GUILTY Conrad Murray Trial - Sentencing Hearing

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Newbie here. Hello all. Have enjoyed reading all your posts. I followed the whole trial and tuned in today for the sentencing. The judge was spot on about everything. He saw right through Murray and exposed him for what he was. However, I don't think Murray was bothered by the character assassination since of course he 'did nothing wrong'... :rolleyes:

From that point of view he is a danger to the public because it means there's nothing (like his conscience or ethics) to stop him doing something similar in the future if the money was right. Talking of money, hats off to the judge for making the connection with the sneaky phone recording Murray took and the 'insurance' policy he was thinking of when he took it.

At one point, I honestly thought Murray was going to stand up and plead his case and beg for forgiveness. But I also thought that during the trial. When the judge said: "He's offended by his patient dying and offended about having to even be in court" - that was so true. Throughout the entire trial and the documentary etc, Murray has never once acted like he did a single thing wrong. I'd have thought his own lawyers would have at least advised him to fake some remorse if he was hoping for a lighter sentence - but they seemed as clueless as Murray as to how the judge might view the comments: "I don't feel guilty because I did nothing wrong. I was entrapped by Michael Jackson. He deceived me".

How could his lawyers, who were hoping to get probation for Murray - possibly think the documentary could have done anything but harm to their client? Chernoff said Murray was very remorseful about what happened - but where on earth did he get that from???

:wagon: to the gang, soozieqtips!

:greetings: Glad you're here!
Well, I hope they keep the men and the women apart, especially the women under 30 - otherwise Murray will probably have another dozen children by the end of his sentence :shakehead:

:welcome4: to WS! LOL! There are 2 different towers, side by side, but none of that tiddly wink business is going to be happening, not between a woman and man anyways. Did anyone catch PCM's last hurrah as he was led out of the courtroom? Escorted by All female officers:floorlaugh:.

I'm a bit confused. I thought that little clinic was being run by another Dr. outside of Houston and not Murray? It doesn't matter now. Clearly this scab of society lies like a rug. I know exactly what the Judge was aiming at when he again said PCM was a danger to society. He didn't say it, but he said it-What would really stop him from attending to another high paying 'customer'? I almost have to pinch myself at what I heard yesterday! He threw everything right in Murrays face and he made sure to let him know he saw right through it all.:rocker:
I think he was trying to go for the sympathy vote. Here was this poor illegitimate boy who rose above his sad start in life to become a caring and selfless doctor blah blah puke blah.... shame that he didn't think about his own children who he just dumped when he was bored of their mothers.

I liked the way the judge said that Chernoff had 'candidly admitted there was fault here' - but that you didn't hear it from Conrad Murray!! That's because of course it wasn't his fault. He was 'entrapped' and 'deceived' by the person he killed!! Still can't quite fathom how deluded Murray is. In the documentary, whenever he quoted anything Michael said to him, it was always, "Doctor Conrad - you're my only friend" - "Doctor Conrad - you're the one" - but in the recording he made, Michael referred to him simply as 'Conrad'. Maybe I'm cynical, but I think Murray needed to put 'Doctor' in front of his name all the time to try and exaggerate his importance in Michael's life. The guy's conceited beyond belief.

The other thing that baffles me is that he only had ONE patient to look after and he couldn't even do that properly. It's not like he was an NHS doctor with a ton of patients having to rush around to care for them all. He just had one person to look after, and having killed him through utter incompetence and laziness, he tried to blame Michael himself, not caring that Michael's children (who he LIED about comforting!!) would have to hear all this crap and live with it for the rest of their lives.

Not to mention his willingness to gossip about Michael's personal details in the documentary. He's just absolutely vile and repulsive. I always look for the good in people, but could not find a single redeeming feature about Murray during the entire trial.

Yes, I know he opened a clinic in Houston to treat the poor for free, but actually I've been wondering whether that was his mother's idea and not his own. It's like he was 2 different men.

