Connecticut school district on lockdown after shooting report at a Newtown elemen-#3

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There was no deliberate misinformation. You seem to think that truth is cut, weighed, packaged, and available to the discerning reporter at cost.

But if they would check info instead of trying to be the first ones with the big scoop, there would be much less inaccurate reporting.
ITA...To the media..Leave the father alone and esp the grandmother. My heart breaks for her when she got that phone call from the media yesterday. Poor thing.

I know, ITA.

You read so often of the families of victims and criminals both describe the way the media victimizes them in new and horrible ways during their time of extreme grief.

Others may "expect" the media to re-victimize grieving people, but I will never accept that evil as normal behavior, and fully believe our right to humane treatment well exceeds their right to "free press" and if they cannot exercise their right while maintaining their humanity I'm happy for the law to put a legal dog muzzle on them to train them how to do so.
If you will please pass this on. My daughter works for Newtown Savings Bank in Sandy Hook CT.
To help the families of the victims a fund has been set up.
United Way Sandy Hook School Support Fund.
Checks can be made payable to United Way Sandy Hook School Support Fund.
They can be sent or dropped off at any of Newtown Savings Bank branches.
But if they would check info instead of trying to be the first ones with the big scoop, there would be much less inaccurate reporting.
I agree that it would, in a perfect world, be much preferable if things moved at a snail's pace. But it really doesn't. What we cannot do as a society is sit back and let LE deliver its version of truth in its own time. An active press checks that tendency.

For better or worse the scoop is the way the game's always been played. Ad rates depend on it. Wish they didn't.
This investigation should not hold back the bodies from released to the parents. What for, is there going to be a trial? Take pictures and release them.
Livestream for presser:

Link didn't work, just go to
This event is absolutely horrible. I was so upset yesterday and this morning. I am also kind of scared because my kids go back to school next week and I actually work in a community college. I expect stemming from the recent shootings there will be more. After July's shooting I knew, especially because of the December 21, 2012 end-of-the-world discussions, that those people with mental instability would be coming out of the woodwork and shooting people.
While I do think we could employ stricter measures on gun control as far as who is buying them; I still do not think this is the main source of the problem. It is the people who are using them and none of these people were mentally stable in any way. If you look at data prior to 1950 you will see mass shootings such as this were few and far between. Why? Because before 1950 these crazies would have been locked in a mental institution. Sure the treatment in some of these institutions was deplorable but you can bet these people with major issues were not on the streets with access to guns and innocent children and adults. Thanks to the community mental health model introduced after 1950 and used today as a blantant way for insurance companies to deny in-patient treatment for those with serious mental health issues. Thus the mental institutions have to release them. The idea is they are released and would receive treatment and medicine from out-patient based programs in the community. But the problem is-they do not go. Remember a lot of seriously crazy people do not think they have issues.
This guy did not wake up and decide to kill his mother and go to an elementary school to kill little kids. He planned it and somebody saw the signs. The idea of institutionalizing anyone is so ancient not many people consider it. However, the idea should be addressed and this stupid plan to still use insurance companies to dictate medical treatment or mental health treatment is ridiculous. If that guy had been institutionalized he would not have had access to guns, a car and innocent children. Gun control is only a piece of the puzzle we need to reexamine mental health models and get this crazy people off the street.:banghead:
I just wanted to share some personal knowledge of this. My brother has Asperger's, OCD, anxiety and depression. He is 32 he is my younger brother. He is quite slight of stature, but he can be and has been very violent. He has destroyed his apartment on several occassions. He is a very lonely individual. When he was younger there was not alot known about this disorder (especially where we lived) and he didn't get many of the early interventions that are now available. We also spent many years estranged, not because I wanted to, but because I did not understand him or how to talk to him. We have come a long way from that, but he still has angry and violent outbursts. They are usually very impulsive and short-lived.

I say this with a very heavy heart, as I am sure that most of these individuals, particularily those who have family on this board are NOT this way. BUT, it is possible. One thing about my brother is that he has told me numerous times how jealous he is of me. He wishes he had friends and a spouse, and children like I do. So, I am thinking this has all the hallmarks of a jealous rage/revenge type fantasy. With my brother, he also has a savant quality where he can latch onto one or two things and be very knowledgeable about the subject. I wonder if the guns/shooting were some sort of hobby his mother and him enjoyed together and it became a sort of obsession (OCD) whereby he plotted this out of many months, possibly fantasizing about it, and there must have been a precipitating event that set his fantasy/plan into action.

Please understand this is all my own opinion, based on my life experiences and in NO WAY am I lumping all individuals with these issues into this scenario.
I am saddened to hear about your brother's loneliness and depression. Healthy supervised programs for adults with ASD and like disorders should be available in every community. (My community decided to open a mental health clubhouse where the mentally ill could socialize and receive free lunch without supervision. As expected, it was a disaster. One young woman was killed.)

I am afraid that this killer's obsession was violent video games like so many other youth males including mine.
This investigation should not hold back the bodies from released to the parents. What for, is there going to be a trial? Take pictures and release them.

Investigation must be thorough and complete. No way of knowing if there was more than 1 involved. Sad, but true. It all has to be pieced together meticulously and accurately, even if the shooter is deceased.
As we all try to process the events of the past 24 hours, we will each do it in our own way from our unique individual place on this earth. Collectively we grieve because we are each feeling the shock and heartbreak. I am grateful for that common thread we share. In the aftermath our different takes on the horror will become more apparent, and may be a challenge to manage as the stress of this tragedy takes it's toll on our emotional strengths and reserves. Please go easy on each other, and do not let this terrible event steal from us even more than it already has.

