GUILTY Conrad Murray Case - After The Trial & Verdict

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BBM - You are truly my doppelganger, peace -- same here -- too old, too blonde and too lazy. Neither do I text. And I hope I don't ever have to. Answer the phone, talk, the old-fashioned way -- vocally, and/or dial a number, and that is all.

Boy, does that put me over the hill!!! But the grass is green over here -- well not ALL the grass is green...:crazy:

Rocked, rolled, retired...

Ahhh - But you are so good at using the icons when posting your interesting (and funny) comments!!!

BTW - I do have an iphone. But don't ask me what an app is!
My sons talked me into getting it ... they said my last cell phone was too big, too bulky, too old, didn't do anything
but make calls (that's why I got it... for it to be a phone!). And they asked me not to use it when in public with them.

It was very hard to give up my old one, so I had 2 cells, 2 ph numbers for quite awhile.
One to use most of the time... and one to use when in public with my sons. Now I just have the one... my iphone.

I am lost without at least one of my sons living with me... I depended on them so much for new tech stuff: iphone,
PC's, etc. If any of you come visit me... don't expect for me to play any DVD's!! I can't figure the player out! :)
Strange that whiny baby Dr. White used these words "unconscionable, egregious".:innocent: when referring to a small amount of money he had to pay because he was in contempt.

Yet in the trial he refused to say what Murray did was 'unconscionable and egregious." even though all the other medical doctors thought so.


Not surprising coming from a fellow doctor that didn't think CM's actions rose to the level of criminal. :furious:
This is an anesthesiologist message board and I find this comment so spot on and funny that I had to share.

Originally posted comment:

I am pretty sure he doesn't wanna be startin' something. He just wants to show that everything is not as black and white as it seems or as simple as A, B, C. Sometimes he's off the wall, but you need to just ease on down the road and enjoy yourself. The way you make me feel is bad, but now that Dr Murray has been found to be a smooth criminal, he just needs to look at the man in the mirror and know that what he did was dangerous. He should remember the time when he took the hippocratic oath, and realize he has left blood on the dancefloor. This thread has been a thriller, but now I need to beat it.

This is an anesthesiologist message board and I find this comment so spot on and funny that I had to share.

Originally posted comment:

I am pretty sure he doesn't wanna be startin' something. He just wants to show that everything is not as black and white as it seems or as simple as A, B, C. Sometimes he's off the wall, but you need to just ease on down the road and enjoy yourself. The way you make me feel is bad, but now that Dr Murray has been found to be a smooth criminal, he just needs to look at the man in the mirror and know that what he did was dangerous. He should remember the time when he took the hippocratic oath, and realize he has left blood on the dancefloor. This thread has been a thriller, but now I need to beat it.


This is an anesthesiologist message board and I find this comment so spot on and funny that I had to share.

Originally posted comment:

I am pretty sure he doesn't wanna be startin' something. He just wants to show that everything is not as black and white as it seems or as simple as A, B, C. Sometimes he's off the wall, but you need to just ease on down the road and enjoy yourself. The way you make me feel is bad, but now that Dr Murray has been found to be a smooth criminal, he just needs to look at the man in the mirror and know that what he did was dangerous. He should remember the time when he took the hippocratic oath, and realize he has left blood on the dancefloor. This thread has been a thriller, but now I need to beat it.



Thanks OBE! That sounds like the doctor I had last week!
This is an anesthesiologist message board and I find this comment so spot on and funny that I had to share.

Originally posted comment:

I am pretty sure he doesn't wanna be startin' something. He just wants to show that everything is not as black and white as it seems or as simple as A, B, C. Sometimes he's off the wall, but you need to just ease on down the road and enjoy yourself. The way you make me feel is bad, but now that Dr Murray has been found to be a smooth criminal, he just needs to look at the man in the mirror and know that what he did was dangerous. He should remember the time when he took the hippocratic oath, and realize he has left blood on the dancefloor. This thread has been a thriller, but now I need to beat it.


