GUILTY Conrad Murray Case - After The Trial & Verdict

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No further updates yet. Someone is really long winded in that hearing. Oh wait..nvm Flanagan is his attorney.

:floorlaugh: :floorlaugh: :floorlaugh: :floorlaugh: :floorlaugh: :floorlaugh:

Good one:seeya:
abc7MurrayTrial ABC7 Murray Trial
Despite a public apology this morning in court, Dr. Paul White was found in contempt of court and fined $250. He has 30 days to pay it.
36 seconds ago

That is the latest so far. I'm not confident anything more happened in the hearing today. I guess we'll just have to accept what little happened.
Pastor said he had decided not to go forward with proceedings against White involving a media report alleging he had used the word "" during a court break Oct. 20 -- the day the prosecution's key propofol witness, Dr. Steven Shafer, was on the stand. The judge said he found that was "not direct contempt" and did not want to further address the issue.

Read more:
I don't think that judges should postpone dealing with contempt issues until after the trial is over. I think they should deal with them right then and there to put a stop to it. Instead, they get postponed in both this case and in the CA case and by then, the judge is just ready to move on to other court issues/cases.

To me, that just tells the attorneys and others involve that it's ok to do this nonsense, nothing other than threats will really happen. (look at Baez, JP followed through on none of his contempt threats that he said would be dealt with after the trial).

Dramatic, yes. Surprising, no. How else can Murray get attention while incarcerated? Poor, poor Murray, not so much! After being in the public eye and doing the crockumentary the last two years being locked up away from any attention is probably a big let down. Being on suicide watch gets him some attention. What would mummy think of that.......she has to be strong but Murray on the other hand can't handle what his actions (or inactions) have brought him.

I hope Murray thinks about what he has done, not just the way he treated MJ medically but what he has done to his mummy and to the children he has walked away from. I realize the kind of person he is doesn't ever think their own actions caused their problems but maybe Murray will have an aha moment and actually GET IT.

I certainly hope that the court takes all this crockumentary and interviews into consideration while sentencing. I think it would be funny if the defense lawyers all got handed a contempt of court fine for doing the crockumentary during the trial. :great:

Poor Conrad Murray. Poor "Suicidal" Conrad Murray is NOT having suicidal thoughts or suicidal ideations or suicidal wishes or
suicidal gestures or suicidal attempts. Well, except for when he's thinking up ways to stay out of the county jail's general pop.
He wants his own private hospital bed, with all the comforts that a cell in gen pop doesn't have... he wants nurses to wait on him.

Poor CM definitely thinks he did nothing wrong.
Poor CM is too important to himself to be suicidal.

IMO, Poor Conrad is just being manipulative again, by pretending to be suicidal.
And he still thinks everyone believes his overly-dramatic sob stories!

Poor Conrad Murphy! ( :waitasec: )

:rocker: :woot:
The thank you button just wasnt enough on both those post guy's. Bash seconds and thirds you bombtastic post's :great:.

I though I saw that DrM was having trouble in jail or something or other scroll on the bottom of a station I had on last night (was totally absorbed in Jeff Ashton's book very good read by the way I recommend MUCHO) and though just wow Poor Poor Murrary Screaming please somebody look at me **sniffle cry whimper**
I don't think that judges should postpone dealing with contempt issues until after the trial is over. I think they should deal with them right then and there to put a stop to it. Instead, they get postponed in both this case and in the CA case and by then, the judge is just ready to move on to other court issues/cases.

To me, that just tells the attorneys and others involve that it's ok to do this nonsense, nothing other than threats will really happen. (look at Baez, JP followed through on none of his contempt threats that he said would be dealt with after the trial).


Gonna have to agree with you again. I am so disappointed that Baez did not get any censures or contempt charges. It's like the trial is over and the judge wants them all to just go away, so he doesn't carry through with any of the threats. I wish he would have. I was afraid it was going to happen with White and the lawyer in this trial too. It seems like the judge didn't forget but didn't really make that big of a deal over it either.
abc7MurrayTrial ABC7 Murray Trial
Judge Pastor began hearing saying there were 2 issues that could be contempt: one was Dr. White's allegedly calling someone "".
34 minutes ago

abc7MurrayTrial ABC7 Murray Trial
Judge decided that the "" comment was not suited to be discussed in his courtroom so he decided not to go forward with it.
34 minutes ago

