Connecticut school district on lockdown after shooting report at a Newtown elemen-#3

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I haven't been posting much because it's just too disturbing for me to handle. But I did want to chime in on the mental health issue.

I have suffered from depression for all of my adult life. We just switched to new health insurance and its much different than what we had before, where I had full access to mental health professionals. I don't necessarily think they were the best in their field but that's another topic.

My depression has gotten worse lately (perfect timing with the insurance switch, right?) so I wanted to make an appt with a psychiatrist. I can't. I saw a new general practitioner and she can't get me in to see one either. She even said their policies are ridiculous. I have to call their 'behavioral health line' where they will "assess" me and "try" to find someone for me. The wait is six to seven months. I literally cannot even call a clinic - the numbers are unlisted. Really??

I am NOT about to start shooting people and I can function in my daily life. But I do have passive suicidal thoughts, which basically means that when I'm feeling really down, I might think "Gee, I wish I would fall asleep and never wake up." I'm not worried about my safety or the safety of others but all I'm asking is to WANT to wake up in the morning and to WANT to live my life to its fullest potential. But they don't seem to care about that. Why is that too much to ask for?

I'm not trying to make this about me, and I don't necessarily like divulging such personal things on a public message board. But these things need to be addressed. Why is mental health treated differently than any other health issue? If my heart was malfunctioning, would they put me through the wringer like this? Would I get the run around have to wait SIX MONTHS to see a doctor? Meanwhile I may DIE? It makes me feel like a freak and like a bother. It makes me feel like I'm not important.

I place full blame on Adam (not his mother, not guns) but I also think our mental health system needs a major overhaul. My depression should be treated like any other illness and I should be able to see a doctor when I need one.

(now don't judge me :))

Big HUGS to you, Hopeful One.
I was wondering that too. Driver's license photo maybe? I'm almost positive if he has a record the media would have dug it up by now. They always do!

Oh, btw, welcome to WS!

I think it could be a driver's license photo as well.

Also, this past April when I renewed my license it was time for a new photo and vision test. When the woman took the picture she told me to hold my position but to lift my gaze up higher on the wall where I was staring. My eyes look crazy in my picture. Keep thinking I need to go get it redone. LOL
FWIW, the Daily Mail...

It reads like the information is based upon the NBC report (video only as far as I can find.) I'm still sans audio.

I googled "lanza" "altercation" and "Sandy Hook" to find other reports.

Summary of the NBC report in The Telegraph:

NBC are reporting that there was allegedly an altercation between Lanza and staff at Sandy Hook Elementary School the day before the shooting.

Officials say Lanza was involved in an argument at the school which involved himself and four other staff members. Of the four, three were murdered in yesterday’s shooting spree and the fourth is currently being interviewed by federal and state investigators.

I'm thinking the fourth staff member present during the "altercation" could have been the staff member who was shot, but survived.

(ETA: Scratch that, going by the NBC report...this is why I try to curtail my theorizing...)

At any rate, if this is true there will be much more said about it.
The photo of Adam could also be one from a school ID or a yearbook. It could have been from a state issued ID card or some other card that has a picture on it. Did they say how old (or recent) this photo is?
Sounds like a system designed to fail. Buzzed in, that's a great concept!

The Elementary school that my children went to did that!

There is an entry foyer. The first set of door is open, the second set is locked.
You must buzz the office and you are greeted by a staff member and escorted to sign in. ID is required and you must wear a visitors badge.

The office is not easily seen from the foyer...

The middle section of the school houses the media center and lunch room.
Classes are in 2 separate buildings on either side of the main building.

All other "main" outside entrances (into the building) were locked and CHAINED during school hours!

Each classroom has an outside door that is metal and the window is about 24inches X 3 inches... even if it was shot out NO ONE could squeeze through.

My kids went there from 1995-2002...
Guess they were a little ahead of the times!

At any rate if someone wanted to get in they probably would...

eta: I missed the part about the school security!
I agree... they did all they could
If he was in an altercation at the school the day before then there is going to be a lot of questions and potential finger pointing from that.
I didn't hear about any altercation. I haven't been able to read all these posts. I am I keep running in here to read bits and pieces.

I found a link to info about supposed altercation at school...
I smell lawsuits. Columbine all over again. :sigh:

Rightfully so if LE was not called to an altercation or informed of an altercation at a school. Not that any of these staff members could have predicted that he would come back the next day and kill 26 people. However, there will be "what if's" that will be forever asked IF there was a previous altercation and Law Enforcement was not contacted.

It will be intersting to see the time of death of Nancy Lanza. Was she killed after this alleged altercation? The next morning? If she was killed the previous night, and the altercation was reported, we may only be talking about a son murdering his mother today.

Yay. NBC report for sans audio folks:

By Tracy Connor and Pete Williams, NBC News

UPDATED 12:30 p.m. EDT:

The gunman in the Newtown massacre had an "altercation" with four staff members at Sandy Hook Elementary School the day before he killed 20 children, six adults and himself there, Connecticut and federal officials told NBC News Saturday.

