories are believed by the fools if you just fake it long enough. I don't think she learned anything that jail is supposed to be about, but most criminals don't. KC's case is worse b/c lying actually worked for her legally, not just with her family and acquaintances.
I always found it interesting in an odd way that KC and AH had one of the same mannerisms when they talk. It usually takes knowing and being around someone for quite some time before you express yourself with the same arm movements.

1) Watch KC when she is being interrogated one on one. It is the footage where she says she instinctively knows her daughter is still alive. Watch her arm movements -- palms pointed upward and arms moving as though she is gathering air towards her body.

2) Watch AH while she is at the sidebar in the courtroom -- she uses the same gestures.

I always found this a little coincidental. They only knew each other for a few months.

I don't know if there is any footage of the above, but I noticed these arm gestures with palms up at the time.


That's true, wonder who picked it up from whom.
I know and didn't Casey even say to George and Cindy, or maybe it was just George, in one of the prison visits, "This isn't teaching me anything" or "I'm not learning anything from this"....which was so strange. Seems like it was in the same discussion where she was telling George she needed to be home when Caylee returns home iirc. At the time I did always think maybe she had mistakenly assumed that her parents had taken Caylee from her. And I always wondered why George didn't say something like, "What do you mean this isn't teaching you anything? I don't understand."


I believe KC was saying "Mom put me in jail for taking the car, the money. No one knows Caylee is dead. I can just ask mom to drop the charges and I will be out of here and on my merry way." She blames it all on mom here.

I don't know if KC learned anything from jail other than how to be alone for more than a few seconds. It seems she may just have learned that lying will still get you off, making up wild stories are believed by the fools if you just fake it long enough. I don't think she learned anything that jail is supposed to be about, but most criminals don't. KC's case is worse b/c lying actually worked for her legally, not just with her family and acquaintances.

It was the angry in jail video. She says What am I supposed to learn from this? I've been here a MONTH :giggle: I've been here a month TODAY.

Long time no see Seagull!:seeya:
I always found it interesting in an odd way that KC and AH had one of the same mannerisms when they talk. It usually takes knowing and being around someone for quite some time before you express yourself with the same arm movements.

1) Watch KC when she is being interrogated one on one. It is the footage where she says she instinctively knows her daughter is still alive. Watch her arm movements -- palms pointed upward and arms moving as though she is gathering air towards her body.

2) Watch AH while she is at the sidebar in the courtroom -- she uses the same gestures.

I always found this a little coincidental. They only knew each other for a few months.

I don't know if there is any footage of the above, but I noticed these arm gestures with palms up at the time.


I noticed it too. They had the same inflection in the voice too. I think FCA is just an imitator. Just like she had the Long Island accent in her jail call home...she was imitating TL. I think FCA picked it up from AH. I noticed the two times she spoke in court she had a small meek voice that sounded nothing like the defiant voice in the jailhouse tapes or interview tapes.
I noticed it too. They had the same inflection in the voice too. I think FCA is just an imitator. Just like she had the Long Island accent in her jail call home...she was imitating TL. I think FCA picked it up from AH. I noticed the two times she spoke in court she had a small meek voice that sounded nothing like the defiant voice in the jailhouse tapes or interview tapes.

Exactly, the meek and mild little voice apologizing for what she had done regarding ripping off AH and then again when she said she agreed with Miss Finnell -- a far cry from the big and bad and can't be had attitude/persona she asserted towards her family and friends prior to this.

I also noticed when JS and JP asked her a question, she only gave yes or no answers -- never once have I heard KC exhibit respect toward the judges and their courtrooms.

She had a hard time concealing her smirk while she was apologizing for the things she had done and to AH.

KC is not sorry for anything.:twocents:

I always found it interesting in an odd way that KC and AH had one of the same mannerisms when they talk. It usually takes knowing and being around someone for quite some time before you express yourself with the same arm movements.

1) Watch KC when she is being interrogated one on one. It is the footage where she says she instinctively knows her daughter is still alive. Watch her arm movements -- palms pointed upward and arms moving as though she is gathering air towards her body.

2) Watch AH while she is at the sidebar in the courtroom -- she uses the same gestures.

I always found this a little coincidental. They only knew each other for a few months.

I don't know if there is any footage of the above, but I noticed these arm gestures with palms up at the time.


That's true, it really was just a short time that they'd been in contact because Casey had only been staying there within the year with RM and JP, and AH moved in later than that.
Though the texts show they became best buddies during that timeframe and were talking about getting a place together etc.
Talk about speech/mannerism coincidences, I always thought Casey's syntax was so strange in one of her statements to police in the first interviews, where she was talking about supposedly switching the SIM card back and forth between her two phones before losing the Blackjack. She said, "A phone that only keeps its charge for 30 minutes is for me not practical."
When you hear the audio, it really sounded like a speech mannerism picked up from someone else (i.e. not a native English speaker), or a speech pattern that came to mind in relation to the subject of the lost phone, i.e. someone she'd gotten calls from on the lost blackjack or someone who had to do with the lost blackjack, Z or whoever. She was talking about trying to contact Z on the blackjack, etc. (Of course I know many of us also wondered whether Z could be a facet of her own personality and maybe that was her Z personality talking or whatever lol. Though there hasn't been any evidence to support that, pure speculation. Nowadays I think probably not.)
That's true, it really was just a short time that they'd been in contact because Casey had only been staying there within the year with RM and JP, and AH moved in later than that.
Though the texts show they became best buddies during that timeframe and were talking about getting a place together etc.
Talk about speech/mannerism coincidences, I always thought Casey's syntax was so strange in one of her statements to police in the first interviews, where she was talking about supposedly switching the SIM card back and forth between her two phones before losing the Blackjack. She said, "A phone that only keeps its charge for 30 minutes is for me not practical."
When you hear the audio, it really sounded like a speech mannerism picked up from someone else (i.e. not a native English speaker), or a speech pattern that came to mind in relation to the subject of the lost phone, i.e. someone she'd gotten calls from on the lost blackjack or someone who had to do with the lost blackjack, Z or whoever. She was talking about trying to contact Z on the blackjack, etc. (Of course I know many of us also wondered whether Z could be a facet of her own personality and maybe that was her Z personality talking or whatever lol. Though there hasn't been any evidence to support that, pure speculation. Nowadays I think probably not.)

