GUILTY Conrad Murray Case - After The Trial & Verdict

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Well that was a waste of an hour. But I am glad I got to see Chertoff in a different light. Not only did he have a losing case, but an impossible co-counsel to work with.

Yeah, no pity here, but he knew. He may have felt differently before this thing really got started, but he's been around that mulberry bush before, I'm sure -- he knew they had nuttin' honey. Just a big fat Guilty. That may be why his last day or two in court were so muddled and not well organized. Maybe his heart was no longer in it. Again, no pity, but he knew they were up against it with nothing in their pistols. Defenseless. Pity, huh?
I think Chernoff needed an L.A. based attorney because he didn't have the license to practice by his lonesome in L.A., being from Houston, he needed something like a 'sponsor' or backup support. I read Flanagan's website. Seems he's more of an automotive specialist for lawsuits for car manufacturers and car dealerships. I have no doubts Murray will file something regarding ineffective counsel, drag this out some more. He'd be better off to take his medicene and shut up already. He was a high priced provider and did wrong. End of story.

I understand that Chernoff took the California Bar exam to be able to take this case. He must have thought it would bring him fame and fortune! What a joke.
Seeing him on the couch, not listening to Chernoff or White, and just saying "F#@k you!"....

I said to myself: "What a drunk!"

Well, if there ever were a case to drink away, this was one. "I think I'll have another, thank you. And one more, please." Flan knew, too.
March 5th, 2009 - Michael Jackson announces the London dates at the O2 Arena ... this link includes many pictures of Michael's face.

Thank you for the clarification. I had never seen these up close photos before, just what I had seen on TV. He did need some pretty major repairs, especially to his cheek area and his nose. This is so sad, to be the greatest entertainer the world over and to have to keep re-doing the damage caused by other surgeons. I wish he had a better grasp of his life. I wish someone could have convinced him he was beautiful without all the inhancements. For my money, I'd have been thrilled to see him on stage in just a plain t shirt and black slacks. I wish he had a handful true friends that could have put their foot down and overridden all the scabs that came into his life. Everybody sucked him dry financially, one way or another.

I watched the documentary in totality on youtube. It made me cry and it made me quite angry, the way they all spoke so degrogitorily about Michael. I'm sure his long time, close fans that he was familiar with would have treated him with much more respect and kindness. I wish he could have trusted more. There are kind beings in the world that would have insured his well being and it wouldn't have taken $150,000 a month to do so. Sad as it always will be, Michael is at peace and nobody can beat him up anymmore. He's free now. I'm just a little stubborn. I wish he was still here.
Yeah, no pity here, but he knew. He may have felt differently before this thing really got started, but he's been around that mulberry bush before, I'm sure -- he knew they had nuttin' honey. Just a big fat Guilty. That may be why his last day or two in court were so muddled and not well organized. Maybe his heart was no longer in it. Again, no pity, but he knew they were up against it with nothing in their pistols. Defenseless. Pity, huh?


The part where Chernoff, Flanagan, and Flan's wife are eating dinner. F's wife makes a crude comment about MJ
being "just weird". Flanagan makes a comment about MJ being weird, and adds, "Can't be any weirder than that."

Then Chernoff immediately picks up his dishes, with his dinner only half eaten, and leaves the dinner table....
while Flanagan is still talking about how weird MJ is.

Then he has that expression that says: "Whaaaa? What did I say? Did I say something wrong?"

At that point, probably before, Chernoff knew he made a mistake bringing Flanagan on-board. IMO

The straw that broke the camel's back was after dinner when they're sitting in the living room & Chernoff is
trying to have a discussion with a drunk Flanagan and Flan says "F#*K you!" Chernoff picked up his bag &
said (mainly to Dr White)... "See you guys tomorrow." .... then left Flan's house & went to a hotel.

Did you see Dr White just sit there stunned, with his jaw dropped to his knees?
ITA, Wonders. I saw Rabbi S. interviewed this week, forgot which show, but he said the same things you just did. I realize that it was a different era, but that doesn't absolve JJ from the abuse. I can't imagine the pain MJ endured at the hands of his father. :(

Yes, octobermoon, I saw the good Rabbi on Dr Drew. I wish MJ would have listened to Rabbi Schmuly, as I think he truely was the only person who really cared what would happen to MJ. I do think MJ's addiction even at that time was very deep. I have learned how addicted people will shut out the ones who want to help the person recover from watching Intervention on A & E.