Finally, if he made any other recordings of Michael under the influence of Propofol, I'd hope the law is such that he can never ever profit from them and that they can never be released into the public domain. This man has done enough damage as it is, may he NOT rest in peace!!!

PCM was never on lockdown at the mansion, he could have packed up his stuff and left anytime. Pretty outrageous to hear him speak so degrogitorily about his patient, his Friend. That isn't a friend, that's a nasty stinkbug looking to sensationalize a tragic situation, get his last digs in. Why did he ever go up to Forest Lawn and make like he was so sad, going to visit his friend? He's a bad actor, just out for the publicity on that one too. I think that part in his probation report was accurate-he is mental alright, but not the way they described-mental in the sense he did what he did for all that money and glamour. Dr. Driptrivan Frankenstein.:furious:

ps. I'd sure like to see a court order preventing anybody from publishing anything he might have given them for public distribution at a later date. I also hope if anything comes across any desk, that any publisher would do the right thing and turn it over to authorities.
I think he was trying to go for the sympathy vote. Here was this poor illegitimate boy who rose above his sad start in life to become a caring and selfless doctor blah blah puke blah.... shame that he didn't think about his own children who he just dumped when he was bored of their mothers.

I liked the way the judge said that Chernoff had 'candidly admitted there was fault here' - but that you didn't hear it from Conrad Murray!! That's because of course it wasn't his fault. He was 'entrapped' and 'deceived' by the person he killed!! Still can't quite fathom how deluded Murray is. In the documentary, whenever he quoted anything Michael said to him, it was always, "Doctor Conrad - you're my only friend" - "Doctor Conrad - you're the one" - but in the recording he made, Michael referred to him simply as 'Conrad'. Maybe I'm cynical, but I think Murray needed to put 'Doctor' in front of his name all the time to try and exaggerate his importance in Michael's life. The guy's conceited beyond belief.

The other thing that baffles me is that he only had ONE patient to look after and he couldn't even do that properly. It's not like he was an NHS doctor with a ton of patients having to rush around to care for them all. He just had one person to look after, and having killed him through utter incompetence and laziness, he tried to blame Michael himself, not caring that Michael's children (who he LIED about comforting!!) would have to hear all this crap and live with it for the rest of their lives.

Not to mention his willingness to gossip about Michael's personal details in the documentary. He's just absolutely vile and repulsive. I always look for the good in people, but could not find a single redeeming feature about Murray during the entire trial.

Yes, I know he opened a clinic in Houston to treat the poor for free, but actually I've been wondering whether that was his mother's idea and not his own. It's like he was 2 different men.

Finally, if he made any other recordings of Michael under the influence of Propofol, I'd hope the law is such that he can never ever profit from them and that they can never be released into the public domain. This man has done enough damage as it is, may he NOT rest in peace!!!

Hi everyone :)

You all are sure some earlybirds. Just getting caught up reading posts and lost power last night.

Anyway this is an excellent post and needed to comment on it. Spot on and ITA.
Well, I hope they keep the men and the women apart, especially the women under 30 - otherwise Murray will probably have another dozen children by the end of his sentence :shakehead:

Nah -- the only reason those young women had anything to do with him is because they all thought he would be their sugar daddy; not realizing he was far from being able to be one. I don't think they allow viagra to be administered either. :floorlaugh:
I don't know if anyone saw the interview with Walgren and Brazil by Beth K. Beth K said she spoke to the sheriff's office yesterday and CM is not considered one who would be eligible for house arrest. I guess we have some assurance then that at least he will serve at least 2 years in jail. Jail time is not as important to me as CM losing his medical license so let's hope the Medical Board acts quickly to revoke it.
Nah -- the only reason those young women had anything to do with him is because they all thought he would be their sugar daddy; not realizing he was far from being able to be one. I don't think they allow viagra to be administered either. :floorlaugh:

:floorlaugh: :floorlaugh: :floorlaugh: :floorlaugh: :floorlaugh: :floorlaugh:

Maybe they'll just give him Pirin tablets:floorlaugh: That's Aspirin with the As scraped off:floorlaugh:

He better hope he has money on the books if he wants to eat. I also hear a Cup O' Noddles goes for $2.69 in the jail commissary. - PCM was just a big blowhard to all these women, and then he decided to name drop, to get more women, not just any name, but the name of his high end celebrity patient. What gall! Wonder what his other patients think of him now?
:wagon: to the gang, soozieqtips!

