GUILTY Conrad Murray Trial - Sentencing Hearing

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Judge mentioning destruction of evidence as well. I HEART Judge Pastor. He surely is making Murray sweat.

:clap: I second that emotion, C'Moon!! In fact, I think I lurve him just a bit. :loveyou: .. :giggle:
I think Chernoff's sentencing statement was as lackluster as the defense of CM during this trial and that is because there is absolutely NO defense.

I LOVE this Judge. He fully gets what happened here and recognizes CM's arrogance and lack of remorse.

Wonder if CM practices voodoo. He sure is giving JP the "evil eye"

bbm Good question, Credence!!

He sure practiced it on little Michael for two months, didn't he?? :furious:
WOW! I had a feeling Judge Pastor would tear into PCM, but this morning was much more than I bargained for! The way Judge Pastor laid everything out and then the axe swung-WOW! I seemed to have detected a slight look of cursing under PCM breath, especially when the words came out so eloquently about the tape recording. Completely outted Murray. Bravo!:great:

I thought it a bit uncalled for when Chernoff said Murray was illegitimite. With his aged mother sitting in the courtroom, there was no need for that at all. Chernoff I think knew all along he was fighting a losing battle. No way around this case. Hope this was a good wake up call to all the other Dr's. who get paid to push drugs to high end celebrities.
LA County Jail is a very awful place. Let's hope he's not released early.

How awful? Full of gang dudes and such? Any suggested reading about it? I'd love to get some skinny on that, C'Moon. Or just google it? I wanna know. TIA if you know!
He has to pay restitution to MJ's children! Love it!

It's a shame this judge can't make him pay restitution to the tune of child support to his own children as well.
Oh what a loser this Murray man is!

A waste of protoplasm, IMO. :maddening:
The most memorable and outstanding piece of television I've ever witnessed happend this morning when the Judge laid out the reasons and explained his decision to sentencing Dr. Murray to the max for his crime.

Agree everyone?

It would seem the Court did not believe that CM told the troot.

Oh well. He'll now be able to spend his days writing numerous girlfriends and maintaining his instrument.

The most memorable and outstanding piece of television I've ever witnessed happend this morning when the Judge laid out the reasons and explained his decision to sentencing Dr. Murray to the max for his crime.

Agree everyone?

Yes...I had goosebumps while listening. He did an incredible job throughout this entire trial, IMO...and today was the icing on the cake!
How awful? Full of gang dudes and such? Any suggested reading about it? I'd love to get some skinny on that, C'Moon. Or just google it? I wanna know. TIA if you know!

Actually, yes. The L.A. County jail(Twin Towers) is a maze of very bad dudes-A LOT of gang members, repeats, druggies, lot of weird types locked up in there, then the DUI's, GTA's. How bad is it? I've heard just to wait along with everyone else for visitation is scarier than hello. I doubt PCM is going to have his cushy little pod to himself-he'll be right with the general pop before too long. I have never been there, never been arrested at all, but I hear it's pretty hellacious over there-part of it is for the men, the other side(tower) is for the women. I'd imagine some of the young bucks will harass him, there are a lot of MJ fans even in the jail. Somebody is going to show him the way of having 'paid protection' and he sure can't keep whining to the guard about it. They'll get him to buy things for them then they will also turn on him. OH! PCM won't have to worry about hair color for awhile either. He probably got the complimentary balded look. - There might be like a blog website that talks all about this-no clue of the name, I'm sure you'd be able to find it though.

I thank everyone here for the great play by play today :woohoo:. I watched it with DH -it was like watching a pie throwing contest with Judge Pastor hitting the bullseye every single time and hearing a bell go off:floorlaugh: What a GREAT Judge! His eyes were wide open and his brain quite sharp!

BTW. Anybody hear if there was probation imposed after he serves his time? Or was that overlooked?
I thought it a bit uncalled for when Chernoff said Murray was illegitimite. With his aged mother sitting in the courtroom, there was no need for that at all.
I think he was trying to go for the sympathy vote. Here was this poor illegitimate boy who rose above his sad start in life to become a caring and selfless doctor blah blah puke blah.... shame that he didn't think about his own children who he just dumped when he was bored of their mothers.

I liked the way the judge said that Chernoff had 'candidly admitted there was fault here' - but that you didn't hear it from Conrad Murray!! That's because of course it wasn't his fault. He was 'entrapped' and 'deceived' by the person he killed!! Still can't quite fathom how deluded Murray is. In the documentary, whenever he quoted anything Michael said to him, it was always, "Doctor Conrad - you're my only friend" - "Doctor Conrad - you're the one" - but in the recording he made, Michael referred to him simply as 'Conrad'. Maybe I'm cynical, but I think Murray needed to put 'Doctor' in front of his name all the time to try and exaggerate his importance in Michael's life. The guy's conceited beyond belief.

The other thing that baffles me is that he only had ONE patient to look after and he couldn't even do that properly. It's not like he was an NHS doctor with a ton of patients having to rush around to care for them all. He just had one person to look after, and having killed him through utter incompetence and laziness, he tried to blame Michael himself, not caring that Michael's children (who he LIED about comforting!!) would have to hear all this crap and live with it for the rest of their lives.

Not to mention his willingness to gossip about Michael's personal details in the documentary. He's just absolutely vile and repulsive. I always look for the good in people, but could not find a single redeeming feature about Murray during the entire trial.

Yes, I know he opened a clinic in Houston to treat the poor for free, but actually I've been wondering whether that was his mother's idea and not his own. It's like he was 2 different men.

Finally, if he made any other recordings of Michael under the influence of Propofol, I'd hope the law is such that he can never ever profit from them and that they can never be released into the public domain. This man has done enough damage as it is, may he NOT rest in peace!!!
I hear it's pretty hellacious over there-part of it is for the men, the other side(tower) is for the women.
Well, I hope they keep the men and the women apart, especially the women under 30 - otherwise Murray will probably have another dozen children by the end of his sentence :shakehead:
Prosecutors are about to give an interview on the Today Show.
What's funny about that is that he is no longer on the defense team. He was removed from the defense team right after the verdict was read. Chernoff said that Flanagan might be at the sentencing hearing but wasn't for sure at that time but that he would not be involved in any further court proceedings dealing with CM.

Flanagan sure doesn't give that impression when talking to media now does he?

I've even seen Flanagan refer to CM as "my former client" in media interviews right after the verdict.

bbm I know I am doddering and don't always pay attention, but how did I miss Flan's quitting/being dropped from the DT? Did Chernoff make the call since he was lead DT? Hmmm. How did this "divorce" happen??
bbm I know I am doddering and don't always pay attention, but how did I miss Flan's quitting/being dropped from the DT? Did Chernoff make the call since he was lead DT? Hmmm. How did this "divorce" happen??

I'm trying to find the article I read about that but haven't found it yet. I did, though, find the below article and it's a pretty lengthy interview with Chernoff. In it he says that neither of them will be representing CM on his appeal if one is filed.
bbm I know I am doddering and don't always pay attention, but how did I miss Flan's quitting/being dropped from the DT? Did Chernoff make the call since he was lead DT? Hmmm. How did this "divorce" happen??

I know it's Radar Online and sometimes not all that reliable but I do specifically recall seeing Flanagan in an interview right after the verdict and he did refer to CM as his "former client".
How awful? Full of gang dudes and such? Any suggested reading about it? I'd love to get some skinny on that, C'Moon. Or just google it? I wanna know. TIA if you know!

All I know is from MSNBC's "Jail" program. It's a shame he'll be in PC, though.

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