This is all I can think to add to our discission here where I have been glued since the news yesterday morning.
No. His parents were divorced and IIRC, his dad hadn't seen the shooter in over a year. That's what I remember hearing on HLN yesterday.

BBM and if IIRC his brother hadn't spoke to him in 2 years (2010)
Mom stopped working to CARE for him.
His last 3-4 years must of been his breaking point............
yet no one seeked professional help?
or did they?
I agree that it would, in a perfect world, be much preferable if things moved at a snail's pace. But it really doesn't. What we cannot do as a society is sit back and let LE deliver its version of truth in its own time.

For better or worse the scoop is the way the game's always been played. Ad rates depend on it.

That "game" sucks.
And it makes me sad that some in our society feels that way.

Snails pace??? Ok.
LE was dealing with 27 bodies in an elementary school.

The media should be respectful of the victims in this tragedy.

AL's father is a victim IMO.
There was no deliberate misinformation. You seem to think that truth is cut, weighed, packaged, and available to the discerning reporter and his or her public at cost.

What? That is completely untrue. I believe well sourced news reporting that doesnt include reporting rumor and chaos as fact, and which will not be debunked in a matter of minutes or hours.

Never once did I state or even imply deliberate misinformation. Never.

There was, however, a clear and deliberate intention on the part of the media when they chose to inform family (dad and grandmother) of the murders and suicide.

The debate on whether or not that is obstruction of justice can be tabled for another day as far as I am concerned.
This event is absolutely horrible. I was so upset yesterday and this morning. I am also kind of scared because my kids go back to school next week and I actually work in a community college. I expect stemming from the recent shootings there will be more. After July's shooting I knew, especially because of the December 21, 2012 end-of-the-world discussions, that those people with mental instability would be coming out of the woodwork and shooting people.
While I do think we could employ stricter measures on gun control as far as who is buying them; I still do not think this is the main source of the problem. It is the people who are using them and none of these people were mentally stable in any way. If you look at data prior to 1950 you will see mass shootings such as this were few and far between. Why? Because before 1950 these crazies would have been locked in a mental institution. Sure the treatment in some of these institutions was deplorable but you can bet these people with major issues were not on the streets with access to guns and innocent children and adults. Thanks to the community mental health model introduced after 1950 and used today as a blantant way for insurance companies to deny in-patient treatment for those with serious mental health issues. Thus the mental institutions have to release them. The idea is they are released and would receive treatment and medicine from out-patient based programs in the community. But the problem is-they do not go. Remember a lot of seriously crazy people do not think they have issues.
This guy did not wake up and decide to kill his mother and go to an elementary school to kill little kids. He planned it and somebody saw the signs. The idea of institutionalizing anyone is so ancient not many people consider it. However, the idea should be addressed and this stupid plan to still use insurance companies to dictate medical treatment or mental health treatment is ridiculous. If that guy had been institutionalized he would not have had access to guns, a car and innocent children. Gun control is only a piece of the puzzle we need to reexamine mental health models and get this crazy people off the street.:banghead:

Thank you, for the truth of the matter. and Welcome to Websleuths!
What? That is completely untrue. I believe well sourced news reporting that doesnt include reporting rumor and chaos as fact, and which will not be debunked in a matter of minutes or hours.

Never once did I state or even imply deliberate misinformation. Never.

There was, however, a clear and deliberate intention on the part of the media when they chose to inform family (dad and grandmother) of the murders and suicide.

The debate on whether or not that is obstruction of justice can be tabled for another day as far as I am concerned.
Agree with the tabling.
Precisely why I posted a disclaimer jJenny. Much of the information comes out so fast and furious it invariably creates inaccuracies. All we can do is track the info and tease out the facts as they are substantiated .

Bumping this post. It happens in every rapid moving major crime.

I agree that it would, in a perfect world, be much preferable if things moved at a snail's pace. But it really doesn't. What we cannot do as a society is sit back and let LE deliver its version of truth in its own time. An active press checks that tendency.

For better or worse the scoop is the way the game's always been played. Ad rates depend on it. Wish they didn't.

WHo said "snail's pace"? Verifying information should be a given, however long it takes.

I'd rather experience a 24 hour delay to hear the truth than get complete misinformation within 60 minutes. Our society would be far better if more people felt the same.

If the press doesn't know how to be "active" without being spreaders of fear, rumor and innuendo at the expense of fact and truth, then I'm happy to vote for laws that will curtail the rights they can't seem to handle. Simple enough. They can't do their jobs - they should find work as fiction writers and self-publish on Amazon on something. They want to be reporters of "fact" - they should grow some brains and integrity and do their job right.
Presser time. Lt. Paul Vance, CT State Police

- victims positively ID'd by state medical examiner

- as soon as medical examiner's work is done a formal list of names will be released

- family members ask for respect of privacy

- a trooper is assigned to victim families

- investigative work still being done in school, will take a day and a half to two days (or more)

- three major crime teams in the community


- investigating history of "each and every" weapon found at school

- won't verify whether or not shooter is Adam Lanza

- point of entry: "(shooter) was not voluntarily let into the school at all....forced his way into the school"

- no discussion of person found deceased at secondary crime scene at this time

- wounded victim "doing fine.....she will be instrumental in this investigation"

- no arrests have been made in this investigation

- a thorough search of the immediate area may have resulted in detaining persons encountered at the time of the shooting
May God bless you and your son. He sounds exactly like one of my daughter's close friends. He is the friend that I enjoy most because he is extremely polite, respectful, and upbeat.

Thank you, he is an amazing kid! I know people with this syndrome aren't all alike and their behavior may vary on the the spectrum. But I wanted to share what our experience has been. My hopes in sharing this was to make sure that those on the spectrum weren't all lumped into being violent or not being empathetic.
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