Connecticut school district on lockdown after shooting report at a Newtown elemen #7

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Okay, now I am reading about parents who are buying bullet proof backpacks for their kids. Yup, because your kid will be wearing their backpack 24/7 at school. Ugh.

There is nothing short of concrete walls 5 feet thick that could stop a bullet from an assault rifle like he used. I even read that the bullet in the gun he used went through his head and into a wall. I am not sure which one he used. Now we are moving into the economics of this tradgedy. jmo
Well, someone needs to claim his remains, innocent law abiding taxpayers certainly shouldn't have to pay for his burial.

The Sandy Hook gunman worshiped the devil and had an online page dedicated to Satan, a former classmate revealed, as his childhood barber recalls Adam Lanza never spoke and would stare at the floor every time he had his hair cut.

Lanza’s worshiping page had the word ‘Devil’ written in red, Gothic-style letters against a black background, Trevor L. Todd told The National Enquirer, something which he said was ‘weird’ and ‘gave him the chills’.

The FBI are trying to piece together his smashed up hard drive to see if his online footprint will reveal any motive for the killing, but they strongly believe he made use of devil-worshiping and suicide sites and boasted of his murder plans on message forums.

Well, someone needs to claim his remains, innocent law abiding taxpayers certainly shouldn't have to pay for his burial.

I'm thinking the father is paying for it. I think the ME is not saying who or what to protect the family and the remains. If father decided cremation and does not want any cremains that is his right.
I am catching up from last night/this morning's please forgive if this post lands amidst unrelated discussion..

Nicholas Sabillon, Sandy Hook Student, Recalls Killer Pounding On His Classroom Door

A quick-thinking music teacher at Sandy Hook Elementary School found a secure spot for her students as soon as she heard the first salvo from the shooter's gun.

Killer Adam Lanza arrived moments later at their locked closet door, pounding and yelling "Let me in," while the students in Maryrose Kristopik's class quietly hid inside, AFP reported.

"We were all really scared and then we prayed," said 9-year-old Nicholas Sabillon, who was interviewed with his parents. "Miss Kristopik gave us all lollipops. We thought it would be our last snack."

The sound of shattering glass and additional menacing yells from Lanza tormented the students. But Sabillon says they remained silent and carefully held their musical instruments so they wouldn't produce a sound.
I don't know how much that I actually want to know, but I do find it somewhat important to know what exactly the shooter was yelling, saying, etc..and I mean other than the "Let me in!" demands..more like the menacing yelling that tormented the students that's mentioned in above article..IMO I believe it somewhat gives clues to his state of mind(obviously deranged)..

idk maybe Im still just grasping at more to somehow make this "make sense", when I know in reality that it never maybe not make sense, but atleast have a bit of a clearer picture..jmo.

Conn. Survivor Heard Whimpers, 'Screaming' on Intercom

Sandy Hook Elementary staffer Shari Thornberg was happily showing off photos of her son to co-workers when she heard a "weird noise" that she mistook for the janitor taking down risers in the gym. But when the intercom came on, she realized the "pop-pop-pop" sound she heard was gunfire, reports USA Today. The teacher's aide, who worked with a fourth-grader with special needs, hurried into a small closet with two other colleagues. Through the locked door they heard "screaming, crying, and whimpering" on the intercom and the janitor ordering the shooter to put down his gun.

Have we heard anything else about the janitor? Is it possible he/she is the second survivor in the hospital?
thanks for bringing this up again as I, too think there are many of us who would like to know what happened to the courageous janitor..he is not among those deceased, so, IMO he either miraculously espaced uninjured..or IMO he is the second survivor(along with VP who was shot in the foot)..the second survivor to my knowledge has not been identified other than it was an adult staff member..jmo

First time I have seen this stated...
"But most of the time she was taking care of Adam, helping to homeschool him as well as get his driver’s license a few years ago. “It was a big step for her,” said Tambascio. “He had his own car. She was very excited about it.”
this IMO just really adds more credence to my thoughts on the shooter not being as debilitated as he is often painted to be..jmo.

The Independence attributes the intercom to the principal

IIRC it was turned on from the principal's office? Then it would make sense that it was one of the people who were attending the conference there, which the janitor probably wasn't.

unfortunately this appears to be another iffy piece of info, meaning its been reported in various different ways..

the only info I can offer is that those who were actually In the meeting with the principal, VP, and psychologist when the gunfire erupted did say that the meeting was not in the schools main office/principal&VP office, but rather the meeting was actually in a conference room that was actually located on the same hallway as the first grade classrooms..more specifically that this conference room was across the hall from the first grade classrooms that were targeted by the shooter..

I don't have a link but will search back thru my browser history to see if i can track it down AND post it..

Its that info about the principal/VP's meeting was not in their offices, but rather a conference room located on the same hall as the first grade classrooms that makes me believe it was likely NOT the principal who clicked on the intercom in the main school office..
Israel is pretty much in a war zone. There are things about the political climate that the schools can't control. I don't see what their policies have to do with the US.

Ditto ... And, they are much smaller.
But there was never any hint of violence. “He would start yelling and stuff like that,” the friend said. “He would never hit her. He would just act like a child when he got mad."

Read more:

Errrrrr.......Recognize the warning signs of impending physical violence:

-Does the person have outbursts of loud or profane speech?
-Does the person make you feel uncomfortable?
-Is there mounting tension surrounding your interactions?
-Does the person have a threatening posture?
-Does the person exhibit increased motor activity/restlessness?