My Bold: It truely makes me want to cry thinking about what his father did to him. I just hope he dosen't get his paws on MJ's children. Prince and Paris may be old enough to report any abuses that this horrible man may try to infict upon them, but Blanket is still very young, but I think that his brother and sister would protect him.

Another thought that crosses my mind is that I see the Jackson Children seem to flock to their mother while in public, but I never see them do the same for their father. It just seems to me that they want to protect their mother.

Poor Michael, his life must have been a living hell. I so hope his soul is at peace.
Thank you for the clarification. I had never seen these up close photos before, just what I had seen on TV. He did need some pretty major repairs, especially to his cheek area and his nose. This is so sad, to be the greatest entertainer the world over and to have to keep re-doing the damage caused by other surgeons. I wish he had a better grasp of his life. I wish someone could have convinced him he was beautiful without all the inhancements.

For my money, I'd have been thrilled to see him on stage in just a plain t shirt and black slacks.

I wish he had a handful true friends that could have put their foot down and overridden all the scabs that came into his life. Everybody sucked him dry financially, one way or another.

I watched the documentary in totality on youtube. It made me cry and it made me quite angry, the way they all spoke so degrogitorily about Michael. I'm sure his long time, close fans that he was familiar with would have treated him with much more respect and kindness. I wish he could have trusted more. There are kind beings in the world that would have insured his well being and it wouldn't have taken $150,000 a month to do so. Sad as it always will be, Michael is at peace and nobody can beat him up anymmore. He's free now. I'm just a little stubborn. I wish he was still here.


Thanks BigMomma... I totally agree with you.

I just kept thinking that IMO MJ's fans would have loved just watching MJ sing solo, without all the dances and
other stuff in his acts. He didn't need all those back-up singers, all the dancers, the movie scenes with effects.

All his concerts would still have been sold-out! And his fans would still have been elated to have seen his "last Tour".

It saddens me that he worked so hard at rehearsals, that he felt "this has to be the biggest & best"...
and especially that he needed sleep so badly in order to perform so vigorously at rehearsals everyday, all day long!
Apparently MJ's older brothers added to the pain MJ endured.

In one of his interviews (with Oprah? Baba?) he talked about the early years of the Jackson 5 being on concert tours.
MJ was a very young boy at the time and all the brothers would share a hotel suite. I remember him saying in the interview
that the older brothers would bring girls back to the suite and party.. with booze and sex running rampant. MJ said his brothers
would make him go to bed, because he was too young to party.

But of course, being all wound up after a concert, plus wanting to be "one of the older guys", plus all
the noise & visuals going on in the suite... MJ could NOT sleep, so he would just pretend to be asleep.

But, as he told it... there were "sex acts going on all around me, sometimes right on the same bed I was on.
Naked women everywhere. Alcohol spilling all over me. Terrible language being used. This was very terrifying to me, as a small boy."

Good God. What a horrible life that young boy had to endure. Poor guy. We just cannot undo what was done. How sad.
Yes, octobermoon, I saw the good Rabbi on Dr Drew. I wish MJ would have listened to Rabbi Schmuly, as I think he truely was the only person who really cared what would happen to MJ. I do think MJ's addiction even at that time was very deep. I have learned how addicted people will shut out the ones who want to help the person recover from watching Intervention on A & E.

My Bold: It truely makes me want to cry thinking about what his father did to him. I just hope he dosen't get his paws on MJ's children. Prince and Paris may be old enough to report any abuses that this horrible man may try to infict upon them, but Blanket is still very young, but I think that his brother and sister would protect him.

Another thought that crosses my mind is that I see the Jackson Children seem to flock to their mother while in public, but I never see them do the same for their father. It just seems to me that they want to protect their mother.

Poor Michael, his life must have been a living hell. I so hope his soul is at peace.


From what I've seen of their interviews, I also think Deepak Chopra and his son Gotham cared a great deal for Michael Jackson.

Here is Deepak's tribute to MJ, his friend of 20 years, written the day after MJ's death:
CONRAD Murray spent thousands of dollars on lapdancers after landing a job from Michael Jackson, telling one girl he was milking the singer for everything he could.

Earning a staggering £93,000 a month simply to help the King of Pop get a good night's sleep, Murray couldn't believe his luck.

The married 58-year-old, a father of at least seven children from a string of mistresses, was the star's personal physician, a job which would change his world forever.

The doctor's life is now in tatters, his reputation ruined, but stripper Tanya Heller remembers a very different Murray.

Sipping champagne at Spearmint Rhino strip club in Las Vegas, he told Tanya he was a "big shot" doctor trusted by Jacko.

