GUILTY Conrad Murray Case - After The Trial & Verdict

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Michael Jackson’s Doctor Violates Patient Confidentiality In Telling The World He Regularly Wet The Bed

The recently convicted former doctor of Michael Jackson, has added insult to injury in a documentary about the singer that aired this week on NBC. Dr. Conrad Murray, who is currently in jail in Los Angeles, California, on involuntary manslaughter charges in connection with the singer’s death of a pharmaceutical drug overdose in 2009, revealed embarrassing details about Jackson.

Beautiful photo of MJ at link......
Me too! there was 1 little item that caught my eye when 'the handlers' were trying to sell off some of the things from Neverland prior to Michael passing on-that auction was stopped-same people were handling it-Julien's. It was this little red choo choo train tea kettle. When the water boiled, the wheels on it went round and round and it had an actual train toot toot whistle and chug chug sound. No clue whatever became of that kettle, would have loved to have it though:seeya:

The most precious item in that mansion is the chalkboard where one of his children told him how much they loved him. The family deserves to have that back.


Oh Thank you Much! I did see something on EBay or youtube for one of these kettles, but it had a wine cork as the stopper iow, didn't work right. I forget the name of the Co. right now, but they made some pretty whimsical tea kettles that are now worth a small fortune. They even have one that has a rocket ship that goes round and round on the top portion when the water gets hot. Always keeping my eye out for the train kettle-so cute :seeya:

ps, yep, this is the one I watched on youtube.
Oh Thank you Much! I did see something on EBay or youtube for one of these kettles, but it had a wine cork as the stopper iow, didn't work right. I forget the name of the Co. right now, but they made some pretty whimsical tea kettles that are now worth a small fortune. They even have one that has a rocket ship that goes round and round on the top portion when the water gets hot. Always keeping my eye out for the train kettle-so cute :seeya:

ps, yep, this is the one I watched on youtube.


[ame=""]Kamenstein MKI Design Rocket Kettle - YouTube[/ame]
Michael Jackson’s Doctor Violates Patient Confidentiality In Telling The World He Regularly Wet The Bed

The recently convicted former doctor of Michael Jackson, has added insult to injury in a documentary about the singer that aired this week on NBC. Dr. Conrad Murray, who is currently in jail in Los Angeles, California, on involuntary manslaughter charges in connection with the singer’s death of a pharmaceutical drug overdose in 2009, revealed embarrassing details about Jackson.

Beautiful photo of MJ at link......

And a great photo of CM's hands at the end of the article!!
The most precious item in that mansion is the chalkboard where one of his children told him how much they loved him. The family deserves to have that back.


I agree! I always had wondered what happened to all of his awards and other things that 'one handler' tried to pawn off to Julien's back in 2009. I am very sure his children would love to have everything that belonged to their father, well his mother would as well, as she would keep those things safe for the children. I hope they got a lot of those things back-Hope they are not being held hostage in some wharehouse because of one of the shady companies needs to be paid. Now that I read the disclaimer from Mrs. Jackson, I have a feeling a lot of those items were not actually Michael's, but the personal things should be given back, it's only right.

ps. Thanks for the great article, the photo of Michael is very nice... and the hands-the indignant dirty hands that could not believe what was happening-Yes, it DID happen and rightly so because those hands did this to Michael J. Jackson.

Peace out
Hi all, Thanks for all the post's on DrM's interview I didnt have a chance to watch Bash's SIL came back from deployment and Grandma Bash gave them Mommy and Daddy alone time for the weekend.
Hi all, Thanks for all the post's on DrM's interview I didnt have a chance to watch Bash's SIL came back from deployment and Grandma Bash gave them Mommy and Daddy alone time for the weekend.

I apoligize if in earlier post I gave the impression that I was saying that anyone but DrM was solely responsible for MJ's death. He is a morally corrupt and humanly bankrupted narcissist that deserve's everything and so much more that he has coming to him. His negligent care of MJ I just dont have words for my disgust of this man, and to make me even more nuclear he thinks that he did nothing wrong that this was MJ's fault. By that alone I think he should be in jail for the rest of his life cause I think he would do it again if given the right amount of money. At first I was saying I didnt care about the time as much as lose of his Lic, after the show I retrack that statement.

Well maybe not propafal but you get the jest.

I let my emotion's and all around distaste for medical professional's in general get in the way of my posting thought's and making them complete.

<<<sorry about the double post, yea not quite sure how that happened fingers to fast brain to slow>>>
Hi all, Thanks for all the post's on DrM's interview I didnt have a chance to watch Bash's SIL came back from deployment and Grandma Bash gave them Mommy and Daddy alone time for the weekend.

