Connecticut school district on lockdown after shooting report at a Newtown elemen #5

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That is not quite true. Patients CAN be involuntarily kept for longer than 72 hours against their will. The physician is required to attend a mental competency court hearing IN PERSON on the day the 72 hours expires. With this doctor's court appearance and testimony, a patient can be kept for weeks/months (the amount varies per state).

verified psychiatric mental health nurse

Very true. In most of the hospitals I've worked they have a room where mental health court is held and the judges and lawyers go to the hospital. MD's don't have time to run downtown here for this....Also, a judge can decide that someone is a danger to self or others and confine that person to a hospital for days. Thanks Pens!
IMO, she couldn't reach him because he had slipped into psychosis.

(Call an ambulance if you can't load your psychotic loved one into your car or if you are afraid to drive with them to the hospital. You don't have to be a martyr mom. Get help.)

Also if you think your child is loosing touch get the guns out of you home period forget a safe get them out of there where your child doesn't know where they were taken:anguish:
For Lanza family, son Adam’s difficulties dominated

By Michael S. Rosenwald, Tim Craig and Peter Slevin, Published: December 17

KINGSTON, N.H. — Her nickname was “Beanie.”

She grew up here in her family’s 1740s farmhouse not far from the town’s center, an idyllic New England backdrop of general stores, ice cream shops, and the historic home of Josiah Bartlett, a signer of the Declaration of Independence.

By all accounts, Nancy Jean Champion — or Beanie, as her high school yearbook calls her — had a charmed upbringing. Her mom was a school nurse. Her brother became a town police officer. And after she married her sweetheart in 1981, becoming Mrs. Peter J. Lanza, the couple built a house next door to her childhood home.

“They were very nice people,” said the owner of the local pizza shop here. “They are from a lovely family.”

In 1988, the couple welcomed a baby boy, Ryan. Four years later, another baby boy arrived: Adam. Nancy, who worked in the Boston financial district to put her husband through college, became a stay-at-home mother increasingly focused on the challenges of her youngest...


Nancy and Peter moved to Newtown in 1998. Peter commuted to New York City to work as a vice president for GE. Nancy had health problems — multiple sclerosis — for which she sought treatment in New York, according to her former sister-in-law...


Read more: (on 3 pages)
Police arrest and prosecutors charge crimes, not judges. And I fail to see how a Judge can order someone to a state hospital if they haven't been convicted of a crime.


NGRI (Not Guilty Reason of Insanity) is not an acquittal. The perp cannot just walk out the door they must get treatment for their "insanity". DA's know that jail is no place for the mentally ill and yes they do the charging. Police also deal with the mentally ill and most are trained to do so. They know who needs to be evaluated at an institution for a mental health "hold". After that "hold" expires the patient must sign voluntary or a JUDGE, yes a judge, must decide whether the person should be held involuntarily or can go home if the physician wants them to stay. Mental health treatment has specific guidelines and you don't have to be convicted of anything to be ordered to a facility for treatment. You just need to be deemed a threat to oneself or others by a physician and a judge. At least thats how it works here. MOO
2 photos of Nancy Lanza...

New details emerge on private lives of school gunman Adam Lanza and his mother


Obtained by NBC News / Nancy Lanza in a Facebook photo provided by a friend.

Read more:


“She was my friend,” Marsha Lanza said. “I said to my husband, ‘Who’s going to bury Nancy?’ He said, ‘Knowing my brother, he’ll take care of it, because that’s the right thing to do.’ ”

Nancy’s family, including her mother and three adult siblings, have gathered at the old family farmhouse in Kingston, according to a family friend. They have been told the two bodies may not be released by the medical examiner for another week.
Something is just really wrong here... the whole situation leading up to the massacre.
LE said they were going to investigate the killer from the day he was born all the way up to where he shot himself.

IMO LE feels the same way- there was a disconnect somewhere...
I hope they figure it out.

I have not heard many explanations about mass killings, but I'd love to hear
this one...
Parents Push Back at Suggestion Autism Was Behind Adam Lanza’s Rampage

by Michelle Cottle Dec 18, 2012 4:45 AM EST

What if people think my kid will grow up to become a mass murderer? That’s what parents of children on the autism spectrum fear after reports that the Newtown gunman suffered from Asperger’s. Michelle Cottle reports.

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Mom changed any identifying information. Including giving him a fake name, so that he cannot be identified.

So this would not be an issue.

JMO, I don't think so. I didn't see it but I read that she's been on the television using her own name and face. Unless she and her children live in a complete bubble there are lots of people out there right now who know exactly who she was talking about right away and others will find out. There are probably some who will make a point to find out. Unless the son is adopted away, changes his name and completely cuts ties with her it's going to follow him a long time. Someone will always find out who his mother is.