:greetings: Glad you're here!
Thank you :D

I'm a bit confused. I thought that little clinic was being run by another Dr. outside of Houston and not Murray?
Ohhhhh. I was under the impression he ran it himself, or at least had a lot to do with it. Did he pay the other doctor do we know? Or was he expected to work for free??

Pretty outrageous to hear him speak so degrogitorily about his patient, his Friend. That isn't a friend, that's a nasty stinkbug looking to sensationalize a tragic situation, get his last digs in.
I know. I was really shocked when he started insulting Michael and dropping personal information that should have remained private. It's bad enough the creep thought so little of his patient that he pumped him full of Propofol and then left him alone every night make calls, but to drop spiteful gossip about hygiene and bed-wetting was seriously scummy and cruel.

Why did he ever go up to Forest Lawn and make like he was so sad, going to visit his friend? He's a bad actor, just out for the publicity on that one too.
He went there so it could be on record that he 'cared' enough to make the trip there. But seeing as he's the one who put Michael there in the first place, it was bloody insensitive for him to be anywhere near there. Plus it is REALLY insulting that he thought anyone with half a brain would be taken in with all that fake sadness. The most cringey part was the fake crying and sniffling at the end of the 'reality show'. God, I hate that man!!

Hi everyone :)

You all are sure some earlybirds. Just getting caught up reading posts and lost power last night.

Anyway this is an excellent post and needed to comment on it. Spot on and ITA.
Thank you. I think most people can see through Murray. I mean, it was glaringly obvious from the beginning that he didn't think he should be on trial. His arrogance is beyond belief!!

Also, I have to say i found Murray an extremely boring person to watch in the documentary. No character, no personality, no sincerity. I doubt very much that Michael had anything in common with him at all. For a start Michael loved his kids and looked after them properly. But Murray had no such loyalty towards his own children. The documentary made me think that Murray actively disliked Michael a LOT. His tone of voice when he spoke about him was not that of a friend, and it's heartbreaking that such a private person like Michael had all his dirty laundry aired by the who killed him.

There aren't enough adjectives to describe how I feel about Murray. I'm just thankful that the judge didn't believe a word of his lies!!
Actually, yes. The L.A. County jail(Twin Towers) is a maze of very bad dudes-A LOT of gang members, repeats, druggies, lot of weird types locked up in there, then the DUI's, GTA's. How bad is it? I've heard just to wait along with everyone else for visitation is scarier than hello. I doubt PCM is going to have his cushy little pod to himself-he'll be right with the general pop before too long. I have never been there, never been arrested at all, but I hear it's pretty hellacious over there-part of it is for the men, the other side(tower) is for the women. I'd imagine some of the young bucks will harass him, there are a lot of MJ fans even in the jail. Somebody is going to show him the way of having 'paid protection' and he sure can't keep whining to the guard about it. They'll get him to buy things for them then they will also turn on him. OH! PCM won't have to worry about hair color for awhile either. He probably got the complimentary balded look. - There might be like a blog website that talks all about this-no clue of the name, I'm sure you'd be able to find it though.

I thank everyone here for the great play by play today :woohoo:. I watched it with DH -it was like watching a pie throwing contest with Judge Pastor hitting the bullseye every single time and hearing a bell go off:floorlaugh: What a GREAT Judge! His eyes were wide open and his brain quite sharp!

BTW. Anybody hear if there was probation imposed after he serves his time? Or was that overlooked?