I apoligize if in earlier post I gave the impression that I was saying that anyone but DrM was solely responsible for MJ's death. He is a morally corrupt and humanly bankrupted narcissist that deserve's everything and so much more that he has coming to him. His negligent care of MJ I just dont have words for my disgust of this man, and to make me even more nuclear he thinks that he did nothing wrong that this was MJ's fault. By that alone I think he should be in jail for the rest of his life cause I think he would do it again if given the right amount of money. At first I was saying I didnt care about the time as much as lose of his Lic, after the show I retrack that statement.

Well maybe not propafal but you get the jest.

I let my emotion's and all around distaste for medical professional's in general get in the way of my posting thought's and making them complete.

<<<sorry about the double post, yea not quite sure how that happened fingers to fast brain to slow>>>

I can understand why some sleuthers would maybe think there were others involved. I sure did because of the uncanny coincidences that surrounded so many people that were directly involved with Michael Jackson a year or so prior to his passing. The place where MJ went after his out of country trip-Las Vegas, the people who were around him-Colony/Neverland, the home Murray lived in was built by Sunrise Colony out of Houston-a division it seems from Colony, the Las Vegas property was owned by Colony. The financial person who shut Michael off from the world was a team player involved with Colony who brought Michael to AEG and found Michael a home in Las Vegas. The list goes on. I can fully understand why Michael's sister is so adamant there were perhaps others involved. We will never find out, but this so called Dr. seems to be sinking in his own little quagmire. Let him go and have a good time for himself now, cheese sandwich in hand. He did not care for Michael Jackson, he didn't care for some of his children until he was forced to ante up. Hope the jumpsuit chafes in all the wrong places.

Now, My headache is back again-I enjoy posting, but like so many others, get so frustrated by the audacity of some of these paid by the media little troublemakers. They think their butt's a cream puff and they did no wrong. Total Narcississim at it's best. Why the media bothers with them and pays them huge sums of money is crazy. It's a big reward, but for what? More lies?

So glad to hear a family member is back and enjoying the comforts of home. Got me crying now-very happy for you and your family :)
This weekend I happened to catch the This is It show on MTV. Very nice!

I also caught part of Murray's crockumentary on MSNBC. Not so very nice.

The small interview on the UK version posted up thread was great. That interviewer wanted answers, Murray tried to talk around in circles answering questions with other questions or answers to something altogether different, that interviewer was having none of Murray's double speak. I was surprised when Murray got up and left the interview, I figured he would just keep going with his regular spiel. He must be smart enough to realize when someone is on to him. When the interviewer said, "Needless to say there was never a second part to the interview," I had to laugh. Then I figured of course Murray walked, it said he was not being paid for the interview.

I also don't understand how these interviews aren't breaking doctor/patient confidentiality. I don't think that goes away does it, especially when the doctor is now a convicted felon in the murder of said patient. It's a good thing that Murray is sitting in jail or he would probably be giving more interviews.
This weekend I happened to catch the This is It show on MTV. Very nice!

I also caught part of Murray's crockumentary on MSNBC. Not so very nice.

The small interview on the UK version posted up thread was great. That interviewer wanted answers, Murray tried to talk around in circles answering questions with other questions or answers to something altogether different, that interviewer was having none of Murray's double speak. I was surprised when Murray got up and left the interview, I figured he would just keep going with his regular spiel. He must be smart enough to realize when someone is on to him. When the interviewer said, "Needless to say there was never a second part to the interview," I had to laugh. Then I figured of course Murray walked, it said he was not being paid for the interview.

I also don't understand how these interviews aren't breaking doctor/patient confidentiality. I don't think that goes away does it, especially when the doctor is now a convicted felon in the murder of said patient. It's a good thing that Murray is sitting in jail or he would probably be giving more interviews.

Breaches of Doctor-Patient Confidentiality

Doctor-patient confidentiality is based upon the general principle that a person seeking medical help or advice should not be hindered or inhibited by fear that his or her medical concerns or conditions will be disclosed to others. There is generally an expectation that the physician will hold that special knowledge in confidence and use it exclusively for the benefit of the patient.

The professional duty of confidentiality covers not only what a patient may reveal to the doctor, but also what a doctor may independently conclude or form an opinion about, based on his or her examination or assessment of the patient. Confidentiality covers all medical records (including x-rays, lab-reports, etc.) as well as communications between patient and doctor, and generally includes communications between the patient and other professional staff working with the doctor.

The duty of confidentiality continues even after a patient has stopped seeing or being treated by the doctor. Once a doctor is under a duty of confidentiality, he or she cannot divulge any medical information about patients to third persons without patients' consent. There are limited exceptions to this, including disclosures to state health officials. However, unauthorized disclosure to unauthorized parties may create a cause of action against the doctor.
Good post again, oceanblueeyes. like it reads, only if it relates to public health officials, but Murray didn't do this at 1st, speak of the Propofol infusions, the police had to go on a search mission to find out all the paticulars by search warrant. For him to go out of the realm of anything else is total absurdity. All that nasty talk meant nothing more than to shove another dagger into Michael Jackson.

