Connecticut school district on lockdown after shooting report at a Newtown elemen-#3

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I am speculating more here....because after prayer that is all I can do. I am wondering if in his irrational sick thinking, he was eliminating the youngest because that is where he felt it started for him - in kindergarten, when it may have first become apparent that something was different about him. Of course there is no rationale that makes sense, but trying to do the psychological forensics on this can help process this tragedy. No doubt that is best left in the hands of the experts I know.
Some sources indicate first-graders were his target first - but we don't know yet.

Last night I quoted the well-known Nietzsche saying which ends, "And when you gaze long into the abyss, the abyss gazes also into you."

Quite true. Nightmares, all. night. long.

It's important to know, though. As much as possible must be known so we can figure how to prevent this in the future, forever.

I hope answers are at hand. I would reckon his computer will tell us much.
I am wondering if in his irrational sick thinking, he was eliminating the youngest because that is where he felt it started for him - in kindergarten, when it may have first become apparent that something was different about him. Of course there is no rationale that makes sense, but trying to do the psychological forensics on this can help process this tragedy.

After seeing a diagram of the school layout, my guess is that Lanza chose those particular classrooms because they were the closest to his point of entry. For all we know, he would have worked his way down the corridor if something, or someone, didn't stop him. I don't think he cared what grade classroom he started in. I don't even like to think about it, but with all the guns and ammo he had at his disposal he may have planned on killing everyone in the building. :(
I feel like he didn't so much target those two class rooms as much as those were the first two he came upon. After shooting everyone in the two rooms he began kicking the door in another room yelling "let me in, let me in".

Probably when he became aware that law enforcement and others were approaching, he shot himself.
The money would be there if the Superindendant's and School Board members didn't make such ridiculous money. They not only pay themselves too much money, but they overspend way too much. We need to start demanding that they get paid a reasonable salary and that more emphasis and money goes into our school's safety. Kimster stated yesterday that, in her own school district, they have completely taken resource officer's out of schools because of the "budget." Unacceptable to me.

None of these School Board members or the Superintendant were in that school yesterday hiding little children in cabinets, closets, etc... Yet the men and women who will jump in front of bullets for our children (teachers) get not even close to half of what they pay themselves. Unacceptable to me.

We, as a nation, have a lot of soul searching to do. We have to come together and get this right for our children. Not only for their safety, but for their education.


Yes I have been thinking of a volunteer organization made up of retired or ex police officer with SQUEAKY clean, thoroughly investigated backgrounds. They would volunteer their time ( how ever often they would like ) to guard schools ARMED in their communities. I know some personally (my hubby for one) who would do this. It's better than nothing!
The money would be there if the Superindendant's and School Board members didn't make such ridiculous money. They not only pay themselves too much money, but they overspend way too much. We need to start demanding that they get paid a reasonable salary and that more emphasis and money goes into our school's safety. Kimster stated yesterday that, in her own school district, they have completely taken resource officer's out of schools because of the "budget." Unacceptable to me.

None of these School Board members or the Superintendant were in that school yesterday hiding little children in cabinets, closets, etc... Yet the men and women who will jump in front of bullets for our children (teachers) get not even close to half of what they pay themselves. Unacceptable to me.

We, as a nation, have a lot of soul searching to do. We have to come together and get this right for our children. Not only for their safety, but for their education.


Money for what? This case has nothing to do with how much Superintendants make annually. They had a security system that you had to be buzzed in. What more could they put in place....are you saying we need to build jail-like-schools If someone goes psycho and wants to get in and kill....they will find a way. It is not the security here that needs to be address IMO.
At the presser, the officer mentioned that the home of the suspect contained valuable evidence (or similar wording).
Following up on what I said above about the need for parents/volunteers to always sign in when visiting a school...

Law enforcement who responded to the Columbine shooting relied on the volunteer sign in sheet. It was used along with the staff list and student list to ensure each and every person was safe/accounted for...and that everyone in the school had a good reason to be there.