A big :tyou: BigMomma, for the jail info. I thought it must be similar to what you said, but you really painted a picture for me and everyone else on here. Two years there might be equal to 4 years somewhere else!! But I do think, as we all (IINM) agree, that the "maximum" sentence is way shy of what it should be. I am going to poke around cyberspace :book: with your suggestions and see what I can find about the LA County Jail. Again, thanks! :clap:

And your comments on our now most revered and amazing Judge Pastor were just right. What a master. He missed nothing, but was not overbearing or over-dramatic or any negative I can name. And Dalgren and Brazil were tip-top, too. Poor Conrad Murray. He and his team were way over-matched in every way -- but they just had so much nothing as their ammunition, and the egos at that DT table were wobbly with weight.

This time, the Good Guys won!!
I didn't really follow this trial a whole lot, but I am glad that Conrad Murray was given the maximum sentence possible. Although 4 years isn't THAT much time.
Dr. Drew has the lawyer N. Gourjian (spell?). Dr. Drew is complaining about the Judge being preachy. UGHHH, yeah Dr. Drew doesn't like other docs being criticized. GRRR

I missed this, octobermoon!

Much of the time I agree with Dr. Drew, but I find his attitude toward CM infuriating! He stated previously that he felt the good doctor simply "got in over his head". :rolleyes:

I also agree that DD seems reluctant to criticize other doctors, but IMO, CM was hardly qualified to bear the title of "physician" on his best day! Yes, MJ had a drug problem, but Murray and his ilk are nothing but drug dealers with a diploma.
I just watched the sentencing speech again with some friends who had only seen the news highlights. And I noticed a couple of things this time round. First of all, the only times I've seen Murray visibly react to anything in court were:

  • When he fried (fake cried!) as the entire Cocoon cast turned up to gush about what a wonderful and caring doctor he'd been.... ten years ago.

  • When he swallowed and moved his head slightly as the conviction was read out.
  • When he bowed his head in defeat at the moment probation was denied by the judge.

  • When he got really agitated as Dr Shafer went to set up the IV in court.

The reason I mentioned all those points was because he obviously was able to portray a reaction to something he felt an emotion about. And yet when the judge made the very serious accusation that the surreptitious recording was made for Murray's insurance policy... there was absolutely no reaction at all. He didn't even blink. He just carried on staring at the judge with no emotion on his face at all.

So it's pretty clear that the reason he didn't react was because he knew it was the truth or the troot. If he didn't make that recording so he could betray Michael at a later date - then I'd have expected him to have registered some form of surprise or shock, but he didn't bat an eyelid. Creep.

And at the end of it all, Michael Jackson's life was deemed to be worth only 2 years imprisonment for the man who killed him. To me, involuntary manslaughter is a one-off act of madness. But this was over 2 months of deliberate and shoddy care every single night. Surely that should carry a heavier punishment?

Okay. Rant over. It just bought it all back watching the sentencing speech again. The following link is a spoof on Murray's speech to his 'fans'. This guy at least says he is 'surrey' for doing it!

[ame=""]Michael Jackson's Dr Conrad Murray - The Real African Apology - YouTube[/ame]
The most memorable and outstanding piece of television I've ever witnessed happend this morning when the Judge laid out the reasons and explained his decision to sentencing Dr. Murray to the max for his crime.

Agree everyone?

Agreed! Judge Pastor knew how to take control of a court room.

I thought the recording was for blackmail purposes as well. I was surprised but happy that Pastor went there.

On a sad note, I wish Pastor had been Caylee's judge.:(

I just watched the sentencing speech again with some friends who had only seen the news highlights. And I noticed a couple of things this time round. First of all, the only times I've seen Murray visibly react to anything in court were:

  • When he fried (fake cried!) as the entire Cocoon cast turned up to gush about what a wonderful and caring doctor he'd been.... ten years ago.

  • When he swallowed and moved his head slightly as the conviction was read out.
  • When he bowed his head in defeat at the moment probation was denied by the judge.