Three of the four staff members were killed Friday in one of the worst school shootings in U.S. history. The fourth staff member was not at school that day and is being interviewed by federal and state investigators, NBC News’ Pete Williams said.

Additional new information in the report regarding Lanza's weapons.
Summary of the NBC report in The Telegraph:

I'm thinking the fourth staff member present during the "altercation" could have been the staff member who was shot, but survived.

At any rate, if this is true there will be much more said about it.

The 4th wasn't at school that day.

Rightfully so if LE was not called to an altercation or informed of an altercation at a school. Not that any of these staff members could have predicted that he would come back the next day and kill 26 people. However, there will be "what if's" that will be forever asked IF there was a previous altercation and Law Enforcement was not contacted.

It will be intersting to see the time of death of Nancy Lanza. Was she killed after this alleged altercation? The next morning? If she was killed the previous night, and the altercation was reported, we may only be talking about a son murdering his mother today.


Before we get too carried away with this, let's wait to hear the details of the "altercation" or argument. People argue with schools all the time. ALL the time. Over IEPs, punishments meted out, suspensions, grades, attendance, you name it. If LE were called every time someone had an argument at the school they would drown in reports.

Having said that, since AL wasn't a student or a parent of a student at the school, I'd be interested to hear what he was doing there in the first place.
I haven't been posting much because it's just too disturbing for me to handle. But I did want to chime in on the mental health issue.

I have suffered from depression for all of my adult life. We just switched to new health insurance and its much different than what we had before, where I had full access to mental health professionals. I don't necessarily think they were the best in their field but that's another topic.

My depression has gotten worse lately (perfect timing with the insurance switch, right?) so I wanted to make an appt with a psychiatrist. I can't. I saw a new general practitioner and she can't get me in to see one either. She even said their policies are ridiculous. I have to call their 'behavioral health line' where they will "assess" me and "try" to find someone for me. The wait is six to seven months. I literally cannot even call a clinic - the numbers are unlisted. Really??

I am NOT about to start shooting people and I can function in my daily life. But I do have passive suicidal thoughts, which basically means that when I'm feeling really down, I might think "Gee, I wish I would fall asleep and never wake up." I'm not worried about my safety or the safety of others but all I'm asking is to WANT to wake up in the morning and to WANT to live my life to its fullest potential. But they don't seem to care about that. Why is that too much to ask for?

I'm not trying to make this about me, and I don't necessarily like divulging such personal things on a public message board. But these things need to be addressed. Why is mental health treated differently than any other health issue? If my heart was malfunctioning, would they put me through the wringer like this? Would I get the run around have to wait SIX MONTHS to see a doctor? Meanwhile I may DIE? It makes me feel like a freak and like a bother. It makes me feel like I'm not important.

I place full blame on Adam (not his mother, not guns) but I also think our mental health system needs a major overhaul. My depression should be treated like any other illness and I should be able to see a doctor when I need one.

(now don't judge me :))

Hugs! I'm untreated (bipolar/panic issues) because I can't afford the high co-pays associated with 'mental' health visits.

No one would JUDGE a person for a heart condition, but the STIGMA for having a health issue that involves the brain and neurochemistry still exists in our 'enlightened' world.
I didn't hear about any altercation. I haven't been able to read all these posts. I am I keep running in here to read bits and pieces.

I found a link to info about supposed altercation at school...

The fourth teacher - and only survivor of the altercation - wasn't at school yesterday and is currently being interviewed by investigators. It hasn't been revealed what the argument was over or if it was reported to authorities.
While initial reports had suggested school principal Mrs Hochsprung buzzed Lanza into the building, bypassing the newly-installed security system, police have confirmed that the shooter forced his way in.

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This altercation is going to be key evidence, Im sure. Perhaps he tried the day before to get into the school and was refused when he tried to buzz in. Possibly the principal went outside (with others for back up) when confronting him. Then came back the next day and forced his way in.
I just wanted to share the thoughts of a man that I highly respect-Mr. Silas House

This is not the popular thing to say, but it's on my heart, and it needs to be said...The massacre in Connecticut illuminates more than ever that our culture is sick. The problem is ATTITUDE. I'm all for looking at better gun regulation in a smart way but the main problem is parents who let their children watch and listen to ANYTHING. Children need some things to be censored. Children need rules. Children need boundaries. They aren't ready for lots of the stuff that people hand to them these days. I'm shocked when I meet six year olds who can only talk about bloody video games or twelve year olds who talk about having watched the SAW movies or "The Walking Dead" without understanding the context. And I'll also put out there that so much of today's music encourages disrespect for fellow human beings. I can't believe the stuff I hear in music today, with women in rap songs being reduced to nothing more than "b-----s" and country s...ongs that celebrate killing or beating someone for cheating. It all goes back to lack of respect for other people. And it goes back to people being too lazy to instill morality into their children. This whole line of thinking that this happens because "God has been taken out of schools" is infuriating. WE should be teaching our children morality and not depending on teachers to do it. WE should be monitoring the stuff our children see and hear, not others. WE should be standing up for what is right and stepping in and saying, "You're too young to be watching those SAW movies," or "You're too young to be listening to that song, or playing that video game." We shouldn't be so lazy that we want to put the moral upbringing of our children into the hands of strangers. We should be doing that ourselves, instead of handing them more technology that gives them easy access to stuff they are not ready to see. We need to change ATTITUDES about respect and honor and humanity. Just look at social media and how badly people talk to one another over the smallest little thing. We celebrate celebrities who get into Twitter fights where they dehumanize one another. It's not funny; it's gross. On this page itself sometimes I say stuff that people disagree with and instead of having a conversation, some people write horrible, vulgar, insulting responses. It's fine to disagree with others, but do it with respect. I am not saying that this particular tragedy occurred because of violent media but I do believe that same media has badly warped our value systems. We've all heard the phrase "Let there be peace on earth and let it begin with me." I believe that's what it's all about. WE each have to serve each other and respect one another and show that to others. We have to get up each day and wonder how we can put good out into the world and hope that washes over others. WE have to change the attitude of our country. We are where it all begins, and we have to change it on our own, one step at a time.