What is the likelihood that the kid is going to read the blog?? Doubtful very doubtful. Honestly I really and truly believe that she is trying to bring mental illness to light. There are a lot of people out there that don't believe that it gets this bad. People who don't have to live it everyday don't know what it is like.

Seriously? Millions of people read about this, it's viral on more sites than I can count, her mom's been on the telly talking about it, and it's unlikely that the son will ever find out?
-In 1981, the couple built a house next door to her childhood home.
-Nancy put her husband through college
-recently Nancy Lanza didn't let visitors into their home
-Nancy had multiple sclerosis according to her former sister-in-law.
-Nancy had at least six firearms registered to her
-Nancy's brother resuscitated a man who had an apparent heart attack . A week before she was killed.
-The Lanza's bodies may not be released by the medical examiner for another week.
Any idea why the ME would hold the bodies an extra week? Tia
The dead soul of Adam Lanza
Pat Buchanan: 'Not long ago, there existed in our hearts a fear of God'

Published: 9 hours ago
by Patrick J. Buchanan

Pat Buchanan was twice a candidate for the Republican presidential nomination and the Reform Party's candidate in 2000. He is also a founder and editor of The American Conservative.

“No set of laws can eliminate evil from the world, or prevent every senseless act of violence in our society.”

So said President Obama in words of comfort in Newtown. The president was right to speak of evil, but mistaken when he called the massacre “senseless.”

For this was a premeditated and purposeful act of mass murder, and the devil that did it knew exactly what he was doing and why.

When he put four bullets into his mother’s head while she lay in bed, Adam Lanza wanted her life ended along with his. When he headed for Sandy Hook Elementary, with the Glocks and Bushmaster rifle, he knew he would encounter no armed resistance.

Before he went into that school to shoot 20, 30 or 40 children, barely more than babies, he knew his slaughter would be so stomach-turning and heart-wrenching that the TV crews would come running.

And by day’s end, the world would know who Adam Lanza was...

“Nancy told me he was burning himself with a lighter. In the ankles or arms or something,” he recalled of a conversation they had about a year ago. “It was like he was trying to feel something.”

Uh...nope. Self mutilation is an attempt to keep suicidal feelings and emotional pain at bay by relieving psychological tension. Ten percent of self mutilators will eventually commit suicide.

Pensfan, I always look forward to reading your posts, and this is the first one that I can't completely agree with.
And please forgive me if I don't make sense or use the right words here as I've recently started taking a new AD and antipsychotic/mood stabiliser.

If it is true that AL had a condition where he couldn't feel physical pain or it being a part of a sensory processing disorder comorbid with ASD, he may have had VERY different reasons for what we look at as self harm/mutilation.
I am a fairly regular self harmer myself, and I have very rarely had any suicidal ideation or plans in place when I do it. Being suicidal is something completely different in my world, and I've been there too.
My psych was a little taken aback by my reason for self harming. He said most people do it because they feel numb and need to feel something. For me it's about being able to see a physical manifestation of the emotional pain that is internal. While I'm talking about it openly here, I do a lot to hide it and the scars.
I find it interesting and possibly a cry for help that he did it in such a way that it was visible to his mother....unless she regulary searched his body to see if he had accidently done any unknowing damage to himself because of the condition.

He may have felt numb both emotionally and physically and the self harming was an attempt to feel something.... To push the boundaries to see if there was anything that could make him feel at all.
I know what it feels like to be emotionally numb. I can't imagine the toll it would take if I was physically numb too. How can you feel human when you feel absolutely nothing....ever? Even if he could feel touch, but no pain, that touch (if ASD) could have been a horrible sensation that he avoided.

We know the more common reasons for self harming stemming from mental health disorders, but what about people who are paralyzed? I don't know enough about that and what lengths they would go to to try to feel something even if it's painful, but it's something to look into.

I just don't think we know enough to know with certainty why he harmed himself without any formal and documented neuro/psychological or medical dx'es.

Inside the dark, lonely world of maniac Adam Lanza

Exclusive From PETE SAMSON, US Editor, in Newtown, Connecticut

Published: 17th December 2012

SCHOOL massacre maniac Adam Lanza fuelled his violent fantasies while hidden away in a windowless bunker plastered with posters of guns and tanks.

Lanza, 20, spent hours playing bloodthirsty computer games such as Call Of Duty and obsessivly studying weapons in the basement at mum Nancy’s home. It came as the first funerals of the victims were held yesterday.