  • When he got really agitated as Dr Shafer went to set up the IV in court.

The reason I mentioned all those points was because he obviously was able to portray a reaction to something he felt an emotion about. And yet when the judge made the very serious accusation that the surreptitious recording was made for Murray's insurance policy... there was absolutely no reaction at all. He didn't even blink. He just carried on staring at the judge with no emotion on his face at all.

So it's pretty clear that the reason he didn't react was because he knew it was the truth or the troot. If he didn't make that recording so he could betray Michael at a later date - then I'd have expected him to have registered some form of surprise or shock, but he didn't bat an eyelid. Creep.

And at the end of it all, Michael Jackson's life was deemed to be worth only 2 years imprisonment for the man who killed him. To me, involuntary manslaughter is a one-off act of madness. But this was over 2 months of deliberate and shoddy care every single night. Surely that should carry a heavier punishment?

Okay. Rant over. It just bought it all back watching the sentencing speech again. The following link is a spoof on Murray's speech to his 'fans'. This guy at least says he is 'surrey' for doing it!

Michael Jackson's Dr Conrad Murray - The Real African Apology - YouTube

Oh Yes! When Dr. Shafer(love him!) pinpointed exactly how the equipment, the bottle, probably was set up, PCM gave the stink eye to Dr. Shafer and went a little ballistic to Chernoff-That troot sure did hurt! PCM also gave a stink eye to the Judge about the recording, he knew he was outted. Remembering that stupid youtube video of PCM-'I've told the troot'-Really? Like FCA, the troot and him are strangers.

Last Wednesday, in the L.A. area, another man pled guilty to invol. manslaughter of a tv/movie executive-he got 7 years in actual prison. Why PCM didn't get the same or worse is anyone's guess. I think PCM crime was more diabolical.
Oh Yes! When Dr. Shafer(love him!) pinpointed exactly how the equipment, the bottle, probably was set up, PCM gave the stink eye to Dr. Shafer and went a little ballistic to Chernoff-That troot sure did hurt! PCM also gave a stink eye to the Judge about the recording, he knew he was outted. Remembering that stupid youtube video of PCM-'I've told the troot'-Really? Like FCA, the troot and him are strangers.

Last Wednesday, in the L.A. area, another man pled guilty to invol. manslaughter of a tv/movie executive-he got 7 years in actual prison. Why PCM didn't get the same or worse is anyone's guess. I think PCM crime was more diabolical.

Makes no sense how they can be selective on time in prison for the same crime. Not sure what to make of that. Seems like the man who got 7 years in prison could appeal based on what Conrad got.
Makes no sense how they can be selective on time in prison for the same crime. Not sure what to make of that. Seems like the man who got 7 years in prison could appeal based on what Conrad got.

I think the Judge knew what he was doing. L.A. County jail is much worse than going to prison-bottom barrel. I hear prison is like a vacation of sorts, then State Prison has been called Club Fed.

I read something I think it was put out by the ACLU about what to expect in jail. Supposedly, they segregate the prisoners according to race, gang affl. or not, age group, etc. I'm not so sure I buy all that because there is always something going on at L.A. County jail. Sometimes news comes out about it, but it's what we don't hear unless you have someone directly involved with that inviroment; that's the scary part. People get beat up all the time, but not newsworthy. Accidents happen all the time, but not newsworthy. The thing PCM is going to hate is having to get up at an ungodly hour to have what resembles breakfast and all the terrible sounds, lights being on. Never ceases to amaze me how people who have an established career step out of bounds and in the blink of an eye, everything is gone and jail is the end result. With PCM, I think he always knew what was going on way before he thought he'd be hired on officially by AEG(which never was a sealed deal)and he willingly accepted. I too think there was something more to it than him just getting 'hired' by Michael-Michael's handlers hired the people, not Michael directly. At least two other times somebody tried to completely ruin Michael Jackson. third time was the charm tragically, imo.
Originally posted by Talina:

I know it's Radar Online and sometimes not all that reliable but I do specifically recall seeing Flanagan in an interview right after the verdict and he did refer to CM as his "former client".

