GUILTY Conrad Murray Case - After The Trial & Verdict

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Good morning, everyone... :seeya:

I've mentioned many times in this thread and others about my brother (2 yrs younger than I am) being in and out of rehabs & hospital
emergency rooms with drug addictions & alcohol abuse.... which started immediately after his only child, a daughter was killed at age 20,
by a drunk driver. That was about 20 years ago.

My niece was on her way from Santa Cruz, where she had just finished her Jr year at UCSC. She then went to Burlingame, to see my mom and her other
grandmother... then went on to San Francisco to see my dad. The accident happened between my dad's home in SF and on her way to see my brother (her dad).

After a visit with my brother, my niece was going to go to Tahoe to see her mom. My niece Corrina's plans were to then go back
to the Bay Area, to San Jose and pick up her boyfriend and they were going to Mexico to travel / work for the summer before her
Sr year. Each summer, after high school & college summers, Corrina went to a different country and traveled and worked.

My brother had such a difficult time dealing with the loss of his daughter. He struggled so much with his addictions.
Last April, I went to California, after a friend of his called and said my brother was not doing well.

I caught the next plane to CA and then my dad and I went to make sure my brother had been taken to a hospital.... which he had not been.
We took him to the ER, where he was then admitted & spent 7 days being detoxed. He was in & out of alcoholic stupors, had the DT's, multiple
seizures, etc. And then left the hospital AMA.

I spent 4 weeks taking him to doctors, to AA mtgs, meeting with psychiatrists, etc, etc etc...
he appeared to be on the road to recovery and said he loved being sober.

However, shortly after I left to return to AZ and then to NY for my son's wedding... my brother started drinking very heavily again.
My sister went to CA from Dallas during August to check on him and said he was so drunk he refused to get out of bed. My sister left
CA not having a visit nor knowing what to do. (She's his conservator for money).

Well.... yesterday afternoon, I received a phone call from my dad in California, with the news that my brother had died Wednesday.
Apparently he went to bed and died in his sleep. A friend of my brother's said that my brother (Jim) didn't answer his phone for 2 days,
so went to Jim's apartment to check on him and that Jim was in bed... no pulse, not breathing, and appeared to have died several hours prior.

The reason I'm telling you this... and why here... is because I've come to feel close to all of you during the MJ/CM Case and Trial...
more so than any other cases I've followed. I think it's been because there were so few of us... and most of us have been on
the same page re CM, joked, told some personal stories, etc

Anyway, I had a need to tell my close friends about my brother Jimmy.
And since so many of you have read about or listened to other personal stories of mine...
you all are considered some of my close friends now. :)

P.S. I didn't mean for this to be so long... and I would have condensed it...
but I figured you're all used to my long stories by now and would understand! :)

My deepest condolences to you and your family.
Respectfully snipped:
Well.... yesterday afternoon, I received a phone call from my dad in California, with the news that my brother had died Wednesday.
Apparently he went to bed and died in his sleep. A friend of my brother's said that my brother (Jim) didn't answer his phone for 2 days,
so went to Jim's apartment to check on him and that Jim was in bed... no pulse, not breathing, and appeared to have died several hours prior.

Peace, I am so sorry. Take care of yourself and know I will be keeping you in my thoughts during your time of loss. :grouphug: I hope your brother and neice are reunited and are catching up.
Oh Peace I am just so so very sorry, their are no words available to me that can possibly come close to help ease the pain and loss of your brother that you must be going through. Please know that you and your family are in my thoughts and prayers. I will be saying a special prayer to your beloved brother this evening, yet one more brother fallen to the terrible pain of addiction and the toll it takes on our body mind and spirit and souls. May he find the comfort in the arms of his daughter welcoming and peaceful may his journey back to her give him all that he has missed of her for the last 20 years. May he be free form the pain that held him hostage here.

Peace take care of yourself and know that we are here fro you (with me day or night LOL) just reach out and we will hold you up and strong through your pain and loss.

Love and hugs to you.

