Conrad Murray trial -Day twelve.

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DNA Solves
Defense is now bringing in a study about propofol and primary insomnia.

Witness had to keep from giggling after the first question. This is a very preliminary study, early stages.

Witness keeps pointing out these patients were highly monitored.

It has become hard for me to keep from giggling myself over this questioning. Witness keeps being one move ahead of where defense is.
I saw a defense atty say on HLN yesterday that a strategy sometimes in cross (when the direct was bad and you really can't poke holes in it) that you just spend a lot of time on questioning about tons of things just to waste time and get that other previous testimony out of the jurors minds.

OOOOOO. Guess That makes sence. I almost forgot I was watching.:innocent:
We're hearing this all for the second time! Same basic answers. Very preliminary study under rigorous conditions.
Witness is doing an excellent job at staying composed and so patient with Flanagan.
*singing* I'm late ! I'm late! For a very important date.
No time to say "Hello." Goodbye. I'm late, I'm late, I'm late !

Oh, sorry.......wrong forum. :)

Thank you, ALL OF YOU, for your

Your own life stories
Video memories
and of course, your
Witties .(witties ?).... that have me chuckling out loud and help lighten the emotional load/the reason we're here.

I'm all caught up now thanks to all of you.
For those who don't live in the L.A. area, it's going to be HOT
today. Not just in the court own city, about 20 miles from the courthouse, it's going to hit 97 degrees.

obese woman, house without A/C and a Flanagan that I'm sure is going to Pizz me off......
let's just say that things could get a bit testy around my house today.
Lunch time here. Please keep me up to date with testimony. Oh never mind I can just look at the last cross and refresh my mind.


The jurors have got to be squirming in their seats to avoid falling asleep. Flanagan should just set up an appt to go meet with the witness to get his seminar on insomnia and how he treats critical care patients.
Flanagan had better have a rabbit in his hat. All I hear is how CM was at best ill prepared and at worst a quack. (not meant to be snarky, just don't know of another word)
I don't understand why the defense puts so much emphasis on the one test study that was done in China. That study was done in 2010 and Dr.M did this on MJ before that study was even out so how does that justify or support what Dr. M did? I guess he had inside information and/or was ahead of the curve and knew before the Chinese doctors even did their testing that their test would later support what he was doing.

The jurors have got to be squirming in their seats to avoid falling asleep
. <snip>

BBM: There's your cure for insomnia--watching cross-examination by Flanagan. :crazy:
Are the PT and the Judge asleep?

Why is no one objecting?
Judge sounds jubliant.... and like he's about to jump out of his chair and run for the breakroom.
Doesn't Flanagan check each night the reviews or tapes to see how well/badly he is doing?

IMHO, he's just as arrogant as his client.

And the end result of Flanagan's treatment of his client, figuratively speaking, may be the same.
??? What is Ativan.....

Hmm I understand what the Dr is saying....Flanagan doesnt

As a chronic insomniac Mr Flanagan let me help the brother out what the Dr is trying to say I think is, I was given xanaz for a short period of tiem while I worked what I called the night terror out the fear of trying to sleep ahhh a secondary problem of insomnia given to me for a short period of time while the primary problem of insomnia was worked through.
So the witness would have known the urine output was and if he was dehydrated or not if Dr M would have kept records. Once again Duho
Lol, it sounds as if the defense was just helping the prosecution, so why would they object? :innocent:

Exactly. While Dr. K's manner is more soft-spoken than Dr. Steinberg, he is equally effective in not letting the defense put words in his mouth as to how he answers in cross-examination. MOO

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