Plumber Peter Wlasuk went into the basement many times while working at the plush four-bedroom house and got a glimpse into the disturbing underground world where Lanza plotted his crimes.

He said: “It was a beautiful house but he lived in the basement. I always thought that was strange.

“But he had a proper set up down there — computers, a bathroom, bed and desk and a TV. There were no windows.”

Peter, 45, said Lanza’s elder brother had previously lived in the basement before moving out.

He added: “Adam then moved down there. The boys were fans of the military. They had posters all over the wall in the basement.

“They had one poster of every piece of military equipment the US ever made.

“It was a huge poster with every tank every made. The kids could tell you about guns they had never seen from the 40s, 50s and 60s “The kids who play these games know all about them.

Read at the Source:

I am confused over this as well. Six students from Ms. Soto's class run away and apparently 7 were found hiding? How many students were in her class?

Also wasn't there a quote "14 coats still hanging up, and 14 little bodies.." from one of the investigators? This must have been in the other classroom of course, but it sounds like class sizes for that age ~14.

Here is the FB link to the Restaurant-bar

I live in a small, quiet, upscale (though not as upscale) New England town not unlike Newtown. We have a very nice "Pub" here that everyone goes to for dinner, lunch, meet with friends, bring the kids. It's convenient, the food is good, it's easy, everyone knows the menu by heart and it has a local beer on tap that is a favorite of most. If you scrolled through my checking account there'd be more entries than one might expect for a quiet single mother at this pub. I'm not a drinker or partier, so an out of context forensic examination of my bank account might draw a totally different picture of my social life than the reality. If people started calling it a "bar" then it would draw an even more different picture.

So I'm going to reserve judgment on NL hanging out at a local eatery all the time. It sounds like... quite frankly.... the landscaper and restaurant workers were a primary source of conversation and socializing for her, and she probably looked forward to getting out of the house and chatting to these people.
Yes, he would have been a target for the bullies, but I think his bizarre behavior scared people whether they wanted to admit it or not.

The bizarre behavior of unmedicated people with Schizotypal Personality Disorder and schizophrenia scares me and a lot of other old psych nurses, old psych techs, psych residents and old psychiatrists that I know.

LOL....I guess it goes to show what a complete nutter I am that I never felt any fear being locked down in a psych ward with people with these same dx'es. (I actually felt more fear about the staff)
In fact during my first stay after a very genuine suicide attempt I can honesty, and somewhat ashamedly say that I felt like I belonged and felt completely at ease for the first time in my life. There was no judgement because we were all on the same team despite different dx's.
I loved listening to that crazy talk, no matter how violent and whacky it seemed (maybe because I knew a nurse could come in at any sign of real danger and give them the dreaded injection). But I also think there is often a bond developed very quickly between people who are different from the norm and who are all locked up in a psych ward....maybe it's an 'us' against 'them' (staff) solidarity.
I have been reading here but I dont think I have posted. I have been soooo upset over this tragedy. I have been thinking a lot about him shooting his mother first. I have a couple thoughts which are only my own from a wondering mind. I do believe he may have formed a dislike for his mother. I wonder too if his plan was to kill but leave his mother to suffer mental anquish over what he did. Maybe he planned to hurt her.She could have walked in on him trying to get the guns from her room so he had to kill her. This woman had money and a very sick son. Why on Gods earth didnt she take him to a private psychiatrist? I believe she may have been able to at least prevent this tragedy by doing so. Was his father told how bad things were getting? At a time such as this one does not worry about what people will say. The father would have been told to help with medical bills.From what I have read I dont think he was aware of the whole situation. Lastly, why on gods earth did she keep an arsenal in her house??? Was she "book smart and life stupid?" When a person is truly mentally ill one never knows what they are really capable of doing. IMOO.:twocents: :please:
Nore, I asked the same question...why didnt his mother take him to a private psychologist?
Maybe something could have been done to stop this tragedy. He definitely was evil personified...sick or not sick.
Mother was reportedly in bed in pajamas. So probably sleeping. Also reportedly shot multiple times. So it sure looks like he intended for her to be dead.

I've read several articles that mentioned mom being shot more than once. Imoo he wanted to be sure she didn't survive. IMO
you have probably discussed all of these issues, but here is a clip from one of our news is pretty in depth...dont know if all is true though.

And I will say it and I know she was a victim and loved her children, I personally think there is more to the mother/son relationship that no one really knows or will never know about as I think she was a bit odd. Sorry if that upsets anyone but it is just my opinion after reading a rew articles.

I concur on all points. I guess it's not a stretch to say mom possibly had those type weapons because of her beliefs as a survivorist ...that belief can certainly point to doomsday for some. IMO
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