:great: :floorlaugh: :great: :floorlaugh: :great: :floorlaugh: :great:

:seeya:This is PRICELESS! Sort of reminds me of the photoshopped album cover placard somebody had made up to take to the courthouse-It's somewhere on a youtube, It had the Thriller album cover w/poor Conrad photo, holding a syringe with a new title of Killer, with all these funny new song titles PYT-Propofol Ya Think and things like that. Somebody had quite an imagination and the only thing I found offensive was that they used a MJ album cover and placed Poor Conrad over MJ, otherwise, the point was pretty clear!
Wonder what's on the menu for Thanksgiving at the jail?
Wonder what's on the menu for Thanksgiving at the jail?
:lol:Thanks, :floorlaugh: Isabelle!!:dance: I :great: needed:silly: that :giggle: laff!!

:skip::laughcry:You are too much!!:lol: As long as he :turkey: has CROW for dessert, I:applause: don't really give a dayam. :floorlaugh:

What does a duck say about PCM??
:rubberducky: .............................. .:rubberducky:
quack ............................. quack
Wonder what's on the menu for Thanksgiving at the jail?

Cooked Goose?:rocker:

I think they do get a very basic holiday dinner, but not so sure if they do get Turkey. Maybe meatloaf by product dinner? If Poor Conrad is still in sick bay, he'll probably get fluids, lots and lots of fluids and green jello.

Can you just imagine if Poor Conrad was at Sheriff Joe's camp in Arizona? Water and rotten bologna sandwiches with mold on everything. No commissary or perks there at all.
Cooked Goose?:rocker:

I think they do get a very basic holiday dinner, but not so sure if they do get Turkey. Maybe meatloaf by product dinner? If Poor Conrad is still in sick bay, he'll probably get fluids, lots and lots of fluids and green jello.

Can you just imagine if Poor Conrad was at Sheriff Joe's camp in Arizona? Water and rotten bologna sandwiches with mold on everything. No commissary or perks there at all.

And Pink underpants!!!!! :floorlaugh:
Even though I clicked the thanks button, octobermoon,
I don't get your comment ... "and pink underpants".

But then I don't know who Sheriff Joe is or anything about his camp in Arizona, either. :)
OT: IS reports the case of the death of Natalie Wood has been reopened. New information has come in. Press conference later today.
OT: IS reports the case of the death of Natalie Wood has been reopened. New information has come in. Press conference later today.

Yes, I saw that. There's also a thread open for that here at WS. It was on the top of the "new posts" list this morning.
But I also noticed that that thread had started in 2009.

I thought that NW's case & death had been re-opened & re-investigated years ago. I remember reading it years after her death,
that it was more than just an accidental slip & fall... and that she couldn't swim, was afraid of the water, etc.

I remember the captain of the boat being suspicious of the cause years ago.
I guess he has some new stuff to tell. Or maybe he forgot that he told it years ago.
OT: IS reports the case of the death of Natalie Wood has been reopened. New information has come in. Press conference later today.

This was on last nights news here. I know NW sister, Lana has been pretty adamant and very vocal about the suspicious circumstances about this case for years. I sure hope it has nothing to with the book the former Captain of the yacht has coming out. There had been whispers in Hollywood for many years over this. Maybe this case will finally have some closure.
Good morning, everyone... :seeya:

I've mentioned many times in this thread and others about my brother (2 yrs younger than I am) being in and out of rehabs & hospital
emergency rooms with drug addictions & alcohol abuse.... which started immediately after his only child, a daughter was killed at age 20,
by a drunk driver. That was about 20 years ago.

My niece was on her way from Santa Cruz, where she had just finished her Jr year at UCSC. She then went to Burlingame, to see my mom and her other
grandmother... then went on to San Francisco to see my dad. The accident happened between my dad's home in SF and on her way to see my brother (her dad).

