GUILTY Conrad Murray Case - After The Trial & Verdict

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This is rather dramatic IMO. :rolleyes:

Conrad Murray I Want to Commit Suicide

Dr. Conrad Murray has been telling people who have visited him in jail ... he no longer has the will to live and he wants to kill himself.

We're told Murray cannot cope with the fact that he was found guilty of involuntary manslaughter, and even though his lawyers told him he needed to be prepared for the possibility of a guilty verdict, it never computed with him.

Sources tell us, Murray has told various people he wanted to kill himself, including baby mama Nicole Alvarez, his bodyguard Jeff and his lawyers. He's told all of them he's lost his will to live.

We've also learned Murray remains in the medical ward at L.A. County Jail, which is where he's been for more than a week.

Sources directly connected with Murray tell us he has no physical ailments and he is there because he's on suicide watch

Dramatic, yes. Surprising, no. How else can Murray get attention while incarcerated? Poor, poor Murray, not so much! After being in the public eye and doing the crockumentary the last two years being locked up away from any attention is probably a big let down. Being on suicide watch gets him some attention. What would mummy think of that.......she has to be strong but Murray on the other hand can't handle what his actions (or inactions) have brought him.

I hope Murray thinks about what he has done, not just the way he treated MJ medically but what he has done to his mummy and to the children he has walked away from. I realize the kind of person he is doesn't ever think their own actions caused their problems but maybe Murray will have an aha moment and actually GET IT.

I certainly hope that the court takes all this crockumentary and interviews into consideration while sentencing. I think it would be funny if the defense lawyers all got handed a contempt of court fine for doing the crockumentary during the trial. :great:
Conrad Murray Documentary: Just Sealed The Maximum Sentence For Dr. Murray

The recently aired MSNBC documentary, “Michael Jackson and The Doctor: A Fatal Friendship”, just sealed Dr. Conrad Murray’s fate. Judge Pastor is not a judge to be played. 4 years, Dr. Murray, forthwith.

No remorse. Arrogance. Blaming the victim. “Betrayed” by Michael. Michael died “at his own hands”. These are just some of the highlights, Dr. Murray had an excuse for everything. Apparently, the filming took place over the last 2 years and the documentary included interviews with Dr. Murray, strategy sessions with the defense attorneys, even their arguments, defense discussions with Dr. “Propofol” White, and even filming Dr. Murray in prayer.

Filming before and during the trial was an “unusual” move. A dangerous move and a big mistake, in my book.

What was the defense thinking?

Dr. Murray is awaiting sentencing and possibly an appeal. Did they think Judge Pastor or the prosecution would be swayed by Dr. Murray’s words? They’ll be swayed, alright, to put him away for as long as possible. And, with that documentary, the prosecution has hardly a need to utter a word at the sentencing on November 29th.

Clearly, Dr. Murray doesn’t get it. He’ll never admit any responsibility. “Michael was my friend”, he claimed repeatedly. Even Dr. Murray’s own “prayer” sessions revealed Dr. Murray’s belief that he is a victim, further evidence of a serious disconnect with reality.

How is the documentary in Dr. Murray’s best interest? How is it at all helpful to mitigate Murray’s sentence?

And, to waive confidentiality and privilege when they allowed a third-party, MSNBC, to make a recording, while a trial and verdict were pending. Who does that? Not to mention, had the prosecution known about Murray’s statements, the film crew could have been witnesses at the trial.

Unethical? Unprofessional? Professionally embarrassing? Frankly, I wouldn’t be surprised if Judge Pastor sets a contempt hearing and sanctions for the defense, possible discovery violations? Certainly, plenty of explaining to do. The Defense has really stepped in it.

No doubt, the California State Bar will weigh in, too. Maybe, it’s time to remind lawyers of what not to do.

In case you missed the documentary, no worries, it will be played at sentencing on Nov. 29, 2011 if not sooner.

Wow -- good article, ocean. The attorney making the remarks has a "blog" or a series of discussions/essays about the Murray case, and I have just read all that were shown on the site where ocean's article appeared.