The Sandy Hook gunman worshiped the devil and had an online page dedicated to Satan, a former classmate revealed, as his childhood barber recalls Adam Lanza never spoke and would stare at the floor every time he had his hair cut.

Lanza’s worshiping page had the word ‘Devil’ written in red, Gothic-style letters against a black background, Trevor L. Todd told The National Enquirer, something which he said was ‘weird’ and ‘gave him the chills’.

The FBI are trying to piece together his smashed up hard drive to see if his online footprint will reveal any motive for the killing, but they strongly believe he made use of devil-worshiping and suicide sites and boasted of his murder plans on message forums.


Some of these reports are so out there I am taking all of them with a grain of salt right now and will wait for the official reports and statements from LE. This is just like Columbine all over again. So much stuff reported in the beginning turned out to be false.
I think there would be no other choice than to cremate him or donate his body to science, if he were given a burial imagine the vandalism.
So, today, along with all the other lockdowns, the district one over from mine had 2 students think it would be funny to send their mom a text message that someone was shooting and they were hiding in a closet. That one was a hoax.
Just a few miles away, the Millington, MI schools are suspended for the last two days of the year after a shoot up the school plan was discovered.

This is in addition to the Cass City, MI school district being closed for the rest of the week after a credible threat to the school was uncovered.

WTH is going on? Really? I didn't keep my kids home Monday, but I will be keeping them home through the rest of the week. It's only going to spread these last couple of days as stupid people try to get just a couple extra days off or try to spread just a little more fear. It's going to be a rocky 48 hours. It should die down when the world doesn't end and after the new year. I hope.
Its that info about the principal/VP's meeting was not in their offices, but rather a conference room located on the same hall as the first grade classrooms that makes me believe it was likely NOT the principal who clicked on the intercom in the main school office..

I see some articles are saying that the intercom system was open for the morning announcements. IIRC I also saw an article saying that the school secretary turned it on but I can't find it now.
But there was never any hint of violence. “He would start yelling and stuff like that,” the friend said.

Errrrrr.......Recognize the warning signs of impending physical violence:

-Does the person have outbursts of loud or profane speech?
-Does the person make you feel uncomfortable?
-Is there mounting tension surrounding your interactions?
-Does the person have a threatening posture?
-Does the person exhibit increased motor activity/restlessness?

We have seen many comments that she did not fear him.
I'm not so sure that is true.
It does seem like she may have spent a good bit of time away from the home.

She went to the bar as a "refuge"
if he was not that much trouble why use "refuge"?

"When she came here she wanted a refuge. She would come in and have a drink or two. She wanted to get things off her mind.”

ref·uge [ref-yooj] Show IPA noun, verb, ref·uged, ref·ug·ing.
shelter or protection from danger, trouble, etc.: to take refuge from a storm.
a place of shelter, protection, or safety.
anything to which one has recourse for aid, relief, or escape.
Errrrrr.......Recognize the warning signs of impending physical violence:

-Does the person have outbursts of loud or profane speech?
-Does the person make you feel uncomfortable?
-Is there mounting tension surrounding your interactions?
-Does the person have a threatening posture?
-Does the person exhibit increased motor activity/restlessness?

Respectfully snipped

I wonder if she was ever given a list of warning signs?

We need more lists like this, number 2 is seldom thought of, just gets blown off as tension.

The Sandy Hook gunman worshiped the devil and had an online page dedicated to Satan, a former classmate revealed, as his childhood barber recalls Adam Lanza never spoke and would stare at the floor every time he had his hair cut.

Lanza’s worshiping page had the word ‘Devil’ written in red, Gothic-style letters against a black background, Trevor L. Todd told The National Enquirer, something which he said was ‘weird’ and ‘gave him the chills’.

The FBI are trying to piece together his smashed up hard drive to see if his online footprint will reveal any motive for the killing, but they strongly believe he made use of devil-worshiping and suicide sites and boasted of his murder plans on message forums.


I am really suspicious about the truth of this. It has only come from two iffy sources. I can't see anyone in the FBI telling these sources they believe this either.
Doosmday preppers some stock up on food, water, necessities, first aid, antitbiotics,guns, bullets/ammo, and protective gear/vests. Me? I know economic collapse will happen, and suppose I'll just end up going with millions of others, or roam the streets until I drop.

Apologies for the OT!! I am SO not a "prepper" but I confess I watched a show last night about doomsday. The "instructor" told the "student" the best thing to have to protect yourself is -----(and it isn't a gun, lol)


~so if you have to roam...roam with me, and my bear repellent :)
I heard Rita Cosby say that NL had been at a hotel last week, not returning home until Thursday early evening. I suppose this is how the murderer had time to plan this all out. I can't believe this is the first time i have heard this. (maybe i am just tuning the name out) :(

Did Cosby mention what city or state the hotel was located in?
So it sounds to me that in the last three years he became very anti-social and wanted to spend his time playing his video games in his mother's basement. Whereas mother wanted to sell the house, move, and put him into college for special needs students.
Which led to conflict between them. Still doesn't explain why he would go shoot up the school though.
Was he communicating with people on-line? Too bad his computer is smashed to bits.
Apologies for the OT!! I am SO not a "prepper" but I confess I watched a show last night about doomsday. The "instructor" told the "student" the best thing to have to protect yourself is -----(and it isn't a gun, lol)


~so if you have to roam...roam with me, and my bear repellent :)

Lol. I found that stuff when I was looking for mace. It is a big can of bear mace. It is strong and sprays wide and far. You can't carry that on an every day walk. It wouldn't be bad for preppers, but all canned sprays diminish in a few years time, most now come with expiration dates on them.
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