After a visit with my brother, my niece was going to go to Tahoe to see her mom. My niece Corrina's plans were to then go back
to the Bay Area, to San Jose and pick up her boyfriend and they were going to Mexico to travel / work for the summer before her
Sr year. Each summer, after high school & college summers, Corrina went to a different country and traveled and worked.

My brother had such a difficult time dealing with the loss of his daughter. He struggled so much with his addictions.
Last April, I went to California, after a friend of his called and said my brother was not doing well.

I caught the next plane to CA and then my dad and I went to make sure my brother had been taken to a hospital.... which he had not been.
We took him to the ER, where he was then admitted & spent 7 days being detoxed. He was in & out of alcoholic stupors, had the DT's, multiple
seizures, etc. And then left the hospital AMA.

I spent 4 weeks taking him to doctors, to AA mtgs, meeting with psychiatrists, etc, etc etc...
he appeared to be on the road to recovery and said he loved being sober.

However, shortly after I left to return to AZ and then to NY for my son's wedding... my brother started drinking very heavily again.
My sister went to CA from Dallas during August to check on him and said he was so drunk he refused to get out of bed. My sister left
CA not having a visit nor knowing what to do. (She's his conservator for money).

Well.... yesterday afternoon, I received a phone call from my dad in California, with the news that my brother had died Wednesday.
Apparently he went to bed and died in his sleep. A friend of my brother's said that my brother (Jim) didn't answer his phone for 2 days,
so went to Jim's apartment to check on him and that Jim was in bed... no pulse, not breathing, and appeared to have died several hours prior.

The reason I'm telling you this... and why here... is because I've come to feel close to all of you during the MJ/CM Case and Trial...
more so than any other cases I've followed. I think it's been because there were so few of us... and most of us have been on
the same page re CM, joked, told some personal stories, etc

Anyway, I had a need to tell my close friends about my brother Jimmy.
And since so many of you have read about or listened to other personal stories of mine...
you all are considered some of my close friends now. :)

P.S. I didn't mean for this to be so long... and I would have condensed it...
but I figured you're all used to my long stories by now and would understand! :)
Hi everyone, I thought you might be interested in this case because it involves a member of the medical profession who was also charged with IV Manslaughter.

This case is truly sickening and makes my blood boil.

Ohio mom charged in death of 28-pound teen girl

CINCINNATI - A mother and three nurses were charged Thursday in the death of the woman's 14-year-old daughter, who had cerebral palsy and weighed 28 pounds, a prosecutor said.

A Montgomery County grand jury in Dayton indicted the mother and a nurse on involuntary manslaughter charges. Two other nurses were indicted on charges of failing to report child abuse or neglect. All are being held in the county jail.

"This is a tragic and sad case wherein four adults were responsible for the care of this 14-year-old special-needs girl, and they all utterly ignored and failed to do so." Montgomery County Prosecutor Mathias Heck Jr. said in a statement.

"The conduct of these four defendants transcends all bounds of human decency," he said.

Heck said that the girl undoubtedly would still be alive "if just one of these defendants had acted responsibly."

Makayla Norman died March 1 from nutritional and medical neglect complicated by her chronic condition, the county coroner's office ruled.

"She was the worst malnourished child this office has ever seen," Ken Betz, director of the coroner's office, said Thursday.

Authorities have said that the teen died minutes after paramedics rushed her to a hospital.

The victim had numerous bed sores and showed other signs of neglect, and the prosecutor described the home as vile and filthy.

The girl's mother, Angela Norman, also was indicted on a felony count and a misdemeanour count of endangering children. No attorney was listed for Norman, whose age was listed as 42 in jail records.

Mollie E. Parsons, 41, of Dayton, was indicted on charges of involuntary manslaughter, failing to provide for a functionally impaired person and tampering with records. Kathryn Williams, 42, of Englewood, and Mary K. Kilby, 63, of Miamisburg, were each charged with failing to provide for a functionally impaired person and failing to report child abuse or neglect. No attorneys were listed for them.