To wit:

Recent Posts

If you go to the link above (also shown in ocean's original post, of course) and look to the right, a column will cite the articles I listed. Good, good reading...

IMO, each one is well-thought and well-written. In no way, IMO, biased or over-done. I encourage reading all of these articles. None of them is very long or dripping with legalese.

Thanks, oceen. Good stuff from you, as usual!!
Member of Murray legal team faces contempt hearing
Posted: Tuesday, November 15, 2011 1:22 am

A law partner of Dr. Conrad Murray's chief defense attorney is facing a contempt hearing stemming from an interview he gave during the trial of Michael Jackson's doctor.

Matt Alford, who practices with attorney Ed Chernoff, in Houston, was ordered to appear Tuesday before Superior Court Judge Michael Pastor. The judge threatened to hold Alford in contempt for his appearance on NBC's Today show.

Alford gave an interview in which he criticized a prosecution witness in the Murray trial and made comments about the jury. The judge said he found the interview shocking since it came only hours after he had warned defense attorneys not to comment on the case outside court.

Murray was convicted of involuntary manslaughter last week in Jackson's death and is in jail awaiting sentencing Nov. 29.

Well, he's gotten himself into even more trouble. He was a no show. His secretary apparently called the court's clerk yesterday and said he could not make it today due to a trial in Houston. The judge said today he is issuing a warrant and will hold it until Nov 29. See tweets below from a local station:

abc7MurrayTrial ABC7 Murray Trial
Attorney Matthew Alford, partner in defense attorney's Ed Chernoff firm, did not appear for the court hearing today.

abc7MurrayTrial ABC7 Murray Trial
Judge Michael Pastor ordered, but has not yet issued, a body attachment on Alford, which means arrest warrant for his unwillingness 2 appear

abc7MurrayTrial ABC7 Murray Trial
Judge Pastor said he will hold the order until Nov. 29, when he expects Alford to explain, in writing, why he wasn't in court today.

abc7MurrayTrial ABC7 Murray Trial
The clerk said she received call from Alford's secretary yesterday saying the attorney was in trial in Houston and would not be able 2 come

abc7MurrayTrial ABC7 Murray Trial
Judge Pastor said he wants to know all the details of trial that prevented Alford from being here: type of case, name/phone # of judge in TX
This is rather dramatic IMO. :rolleyes:

Conrad Murray I Want to Commit Suicide

Dr. Conrad Murray has been telling people who have visited him in jail ... he no longer has the will to live and he wants to kill himself.

We're told Murray cannot cope with the fact that he was found guilty of involuntary manslaughter, and even though his lawyers told him he needed to be prepared for the possibility of a guilty verdict, it never computed with him.

Sources tell us, Murray has told various people he wanted to kill himself, including baby mama Nicole Alvarez, his bodyguard Jeff and his lawyers. He's told all of them he's lost his will to live.

We've also learned Murray remains in the medical ward at L.A. County Jail, which is where he's been for more than a week.

Sources directly connected with Murray tell us he has no physical ailments and he is there because he's on suicide watch

Poor Conrad Murray. :boohoo:
This is rather dramatic IMO. :rolleyes:

Conrad Murray I Want to Commit Suicide

Dr. Conrad Murray has been telling people who have visited him in jail ... he no longer has the will to live and he wants to kill himself.

We're told Murray cannot cope with the fact that he was found guilty of involuntary manslaughter, and even though his lawyers told him he needed to be prepared for the possibility of a guilty verdict, it never computed with him.

Sources tell us, Murray has told various people he wanted to kill himself, including baby mama Nicole Alvarez, his bodyguard Jeff and his lawyers. He's told all of them he's lost his will to live.

We've also learned Murray remains in the medical ward at L.A. County Jail, which is where he's been for more than a week.