I was watching the movie Patch Adams this afternoon and my lightbulb went off again. The Gusundheit Institute is located in Arlington, Virginia. Michael went to Leesburg, Virginia back in late 2007. The distance between the 2 is about 35 miles. I had an idea if Michael had an idea to help support The Gusundheit Institute and in doing so would have had a part of the hospital named after him. They do many wonderful things there and they do cater to many children. Maybe he toured this hospital and had an idea of his own as well. It was just an idea.
Conrad Murray Documentary: Just Sealed The Maximum Sentence For Dr. Murray

The recently aired MSNBC documentary, “Michael Jackson and The Doctor: A Fatal Friendship”, just sealed Dr. Conrad Murray’s fate. Judge Pastor is not a judge to be played. 4 years, Dr. Murray, forthwith.

No remorse. Arrogance. Blaming the victim. “Betrayed” by Michael. Michael died “at his own hands”. These are just some of the highlights, Dr. Murray had an excuse for everything. Apparently, the filming took place over the last 2 years and the documentary included interviews with Dr. Murray, strategy sessions with the defense attorneys, even their arguments, defense discussions with Dr. “Propofol” White, and even filming Dr. Murray in prayer.

Filming before and during the trial was an “unusual” move. A dangerous move and a big mistake, in my book.

What was the defense thinking?

Dr. Murray is awaiting sentencing and possibly an appeal. Did they think Judge Pastor or the prosecution would be swayed by Dr. Murray’s words? They’ll be swayed, alright, to put him away for as long as possible. And, with that documentary, the prosecution has hardly a need to utter a word at the sentencing on November 29th.

Clearly, Dr. Murray doesn’t get it. He’ll never admit any responsibility. “Michael was my friend”, he claimed repeatedly. Even Dr. Murray’s own “prayer” sessions revealed Dr. Murray’s belief that he is a victim, further evidence of a serious disconnect with reality.

How is the documentary in Dr. Murray’s best interest? How is it at all helpful to mitigate Murray’s sentence?

And, to waive confidentiality and privilege when they allowed a third-party, MSNBC, to make a recording, while a trial and verdict were pending. Who does that? Not to mention, had the prosecution known about Murray’s statements, the film crew could have been witnesses at the trial.

Unethical? Unprofessional? Professionally embarrassing? Frankly, I wouldn’t be surprised if Judge Pastor sets a contempt hearing and sanctions for the defense, possible discovery violations? Certainly, plenty of explaining to do. The Defense has really stepped in it.

No doubt, the California State Bar will weigh in, too. Maybe, it’s time to remind lawyers of what not to do.

In case you missed the documentary, no worries, it will be played at sentencing on Nov. 29, 2011 if not sooner.
Conrad Murray Documentary: Just Sealed The Maximum Sentence For Dr. Murray

The recently aired MSNBC documentary, “Michael Jackson and The Doctor: A Fatal Friendship”, just sealed Dr. Conrad Murray’s fate. Judge Pastor is not a judge to be played. 4 years, Dr. Murray, forthwith.

No remorse. Arrogance. Blaming the victim. “Betrayed” by Michael. Michael died “at his own hands”. These are just some of the highlights, Dr. Murray had an excuse for everything. Apparently, the filming took place over the last 2 years and the documentary included interviews with Dr. Murray, strategy sessions with the defense attorneys, even their arguments, defense discussions with Dr. “Propofol” White, and even filming Dr. Murray in prayer.

Filming before and during the trial was an “unusual” move. A dangerous move and a big mistake, in my book.

What was the defense thinking?

Dr. Murray is awaiting sentencing and possibly an appeal. Did they think Judge Pastor or the prosecution would be swayed by Dr. Murray’s words? They’ll be swayed, alright, to put him away for as long as possible. And, with that documentary, the prosecution has hardly a need to utter a word at the sentencing on November 29th.

Clearly, Dr. Murray doesn’t get it. He’ll never admit any responsibility. “Michael was my friend”, he claimed repeatedly. Even Dr. Murray’s own “prayer” sessions revealed Dr. Murray’s belief that he is a victim, further evidence of a serious disconnect with reality.

How is the documentary in Dr. Murray’s best interest? How is it at all helpful to mitigate Murray’s sentence?

And, to waive confidentiality and privilege when they allowed a third-party, MSNBC, to make a recording, while a trial and verdict were pending. Who does that? Not to mention, had the prosecution known about Murray’s statements, the film crew could have been witnesses at the trial.

Unethical? Unprofessional? Professionally embarrassing? Frankly, I wouldn’t be surprised if Judge Pastor sets a contempt hearing and sanctions for the defense, possible discovery violations? Certainly, plenty of explaining to do. The Defense has really stepped in it.