Hi, Everyone...
Thank you for your sweet and comforting comments.
I come here to read them several times a day!
I truly appreciate them. And I truly appreciate all of you...
... for being here at WS and especially this thread.
Thank you again. :) You all are so cool!
Hi, Everyone...
Thank you for your sweet and comforting comments.
I come here to read them several times a day!
I truly appreciate them. And I truly appreciate all of you...
... for being here at WS and especially this thread.
Thank you again. :) You all are so cool!


I am just now seeing your post and I wanted to tell you that I'm so sorry for your loss. Praying for you and your family in this difficult time.

The new rumor, as I've read elsewhere is that Conrad will have an appeal based on the inability of some jurors to understand/speak the English language! Who comes up with this garbage!
The new rumor, as I've read elsewhere is that Conrad will have an appeal based on the inability of some jurors to understand/speak the English language! Who comes up with this garbage!

That's probably from the statement made by the relative of one of the jurors. I can't remember who he made it to but he said that his relative had to translate something during the deliberations to one of the other jurors. I don't recall seeing anything else reported after that or if it was even verified.

I re-read MJ's autopsy report again to find out what condition MJ's brain stem was in, and the medical terminology used by the medical examiners was way beyond my level of comprehension.

Anna Nicole Smith's AR doesn't explain how the drugs killed her and I couldn't find an AR for Heath Ledger; however, according to the medical examiner's office, Ledger took "prescribed therapeutic doses ... or less of each medication he ingested, however, the medications were not meant to be taken together. The cumulative effect was that the actor's brain stem function that controls breathing was impaired and Ledger "fell asleep and never woke up."

MJs AR reports said "Multiple transverse sections of the brainstem and cerebellum reveal no abnormality" yet after skimming over the table of drugs which was included in the AR, it suggests MJ was taking lethal amounts of prescription drugs long before he started taking Propofol nightly for 6-8 weeks and he was a drug addict.

The ongoing cosmetic surgeries MJ underwent from April to June weren't specifically mentioned either in the AR except for scars along his nose which is odd since Klein said MJ's jawline and nose collapsed and his facial skin was grafted prior to his death. The AR only stated Michael's nasal passages were "unobstructed" and a piece of tape was found attached to one of his nostrils.

I googled 'brain stem' to find out more and found a great article called 'Drugs and The Brain' which was published by the National Institute on Drug Abuse. This report clearly explains how prescription drugs impair the brain stem, limbic system, and the cerebral cortex. The brain stem controls basic functions critical to life, such as heart rate, breathing, and sleeping; the limbic system contains the brain's reward circuit - it links together a number of brain structures that control and regulate our ability to feel pleasure; and the cerebral cortex which is divided into areas that control specific functions and process information from our senses, enables us to see, feel, hear, and taste. The front part of the cortex, the frontal cortex or forebrain, is the thinking center of the brain; it powers our ability to think, plan, solve problems, and make decisions.

Most drugs of abuse target the brain's reward system by flooding the circuit with dopamine.

It fully explains the medical consequences of drug addiction, whether drug abuse causes mental disorders, or vice versa, and the adverse effect prescription medications and drug combinations have on the brain.

Among the most disturbing aspects of this emerging trend in drug abuse is its prevalence among teenagers and young adults, and the common misperception that because these medications are prescribed by physicians, they are safe even when used illicitly.

We don't know when Michael Jackson began taking potentially lethal doses of prescription medication so he could have started taking harmful drugs when he was a teenager.

The article Drugs and The Brain is definitely worth reading as it explains what the autopsy report doesn't. Here is the link:
Strange that whiny baby Dr. White used these words "unconscionable, egregious".:innocent: when referring to a small amount of money he had to pay because he was in contempt.

Yet in the trial he refused to say what Murray did was 'unconscionable and egregious." even though all the other medical doctors thought so.

Of course, I agree, ocean. And one more thang:

I thought Flanagan's "What did you expect?" remark to White was especially disrespectful to the Judge and the Court. (unless I totally misunderstood the context) ... But it sounded to me like Flan was targeting his remark specifically towards Judge Pastor and no one else. What was he thinking??? Made me mad.
:hug: Oh, peace, my little friend. I just now saw your post about your brother, and I can't imagine the sadness and sorrow that you, your dad and your sister are experiencing. I am an only child, so I have never experienced the love for and from a sibling. Neither can I imagine losing a wonderful, on-her-way 20-year-old daughter. Surely she was the light of his life -- in so many ways, and in ways we cannot ever know.