I'm trying to find the article I read about that but haven't found it yet. I did, though, find the below article and it's a pretty lengthy interview with Chernoff. In it he says that neither of them will be representing CM on his appeal if one is filed.

:tyou: Talina! :clap: You are such a :websleuther: wonder, between your documentary skills for those at work, etc., and your phenomenal data bank of articles like these!!! Here's a zero-calorie treat for what you do for all of us :cupcake: !! It's not much, but it's a theoretical start....

I had not seen either article and each one was full of good info. We saw their relationship failing, almost from day one.... And the articles help to add to what we were already thinking. Again, thanks!
Accidents happen all the time, but not newsworthy. The thing PCM is going to hate is having to get up at an ungodly hour to have what resembles breakfast and all the terrible sounds, lights being on. Never ceases to amaze me how people who have an established career step out of bounds and in the blink of an eye, everything is gone and jail is the end result.
Murray's gone from a job that I'd imagine many other doctors would have loved to have had, and who (hopefully) would have done everything possible to keep Michael fit and healthy for the tour. He had enviable status as physician to one of the most famous entertainers in the entire world, and now he'll always be known as the person who took Michael away from everyone who loved him. I think the loss of his status will upset him more than being in jail. He's used to telling other people what to do and having young women fawning all over him, so he'll have huge difficulties adjusting to being treated as the killer he is, rather than the famous doctor he once was.

With PCM, I think he always knew what was going on way before he thought he'd be hired on officially by AEG(which never was a sealed deal)and he willingly accepted.
Did Murray know that Cherilyn Lee had been to the house to watch Michael sleep? Perhaps he took the recording of Michael after he knew he was still seeking additional treatment from other people so he could use it against Michael if he decided to replace him. The judge said at a 'later' point, but maybe it was intended to be used much sooner.

I'm glad to hear jail won't be easy for him. He needs knocking down a peg or two so he can start to reflect on the enormity of what he's done. His casual dismissal of Michael's life took reminds me of when Fred West described in a very detached and matter-of-fact way how he killed his daughter. No emotion at all. Just like Murray.

Two years in a small cell with nothing but his own boring self to keep him company and no admirers will be the finish of him. The scary thing is that will upset him more than causing Michael's death upset him. What a cold and callous man.

By the way, does anyone remember how he talked about 'providing the appropriate specialists' to give Michael a pedicure so that he could dance for the FIRST time without pain??? I'm sure Michael didn't dance for 40 years with painful feet, yet Saint Murray claims to have cured him so he could dance pain-free for the first time! What trash!!
Murray's gone from a job that I'd imagine many other doctors would have loved to have had, and who (hopefully) would have done everything possible to keep Michael fit and healthy for the tour. He had enviable status as physician to one of the most famous entertainers in the entire world, and now he'll always be known as the person who took Michael away from everyone who loved him. I think the loss of his status will upset him more than being in jail. He's used to telling other people what to do and having young women fawning all over him, so he'll have huge difficulties adjusting to being treated as the killer he is, rather than the famous doctor he once was.

Did Murray know that Cherilyn Lee had been to the house to watch Michael sleep? Perhaps he took the recording of Michael after he knew he was still seeking additional treatment from other people so he could use it against Michael if he decided to replace him. The judge said at a 'later' point, but maybe it was intended to be used much sooner.

I'm glad to hear jail won't be easy for him. He needs knocking down a peg or two so he can start to reflect on the enormity of what he's done. His casual dismissal of Michael's life took reminds me of when Fred West described in a very detached and matter-of-fact way how he killed his daughter. No emotion at all. Just like Murray.

Two years in a small cell with nothing but his own boring self to keep him company and no admirers will be the finish of him. The scary thing is that will upset him more than causing Michael's death upset him. What a cold and callous man.