Tanya, 27, said: "He was so full of himself. He would come in two, three times a week and spent money like he was a movie star.

"He blurted out all kinds of private stuff he probably shouldn't have.

"He told me he wanted to make as much money as possible out of the situation.

"He didn't seem to care about him. He said some horrible things about him, that he was a weird freak, paranoid and reclusive.

"I thought he was very rude and ungrateful after getting such a job."

Read more:

CONRAD Murray spent thousands of dollars on lapdancers after landing a job from Michael Jackson, telling one girl he was milking the singer for everything he could.

Earning a staggering £93,000 a month simply to help the King of Pop get a good night's sleep, Murray couldn't believe his luck.

The married 58-year-old, a father of at least seven children from a string of mistresses, was the star's personal physician, a job which would change his world forever.

The doctor's life is now in tatters, his reputation ruined, but stripper Tanya Heller remembers a very different Murray.

Sipping champagne at Spearmint Rhino strip club in Las Vegas, he told Tanya he was a "big shot" doctor trusted by Jacko.

Tanya, 27, said: "He was so full of himself. He would come in two, three times a week and spent money like he was a movie star.

"He blurted out all kinds of private stuff he probably shouldn't have.

"He told me he wanted to make as much money as possible out of the situation.

"He didn't seem to care about him. He said some horrible things about him, that he was a weird freak, paranoid and reclusive.

"I thought he was very rude and ungrateful after getting such a job."

Read more:


I didn't think I could be any more sick to my stomach about CM.

But this article and what Tanya said about him did it!

How low can CM go? :furious::furious::furious:
How low can CM go?

I figure CM has a way to go here yet on the downside. We have heard one drugged out MJ recording during the trial. Well surely CM has more of these. And pictures of MJ sicko habits around the house. Etc... CM will be trying to extort money from MJ's mother yet. And MJ's children. Count on this. The more MJ's reputation is trashed, the less money the family will make off CM. Which was the point of CM's sick recordings in the first place.
Just weighing-in here, fwiw...

I've not followed these threads nor was I glued to the trial on TV.

imo, the case was undercharged and so I am relieved, at least, that the Jury made the right decision.

I don't want/need to know more about CM, except to read that all of his medical licenses have been permanently revoked. Nothing else's all media bulloney.

I don't want/need to read more about MJ, except to learn that his extortionist accusers have recanted (fat chance, I know) and also that the likes of DD and JVM, et al, issue sincere apologies for trashing him over decades while making a ton of money off of their BS (won't happen).

I didn't think I could be any more sick to my stomach about CM.

But this article and what Tanya said about him did it!

How low can CM go? :furious::furious::furious:

CM disgusts me. I'm sick of turning on the tele to listen to him degrade MJ! Who is he to tell me about MJ's personal hygiene habits, or lack of housekeeping? I didn't believe a word he said to the police, so why would I start listening to him now. I'm furious that one simple man is allowed to tell millions of people such horrid things and we are expected to believe it. It sure is convenient that MJ isn't here to defend himself...thanks to one Conrad Murray.



Conrad Murray Tries to Kill Michael Jackson Again in “Documentary”

11/12/11 1:08am
Roger Friedman

So MSNBC on Friday night broadcast a really pathetic, sort of disgracefully one sided documentary about Michael Jackson’s murderer, Dr. Conrad Murray. Obviously “Michael Jackson and the Doctor” was filmed with the hope that Murray would be acquitted. They were wrong. Creepy “journalist” Gerald Posner, who was bounced from Tina Brown’s Daily Beast after it was discovered he was guilty of plagiarism, seems to be behind the whole thing. He not only has a credit but appears on camera with Murray riding home from court. That should tell you everything: stay away from this one hour.

What did we learn? That Murray found god about three weeks after Michael died. That his lawyers fought among themselves. Lead defense attorney Ed Chernoff, who came with Murray from Houston, actually got kicked out of the house where he was staying–with Beverly Hills co counsel Michael Flanagan–after the two of them fell out over a witness’s examination. Their on camera blow out reminded me of something from “The Real World.” The lawyers for Murray are also seen eating a lot.

Murray himself blames Michael for this whole situation, accusing him of “betrayal.” The one hour report backfires. Murray simply appears self-serving as he tries to lay the blame for Jackson’s death on concert promoter AEG Live, his lawyers are incompetent, and MSNBC should be ashamed of itself. Good thing the jury was smart. The judge should sentence Murray, his lawyers, and MSNBC to a long term.
I frankly was astounded to hear these allegations coming from Dr Murray and I seriously have to question whether Murray is devoid of decency in making these very damaging claims that cannot be verified by anyone but him, or defended by Michael Jackson himself, as he is now dead.