Oh, here are so many hugs for you, ((((peace)))).:grouphug:

I really have no words that I can think of to make you feel better. But you were right to share with us -- we are a special little group, as you said. I felt a "specialness" with our little gang from almost the beginning of this case.

I will send you good thoughts and lightness of spirit for the days coming, and I will say prayers for you and all your family. I believe in prayer and positive thoughts, and I think you will -- and may be already -- feeling those thoughts and love from this your "other" family. :grouphug:

Your brother has indeed shed the weight and heaviness he must have been feeling since the horrible day. He is rid of it now, and weightless. No more pain, alone-ness, anger, sorrow, regret or darkness is in him now. So maybe in the days to come, you will be able to rejoice for him in that. But give it some time.

Our love, certainly mine, is underneath you, beside you, above you, behind you, and ahead of you. :grouphug: Take strength and encouragement from that because it is real and you cannot exhaust it. Surrounding you, peace.

And may God hold you in the palm of his hand. :blue:

Thought I would stop by and say hi to all and say cant wait for sentenceing day!!!!

Peace I hope you and your family are holding up and finding your way to peace I was thinking about you and your family today and just thought I would check in and make sure you are doing alright. You all are still in my prayers and thoughts ((((Hugs to you)))).
Hi, Everyone...
Thank you for your sweet and comforting comments.
I come here to read them several times a day!
I truly appreciate them. And I truly appreciate all of you...
... for being here at WS and especially this thread.
Thank you again. :) You all are so cool!

Oh, Peace, my sweet adorable friend.......I am so sorry that you have lost your brother, Jimmy. Remember, sometimes living is far worse than death which can bring peace to a broken heart. I am sure your brother never got over losing his precious daughter.

Now they are both in the arms of God.

God bless you and your family.

Happy Thanksgiving everyone!
That's probably from the statement made by the relative of one of the jurors. I can't remember who he made it to but he said that his relative had to translate something during the deliberations to one of the other jurors. I don't recall seeing anything else reported after that or if it was even verified.


I am very wary of this TMZ story. They pay for their stories and no MSM has even mentioned this.

First, let me express my condolences to Peace and family during this time, sending a hug for you. I am sorry but was busy with 'The Book' and my own little share of grief. I almost lost my very best friend on Saturday in a horrendous traffic accident, so my nerves are a little frayed.


I agree with OBE. I do not take much to those TMZ stories about Poor Conrad. I wanted to find the REAL information as in; if a prisoner is in the jail ward, do they REALLY get family visitation while in a holding pattern until sentence is passed? I do not think so. Somebody going around saying they want to do suicide is going to get some medications to calm them down and be on some type of lockdown, away from the others, so unless one of his attorneys said something, in my mind, the story is garbage. The latest story is Poor Conrad is going to beg for mercy and reinterate that he did nothing wrong. I guess the D.A. as suspected is going to bring in that documentary-and that's the day he and his attorneys are going to get it I bet, for speaking to the media when Judge Pastor's adminittions were so clear.
Is sentencing of Conrad Murray going to be televised? Is it the 29th of November?
Is sentencing of Conrad Murray going to be televised? Is it the 29th of November?

I sure hope it is televised! We got to see everything so far, it would be a shame to keep everybody in the dark until Breaking News comes on. I want to hear the parting words from Michael's family, if any, and I want to see Murray's self inflated ego fall once again.

Added. I just now read that the DT got shot down by Judge Pastor on Monday, for them to retest some of the bottles of Propofol. It was on an MSNBC/MSN site.
First, let me express my condolences to Peace and family during this time, sending a hug for you. I am sorry but was busy with 'The Book' and my own little share of grief. I almost lost my very best friend on Saturday in a horrendous traffic accident, so my nerves are a little frayed.


