Connecticut school district on lockdown after shooting report at a Newtown elemen-#3

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Give the families their privacy
Crisis intervention team by Yale available to any one in the community
Major crime detectives still working at school
Won't be completed for several days
Examining every crack and crevice of the facility including outside and every vehicle in
Medical examiner still at work and will be there as soon as he is done.
Investigating the history of each weapon involved
Investigators have produced evidence to provide answers to this case
Rescue people entered the school many different ways including breaking windows
Investigating everything and everyone they can about the shooter
Detectives will analyze and paint a complete picture of what happened
Shooter forcibly entered school
Will try to get back to another presser in an hour
Complete and thorough search of the area.
No other arrests associated with this investigation

bbm, Good to hear
Owning guns in NO WAY means you are disturbed.
And we have had no indication that this mother was anything but a loving mother and a good citizen.

The mother is a VICTIM.

why own such powerful guns?
The guns owned by the mother/son are high powered?
Seems a bit much for protection maybe?:what:
Need another 1-2 days to process crime scene at the school.

I am speculating here, and maybe jumping too far ahead, but I believe this school will never open again. That saddens me, because it only compounds the lasting devastation to this community. But I just don't see how it would be possible to ever have classes there again because of the severe trauma. Which means that not only are the hundreds of other students there impacted emotionally even as survivors, but now they will most likely be uprooted as they struggle for a new normalcy. The damage is so far-reaching, it takes my breath away.
flog me if you want but 1 single Mom did not need that many guns in the house. If she felt that unsafe she should have had a security gate with cameras and a panic alarm for her "Estate", her 300K a year alimony check could have paid for that. heck probably even a night watch man. <modsnip>

There was a link somewhere above that spoke to a friend of her. She was a gun collector. She enjoyed going to the shooting range. There has been nothing to indicate she had them for safety reasons. She is also a victim in this case. She had a right to own those guns. We also do not know how her son got his hands on the guns. She very well could have had them secured safely. Perhaps he stole her keys earlier to get a key to a gun safe. We really do not know the circumstances yet.
flog me if you want but 1 single Mom did not need that many guns in the house. If she felt that unsafe she should have had a security gate with cameras and a panic alarm for her "Estate", her 300K a year alimony check could have paid for that. heck probably even a night watch man. <modsnip>

300K a year? Dang, that's some alimony.
I just wanted to share some personal knowledge of this. My brother has Asperger's, OCD, anxiety and depression. He is 32 he is my younger brother. He is quite slight of stature, but he can be and has been very violent. He has destroyed his apartment on several occassions. He is a very lonely individual. When he was younger there was not alot known about this disorder (especially where we lived) and he didn't get many of the early interventions that are now available. We also spent many years estranged, not because I wanted to, but because I did not understand him or how to talk to him. We have come a long way from that, but he still has angry and violent outbursts. They are usually very impulsive and short-lived.

I say this with a very heavy heart, as I am sure that most of these individuals, particularily those who have family on this board are NOT this way. BUT, it is possible. One thing about my brother is that he has told me numerous times how jealous he is of me. He wishes he had friends and a spouse, and children like I do. So, I am thinking this has all the hallmarks of a jealous rage/revenge type fantasy. With my brother, he also has a savant quality where he can latch onto one or two things and be very knowledgeable about the subject. I wonder if the guns/shooting were some sort of hobby his mother and him enjoyed together and it became a sort of obsession (OCD) whereby he plotted this out of many months, possibly fantasizing about it, and there must have been a precipitating event that set his fantasy/plan into action.

Please understand this is all my own opinion, based on my life experiences and in NO WAY am I lumping all individuals with these issues into this scenario.

My brother, who has not left the house in many years and is in 40's now, has never been officially diagnosed as he cannot go out to see doctors, and due to his extreme OCD cannot bear being touched. He does have a singular interest in sports and statistics and can recall any score of any game going back 40 years or so. But he has almost no interest in anything else. His entire life otherwise revolves around cleaning himself and his environment. Another brother lives with him, and they seem to co-exist peacefully. But I fear for his future, if my other brother should die before him.

