Connecticut school district on lockdown after shooting report at a Newtown elemen-#3

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there was something mentally wrong with this individual
"Normal" people do not even consider doing something like this, let alone thinking of it.

If they want to do something like this, they will find a way.
The shooter in OR stole the guns.
The guy in China just took a knife, the guy in CT that killed his father in WI got a bow and arrow etc...
flog me if you want but 1 single Mom did not need that many guns in the house. If she felt that unsafe she should have had a security gate with cameras and a panic alarm for her "Estate", her 300K a year alimony check could have paid for that. heck probably even a night watch man. <modsnip>
"As mainstream newsrooms around the world geared up the sombre music and reporters lowered voices and dumbed down their language (yes, it is hard to imagine) in order to interview eight-year-olds, so did cyberspace fill up with omgs, fake sites, expressions of sorrow, rumours and ghastly bleatings.

To quote a young man named Ryan Lanza, who may be someone with the bad luck to have the same name as the Ryan Lanza who was first wrongly identified as the latest shooter or who may be the actual brother of gunman Adam Lanza, who complained on Facebook Friday, &#8220;So aperently I&#8217;m getting spammed bc someone with the same name as me killed some;

Either way, this is what passes for social commentary in 2012 &#8212; illiterate, petulant, self-referential sludge."
Crisis intervention team set up at the hospital. Open and available to anyone in the community who needs to talk.
Outside of the building is a crime scene, along with every single vehicle in the parking lot.

Had a meeting this morning with the superintendent of the school- she will be giving a presser soon.
The minute the ME is done is coming to give a presser and will share more information.

Now taking questions..
Q: There are reports that there were other guns found..

A: That is not accurate. The weapons that were recovered were recovered within close proximity of the deceased. LE is investigating the history of all weapons, if they were registered legally, etc.
Q: Is the shooter Adam Lanza?

A: We are waiting for the medical examiner to officially confirm the identities of all the deceased.
Point of entry - he was not voluntarily let into the school. He forced his way in.
Q: Were there any emails, etc. that would enlighten you to the motive?

A: The investigators at the school and secondary crime scene did produce some "very good evidence" that investigators can use to find a motive.
He said he was not let into the school voluntarily. He forced himself into the school.
The woman (probably the one shot in the foot) is fine and will be instrumental in the investigation.
flog me if you want but 1 single Mom did not need that many guns in the house. If she felt that unsafe she should have had a security gate with cameras and a panic alarm for her "Estate", her 300K a year alimony check could have paid for that. heck probably even a night watch man. <modsnip>.

Owning guns in NO WAY means you are disturbed.
And we have had no indication that this mother was anything but a loving mother and a good citizen.

The mother is a VICTIM.
(I wish that one reporter with the accent wasn't given so many questions - she didn't seem to know what was going on...)
No other arrests associated with this investigation.
Give the families their privacy
Crisis intervention team by Yale available to any one in the community
Major crime detectives still working at school
Won't be completed for several days
Examining every crack and crevice of the facility including outside and every vehicle in
Medical examiner still at work and will be there as soon as he is done.
Investigating the history of each weapon involved
Investigators have produced evidence to provide answers to this case
Rescue people entered the school many different ways including breaking windows
Investigating everything and everyone they can about the shooter
Detectives will analyze and paint a complete picture of what happened
Shooter forcibly entered school
Will try to get back to another presser in an hour
Complete and thorough search of the area.
No other arrests associated with this investigation

Mother possibly owned the weapons used in the mass shooting.
Parents divorced
the shooter is said to have been a handful
shooter had mental issues
shooter had his older brother's id on him when found

mother shot in head/face not confirmed
a lot of mis information provided

the town has a sad Holiday ahead
God Bless the town and help them to heal..:praying:
flog me if you want but 1 single Mom did not need that many guns in the house. If she felt that unsafe she should have had a security gate with cameras and a panic alarm for her "Estate", her 300K a year alimony check could have paid for that. heck probably even a night watch man. <Modsnip>

it's a free country, she can buy or own what she wants to own.
It was her responsibility to maintain her weapons and keep them in a safe place.
We do not know the specifics on how they got in the hands of her son who was under age.

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