I agree with OBE. I do not take much to those TMZ stories about Poor Conrad. I wanted to find the REAL information as in; if a prisoner is in the jail ward, do they REALLY get family visitation while in a holding pattern until sentence is passed? I do not think so. Somebody going around saying they want to do suicide is going to get some medications to calm them down and be on some type of lockdown, away from the others, so unless one of his attorneys said something, in my mind, the story is garbage. The latest story is Poor Conrad is going to beg for mercy and reinterate that he did nothing wrong. I guess the D.A. as suspected is going to bring in that documentary-and that's the day he and his attorneys are going to get it I bet, for speaking to the media when Judge Pastor's adminittions were so clear.


Oh, BigM -- I hope that's exactly what he does -- again say he has done nothing wrong. JP will love that, I'll bet (no disrespect or presumption intended towards the fine Judge Pastor). Yeah, that should help PCM's case a lot.

And I also hope, as you do, that the little docu is brought it for evidence. What they did, IMO, was essentially flip the bird to American jurisprudence and to the people of California -- to decide on their own what is legal and what isn't.

Oh, BigM -- I hope that's exactly what he does -- again say he has done nothing wrong. JP will love that, I'll bet (no disrespect or presumption intended towards the fine Judge Pastor). Yeah, that should help PCM's case a lot.

And I also hope, as you do, that the little docu is brought it for evidence. What they did, IMO, was essentially flip the bird to American jurisprudence and to the people of California -- to decide on their own what is legal and what isn't.

BBM. :seeya:Thank you! I agree with this. It gripes me to no end how this all played out and just when you think it might have been possible that there was some kind of tampering going on on Michael's part, Poor Conrad opens his yap and starts in with his pity party, blaming his good friend. Hogwash! Ask yourself this: If Murray was SO CONCERNED to get 'the cream' out of Michael's home, why is it that now he said all those hurtful things about Michael? His excuse for that recording on his phone; I do not buy it. The tape started about the same time Murray was putting Michael under and he wanted to use it against him at a later time. I think DT went way over the top with the documentary. I've NEVER seen anything like that before! Courtroom ettiquitte and them are strangers :waitasec:
Lawyers for the doctor convicted in Michael Jackson’s death asked a judge Wednesday to hand down the most lenient sentence possible: probation.

In court papers filed in advance of Dr. Conrad Murray’s sentencing Tuesday, his attorneys described the pop star’s death as “an atypical and isolated aberration to an otherwise exceptional medical career.”

On the prosecution side, Deputy Dist. Attys. David Walgren and Deborah Brazil also filed court papers Wednesday, urging a state prison sentence of four years.

They recounted many of the most damaging aspects of Murray’s care of Jackson, such as his 20-minute delay in phoning 911 after the singer stopped breathing. They also contended that Murray acted as an employee and a drug dealer, violating the patient-doctor relationship.
Lawyers for the doctor convicted in Michael Jackson’s death asked a judge Wednesday to hand down the most lenient sentence possible: probation.

In court papers filed in advance of Dr. Conrad Murray’s sentencing Tuesday, his attorneys described the pop star’s death as “an atypical and isolated aberration to an otherwise exceptional medical career.”
On the prosecution side, Deputy Dist. Attys. David Walgren and Deborah Brazil also filed court papers Wednesday, urging a state prison sentence of four years.

They recounted many of the most damaging aspects of Murray’s care of Jackson, such as his 20-minute delay in phoning 911 after the singer stopped breathing. They also contended that Murray acted as an employee and a drug dealer, violating the patient-doctor relationship.

BBM. OMG! Thanks for the info, Talina! I have never seen such strange behavior prior to sentencing! Exceptional medical behavior? It was never brought out except in 2009, that there were at least 3 other incidents involving Poor Conrad, not to mention how he lied on his Nevada license form TWICE, not to mention he had 'nurses' who were not licensed, not to mention how he was a deadbeat dad, not to mention all the medical debt he occured while tooling around in his 'sister's' Beemer-who was he fooling? That car is his, he was burying his assets.

Violating the patient/Doctor relationship-that is going to burst the door wide open to bring in parts of the Documentary. Judge Pastor is nobody's fool. He was pretty adamant Poor Conrad wasn't going anywhere, but jail and I can almost guarantee when Tuesday gets here, the only other place Poor Conrad is going is to prison.

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