abc7MurrayTrial ABC7 Murray Trial
But Judge Pastor did want to address the fact that Dr. White was told not to testify about his conversation w/ Dr Murray but tried to anyway
33 minutes ago

abc7MurrayTrial ABC7 Murray Trial
At one point during cross examination, Dr. White told prosecutor David Walgren that he couldn't answer the question because judge said so.
32 minutes ago

abc7MurrayTrial ABC7 Murray Trial
Defense attorney Michael Flanagan represented Dr White in court today. He said the expert reviewed hundreds of pages of material in the case
31 minutes ago

abc7MurrayTrial ABC7 Murray Trial
Flanagan said Dr. White had more than 8 hours of conversation with Dr Murray and it was hard to distinguish where he got which info.
31 minutes ago

abc7MurrayTrial ABC7 Murray Trial
Flanagan: Dr White is not professional witness. When confronted w/ inconsistency he innocently said he couldn't talk about his convo w/ def.
29 minutes ago

abc7MurrayTrial ABC7 Murray Trial
Flanagan: there was no intentional deception here to violate a court order.
29 minutes ago

abc7MurrayTrial ABC7 Murray Trial
Dr. White addressed the court saying he did his best to be as truthful and completely honest during his testimony.
28 minutes ago

abc7MurrayTrial ABC7 Murray Trial
Dr White: I had no idea I was violating the court order by saying I couldn't talk about my 10-11 hours of conversation with Dr. Murray.
27 minutes ago

abc7MurrayTrial ABC7 Murray Trial
Dr White: I was shocked I was accused with tampering the evidence. I tried to avoid stepping on those land mines.
27 minutes ago

abc7MurrayTrial ABC7 Murray Trial
Dr. White to Judge Pastor: I apologize profusely if I disrespected you.
26 minutes ago

abc7MurrayTrial ABC7 Murray Trial
Dr. White also told the judge he was never given rehearsed lines ton use during his testimony.
26 minutes ago

abc7MurrayTrial ABC7 Murray Trial
Prosecutor Walgren didn't buy Dr. White's excuse though, saying "he intentionally and deliberately tried to sabotage the trial."
25 minutes ago

abc7MurrayTrial ABC7 Murray Trial
Walgren: People knew going fwd that Dr. White wanted to out forth evidence that was not admitted and deny People's right to a fair trial.
25 minutes ag

abc7MurrayTrial ABC7 Murray Trial
Dr. White told the judge he was astounded to hear the DA say he was trying to sabotage the trial and wanted Walgren to show proof of that.
24 minutes ago

abc7MurrayTrial ABC7 Murray Trial
Judge Pastor said he was not going to discuss the issue "sabotage". He ended the hearing giving Dr. White until Dec. 16 to lay the $250 fine
24 minutes ago

abc7MurrayTrial ABC7 Murray Trial
Judge lowered the initial $1,000 fine the contemplated, saying his decision was based on things he heard in court today.
24 minutes ago

abc7MurrayTrial ABC7 Murray Trial
Dr. White told reporters in the hallway that the fine was "incredible, unconscionable, egregious". Flanagan said "what did you expect?"
23 minutes ago

abc7MurrayTrial ABC7 Murray Trial
Dr. White also said he believed any fine was inappropriate since he didn't thing he did anything wrong.
23 minutes ago

abc7MurrayTrial ABC7 Murray Trial
Dr White said he was shocked to see Murray led away in handcuffs. "There's no question he did some things wrong but they were not criminal"
22 minutes ago

abc7MurrayTrial ABC7 Murray Trial
Dr White also said that if he could change things he would've advised Murray 2 take the stand 2 enlighten the jury on what happened Jun 25.
20 minutes ago

OK - that last one has me just shaking my head. Who the heck does Dr. White think he is to be telling a defendant whether or not he should take the stand? I guess he thinks he is an attorney now and legal expert since he participated in the out of court discussions and strategy meetings (per the documentary). This guy has an ego that just doesn't stop.

abc7MurrayTrial ABC7 Murray Trial
Flanagan: Dr White is not professional witness. When confronted w/ inconsistency he innocently said he couldn't talk about his convo w/ def.
29 minutes ago

Well, if he is not a professional witness, he sure got paid as though he was one. Can't have it both ways. You want to play with the big dogs, then expect the big dog rules.

