Comments Following ABC Action News Tattoo Story

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Doesn't it seem strange ,if this is a message, that it was posted in a tampa news site? why not local? why this forum of all the ones out there? it would seem someone who was suppose to read that message would have to be directed there....

Ron was arrested with drugs in Sarasota in 2005- that's not far from Tampa- I wonder if there are some connections there.
Not sure if yall have read the comments posted on the news site with the tattoo is the link, there are 3 comments posted by the same person. Seems like they know a lot or atleast have a very specific opinion on what happened.

anyone know who posted first @ WS about these comments ??

this news link has been up since early this AM.....but the code comments started about 2:30PM

Dimples found it, I guess. She/He posted it first. :D
Ron was arrested with drugs in Sarasota in 2005- that's not far from Tampa- I wonder if there are some connections there.

And in that arrest, LE said he had enough drugs with him, that he wasn't just using, he was distributing. Yet he gets a pass. Had it been my son or yours, they would be doing serious time for intent to distribute.
Ron was arrested with drugs in Sarasota in 2005- that's not far from Tampa- I wonder if there are some connections there.

Isn't Tampa where he got his tattoo? Anyone know if he is back at "camp" today?
***There will no posting of random MySpace links***
Well for what is worth.

spysinurcamp - 2:34 PM 0 Votes Report User

Good job kid. Don't let the world beat you down..You "ARE" on the right track. Don't let anyone "lead' you around the "wrong road". Follow your "heart strings".That is how yoy will find "your heart". Sometimes the things we seek are just around "the corner" and we miss it because "that place,person,or thing" we "seek" is being "hidden" by "someone or something" we never imagined right in front of our faces,offering help,pretendind to care.You know,"cabin for the trees" sort of thing. Good Luck "Kid"...

Taking them in order and listing them exactly as each word or phase is “quoted”

ARE lead wrong road heartstrings you your heart the corner that place, person or thing seek hidden someone or something cabin for the trees kid.

Possible meanings
? Ron himself Asking a question as Are you doing this or that.
? Follow a lead. You have been lead astray. Animal lead. A person surname.
?Distraction. Wrong direction in thinking. Wrong Road as in physical address
? Love interest Misty, Crystal someone else
? Ron
Haleigh [Crystal has said the Haleigh is Ron’s heart]
? Where one street meats another. The name or nickname of a place I,e. The Corner Store.
? Saying in 12 step programs such Alcoholics Anonymous or Narc Anon “to stay sober you must change people, places and things”
To look, to hunt for an object., find an answer to a question.
? undercover, out of sight, unknown location
? “Can’t see the Forest for the trees”, Cabin in the woods, Log Cabin is made of trees. Vacation cabin, hunting cabin,
? Haleigh herself, another child, a baby goat. [Anyone younger than your self[LOL]

Is this a 'coded' message to Ron. Who knows. The question would be would Ron have any way to know that someone would post him a message in the first place and where to look for it.
It is a know fact that newspapers adds have been used to send messages to others. It is usually a preplaned way of cummincation thought.

Now just to take it one step futher. Was his trip to this tatt palor a way for him to make contact with someone who could help him in finding Haleigh by suppling him with information, a way to get a message to someone else or to make contact with someone he already knows.

You know DEA undercover type stuff.

Did I just create a rumor.....
The word order is backwards. The posts read bottom to top. Sorry I keep posting that, but I think it's getting lost and it may make a difference if this is a note.
The rest should be:

the perpetrator=


whole town knew=

friend of a friend=
Well for what is worth.

spysinurcamp - 2:34 PM 0 Votes Report User

Good job kid. Don't let the world beat you down..You "ARE" on the right track. Don't let anyone "lead' you around the "wrong road". Follow your "heart strings".That is how yoy will find "your heart". Sometimes the things we seek are just around "the corner" and we miss it because "that place,person,or thing" we "seek" is being "hidden" by "someone or something" we never imagined right in front of our faces,offering help,pretendind to care.You know,"cabin for the trees" sort of thing. Good Luck "Kid"...

Taking them in order and listing them exactly as each word or phase is “quoted”

ARE lead wrong road heartstrings you your heart the corner that place, person or thing seek hidden someone or something cabin for the trees kid.

Possible meanings
? Ron himself Asking a question as Are you doing this or that.
? Follow a lead. You have been lead astray. Animal lead. A person surname.
?Distraction. Wrong direction in thinking. Wrong Road as in physical address
? Love interest Misty, Crystal someone else
? Ron
Haleigh [Crystal has said the Haleigh is Ron’s heart]
? Where one street meats another. The name or nickname of a place I,e. The Corner Store.
? Saying in 12 step programs such Alcoholics Anonymous or Narc Anon “to stay sober you must change people, places and things”
To look, to hunt for an object., find an answer to a question.
? undercover, out of sight, unknown location
? “Can’t see the Forest for the trees”, Cabin in the woods, Log Cabin is made of trees. Vacation cabin, hunting cabin,
? Haleigh herself, another child, a baby goat. [Anyone younger than your self[LOL]

Is this a 'coded' message to Ron. Who knows. The question would be would Ron have any way to know that someone would post him a message in the first place and where to look for it.
It is a know fact that newspapers adds have been used to send messages to others. It is usually a preplaned way of cummincation thought.

Now just to take it one step futher. Was his trip to this tatt palor a way for him to make contact with someone who could help him in finding Haleigh by suppling him with information, a way to get a message to someone else or to make contact with someone he already knows.

You know DEA undercover type stuff.

Did I just create a rumor.....