Sources directly connected with Murray tell us he has no physical ailments and he is there because he's on suicide watch

Well, I sure hope he doesn't kill himself because if he did that would be all the more time Michael Jackson would have to put up with him for eternity!
Go ahead Conrad, act like a crazy person and see what happens when that is added in when the boards of medicine decide whether to revoke your license or not. You will be deemed mentally unstable and unsafe for the practice of medicine, as if you don't already have enough problems.
Well, he's gotten himself into even more trouble. He was a no show. His secretary apparently called the court's clerk yesterday and said he could not make it today due to a trial in Houston. The judge said today he is issuing a warrant and will hold it until Nov 29. See tweets below from a local station:

abc7MurrayTrial ABC7 Murray Trial
Attorney Matthew Alford, partner in defense attorney's Ed Chernoff firm, did not appear for the court hearing today.

abc7MurrayTrial ABC7 Murray Trial
Judge Michael Pastor ordered, but has not yet issued, a body attachment on Alford, which means arrest warrant for his unwillingness 2 appear

abc7MurrayTrial ABC7 Murray Trial
Judge Pastor said he will hold the order until Nov. 29, when he expects Alford to explain, in writing, why he wasn't in court today.

abc7MurrayTrial ABC7 Murray Trial
The clerk said she received call from Alford's secretary yesterday saying the attorney was in trial in Houston and would not be able 2 come

abc7MurrayTrial ABC7 Murray Trial
Judge Pastor said he wants to know all the details of trial that prevented Alford from being here: type of case, name/phone # of judge in TX

If he issued a warrant but will hold it until the 29th does that mean Alford has until the 29th to turn himself into the court? And what happens when he turns himself into the court? Does he go to jail until his case can be heard? And if he waits until the 29th does he get arrested and go to jail in Texas to be extradited to California?

Can Alford just send the judge a letter with the case # and judge's name of the trial he was in court with? Why would a lawyer just blow off his own hearing? That takes b*lls of steel.
This is rather dramatic IMO. :rolleyes:

Conrad Murray I Want to Commit Suicide

Dr. Conrad Murray has been telling people who have visited him in jail ... he no longer has the will to live and he wants to kill himself.

We're told Murray cannot cope with the fact that he was found guilty of involuntary manslaughter, and even though his lawyers told him he needed to be prepared for the possibility of a guilty verdict, it never computed with him.

Sources tell us, Murray has told various people he wanted to kill himself, including baby mama Nicole Alvarez, his bodyguard Jeff and his lawyers. He's told all of them he's lost his will to live.

We've also learned Murray remains in the medical ward at L.A. County Jail, which is where he's been for more than a week.

Sources directly connected with Murray tell us he has no physical ailments and he is there because he's on suicide watch

Poor Conrad Murray. Poor "Suicidal" Conrad Murray is NOT having suicidal thoughts or suicidal ideations or suicidal wishes or
suicidal gestures or suicidal attempts. Well, except for when he's thinking up ways to stay out of the county jail's general pop.
He wants his own private hospital bed, with all the comforts that a cell in gen pop doesn't have... he wants nurses to wait on him.

Poor CM definitely thinks he did nothing wrong.
Poor CM is too important to himself to be suicidal.

IMO, Poor Conrad is just being manipulative again, by pretending to be suicidal.
And he still thinks everyone believes his overly-dramatic sob stories!

Poor Conrad Murphy! ( :waitasec: )
If he issued a warrant but will hold it until the 29th does that mean Alford has until the 29th to turn himself into the court? And what happens when he turns himself into the court? Does he go to jail until his case can be heard? And if he waits until the 29th does he get arrested and go to jail in Texas to be extradited to California?

Can Alford just send the judge a letter with the case # and judge's name of the trial he was in court with? Why would a lawyer just blow off his own hearing? That takes b*lls of steel.


Especially when dealing with Judge Pastor. He no play around!

ETA: Good questions, Thundar! I'd like to know, also!
And these lawyers were so dumb they put it in the crocumentary that they were leaking to the press.:floorlaugh:

Whew, ocean! Thanks for the article. Another screw-up by the Rowdy Boys. Is there no end to this madness??

