Coronavirus COVID-19 *Global Health Emergency* #12

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Today I ended up in the ER room. Cycling on a flat paved trail, I hit mud under a bridge. My skinny front tire skidded. Boom. X-rays showed I have nothing broken, just bruises and ouches.

Why is this in a coronavirus site? Because not one of the nurses or doctors in the ER room wore a mask. At the reception to the ER door there was a sign that said to request a mask if you think you might have coronavirus. That's it. No one even asked if I had traveled anywhere. So, this is the status. Some hospitals are checking everyone. Some are doing nothing.
Okie dokey folks. I'm back here after venturing out to a board game gathering with 3 other friends. What started out as a topical discussion went heated very fast. Can't even think to go into it all at this time, because I'm flabbergasted.

Thought I could handle the discussion, but it was 2 against me (one bowed out from discussion) that there was NO problem at all with this outbreak. They said the death rate Same as flu. Brought up the difference in death rates (they did not believe me, as they heard was the same) and ~20% needing hospitals and shortage of 02 and critical care needs for the 20%. That the issues were hospitals being overwhelmed also during the flu, and the economics of not having any immunity. They both said no big deal, we can put up tents like they did in China and give them oxygen from big tanks, like scuba tanks. I tried to explain that no, they didn't treat in tents, they said they saw that they did.

That's how it started, and went downhill. The more I tried to educate, the more they thought I was nuts...just nuts. And a pot stirrer. "If they could do it in Vietnam, they can still do it now".

Let's just say, I overheard that I"m probably not invited to the next event with this group.

Settling back in to my comfy home here at WS ... to isolation from the world views... lol

Gawd help me, give me an "ignore feature" for my friends I need to roll and scroll them on this issue!

What would we do without you @dixiegirl1035 Their loss......our gain!!
Okie dokey folks. I'm back here after venturing out to a board game gathering with 3 other friends. What started out as a topical discussion went heated very fast. Can't even think to go into it all at this time, because I'm flabbergasted.

Thought I could handle the discussion, but it was 2 against me (one bowed out from discussion) that there was NO problem at all with this outbreak. They said the death rate Same as flu. Brought up the difference in death rates (they did not believe me, as they heard was the same) and ~20% needing hospitals and shortage of 02 and critical care needs for the 20%. That the issues were hospitals being overwhelmed also during the flu, and the economics of not having any immunity. They both said no big deal, we can put up tents like they did in China and give them oxygen from big tanks, like scuba tanks. I tried to explain that no, they didn't treat in tents, they said they saw that they did.

That's how it started, and went downhill. The more I tried to educate, the more they thought I was nuts...just nuts. And a pot stirrer. "If they could do it in Vietnam, they can still do it now".

Let's just say, I overheard that I"m probably not invited to the next event with this group.

Settling back in to my comfy home here at WS ... to isolation from the world views... lol

Gawd help me, give me an "ignore feature" for my friends I need to roll and scroll them on this issue!

Didn’t you show them the actual data from news sites and WHO sites and stuff?
Today I ended up in the ER room. Cycling on a flat paved trail, I hit mud under a bridge. My skinny front tire skidded. Boom. X-rays showed I have nothing broken, just bruises and ouches.

Why is this in a coronavirus site? Because not one of the nurses or doctors in the ER room wore a mask. At the reception to the ER door there was a sign that said to request a mask if you think you might have coronavirus. That's it. No one even asked if I had traveled anywhere. So, this is the status. Some hospitals are checking everyone. Some are doing nothing.

Ouch! Feel better soon.

I went to my small local hospital for imaging on February 5. As I checked in I was asked about travel. It wasn’t the usual about travel to Africa, so asked if it had to do with coronavirus. It did. I was impressed since that was pretty early. But no one wore masks.
Not sure how to insure that more of these situations don't happen but I have to say that this story coming out of NH is disturbing (ditto for the person in Australia that did something similar and the 30 yo Iranian woman that took 3 business class flights to get to Canada).

Lack of caring for fellow human beings is hard to understand IMO and I'm not sure what else can be done to explain that COVID19 might well be devastating to immune compromised individuals, pregnant women and the elderly. Sure for a good percentage of the population COVID19 will be akin to the 'flu' but for the people in the margins it could be quite severe and quite possibly deadly.

Simply no words for stories like these! GRRRRRR.

Coronavirus-infected resident in New Hampshire attended party at event space after being told to stay home

Additional information on this situation via the NYTs as it appears the person that violated the order to return home and isolate was a Medical Resident (no words on this one as to his 'professional' judgement):

Told to Stay Home, Suspected Coronavirus Patient Attended Event With Dartmouth Students

Quotes from article:

BOSTON — When an employee of the Dartmouth-Hitchcock Medical Center in New Hampshire showed signs of possible coronavirus last week, a medical worker who had examined him told him to avoid contact with others, pending further tests. Instead, he went to a mixer at a crowded music venue.

Three days later, he was confirmed as the state’s first coronavirus case.

And now a second case has been confirmed — a “close contact” of the patient’s — raising new questions about what should happen when suspected coronavirus patients ignore requests to self-quarantine.

The man, who had come down with flu-like symptoms after a trip to Italy, has now been officially ordered by New Hampshire’s health commissioner to isolate himself at home.
OMG I just had the best idea for a new signature. I am now replacing “Well-Known Member”.

(Wait for it...wait for it...)

Qmfr / BBM:

Just wanted to mention that Dr. Maria, in Monday’s WHO Presser, used the term “respiratory etiquette”. I thought you all would appreciate that lol. I sure did.

She also mentioned the “three C’s” (I will need to go back for exact quote, note to self, quote is marked with timestamp in files).


ETA2: Done. :)

A little over the top? Nah...drastic situations require drastic measures and people need to KNOW!
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And now a second case has been confirmed — a “close contact” of the patient’s — raising new questions about what should happen when suspected coronavirus patients ignore requests to self-quarantine.

I was going to say “public shaming” but HIPAA rules won’t allow that and it would bring out angry mobs. Making it a misdemeanor would clog up the courts and also violate HIPAA. Short of making it legally mandatory, I don’t see how quarantine can be enforced.
Signing Off for tonight.
I surely do wish that we had Real information from these communist run countries.
It would really help all of us understand how to prepare and prevent.
As that is not likely to happen, the best thing we can do, is prepare for the worst, and hope for the best.
There will be more cases, no doubt.
I'm heartened by people preparing.
That means that they are taking this seriously.
Even if sometimes they are over reacting (300 rolls of tolite paper).
In my country of USA, TESTING with reliable kits needs to happen immediately.
NO excuses and it needs to be FREE for all of our citizens.
We've approved 8.5 Billion dollars of taxpayers money to throw at this virus.
I'm a taxpayer.
Get reliable text kits ready now.
Good night all of you wonderful WSers.
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