No doubt, the California State Bar will weigh in, too. Maybe, it’s time to remind lawyers of what not to do.

In case you missed the documentary, no worries, it will be played at sentencing on Nov. 29, 2011 if not sooner.

Good Morning All... :seeya:

oceanblueeyes, Great post!! I love every word you said!!
Conrad Murray Documentary: Just Sealed The Maximum Sentence For Dr. Murray

The recently aired MSNBC documentary, “Michael Jackson and The Doctor: A Fatal Friendship”, just sealed Dr. Conrad Murray’s fate. Judge Pastor is not a judge to be played. 4 years, Dr. Murray, forthwith.

No remorse. Arrogance. Blaming the victim. “Betrayed” by Michael. Michael died “at his own hands”. These are just some of the highlights, Dr. Murray had an excuse for everything. Apparently, the filming took place over the last 2 years and the documentary included interviews with Dr. Murray, strategy sessions with the defense attorneys, even their arguments, defense discussions with Dr. “Propofol” White, and even filming Dr. Murray in prayer.

Filming before and during the trial was an “unusual” move. A dangerous move and a big mistake, in my book.

What was the defense thinking?

Dr. Murray is awaiting sentencing and possibly an appeal. Did they think Judge Pastor or the prosecution would be swayed by Dr. Murray’s words? They’ll be swayed, alright, to put him away for as long as possible. And, with that documentary, the prosecution has hardly a need to utter a word at the sentencing on November 29th.

Clearly, Dr. Murray doesn’t get it. He’ll never admit any responsibility. “Michael was my friend”, he claimed repeatedly. Even Dr. Murray’s own “prayer” sessions revealed Dr. Murray’s belief that he is a victim, further evidence of a serious disconnect with reality.

How is the documentary in Dr. Murray’s best interest? How is it at all helpful to mitigate Murray’s sentence?

And, to waive confidentiality and privilege when they allowed a third-party, MSNBC, to make a recording, while a trial and verdict were pending. Who does that? Not to mention, had the prosecution known about Murray’s statements, the film crew could have been witnesses at the trial.

Unethical? Unprofessional? Professionally embarrassing? Frankly, I wouldn’t be surprised if Judge Pastor sets a contempt hearing and sanctions for the defense, possible discovery violations? Certainly, plenty of explaining to do. The Defense has really stepped in it.

No doubt, the California State Bar will weigh in, too. Maybe, it’s time to remind lawyers of what not to do.

In case you missed the documentary, no worries, it will be played at sentencing on Nov. 29, 2011 if not sooner.

:seeya:Nice article and I agree this video will probably be shown, at least discussed from the Judge's bench when sentencing day arrives. Guess Murray can't claim ineffective counsel now, he made his own bed when he agreed to do this video and the little interview as well. I've heard of really stupid people:waitasec:, but this tops the cake. There's already 1 contempt hearing in the mix and a couple of fines that were paid, I'm sure there'll be more, also quite sure Judge Pastor will not be very amused. He reminded all concerned on a daily basis not to discuss this case with anyone and Murray's own counsel allowed this to happen? :floorlaugh:.
Member of Murray legal team faces contempt hearing
Posted: Tuesday, November 15, 2011 1:22 am

A law partner of Dr. Conrad Murray's chief defense attorney is facing a contempt hearing stemming from an interview he gave during the trial of Michael Jackson's doctor.

Matt Alford, who practices with attorney Ed Chernoff, in Houston, was ordered to appear Tuesday before Superior Court Judge Michael Pastor. The judge threatened to hold Alford in contempt for his appearance on NBC's Today show.

Alford gave an interview in which he criticized a prosecution witness in the Murray trial and made comments about the jury. The judge said he found the interview shocking since it came only hours after he had warned defense attorneys not to comment on the case outside court.

Murray was convicted of involuntary manslaughter last week in Jackson's death and is in jail awaiting sentencing Nov. 29.
And these lawyers were so dumb they put it in the crocumentary that they were leaking to the press.:floorlaugh:
This is rather dramatic IMO. :rolleyes:

Conrad Murray I Want to Commit Suicide

Dr. Conrad Murray has been telling people who have visited him in jail ... he no longer has the will to live and he wants to kill himself.

We're told Murray cannot cope with the fact that he was found guilty of involuntary manslaughter, and even though his lawyers told him he needed to be prepared for the possibility of a guilty verdict, it never computed with him.

Sources tell us, Murray has told various people he wanted to kill himself, including baby mama Nicole Alvarez, his bodyguard Jeff and his lawyers. He's told all of them he's lost his will to live.

We've also learned Murray remains in the medical ward at L.A. County Jail, which is where he's been for more than a week.

Sources directly connected with Murray tell us he has no physical ailments and he is there because he's on suicide watch

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