The teen was confined to her home and was supposed to be cared for by her mother and Parsons, a licensed practical nurse whose job was to administer care for the girl six days a week, according to the prosecutor.

Williams and Kilby are registered nurses, the prosecutor's office said. Williams was paid to supervise Parsons and visit and inspect the living conditions and do a physical assessment of the girl every 30 to 60 days. Kilby was scheduled to visit every six months to also check on conditions of the home and assess the girl's health, needs and care, the statement said.

Children's services had a referral on the family in September 2009, but it was unable to substantiate any allegations, Ann Stevens, a spokeswoman for the Montgomery County Department of Job and Family Services, said Thursday.

Stevens said she could not provide any additional information because of confidentiality requirements, but she said the department would have assisted the police and the prosecutor's office in their investigation of the girl's death.
Hugs over a message board aren't enough. Bless you and your family. :(
Prayers are sent.
Good morning, everyone... :seeya:

I've mentioned many times in this thread and others about my brother (2 yrs younger than I am) being in and out of rehabs & hospital
emergency rooms with drug addictions & alcohol abuse.... which started immediately after his only child, a daughter was killed at age 20,
by a drunk driver. That was about 20 years ago.

My niece was on her way from Santa Cruz, where she had just finished her Jr year at UCSC. She then went to Burlingame, to see my mom and her other
grandmother... then went on to San Francisco to see my dad. The accident happened between my dad's home in SF and on her way to see my brother (her dad).

After a visit with my brother, my niece was going to go to Tahoe to see her mom. My niece Corrina's plans were to then go back
to the Bay Area, to San Jose and pick up her boyfriend and they were going to Mexico to travel / work for the summer before her
Sr year. Each summer, after high school & college summers, Corrina went to a different country and traveled and worked.

My brother had such a difficult time dealing with the loss of his daughter. He struggled so much with his addictions.
Last April, I went to California, after a friend of his called and said my brother was not doing well.

I caught the next plane to CA and then my dad and I went to make sure my brother had been taken to a hospital.... which he had not been.
We took him to the ER, where he was then admitted & spent 7 days being detoxed. He was in & out of alcoholic stupors, had the DT's, multiple
seizures, etc. And then left the hospital AMA.

I spent 4 weeks taking him to doctors, to AA mtgs, meeting with psychiatrists, etc, etc etc...
he appeared to be on the road to recovery and said he loved being sober.

However, shortly after I left to return to AZ and then to NY for my son's wedding... my brother started drinking very heavily again.
My sister went to CA from Dallas during August to check on him and said he was so drunk he refused to get out of bed. My sister left
CA not having a visit nor knowing what to do. (She's his conservator for money).

Well.... yesterday afternoon, I received a phone call from my dad in California, with the news that my brother had died Wednesday.
Apparently he went to bed and died in his sleep. A friend of my brother's said that my brother (Jim) didn't answer his phone for 2 days,
so went to Jim's apartment to check on him and that Jim was in bed... no pulse, not breathing, and appeared to have died several hours prior.

The reason I'm telling you this... and why here... is because I've come to feel close to all of you during the MJ/CM Case and Trial...
more so than any other cases I've followed. I think it's been because there were so few of us... and most of us have been on
the same page re CM, joked, told some personal stories, etc

Anyway, I had a need to tell my close friends about my brother Jimmy.
And since so many of you have read about or listened to other personal stories of mine...
you all are considered some of my close friends now. :)

P.S. I didn't mean for this to be so long... and I would have condensed it...
but I figured you're all used to my long stories by now and would understand! :)

I am so sorry. I lost my son and understand the torment your brother and family endures.I don't drink or use drugs,but I do have avoidance behaviors.
If your brother was like me he didn't fear death because he knew he would be with his daughter again. :rose:
I'm glad you didn't condense your post. Some stories need to be told.

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