Thank you for this. Could not have said it better.
I smell lawsuits. Columbine all over again. :sigh:

I agree. But in my opinion, there is not enough money in the world worth one of those little ones lifes. Sadly, I have learned this from experience.
The pieces - little by little - are being revealed. The altercation - the day before with 4 staff members (3 are now gone - so that tells me the altercation was with the Principal and Psychologist and one other person that is gone). That was Thursday - and Thursday night was the Holiday program for the children and parents. Now, CNN is reporting (don't have a link - watching the live coverage on CNN - reporter was Susan Candiotti) that he tried to buy yet another gun on Tuesday - 2 days BEFORE the altercation at the school. I'm anxiously awaiting the next press conference for possibly more on at least these two pieces.

Another question that arises for me out of this new information was how was he "out and about" alone? Mom had quit to care for him full-time - that means "watching"; knowing where the person is and what he is doing at all times. How was he able to go out Tuesday - to a gun store - to try to buy a gun? How was he able to go out again on Thursday - alone - to the school for that altercation? Where was mom? Is it possible that he had killed her much, much earlier?

And then there's the presser from this morning where it was said that "evidence - GOOD evidence has been found that will assist in the how and, more importantly, the WHY he did this".

Such a sad, dark day - my heart is heavy.

The 4th wasn't at school that day.

Before we get too carried away with this, let's wait to hear the details of the "altercation" or argument. People argue with schools all the time. ALL the time. Over IEPs, punishments meted out, suspensions, grades, attendance, you name it. If LE were called every time someone had an argument at the school they would drown in reports.

Having said that, since AL wasn't a student or a parent of a student at the school, I'd be interested to hear what he was doing there in the first place.

BBM This. He had no reason to be there having a verbal altercation with staff members. He was not a parent or former staff member. I am not trying to get carried away, but the report that he was there the previous day does raise some very serious questions. Of course I will wait until more accurate details are released, but it is shocking, to say the least, that he was there the day before he murdered 26 people.

The fourth teacher - and only survivor of the altercation - wasn't at school yesterday and is currently being interviewed by investigators. It hasn't been revealed what the argument was over or if it was reported to authorities.
While initial reports had suggested school principal Mrs Hochsprung buzzed Lanza into the building, bypassing the newly-installed security system, police have confirmed that the shooter forced his way in.

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This altercation is going to be key evidence, Im sure. Perhaps he tried the day before to get into the school and was refused when he tried to buzz in. Possibly the principal went outside (with others for back up) when confronting him. Then came back the next day and forced his way in.

Thanks for the bolded part. Maybe LE was called and they showed up to his house and that turned into a argument with his mother and he killed her. Then, realizing what he did, he blamed the school for his killing her and went back to make them pay for what the did (in his mind).


From the article:
Dan Holmes, owner of a landscaping firm, described Nancy Lanza as an avid gun collector who once showed him a “high-end rifle” that she had purchased. “She said she would often go target shooting with her kids,” he said.
I don't mean to be harsh because the mother is a victim, but I can't deny my opinion: you shouldn't take a mentally disturbed kid target shooting.
VICTORIA Soto has been revealed as one of the teachers who died in the line of fire as she saved her students in the Connecticut shooting.

Miss Soto, 27, was one of three teachers murdered at Sandy Hook Elementary School today.

Police also identified the school's principal Dawn Hochsprung, 47, and school psychologist Mary Sherlach, 56, as three out of the eight adults who were killed.

They lost their lives when alleged gunman Adam Lanza, went on a shooting rampage before shooting himself.

Miss Soto sacrificed herself to save her students - throwing her body in front of the young children, the MailOnline reports.

Diane Day, a school therapist, told the Wall Street Journal that she and several other teachers were in a meeting with Mrs Hochsprung and Mrs Sherlach when the shooting began.
They were meeting to discuss a second-grader, AP reports.

Pictures at link:
Does anyone know where they got that photo they have been showing of him? looks almost like a mugshot? has he been arrested before?

Not that I am aware off, could be a picture for some form of ID.
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