This isn't your classroom any more Dr. White. Welcome to the court of law and rules.


(then to leave and give the snarky comments to media that he did after the contempt hearings - like a small recalcitrant kid sucking up to mom or dad or the teacher then making faces and sarcastic remarks out of the sight or hearing). I swear, how childish.
I don't think that judges should postpone dealing with contempt issues until after the trial is over. I think they should deal with them right then and there to put a stop to it. Instead, they get postponed in both this case and in the CA case and by then, the judge is just ready to move on to other court issues/cases.

To me, that just tells the attorneys and others involve that it's ok to do this nonsense, nothing other than threats will really happen. (look at Baez, JP followed through on none of his contempt threats that he said would be dealt with after the trial).


I remember 2 contempt of court hearings that took center stage pretty quickly during the FCA trial-these were in relation to outbursts from the peanut gallery. That's how it should be done, just nip it in the bud, hello, goodbye-done.

Maybe we'll get to see some good stuff when Murphy get sentenced= max. sentence. Trying to talk myself into going down there, but so much more cozier to watch from the comfort of home without the hoopla. I went to the circus down in Orlando since we had vacation time and was going there anyway for other adventures. It was very surreal and something I would not like to experience again, only because it brought out such a hostility I never knew I had and more contempt than ever for the players invovled, it also brought such a keen, more focused sense of sad realism what happened to the little girl.
abc7MurrayTrial ABC7 Murray Trial
Dr. White also said he believed any fine was inappropriate since he didn't thing he did anything wrong.
23 minutes ago
Respectfully snipped to one tweet. BBM me.

White didn't think he did anything wrong.........Murray didn't think he did anything wrong, Wow, just wow.

Thank you Talina for posting these. I could tell from Dr. White's performance on the witness stand that he thought highly of himself but to actually say he didn't think he did anything wrong? How egotistical of him.:banghead:
I remember 2 contempt of court hearings that took center stage pretty quickly during the FCA trial-these were in relation to outbursts from the peanut gallery. That's how it should be done, just nip it in the bud, hello, goodbye-done.

Maybe we'll get to see some good stuff when Murphy get sentenced= max. sentence. Trying to talk myself into going down there, but so much more cozier to watch from the comfort of home without the hoopla. I went to the circus down in Orlando since we had vacation time and was going there anyway for other adventures. It was very surreal and something I would not like to experience again, only because it brought out such a hostility I never knew I had and more contempt than ever for the players invovled, it also brought such a keen, more focused sense of sad realism what happened to the little girl.

Exactly. I remember those two.

For me, I don't think that spectators should be held to a higher standard than officers of the court, but instead it should be the reverse. If an officer of the court or an expert witness is in contempt of the court, they should be dealt with then and there and swiftly so that it nips it in the bud during the trial or hearing.
abc7MurrayTrial ABC7 Murray Trial
Judge lowered the initial $1,000 fine the contemplated, saying his decision was based on things he heard in court today.
24 minutes ago

I wonder how Judge Pastors feels now about this decision given the lack of respect shown to his court by both Flanagan and White in this tweet:

abc7MurrayTrial ABC7 Murray Trial
Dr. White told reporters in the hallway that the fine was "incredible, unconscionable, egregious". Flanagan said "what did you expect?"
23 minutes ago

The unmitigated gall by some people just absolutely amazes me. Prosecutors answer to their supervising DA and can not pull this nonsense. Defense attorneys get by with far too much. IMO
abc7MurrayTrial ABC7 Murray Trial
Judge Pastor began hearing saying there were 2 issues that could be contempt: one was Dr. White's allegedly calling someone "".
34 minutes ago

abc7MurrayTrial ABC7 Murray Trial
Judge decided that the "" comment was not suited to be discussed in his courtroom so he decided not to go forward with it.
34 minutes ago

abc7MurrayTrial ABC7 Murray Trial
But Judge Pastor did want to address the fact that Dr. White was told not to testify about his conversation w/ Dr Murray but tried to anyway
33 minutes ago

abc7MurrayTrial ABC7 Murray Trial
At one point during cross examination, Dr. White told prosecutor David Walgren that he couldn't answer the question because judge said so.
32 minutes ago

abc7MurrayTrial ABC7 Murray Trial
Defense attorney Michael Flanagan represented Dr White in court today. He said the expert reviewed hundreds of pages of material in the case
31 minutes ago