Plus...if you were in Columbine (or any school) and had not signed in...then you might have a lot of explaining to do they know that you weren't a part of the shooting, etc.
....or federally fund guards. Lord knows there are tons of things nationwide that could be cut to afford this.
With his mother quitting work in order to take care of him, it sounds like whatever mental health issues he had were deteriorating. I think that she had the means to get him the care needed. The problem could be that he refused the help. I doubt she felt he was a danger or she would have had him placed into treatment involuntarily for evaluation.
This investigation should not hold back the bodies from released to the parents. What for, is there going to be a trial? Take pictures and release them.

No, there won't be a trial, but it is still a crimescene and investigators have a job to do. As awful as it is to have the parents wait for their children's bodies to be released, they are going to want answers and without a thorough investigation, they will not get those answers. They deserve answers and they deserve a proper investigation. Not just for themselves, but for their little ones too. This also includes the adults that were murdered yesterday. Their families deserve the same.
I'm becoming so disheartened at the enormous amount of media coverage in this case. This is sad, the deaths of all these darling children and teachers, but the nation's razor like focus on this case is practically guarenteeing that some disenfranchised angry soul is plotting a similar attack.

I think the town can't possibly look away - this is their horrible tragedy.

The rest of us can. We can look away, and stop giving this murderer so much attention. It's too attractive for copycats.

I'm out of this thread now, and will refocus my energies elsewhere.

Prayers for the families who are forever damaged by this horror.
Were classroom doors open to the hallways at the time the gunman arrived?
I say all schools should be in lockdown mode when classes are in session. Visits to the school cannot be made without an appointment. The entry into the building can be closed off and locked (as a foyer) so that visitors cannot enter main hallways where classes are located. Sounds like a prison? Think of it as a protected area, not a prison.

A day care my gdtr attended has a number pad at the door and a code must be entered to gain access. If you do not know the number, you will be met by a member of the staff outside the building.
What I think would be good is for the LE to host a database where anyone who even remotely suspects someone of saying or doing a criminal act can submit video or audio of the person either saying or hinting or looking suspicious.

It would be a private or anonymous submission so that way the LE/FBI etc could at least have some people on file for some sort of activity which may or may not amount to anything?

Even FB and other threats would be good to have a good LE look at to maybe keep such things from happening?

Sure I know, some people would report anybody for anything right?
But then some would only report serious threats made by people. maybe with some screening device before submitting something?

Not sure but social media has to be involved more to prevent such killings..:twocents:

On the surface this sounds like a good idea, but think about Nazi Germany, where children were encouraged by the government to turn in their parents because they didn't belong to the 'right' political party. Or McCarthyism in the 1950's, where people were turning on their friends and neighbors because they chose to register with an unpopular political party. We already have little privacy due to the internet and cell phone cameras. I'm not sure how comfortable I'd be if I was being filmed simply because somebody didn't like the way I looked, or dressed. We'd be walking a fine line by doing this.
Were classroom doors open to the hallways at the time the gunman arrived?
I say all schools should be in lockdown mode when classes are in session. Visits to the school cannot be made without an appointment. The entry into the building can be closed off and locked (as a foyer) so that visitors cannot enter main hallways where classes are located. Sounds like a prison? Think of it as a protected area, not a prison.

A day care my gdtr attended has a number pad at the door and a code must be entered to gain access. If you do not know the number, you will be met by a member of the staff outside the building.

Yes locking classroom doors would help, however, children leave the classrooms to walk down the halls to go to gym, library, washroom, lunchroom, to go out to recess etc. We cannot imprison these kids, they need to walk freely and feel safe.
So horrible for the families who have lost loved ones, especially the parents of those loved ones. They will feel as though they are walking through the halls of hell. I know, I am there and have been for 9+ years.
I'm so sorry for your loss, Isabelle. *Hugs*
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