Here's the text of an email we got from my kid's school a few minutes ago:
Dear Parents and Guardians,
Our hearts go out to Connecticut today. With the tragedy that occurred, I want to assure you that the safety of your children continues to be our top priority in the *advertiser censored* School District.
Our administrators are aware of the situation, and are following the security measures outlined in their comprehensive building plans. As always, exterior doors remain locked with the exception of the main entrances. All adults wear identification badges. Cell phones and two-way radio and networking capabilities are in place in each building throughout the district. We also want you to know *advertiser censored* Police conduct annual security assessments of the schools and provide recommendations. Additionally, please remember that the District Safety Schools Hotline (1-*advertiser censored*) allows people to call 24-hours-a-day to report any concerns.
Hearing about a tragic event may affect a child in many ways. We suggest you listen to your children. If they seem to need to talk, answer their questions simply, honestly and possibly over and over again. Below are some suggestions that parents may find useful in helping children deal with the present events:
• Assure fearful children that you will be there to take care of them. Reassure them many times.
• Provide physical closeness. Spend extra time putting your child to bed. Talk and offer reassurance.
• Encourage children to ask questions and to discuss, write or draw their feelings.
• Be a good listener. Listen carefully for any misconceptions or distortions the student may have regarding what happened.
• Talk with your child and provide simple, accurate information to questions.
• Provide play and fun experiences to relieve tension.
• Help the child develop safety plans and procedures ("What should you do if…..?")
Remind them of concrete examples of where they are being protected and cared for by parents, adults, teachers, police, etc.
• Make sure the child gets rest and exercise.
It is very important to keep a sense of normalcy with our young people. We continue with our lessons today. Please do not hesitate to contact your school if you have any questions or concerns.
Good advice for all of us with kids today..