abc7MurrayTrial ABC7 Murray Trial
Flanagan said Dr. White had more than 8 hours of conversation with Dr Murray and it was hard to distinguish where he got which info.
31 minutes ago

abc7MurrayTrial ABC7 Murray Trial
Flanagan: Dr White is not professional witness. When confronted w/ inconsistency he innocently said he couldn't talk about his convo w/ def.
29 minutes ago

abc7MurrayTrial ABC7 Murray Trial
Flanagan: there was no intentional deception here to violate a court order.
29 minutes ago

abc7MurrayTrial ABC7 Murray Trial
Dr. White addressed the court saying he did his best to be as truthful and completely honest during his testimony.
28 minutes ago

abc7MurrayTrial ABC7 Murray Trial
Dr White: I had no idea I was violating the court order by saying I couldn't talk about my 10-11 hours of conversation with Dr. Murray.
27 minutes ago

abc7MurrayTrial ABC7 Murray Trial
Dr White: I was shocked I was accused with tampering the evidence. I tried to avoid stepping on those land mines.
27 minutes ago

abc7MurrayTrial ABC7 Murray Trial
Dr. White to Judge Pastor: I apologize profusely if I disrespected you.
26 minutes ago

abc7MurrayTrial ABC7 Murray Trial
Dr. White also told the judge he was never given rehearsed lines ton use during his testimony.
26 minutes ago

abc7MurrayTrial ABC7 Murray Trial
Prosecutor Walgren didn't buy Dr. White's excuse though, saying "he intentionally and deliberately tried to sabotage the trial."
25 minutes ago

abc7MurrayTrial ABC7 Murray Trial
Walgren: People knew going fwd that Dr. White wanted to out forth evidence that was not admitted and deny People's right to a fair trial.
25 minutes ag

abc7MurrayTrial ABC7 Murray Trial
Dr. White told the judge he was astounded to hear the DA say he was trying to sabotage the trial and wanted Walgren to show proof of that.
24 minutes ago

abc7MurrayTrial ABC7 Murray Trial
Judge Pastor said he was not going to discuss the issue "sabotage". He ended the hearing giving Dr. White until Dec. 16 to lay the $250 fine
24 minutes ago

abc7MurrayTrial ABC7 Murray Trial
Judge lowered the initial $1,000 fine the contemplated, saying his decision was based on things he heard in court today.
24 minutes ago

abc7MurrayTrial ABC7 Murray Trial
Dr. White told reporters in the hallway that the fine was "incredible, unconscionable, egregious". Flanagan said "what did you expect?"
23 minutes ago

abc7MurrayTrial ABC7 Murray Trial
Dr. White also said he believed any fine was inappropriate since he didn't thing he did anything wrong.
23 minutes ago

abc7MurrayTrial ABC7 Murray Trial
Dr White said he was shocked to see Murray led away in handcuffs. "There's no question he did some things wrong but they were not criminal"
22 minutes ago

abc7MurrayTrial ABC7 Murray Trial
Dr White also said that if he could change things he would've advised Murray 2 take the stand 2 enlighten the jury on what happened Jun 25.
20 minutes ago

OK - that last one has me just shaking my head. Who the heck does Dr. White think he is to be telling a defendant whether or not he should take the stand? I guess he thinks he is an attorney now and legal expert since he participated in the out of court discussions and strategy meetings (per the documentary). This guy has an ego that just doesn't stop.


:seeya:Thanks so much for providing all of this! I tried to tune into to some of the news stations and was met with at least 15 minutes of advertisements, you're much quicker and spot on for doing this. Great Job!

I wouldn't know where to begin to add anything to some of those pleadings of White's or Flanagan's. More crockfoolery. :floorlaugh: Yes, he was a paid witness or more like a paid consultant/expert:waitasec:. I know he got himself all confused on the stand and he had a moment of 'why did I ever agree to get inolved'. Oh Well! Lay down with dogs, get fleas.:slap:

I do not think Judge Pastor is through with them yet. The best is yet to come.

Added: I just caught White on Ch 4 NBC news. Oh Brother! You were right, he talks like he's a lawyer in training now! Must have been the effects of all the spaghetti and meatballs with the Light beers and wine at Flanagan's. Affected their brain matter - or lack thereof.
abc7MurrayTrial ABC7 Murray Trial
Flanagan: Dr White is not professional witness. When confronted w/ inconsistency he innocently said he couldn't talk about his convo w/ def.
29 minutes ago

Well, if he is not a professional witness, he sure got paid as though he was one. Can't have it both ways. You want to play with the big dogs, then expect the big dog rules.

