Coronavirus COVID-19 *Global Health Emergency* #10

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That's alarming, I'm sure the US will find a way to deal with it, but it makes you wonder.

I just listened to one of the reporters on the Today Show claim this was no worse than what he referred to as "seasonal flu" and basically said people were blowing the whole thing out of proportion. That's problematic, JMO.
I suppose he wasn't reporting in Washington right now?
That's alarming, I'm sure the US will find a way to deal with it, but it makes you wonder.

I just listened to one of the reporters on the Today Show claim this was no worse than what he referred to as "seasonal flu" and basically said people were blowing the whole thing out of proportion. That's problematic, JMO.
My estimates are a million addl people or more in a maxed out health care setting....that need critical care. The solution will be many will die unless we get serious about containment.
The current coronavirus could survive up to nine days outside the human body if it proves as resilient as previous strains, according to researchers studying past outbreaks.

Cold, low-humidity environments are ideal for the disease, an analysis of 22 former coronavirus surveys by the Journal of Hospital Infection found. Past strains included Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS) and Middle East Respiratory Syndrome (MERS).

Some surfaces are better for the virus than others.

“On copper and steel it’s pretty typical, it’s pretty much about two hours,” Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Director Robert Redfield said Thursday. “But I will say on other surfaces — cardboard or plastic — it’s longer, and so we are looking at this.

Coronavirus could survive up to 9 days outside the body, study says

Maybe it’s just me?, but all of these “assumptions” drive me absolutely crazy. Especially given the fact that COVID-19 has already been proven to disregard so many of the known coronavirus norms already!

I just can’t help but to think that if most of the original assumptions had been true, the world would have a better handle on this thing.

Ugh..... the whole thing is like watching a runaway train with no conductor!

Speaking of assumptions, do we know yet what the official verdict is regarding whether or not this virus is considered truly airborne? Not droplet, but aerosol?

I know early confirmation stated that it was, but most recent articles are saying it’s not! I’m not sure what the current official belief is at the moment.

If it’s NOT airborne, then I would really like to hear their “ASSUMPTION” on how this virus spreads so rapidly. As far as I’m aware, historically speaking, airborne transmission is the only reasonable explanation.

I think the answer to that question is extremely important! The control and containment methods are very different for aerosol vs spray. The biggest of which is the “6ft” rule I’ve seen posted.
Personally, I would find it very beneficial if the WHO or the CDC would publish a list that specifically outlined which statements are based on confirmed factual data vs educated assumptions.

Too often, IMO, information is so watered down by the time it reaches the general public that we don’t have the needed tools to make informed decisions on our own.
At this point in the ballgame, full transparency should be provided at ALL levels. The cat’s already out of the bag and we’ll all see soon enough for ourselves, so the time for coddling and filtered information to the public at large has long passed.


This entire post is my own opinion and viewpoint on the subject of information dispersal, and MY FIRM OPINION is that the best way to handle this situation, from this point going forward, is in fact with total and complete transparency. There is an appropriate time for watered down information as a government mentally prepares its citizens for an impending event, I get that, but that time has passed for the entire world as we all observe the little red dots popping up over the entire globe!
lol - I didn’t start this post with the intention of it turning into a rant, but I’m just irritated with the fact very few governments or leading organizations appear to be entirely forth coming.
For this outbreak to not be declared a worldwide pandemic at this point is actually laughable to me. Perhaps they are hoping we are asleep at the wheel and won’t notice, but IMO, a person would have to be in a very deep coma to not see the writing on the wall!!
In regards to America - this IS a political statement, but it’s a neutral one: I really don’t want to hear how peachy things are from the right, and I don’t want to hear that it’s Armageddon from the left. The only side I’m on at the moment is the side of the people, and what the people need is an honest snapshot of where we’re at, what we’re to expect, how prepared (or unprepared) we actually are, and an honest answer as to what the plan is to get us through this event and over to the other side.

