Coronavirus COVID-19 *Global Health Emergency* #10

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All of this is so alarming to me. I can handle the flu and colds but for me, it is getting scary. I know others will feel opposite from me but this virus needs to be take seriously.
If I was (without knowlegdge here) a quarantined person that was let out... I would perhaps have gone out to freedom by having a dinner to celebrate, or just doing normal shopping. I'm not putting this on the person MOO. They didn't know MOO
They were released from the hospital to go home to quarantine for 14 more day’s. They went to the mall still contagious. This is a huge problem. MOO

ETA: Joey Palacios on Twitter
BREAKING: City of San Antonio officials say the released and re-quarantined COVID-19 patient went to North Star Mall before returning to isolation. She was at the mall from 5:30 to 7:30 PM Saturday, according to Metro Health. The patient was asymptomatic on release. @TPRNews

ETA: Correction, she wasn’t symptomatic but she was supposed to return to isolation. I just don’t trust any of that. MOO IMO MOO
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I’ve never been “diagnosed” with having one but I truly catch everything. I’m terrified. It’s a running joke with my husband and I that if someone coughs in aisle 7 I will catch it in aisle 2. These naysayers have me concerned. And pissed. MOO
I can certainly sympathize with you. I'm in the high risk category now. But I worry about my oldest son the most. He has always been so susceptible and we had him tested for an x-linked immunodeficiency when he was very young. Thankfully, he tested negative but he has always contracted everything. We had to carry him out of his dorm to the ER when he was in college and had the swine flu. He also works with children. I was similar growing up, but in my 20's I was much more resistant. He is 30 and has not experienced that fortunate turn. :(
The coronavirus mystery: Doctors are baffled by children's resistance to the virus while cases climb - as police are set to be given powers to ARREST those at risk of spreading COVID-19 - Australia News

Professor Robert Booy from the National Centre for Immunisation Research and Surveillance said children abroad only seemed to suffer mild symptoms, ABC reported.

'Those children who did contract the virus overseas have only had mild symptoms such as fever and upper respiratory symptoms,' he said.

'In adults, they are reacting quite violently because perhaps they have seen a previous coronavirus infection and that's set up the immune system to react inappropriately and excessively.'

Coronavirus mystery: Doctors are baffled by children's 'immunity' to the worst of the virus | Daily Mail Online
I have to wonder if vaccines for
Haemophilus influenzae type b, and the Pneumococcal vaccine given to babies, have any part in children being only mildly ill and recovery from Covid 19 with little or no cases of bacterial pneumonia secondary to the Coronavirus.
*Just a thought.

Vaccination for the control of childhood bacterial pneumonia — Haemophilus influenzae type b and pneumococcal vaccines | Pneumonia | Full Text
Did they quickly reassemble a federal pandemic response team? I read that they were let go a couple of years ago.

Yes there was apparently a radical reduction in the team due to the theory that they were not needed when there’s no pandemic. That’s unfortunate because these people investigate, train and prep all year around. We had a very solid pandemic response system in place before that. Luckily most states have their own systems in place and I think we are still pretty top notch.
I found this article to be pretty interesting, an overview from the start of the outbreak.

"temperatures were warmer than usual in early December in Wuhan, an inland port city with a population larger than New York. By mid-month, it had cooled to the 9 to 10 degrees Celsius typical of the mild early winters in the city that sits on a bend in the Yangtze, Asia’s longest river. Its metropolitan district spreads out on both banks of the waterway to cover an area five times the size of London.

the first cases started to trickle into Wuhan’s major hospitals in mid-December. The patients typically had dry, raking coughs, high fevers and laboured breathing – symptoms that could mean a bad bout of winter flu.

But something else showed up in X-ray images constructed into computed tomography scans of their lungs. Medically, they were described as “ground-glass opacities”, or areas filled with fluid or partially collapsed, a telling sign of pneumonia.

Lung infection was evident in one of the early patients moved to Tongji Hospital, one of Wuhan’s leading medical centres, for treatment. He was transferred on Christmas Day with “widespread patches of shadows” on his lungs, a Tongji doctor says. “Even after antibiotics, he showed no sign of improvement.”

That patient was among many with combinations of fever, coughs and lung shadows who started to “flood in” to Tongji in the last week of December, says the doctor, who asked to remain anonymous because of his hospital’s restrictions on speaking to the media.

Discussing the cases with colleagues, he says they wondered whether Sars was back.

Patients with Sars-like symptoms were also being admitted to Wuhan Union Hospital."

Coronavirus: How Disease X, the epidemic-in-waiting, erupted in China

We talked early on about how the high smoking rate in China contributed to the death rate there from the virus. Does that still hold true?
Hubby and I have never been sheeple. Common sense is truly a gift. Why on earth would anybody not take some precautions with this happening?

Yes, I agree, I was so surprised at Cuomo's attitude. He seemed so low key and so did the others in the news conference. One lady who spoke stressed that people should just keep everything as business as usual. Take the subway, ride the bus, etc. Just business as usual. Nothing to see here.
South Korea--

Lee Man-hee, leader of the Shincheonji Church apologized for his actions to obstruct #COVID19 prevention efforts, the government is currently seeking murder charges for his actions #coronavirus #CoronaOutbreak #SARSCoV2
COVID19 Updates in Asia on Twitter

I still can’t get over those dingbats smugly licking doors and shrines in Iran.
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