The first listed comment sounds like a poem or excerpt from a book. IMO.
I guess my post is gone but anyway, anyone know anything about Orlando? He was being discussed last night. Anyway, he was a friend of RC who was pictured in a prayer circle and said to be helping in the search. He was African American by the way. I think someone mentioned he may be connected to the drugs theory. Was it Anna that brought his name into the mix?

from what I understand about him is he is a good friend of RC,
Weird trying to follow this. I would think the thread we were working with was coming along nicely.

At any rate, the three posts tell me someone knew Ron was in that Tampa area. Who knew he would be getting a tat today? Someone close?

But... Ron would have had to have a computer, or computer access, and know to go there to look... Sounds far fetched to me..:rolleyes:
Could the cabin in the woods part mean that shack?


Could mean that is where the person is with Haleigh?
This will be my only posting on this thread as my sincere belief is that the comments were left simply to screw with people.

MY take on it..."Ron your heart is leading you down the wrong path. you know what has happened to your daughter, but you are being blinded by your heart (love). Check the hidden cabin in the woods."
it seems pretty clear to me. Possibly some desperate psychic (can't imagine who) trying to bolster their own theories.
Weird trying to follow this. I would think the thread we were working with was coming along nicely.

LOL....I think ther're merging threads.

At any rate, the three posts tell me someone knew Ron was in that Tampa area. Who knew he would be getting a tat today? Someone close?

Anyone coulda posted those 3 comments (this afternoon).......they knew Ron was in Tampa, 'cause the news story said he was...........this link has been up since 6:AM today, I doubt Ron got his tat 'today'.
If it is a coded message then this is how I interpret it.

JMHO of course...

There is a spy in your camp (Orlando?). He’s acting like he’s your friend but he is actually either the person who took Haleigh or he is involved with the person who took her. Follow this lead, the RR tracks to the road on the left, go where you heart is drawn to…the woods (Ronnie loves to hunt), possibly in the corner of a specific place in the woods. This is how you will find Haleigh. She’s been hidden in a cabin. The cabin may be hidden by trees. You know where it is, you’ve just forgotten about it with everything that’s going on.
If it is a coded message then this is how I interpret it.

JMHO of course...

There is a spy in your camp (Orlando?). He’s acting like he’s your friend but he is actually either the person who took Haleigh or he is involved with the person who took her. Follow this lead, the RR tracks to the road on the left, go where you heart is drawn to…the woods (Ronnie loves to hunt), possibly in the corner of a specific place in the woods. This is how you will find Haleigh. She’s been hidden in a cabin. The cabin may be hidden by trees. You know where it is, you’ve just forgotten about it with everything that’s going on.

I think you are spot on. I feel he is being told who has Haleigh and where to find her. The saying goes; You can't see the forest for the Trees" meaning you are too close to it. He says the cabin in the trees, meaning a place in the woods, or near the woods. I think he is telling him "someone is leading him down the wrong path or theory, follow your heart, someone close to you did this, and you know them and don't get confused by what people are telling you. Follow your gut, you are right about what you think. JMO
If it is a coded message then this is how I interpret it.

JMHO of course...

There is a spy in your camp (Orlando?). He’s acting like he’s your friend but he is actually either the person who took Haleigh or he is involved with the person who took her. Follow this lead, the RR tracks to the road on the left, go where you heart is drawn to…the woods (Ronnie loves to hunt), possibly in the corner of a specific place in the woods. This is how you will find Haleigh. She’s been hidden in a cabin. The cabin may be hidden by trees. You know where it is, you’ve just forgotten about it with everything that’s going on.

I think you are spot on. I feel he is being told who has Haleigh and where to find her. The saying goes; You can't see the forest for the Trees" meaning you are too close to it. He says the cabin in the trees, meaning a place in the woods, or near the woods. I think he is telling him "someone is leading him down the wrong path or theory, follow your heart, someone close to you did this, and you know them and don't get confused by what people are telling you. Follow your gut, you are right about what you think. JMO

YUP and I still lay money on my theory from the get go that this has been done for notierity and $$$ hot on the heels of Caylee Anthony case

Lets hope that is the case, because that would mean Haleight wont be harmed
This will be my only posting on this thread as my sincere belief is that the comments were left simply to screw with people.

MY take on it..."Ron your heart is leading you down the wrong path. you know what has happened to your daughter, but you are being blinded by your heart (love). Check the hidden cabin in the woods."
it seems pretty clear to me. Possibly some desperate psychic (can't imagine who) trying to bolster their own theories.

I have similar thoughts, but I don't think the writer really meant to mess with people. I think this person relates to Ron because they feel they've had similar experience-- and the clue(IMO) is in the case the person refers to: The case of Ashley Pond and Miranda Gaddis. (sp?) All of the specifics mentioned fit this particular case.

These two girls were abducted by a man who lived "right around the corner." Ward Weaver was known by everyone in the town. He was the friend of a friend. The girls were hidden in plain sight (Cabin for the trees?) And he did join in the search for the girls, (offering help, pretending to care)

These posts seem to be in support of Ron from someone who had personal experience with the Ward Weaver case.
I have similar thoughts, but I don't think the writer really meant to mess with people. I think this person relates to Ron because they feel they've had similar experience-- and the clue(IMO) is in the case the person refers to: The case of Ashley Pond and Miranda Gaddis. (sp?) All of the specifics mentioned fit this particular case.

These two girls were abducted by a man who lived "right around the corner." Ward Weaver was known by everyone in the town. He was the friend of a friend. The girls were hidden in plain sight (Cabin for the trees?) And he did join in the search for the girls, (offering help, pretending to care)

These posts seem to be in support of Ron from someone who had personal experience with the Ward Weaver case.

I'm not familiar with the case, where were the girls hidden?

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