Coronavirus COVID-19 *Global Health Emergency* #10

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'It's a safety net': across the UK people stock up amid coronavirus fears 'It's a safety net': across the UK people stock up amid coronavirus fears
Guardian news on Twitter

Food, medicines and other essentials are being stockpiled by people across the UK over fears the coronavirus outbreak may leave them house-bound or unable to buy necessities.

As the number of Covid-19 cases continues to rise, Guardian readers said they were concerned about being forced to self-isolate at home, along with the prospect of city “lockdowns” limiting the availability of goods, and many are now taking matters into their own hands.

'It's a safety net': across the UK people stock up amid coronavirus fears | Coronavirus outbreak | The Guardian
Here’s your shopping list to be prepared for a coronavirus outbreak

My local news has now officially put out a list of things for people to buy. I take this as affirmation that us preppers are incredibly smart :D

Just went to drugstore and grocery store. It was stressful. Lots of things sold out and bare shelves. I got the last package of paper towels and the last cans of canned fruit. I felt badly.

I can absolutely feel a different air in the community today.

My husband’s company has officially gone to tele-work now starting today.
New coronavirus case in Placer County, CA: health care worker at NorthBay VacaValley Hospital. This is the same hospital where two other workers tested positive after having contact with a patient who later tested positive.
h/t @MediaNorthlands
Steve Lookner on Twitter

The first confirmed case of COVID-19 in #PlacerCounty is a health care worker who had close contact in Solano County with a confirmed case. Learn more: Placer County on Twitter
Placer County on Twitter
I'm worried about quarantines in U.S. because of this Department of Labor info:

"The U.S. is one of the two developed nation without guaranteed paid sick leave. More than 1 in 4 private industry workers don’t have this benefit including more than half in the bottom 25% of the wage distribution, according to the U.S. Department of Labor.

Making matters worse, many workers who don’t have access to paid sick leave work in child care, restaurants, hotels, and travel where they come into contact with many people everyday and could help spread the virus. In these service occupations, more than 2 in 5 of the workers don’t get paid sick days, according to the Labor Department."

How two uniquely American issues could make the coronavirus worse

Yes, no paid sick leave in the service industry is a huge problem that will contribute to the spread. And even ones who have sick leave don’t usually have enough to cover two+ weeks at home. If they have paid vacation that can stretch the time they can take off, but most don’t.
New coronavirus case in Placer County, CA: health care worker at NorthBay VacaValley Hospital. This is the same hospital where two other workers tested positive after having contact with a patient who later tested positive.
h/t @MediaNorthlands
Steve Lookner on Twitter

The first confirmed case of COVID-19 in #PlacerCounty is a health care worker who had close contact in Solano County with a confirmed case. Learn more: Placer County on Twitter
Placer County on Twitter
I live and work in Placer county.
I think it means ones who are under observation who were exposed but not symptomatic and those with symptoms awaiting testing to come back. And of course, also ones who have tested positive but don’t need hospitalization. My hope is that they are taking this seriously and staying in home isolation. Of course there’s always a rebel in every bunch. :rolleyes:
Got it. Thanks. Come to think of it....."these" people could mean the difference between life and death for any of us with weak immune systems. Oh...what a thought!
Jeeze, Zeke Emanuel is on CNN saying that they should prep for the surge capacity for health care by renting hotels to house sick people. Ugh, Emanuel is a ob/gyn, but he's an investor first. Profiteering always comes with any public health crisis.

Go away, Zeke.

ETA: Yes, Zeke's brother is Rahm.

Also ETA: the disaster medicine doctor (Dr. Phillips), is talking about how the medical community in the US has been preparing for this for the last 20 yrs. Lots of committees, planning, practice. Ok, but why were they unable to properly test for it in the beginning?

He's saying he's already planning to get sick from coronavirus. Lots of healht care providers will.

It will be in all 50 states, is already in many states.
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Last week, I ordered something I never thought about but with my lung condition and Doctor Campbell Posts on such, I purchased it. A pulse oximeter.

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I have one that I used with my mother during her last few years. I need to check that it is still working and also find our thermometer. If we have to use telemedicine, these things would come in hand.
Maybe Pence will address this at today's pending press conference, bbm

"The CDC today also removed information on its website that detailed how many people in the country had been tested for the virus. It now only displays the number of confirmed cases. "

From Politico
CDC abruptly postpones coronavirus press briefing
I took inventory and we are pretty well set to survive two weeks least with food and medical supplies. I’m not sure about our mental health surviving *checking xanax supply* :confused:!

We are heading out soon to fill in some gaps. Everyone go take a nap and stop posting so I won’t have to speed read to catch up. :D
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