By the way, does anyone remember how he talked about 'providing the appropriate specialists' to give Michael a pedicure so that he could dance for the FIRST time without pain??? I'm sure Michael didn't dance for 40 years with painful feet, yet Saint Murray claims to have cured him so he could dance pain-free for the first time! What trash!!

BBM. I think in some strange way, if she could have been convinced, maybe the Dr. through Michael was maybe feeling her out to be the stand-by charge nurse for not only the home, but the tour? The thought did occur to me, but she would not have ever done that-she would have turned it in to the LE. Her profession has more to do with natural alternatives. It is odd that PCM didn't have his trusty side kick nurse from the San Diego office over there, helping him out, or one of the other non licensed nurses from Las Vegas. -Always found it funny here was his trusty San Diego nurse, from his San Diego office standing outside at the courthouse day after day after day, proclaiming how great he was, but the last place he had listed as an actual office in CA., the office was up in northern CA in Hayward-probably another apartment.:floorlaugh:

I don't buy that story of the much needed pedi/manicure. We've seen Michael's hands and he had very narrow feet. PCM made it sound like Michael was walking around like Howard Hughes or something like that with unkempt nails growing out 5 inches long-He would have not been able to dance, to walk, to put on shoes. Kenny Ortega massaged his feet, so must have not been the truth-AGAIN. I know Michael Jackson's hairpieces/wigs cost thousands and they were always immaculate, he wore some pretty expensive cologne, very expensive leather boots, thousands in facial procedures to keep himself looking good because of his public/fans/iconic figure. PCM was on a smear campaign. Even the odor he described I do not believe. I'm sure if his lazy butt would have emptied those urinal bottles, there would not have been an odor and then again, maybe the odor was :waitasec: him.
Murray's gone from a job that I'd imagine many other doctors would have loved to have had, and who (hopefully) would have done everything possible to keep Michael fit and healthy for the tour. He had enviable status as physician to one of the most famous entertainers in the entire world, and now he'll always be known as the person who took Michael away from everyone who loved him. I think the loss of his status will upset him more than being in jail. He's used to telling other people what to do and having young women fawning all over him, so he'll have huge difficulties adjusting to being treated as the killer he is, rather than the famous doctor he once was.

Did Murray know that Cherilyn Lee had been to the house to watch Michael sleep? Perhaps he took the recording of Michael after he knew he was still seeking additional treatment from other people so he could use it against Michael if he decided to replace him. The judge said at a 'later' point, but maybe it was intended to be used much sooner.

I'm glad to hear jail won't be easy for him. He needs knocking down a peg or two so he can start to reflect on the enormity of what he's done. His casual dismissal of Michael's life took reminds me of when Fred West described in a very detached and matter-of-fact way how he killed his daughter. No emotion at all. Just like Murray.

Two years in a small cell with nothing but his own boring self to keep him company and no admirers will be the finish of him. The scary thing is that will upset him more than causing Michael's death upset him. What a cold and callous man.

By the way, does anyone remember how he talked about 'providing the appropriate specialists' to give Michael a pedicure so that he could dance for the FIRST time without pain??? I'm sure Michael didn't dance for 40 years with painful feet, yet Saint Murray claims to have cured him so he could dance pain-free for the first time! What trash!!

I think PCM did know about Nurse Lee. He comes on board and no blood tests taken prior to any meds being given? Maybe he went by her tests-never will know. Do you remember when Nurse Lee testified one of Michael's bodyguards called her and she could hear Michael in the backround complaining of being hot and cold? This was when PCM was ensconced at the mansion, maybe not around the home at the time the call was made though, but funny, he said the bodyguards were never allowed upstairs in Michael's privacy area, never allowed in the house-Just him, the children and Michael-Geez, I think that's another lie. :banghead: How would they know which room to pick if they were never up there before? He just wanted to look big, to show he was taking good care of Michael, sure.

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