The political BS in this country has left its citizens hanging in the balance. It’s time to move past the kindergarten level bickering and get things back on track. Yes - I lean towards a political party, yes I follow politics.... But enough is enough! From where I stand, every one of our political leaders are in it for themselves and doing whatever they think will secure then the most votes at the next election time. It appears to me that both sides have lost sight of why there are two sides to start with. It’s SUPPOSED TO BE ABOUT BALANCE AND COMPROMISE -NOT WINNER TAKES ALL!!!

My apologies.... but I’m beyond irritated with the fact that even in the midst of a global event such as this one, politics appear to trump all else. (lol - no pun intended, but too good to remove!)

It’s not just America that faces political viruses.... it appears to me that this too is a global crisis in the making. God help us one and all!!

*Adding that the R0 of the WorldWide Political BS Virus
(WW-PBSV-20) is the highest R0 ever recorded!!! Mortality rate yet to be determined.....

** Rant over ~ Stepping down from my soap box ~ thankful for freedom of speech.....

My opinion, my whole opinion, and nothing but an opinion... so help me God!!!

carry on......
Mr. Stew is an administrator for the division of a major insurer/provider of skilled nursing facilities, including family home care, rehabilitation centers and long term nursing homes in King County, Washington.

Life Care in Kirkland was not one of "his".

He is hitting the ground running this morning. I will share any non HIPPA related interesting information today on this thread for those that are interested.
My employer had an urgent online meeting about the virus and to stay home if sick. They have also brought in a lot of disinfectants and more hand sanitizer. We were also asked to complete a survey ASAP (over the weekend at the latest) to find out who has company computers at home etc (in case they have to close our buildings and sanitize or so many people out sick and can work at home) I think it is worse that what we know. I also have 2 weeks of food for both my son and I and our pets. (You never know, I was just sick from the flu, pneumonia and asthma attack the last 3 weeks and had to stay home)
This is the math in the US...
Approx 74 million baby boomers...
15% get it....11 million people.
5% critical care or they die...550,000 this is actually on the low side of the current range...
We don't have that many critical care beds open.
Italy has this same problem right now

I don't know what scholars you are reading but the ones I'm reading are screaming at the top of their lungs for containment.

I agree this scholar is an outlier. I don't know when novel coronavirus (now COVID-19) first caught my attention, probably during the initial outbreaks, but I noted at the time that the new virus met a lot of the criteria for being the bug that epidemiologists have been running computer models on for decades. Very contagious, at least 5x (to take a conservative estimate) higher fatality rate than the seasonal flu, long latency, persistent on surfaces, immunologically naive populations...
The European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control has published an up to date list of cases of infection and fatality within the European economic area, the UK, San Marino, Monaco and Switzerland.

There have been 2,199 cases and 38 deaths reported:

Italy (1,689)
France (130)
Germany (129)
Spain (83)
United Kingdom (36)
Switzerland (24)
Norway (19)
Sweden (14)
Austria (14)
Netherlands (13)
San Marino (8)
Greece (7)
Croatia (7)
Finland (6)
Denmark (4)
Czech Republic (3)
Iceland (3)
Romania (3)
Belgium (2)
Estonia (1)
Ireland (1)
Lithuania (1)
Luxembourg (1)
Monaco (1)

The EU organisation said that of the fatalities 35 deaths were in Italy; two deaths have been reported in France, and one death has been reported from San Marino.

Coronavirus: global death toll passes 3,000 with more than 88,000 infected – live updates
Well, I am not skipping my voting. Put on my gloves and N95 respirator and there I go.
There are only 300 people in the area I vote. Less than half are of my party. I don’t know how many vote. But I’ve only ever encountered one other voter, plus a few poll workers. So it’s pretty safe for me!

ETA - for those outside the US, there is no republican primary this year, so that leaves only Democrats voting in their primary this year. The numbers for primary voting are always less than the turn-out for presidential voting anyway.
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