Mental illness is a great tragedy, especially in the US, where the stigma is so great. We have gone from one extreme to the other, from locking away anyone who was considered "odd", to basically ignoring those with serious problems, IMO. A great-aunt of my mother's was locked away in one of those infamous insane asylums in NY in the late 1800's and left there for 40 years until she died. It was said that she had "no interest in getting married."
why own such powerful guns?
The guns owned by the mother/son are high powered?
Seems a bit much for protection maybe?:what:

Why does it matter?
She owned them legally.
HE killed people with them.
She did nothing wrong that we know of. She's a victim and should be treated as such.
Most of the media the MSM that is are about ratings, creating a story, agenda driven, misleading, biased, full of spin and care nothing about the human condition or who they hurt in the process of getting their narrative . I have the ultimate disdain for the MSM.
I am speculating here, and maybe jumping too far ahead, but I believe this school will never open again. That saddens me, because it only compounds the lasting devastation to this community. But I just don't see how it would be possible to ever have classes there again because of the severe trauma. Which means that not only are the hundreds of other students there impacted emotionally even as survivors, but now they will most likely be uprooted as they struggle for a new normalcy. The damage is so far-reaching, it takes my breath away.

I don't know how any parent of this school will ever feel safe kissing their child goodbye to send them off to school again. These children will have terrible memories of this school, and never want to return to this building again. This community has a VERY long road ahead of them....prayers to all.
Most of the media the MSM that is are about ratings, creating a story, agenda driven, misleading, biased, full of spin and care nothing about the human condition or who they hurt in the process of getting their narrative . I have the ultimate disdain for the MSM.

It is nothing new; I read a lot of non-fiction about the 19th century and early 20th century and the media was no less dogged to get salacious stories into print, regardless of facts. They were often worse than today, as the standards of what made it into print were even lower. Today the only difference I see is that items are posted instantly, instead of the amount of time it took to print up the papers.
In the days leading up to the massacre, apparently AL tried to purchase a rifle, but, due to tougher gun control laws in Connecticut he didn't because of a waiting period.

Also there was a rumor mentioned that on Dec 13 AL had gone to the school and gotten into a dispute with some of the staff.

Heard on a live NBC video here:
"Owning something legally" does not mitigate for a moment the horror of what that possession enabled.
"Owning something legally" does not mitigate for a moment the horror of what that possession enabled.

HE killed a bunch of people.

Nothing she did enabled him that we know of.
We don't know how he got the guns.

Everybody always wants to place blame on something or someone else.
Nobody in our country really has a sense of personal responsibility anymore.

HE alone killed people.

His poor mother is dead.

From what we know now, she did nothing wrong.
It wasn't the gun, it was Adam Lanza that killed.
Well I am pretty sure he could not have done it without a gun.

And many innocent people would be dead had they not had guns to protect themselves in this country.

HE chose to kill people.
why own such powerful guns?
The guns owned by the mother/son are high powered?
Seems a bit much for protection maybe?:what:

My husband and I argued about this. He believes it is our right to own as many guns as we want. I just wonder why a single mother would need so many. I read somewhere last night after the divorce the parents were ordered to go to parenting education classes. <modsnip> That boy was probably always weird and slow and possibly she was impatient and cruel leading to an angry and disturbed young man. This is pure speculation but based on the bits of information out there about the mother and son relationship this is a possible picture of that relationship. As someone said before, defending their own child with aspberger's syndrome; other than becoming violent when they feel uncomfortable or are in sensory overload, it is more of a protective measure not an attempt to hurt people. This guy wanted that town, the poor kids and teachers and the world to feel as bad as he did and that is not something an autistic or aspberger's person would do.
Well I am pretty sure he could not have done it without a gun.

Could have used a bomb, remember OK City, or he could have used a knife like in China, or poisoned the Tylenol. The point is, if someone wants to do murder, THEY, the killer, will find a way, not the gun, not the bomb, not the knife, not pills.
Hartford Courant dude
Dave Altimari &#8207;@davealtimari
State police still trying to determine why Adam Lanza specifically targeted one classroom once he entered the school.#Newtown
That and much else.
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