This amazing Officer of The Court is letting no stupid and/or against-the-rules deed go unnoticed, or probably unpunished. He's had it with the mavericks of the bar and their client -- Cherny, Flanagan and Murray -- as well as the glitterati and all their attendant sparkle-dust. He is stern but still has a sense of humor. But don't mess with his Court. This is such icing on the cake! And a crow pie for the defense team and Poor Conrad Murray.
. And Chernoff being In Charge probably won't be able to shake this stigma for a long time. And if Murray still has a balance on his account with his DT, they can just kizz that bizsnezz good bye.
Harumph! Some anonymous blogger says the same stuff I've been posting here for weeks, and you go with the blogger? :)

That blogger is wrong about one thing: the California Bar won't do diddlysquat. They are nothing more than a paper tiger. There is a lawyer out there who has lied to every court she's ever filed anything in, has violated most of the canons of ethics, was sanctioned $20,000 by a federal judge, and the California Bar does nothing. So, I wouldn't be holding my breath about them taking any action in this case either.
This is rather dramatic IMO. :rolleyes:

Conrad Murray I Want to Commit Suicide

Dr. Conrad Murray has been telling people who have visited him in jail ... he no longer has the will to live and he wants to kill himself.

We're told Murray cannot cope with the fact that he was found guilty of involuntary manslaughter, and even though his lawyers told him he needed to be prepared for the possibility of a guilty verdict, it never computed with him.

Like any true narcissist. Poor Conrad Murray.

Sources tell us, Murray has told various people he wanted to kill himself, including baby mama Nicole Alvarez, his bodyguard Jeff and his lawyers. He's told all of them he's lost his will to live.

We've also learned Murray remains in the medical ward at L.A. County Jail, which is where he's been for more than a week.

What a :chicken: he is. And rightly so. He'd be a light snack for the regular jail population. I'm sure they're smacking their lips. Poor Conrad Murray.

Sources directly connected with Murray tell us he has no physical ailments and he is there because he's on suicide watch

Imagine -- some people are watching after him and his health. They don't want him to die. They are worried that he might harm himself. They know he's harmed other people in the past. It's such a shame for Poor Conrad Murray.

RBM - Please forgive my sticking my "pen" into your post, but I just had to make a couple of remarks in answer to Poor Conrad Murray.
Poor Conrad Murray. Poor "Suicidal" Conrad Murray is NOT having suicidal thoughts or suicidal ideations or suicidal wishes or
suicidal gestures or suicidal attempts. Well, except for when he's thinking up ways to stay out of the county jail's general pop.
He wants his own private hospital bed, with all the comforts that a cell in gen pop doesn't have... he wants nurses to wait on him.

Poor CM definitely thinks he did nothing wrong.
Poor CM is too important to himself to be suicidal.

IMO, Poor Conrad is just being manipulative again, by pretending to be suicidal.
And he still thinks everyone believes his overly-dramatic sob stories!

Poor Conrad Murphy! ( :waitasec: )

No sorrow felt here for him. I think he's just afraid of mean old Bubba in the can.
Yea, poor Conrad Murphy:crazy: Got a feeling Judge Pastor is going to tear:laugh: him and his cronies a new one. He is such a pleasant judge, but you don't play with him, we know that already. Just how are any of them going to explain those videos:waitasec: Now a warrant has been issued and Dr. W already on the hot seat for contempt as well. Cruisin for a big bruisin :behindbar
Well, he's gotten himself into even more trouble. He was a no show. His secretary apparently called the court's clerk yesterday and said he could not make it today due to a trial in Houston. The judge said today he is issuing a warrant and will hold it until Nov 29. See tweets below from a local station:

abc7MurrayTrial ABC7 Murray Trial
Attorney Matthew Alford, partner in defense attorney's Ed Chernoff firm, did not appear for the court hearing today.

abc7MurrayTrial ABC7 Murray Trial
Judge Michael Pastor ordered, but has not yet issued, a body attachment on Alford, which means arrest warrant for his unwillingness 2 appear

abc7MurrayTrial ABC7 Murray Trial
Judge Pastor said he will hold the order until Nov. 29, when he expects Alford to explain, in writing, why he wasn't in court today.

abc7MurrayTrial ABC7 Murray Trial
The clerk said she received call from Alford's secretary yesterday saying the attorney was in trial in Houston and would not be able 2 come

abc7MurrayTrial ABC7 Murray Trial
Judge Pastor said he wants to know all the details of trial that prevented Alford from being here: type of case, name/phone # of judge in TX

Wow, this Judge is armed for bear. You don't just NOT GO. It shows disrespect (contempt) of the Court (the Judge) and disrespect of the law.