This isn't your classroom any more Dr. White. Welcome to the court of law and rules.


(then to leave and give the snarky comments to media that he did after the contempt hearings - like a small recalcitrant kid sucking up to mom or dad or the teacher then making faces and sarcastic remarks out of the sight or hearing). I swear, how childish.

Thank you very much, Talina, for posting the comments re Dr White's court hearing today!!
It was so helpful and saved me a lot of time!

Here's a token of my gratitude:
Dr. White sure did talk to CM a long time. According to him, 10 to 11 hours. I don't see how he did it and was able to listen to CM for that long. Of course, Dr. White could have been giving CM some tips in case he did testify - tips regarding anesthesia and propofol.
$250 for a snotty, unrepentant witness who very clearly tried to sneak in information that he was specifically told not to speak about? Feh!

On the bright side, this should put a significant dent in Paul White's expert witness business (although I do agree with him: he was a most unprofessional witness). Now that he has been found in contempt, it will be used by every lawyer cross-examining him for the foreseeable future. I suspect that anyone who was considering employing him as an expert will now pass.
Thanx, Talina..

That's all the fine was???

LOL - I wonder what his legal fees to Flanagan are?

Oh Yeah. Flanagan owes White... right? :waitasec:

I just hope Flan is not waiting on a last installment from PCM -- 'cause he's in the poor house at the jail house. Suicide, my toenail. He is just plain scared -- another "tell." No gambler, he. He has lots of "tells."

I guess the people who taught him how to use propofol also taught him to play poker... Or PCM didn't pay much attention, cause he ain't doin too good, IMO, altho he is in the only part of the jail house that could be considered the penthouse area, and he's holding onto that address for dear life. Poor, poor man.

What a crock-a-doodle-doo-doo...:chicken: ..... :hen: .... :turkey:

:rubberducky: ,,,, What does a duck say? :rubberducky:
quack .................................... quack
Thank you, Talina!! :)

P.S. I love it when someone reads tweets, because I don't.

Not even my friends' & family's tweets.

I like my reading material to be easy to read, easy to understand,
easy to follow... and without all the abbreviations and all the #s, and @s, and *s.

I'm just too old, too blonde ... and too lazy to figure it all out! :)

BBM - You are truly my doppelganger, peace -- same here -- too old, too blonde and too lazy. Neither do I text. And I hope I don't ever have to. Answer the phone, talk, the old-fashioned way -- vocally, and/or dial a number, and that is all.

Boy, does that put me over the hill!!! But the grass is green over here -- well not ALL the grass is green...:crazy:

Rocked, rolled, retired...
$250 for a snotty, unrepentant witness who very clearly tried to sneak in information that he was specifically told not to speak about? Feh!

On the bright side, this should put a significant dent in Paul White's expert witness business (although I do agree with him: he was a most unprofessional witness). Now that he has been found in contempt, it will be used by every lawyer cross-examining him for the foreseeable future. I suspect that anyone who was considering employing him as an expert will now pass.

.................................................... Our hero, ShaferMan .......
Yes, oosl -- When you've seen the best :hero: , why call the worst :sheesh: :jester: ?
.....................................................................................................Dr. White, Esq.
abc7MurrayTrial ABC7 Murray Trial
Judge lowered the initial $1,000 fine the contemplated, saying his decision was based on things he heard in court today.
24 minutes ago

I wonder how Judge Pastors feels now about this decision given the lack of respect shown to his court by both Flanagan and White in this tweet:

abc7MurrayTrial ABC7 Murray Trial
Dr. White told reporters in the hallway that the fine was "incredible, unconscionable, egregious". Flanagan said "what did you expect?"
23 minutes ago

The unmitigated gall by some people just absolutely amazes me. Prosecutors answer to their supervising DA and can not pull this nonsense. Defense attorneys get by with far too much. IMO

Strange that whiny baby Dr. White used these words "unconscionable, egregious".:innocent: when referring to a small amount of money he had to pay because he was in contempt.

Yet in the trial he refused to say what Murray did was 'unconscionable and egregious." even though all the other medical doctors thought so.


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