Oh yes -- babbling on and on and on and making absolutely no sense at all and talking like she was so seasoned and savvy regarding cell phones -- UGH -- almost grandiose! I remember at the time thinking this is just a case of S _ _ _ baffles brains!!

Always providing the perfect explanation for anything and everything -- who gets as lucky as KC :-(((

Maybe it's common to young women in Florida? I'm far removed from that.

true, I don't know which other friends might use similar mannerisms. I wouldn't be surprised if it was a mannerism Casey picked up from Amy since Amy was the older one and Casey seemed to really like her and was hoping (or wishing at least) that she could get a place with Amy.
Oh yes -- babbling on and on and on and making absolutely no sense at all and talking like she was so seasoned and savvy regarding cell phones -- UGH -- almost grandiose! I remember at the time thinking this is just a case of S _ _ _ baffles brains!!

Always providing the perfect explanation for anything and everything -- who gets as lucky as KC :-(((


I know, the constant, instant flow of words to fill all gaps. It always sounded like it could possibly be some kind of brain disorder like confabulation, or that similar disorder where people always give approximate answers, just off by a little, like when Casey said Z lived in a building across the street from where she herself had actually been staying at JP's....I can't think of the name of that disorder.....or for that matter other possible medical explanation for her vague and weird memories for the month, and the elements of real memory out of time context like working at Universal and going to Sawgrass with Caylee, which she really did use to do in 2006/2007, happier times.
Although I still can't completely write off the possibility that there was a second phone and some related theories. It's still weird the way the Kio stories about the "Other Casey's" calls and "now she's moved out of state and her phone just rings and rings" halfway meshed with Casey's stories about the nanny, the blackjack phone, etc. But I won't get into that discussion here since this is the thread for posting coincidences! Well, I guess maybe that is another coincidence! But won't get into general discussion on that lol. :)
. Just like she had the Long Island accent in her jail call home...she was imitating TL.

I always thought so too, strawberry. I posted it here and people jumped all over me saying I was wrong, but it sure sounded like it to me.
Also seemed like language he might use IMO, judging from those texts he'd sent her early in their relationship... Casey definitely wasn't the only one who used a different tone when in court lol. (Now that I think of it were those the only texts ever released of his, those ones from way early in their relationship? And that last one on July 15? The "why didn't you tell me" etc.)
If this is the truth, it is a profound coincidence.

I'm sorry I cannot provide a thread, maybe WSer's know much more than I can recall, but I remember either reading or hearing a woman say that there was a family with the last name Gonzales and another family with the last name Fernandez on Hopespring Drive and that their backyards extended back towards the dump site and that Caylee's final resting place was paced off from these backyards.

Does anyone remember this. Also, that this could possibly be where KC came up with the idea to put the two surnames together for her fictitious nanny.

Please correct me if I have this information wrong -- thanks!!
Is it a coincidence that Cindy and George always show up when they know cameras and reporters will be there? Not.
Always with an agenda. PR opportunities.
That's true, wonder who picked it up from whom.

I think Casey picked it up from everyone else... That's what sociopaths do and I believe that Casey IS a sociopath...mimicing everyone when the it suited her needs...all the way down to Cindy..We heard that from several friends..She doesn't know how she is *supposed* to act in any given situation, so she mimics whoever she is with at the time that she *perceives* to be behaving appropriately ...That's why her behavior was so bizarre in court...She had NO ONE to mimic and it showed ...oh boy, did it show..She doesn't know what is appropriate..nor does she really care other than the fact that she needs to blend in to pull off her imaginary life..I see much of that same behavior in Cindy..moo..btw~that's also why I believe she was able to make people believe that she was such a good mother..bleckkk :yuck:...I can't let my brain go to what Caylee may very well have gone through when nobody was looking..problem is she was starting to talk..problem for Casey anyway..moo The whole family uses *big* words that don't make sense in the context in which they use them..speaks volumes to me...
If this is the truth, it is a profound coincidence.

I'm sorry I cannot provide a thread, maybe WSer's know much more than I can recall, but I remember either reading or hearing a woman say that there was a family with the last name Gonzales and another family with the last name Fernandez on Hopespring Drive and that their backyards extended back towards the dump site and that Caylee's final resting place was paced off from these backyards.

Does anyone remember this. Also, that this could possibly be where KC came up with the idea to put the two surnames together for her fictitious nanny.

Please correct me if I have this information wrong -- thanks!!

I believe it was a Hernadez Gonzalez who owned the home at 4901 and at one time there was a Zeneida who was living but did not own the home at 4909. The dump site was right behind these two homes. Speculation is that when KC said she dropped off Caylee with ZFG between 9 and 1 that she was speaking a half-truth. Coincidence??? jmo
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