Michael may not have been your average 50 year old man but the evidence against Dr Murray during the trial highlighting his negligence in caring for Michael in those final moments was shocking. I would have thought that if he were in receipt of $150,000 a month, then he would have ensured that Michael's care was top notch.

I do not believe Dr. Murray intentionally intended to harm Michael Jackson. His documentary appearance does though make it seem that he believes he is the victim in this situation. No Dr Murray, you were not. Michael Jackson was the victim who paid with his life.

One of the fundamental rules of practicing medicine is to do no harm. Using a dangerous drug such as propofol in the confines of Michael’s bedroom, and then leaving him unattended, all medical experts are agreed that this points to a severe dereliction of duty.

The documentary just aired will no doubt raise further questions about the ethics of the man who will go down in history as the one responsible for causing the death of a global icon.
After watching the trial...the interviews and the 'crocumentary':innocent: I have come to the conclusion that Murray is the master manipulator. He 'befriended' MJ and the children which gave him a foot in the door. He gained MJs trust and used that to his advantage.

Being MJs personal doctor was never about taking good medical care of MJ. From the very beginning it was ALL about Murray. Now he had more to impress the social club ladies. Now he had more money to spend on the women wantonly like some crazed sex addict.

One of MJs weaknesses was he never could judge someone's true character. He wanted to believe if they told him they cared about him as a true friend they were telling the truth.

Murray is nothing more than a full blown narcissist who thinks of no one but himself. What's in it for him. How it advances his own manipulation results he is wanting to achieve.

At first I was upset that he was doing this 'crocumentary' :innocent: but now I am glad because it shows the true man he is and it isn't pretty.

MJ didn't change Murray. This is who this man has been for a very long time.

I believe he took advantage of the poor patients he treated. He led them like the Pied Piper and they didn't even know any better or to seek a second opinion before they had stent after stent after stent done.

I think an investigation of his medical practices should be far reaching going back many years.

Hi all

I haven't posted here in a while but I did watch all of the trial and was very relieved that this disgusting excuse for a doctor was found GUILTY for causing the tragic and untimely death of MJ.

I've also now watched both the UK and US versions of the 'crocumentary' and was surprised (but very pleased) to note that in the UK broadcast most of the derogatory comments about MJ were edited out and I have to give credit to Channel 4 for demonstrating at least a modicum of integrity and decency. Specifically, all of Mrs Flannigan's nastiness, Mr Flannigan's retort to Chernoff about MJ's 'weirdness' and Murray's allegations about bedwetting and mildew etc were not included in the UK version.

We did get an approx. 12 minute interview given by Murray to UK journalist Steve Hewlett though, which was shown at the start of the programme, so just incase you didn't see this further crock o' bull***t from Murray, here's the link: [ame=""]Conrad Murray: The Man Who Killed Michael Jackson - YouTube[/ame]

:banghead: :furious: :puke:
Hi all

I haven't posted here in a while but I did watch all of the trial and was very relieved that this disgusting excuse for a doctor was found GUILTY for causing the tragic and untimely death of MJ.

I've also now watched both the UK and US versions of the 'crocumentary' and was surprised (but very pleased) to note that in the UK broadcast most of the derogatory comments about MJ were edited out and I have to give credit to Channel 4 for demonstrating at least a modicum of integrity and decency. Specifically, all of Mrs Flannigan's nastiness, Mr Flannigan's retort to Chernoff about MJ's 'weirdness' and Murray's allegations about bedwetting and mildew etc were not included in the UK version.

We did get an approx. 12 minute interview given by Murray to UK journalist Steve Hewlett though, which was shown at the start of the programme, so just incase you didn't see this further crock o' bull***t from Murray, here's the link: Conrad Murray: The Man Who Killed Michael Jackson - YouTube

:banghead: :furious: :puke:

wow :furious: just damn! :banghead:
Oh boy! I actually think this British interview was the best one ever done of Conrad Murray. Note that he actually admits leaving the room. This is contrary to what the despicable Dr. White tried to suggest to the jury.

I have to believe that all of these interviews will be brought up during the sentencing hearing.

I also am curious about Gerald Posner's involvement with all of this. Seeing him in the back seat during the "crockumentary" was startling. But that little interchange about the Daily Beast also piqued my curiosity. I suspect Posner is writing a book. But he's up to his neck in something, and it ain't good.

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