And a bench warrant -- which it sounds like the Judge is ready to issue -- is a bad, bad mark against an officer of the court.

This pile of, er, um, disrespect just gets bigger, almost by the day.
Wow, this Judge is armed for bear. You don't just NOT GO. It shows disrespect (contempt) of the Court (the Judge) and disrespect of the law.

And a bench warrant -- which it sounds like the Judge is ready to issue -- is a bad, bad mark against an officer of the court.

This pile of, er, um, disrespect just gets bigger, almost by the day.

For Alford's sake, he better hope this hearing he had to be at in TX wasn't just for a traffic infraction or something so small it couldn't have been handled by someone else, or postponed, because if it was-He'll get the book thrown at him too. It's all sounding so much like the great Humpty Dumpty effect-They all fall down:blushing:.
Wow -- good article, ocean. The attorney making the remarks has a "blog" or a series of discussions/essays about the Murray case, and I have just read all that were shown on the site where ocean's article appeared.

To wit:

Recent Posts

If you go to the link above (also shown in ocean's original post, of course) and look to the right, a column will cite the articles I listed. Good, good reading...

IMO, each one is well-thought and well-written. In no way, IMO, biased or over-done. I encourage reading all of these articles. None of them is very long or dripping with legalese.

Thanks, oceen. Good stuff from you, as usual!!

Those were excellent links borndem and Hagan was spot on in every single one of them. Thank you for posting them
Conrad Murray's Lawyers Will Ask for Probation

Conrad Murray's lawyers will ask Judge Michael Pastor for mercy when he's sentenced on November 29 -- mercy in the form of probation ... sources directly connected with the case tell TMZ.

We're told attorneys Mike Flanagan and Ed Chernoff will argue ... Murray has no criminal history, and he's been a model citizen and good doctor for all of his professional life -- except, of course, with the whole Michael Jackson thing.

Sources say Murray's lawyers are getting statements from the doc's patients, to demonstrate his commitment to good medicine.

Murray faces a maximum of 4 years in State prison, although he will never serve a day in prison because of a new California law. If Murray is sentenced to 4 years, he'll serve a maximum of 2 in L.A. County Jail, and he could be eligible for house arrest.
County Jail Felony Sentence is Not Probation
October 23rd, 2011

There are many questions about California’s criminal justice realignment plan. The cornerstone of this plan is the restructuring of California’s sentencing laws. As of October 1, 2011, most “non-strike” offenses will be served in county jail rather than state prison. However, people should not mistake these “county jail felonies” for probationary sentences. Here’s an example:

Let’s say someone is convicted of possession for sale of methamphetamine in violation of Health and Safety Code Section 11378. Under realignment, there are two sentencing options: 1) A sentence of 16 months, two years, or three years in county jail OR 2) Probation which may include time in the county jail.

This distinction between the two options is important. Until now, county time on a felony was often the part of a probationary sentence, now both a sentence to a county jail felony and a probationary sentence can both include county jail time. However, if a person is sentenced to the county jail felony and not probation, he or she will suffer many of the same collateral consequences of being sent to state prison. The two most significant of these consequences is that a county jail felony counts as a “state prison prior” in any future felony cases and county jail felonies are not eligible for dismissal under California Penal Code 1203.4 (commonly called “expungement”).

Defendants and criminal defense lawyers must be very careful to understand that just because someone is sentenced to county jail, the sentence is not probation unless the judge specifically designates the county time as a term.
Dr. White's contempt hearing is today. I wonder if he plans to show up.

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