Coronavirus COVID-19 *Global Health Emergency* #12

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I was going to say “public shaming” but HIPAA rules won’t allow that and it would bring out angry mobs. Making it a misdemeanor would clog up the courts and also violate HIPAA. Short of making it legally mandatory, I don’t see how quarantine can be enforced.

National Guard, that's how.
Today I ended up in the ER room. Cycling on a flat paved trail, I hit mud under a bridge. My skinny front tire skidded. Boom. X-rays showed I have nothing broken, just bruises and ouches.

Why is this in a coronavirus site? Because not one of the nurses or doctors in the ER room wore a mask. At the reception to the ER door there was a sign that said to request a mask if you think you might have coronavirus. That's it. No one even asked if I had traveled anywhere. So, this is the status. Some hospitals are checking everyone. Some are doing nothing.
Gosh, I hit the "like" button and then felt bad that I liked your post about you having an accident! I'm sorry you were injured but glad nothing was broken! I guess all hospitals follow their own policies. Back when the Ebola scare happened, we started asking our patients in triage if they or any of their family members had been out of the country in the last 30 days. That question remains on our triage health history assessment to this day. Maybe it was an oversight not to remove it, but I'm glad it's still there!
Many people continue to believe that this virus is only a problem in Asia and for sick old people. Prince William was cracking jokes about it being over-hyped. He's not the only public figure to state that concern about the virus is a bit of a joke.

It seems mind-boggling that people can completely ignore what has happened throughout Asia, the Middle East and the EU, but perhaps they assume that there was something wrong with the people who got sick. People who are basically young, fit and healthy may be at low risk and perhaps that's all that matters to them.

Jumping off your post -
I'm cautious but not overly concerned about Covid-19. I'm very aware of what's going on across the globe and I care about what happens to people. I'm listening to the experts, weighing information and following the common sense guidelines just as many others are doing. Some have a different perception than I do. Some may have a more heightened fear and a higher level of preparedness and that's ok.

There's something called risk perception and there's a whole psychology behind it, if anyone wants to go down that rabbit hole. If I had to jump out of a plane, that would be paralyzing fear. :eek: To each his own 'risk perception'.

I wonder how possible that is. These athletes train to an apex. I don’t know if they can sustain that level of training indefinitely. But I don’t know much about it. Anyone?
IMO no, hard to sustain for too long. Some sports are especially age sensitive- like gymnastics & figure skating. Grow 3 inches & your center of gravity changes- forcing recalibration/training to accomplish the same move on a “different“ body. Sometimes easy, sometimes tougher. Plus the mental state of getting hyper focused- then getting your head into a new timeframe... not easy. Sometimes one shot at one Olympics is all they’ve got.
Was slightly overwhelmed today thinking of all the possible exposure routes in day to day life and viruses in general. Not just this one but the possibility of one that would be more virulent.

Had a leaking tire so I went to chain shop. First I stressed out before walking in because the last time I had my oil changed and tires rotated apparently the dealership didn’t give me back my lug cover key and I had no idea what this little adventure was going to cost me in time and money so I was ramped up to begin with. (Not as expensive or time consuming as I had stressed about.).
Walk up to door- pull handle. Wearing long sleeves and slipped it over my hand. Inside out keys on counter instead of touching hands. Now to pay. Remembered info about how dirty credit card slots are much less the touching of the machine, thinking about developing a credit card condom to patent. Push door with elbow to DH awaiting truck, had to touch door handle which I’ve possibly now contaminated, hand sanitizer inside truck and I’m good back to the lab to wash hands. Situation managed.

Phone call an hour later to pick up vehicle. Pull door handle-got that one covered with long sleeves. Reminder to buy more long sleeve t-shirts. Waiting patiently, busy place lots of people in front of me. Eventually guy goes back grabs my keys. Well crap , he’s touched I don’t know how many other keys and how many car door handles. To the computer he goes and starts typing where the last guy was typing and who knows how many others have typed who have touched how many key fobs handed to them by how many people? Get to my vehicle which has been moved. Touch car door handle- there’s another, at least one other person has touched it to get into the vehicle. Inside.. crap least one other person has been inside my car. Touched steering wheel, gear shift, key fob, what else on the inside. Break out the hand sanitizer and do my hands, wheel, gear shift and key fob. Now I need to get gas, again trying to figure out the credit card condom, more buttons, when was the last time a gas pump handle was wiped down?? Then back into car to hand sanitizer. Thankfully I have one sitting out otherwise I would have to dig though my purse with “dirty hands”. Trying to imagine the drills we did in the vet pathology lab about not touching ourselves or things with gloves which I’m sure isn’t helping. Even if I had gloves in the vehicle and donned them before getting out, would I remember next time grabbing my door handle if I touched it with the gloves? Too many years of safety training drilled into my brain. I know I can drive myself crazy thinking of possible exposure routes. If I can’t laugh about it I might cry.

Got back to the lab and remembered we have 5 gallon cans of Isopropyl in the lab so we joked about starting a hand sanitizer operation in the back room based on the current prices on Amazon. Growing aloe plants out back, hidden under tarps so it’s all clandestine. That got me out of my exposure spiral. Also reminded me to order more isopropyl for the lab in case supplies get tight. Now to find 5 gallon buckets of aloe Vera gel.
I feel like the character Sadness from the movie Inside Out tonight!
OMG I just had the best idea for a new signature. I am now replacing “Well-Known Member”.

(Wait for it...wait for it...)

Qmfr / BBM:


ETA2: Done. :)

A little over the top? Nah...drastic situations require drastic measures and people need to KNOW!
Oh that’s good! :D

I wonder if it would be inappropriate for me to change mine to “Avoiding Aerosol Plumes”...
Today I ended up in the ER room. Cycling on a flat paved trail, I hit mud under a bridge. My skinny front tire skidded. Boom. X-rays showed I have nothing broken, just bruises and ouches.

Why is this in a coronavirus site? Because not one of the nurses or doctors in the ER room wore a mask. At the reception to the ER door there was a sign that said to request a mask if you think you might have coronavirus. That's it. No one even asked if I had traveled anywhere. So, this is the status. Some hospitals are checking everyone. Some are doing nothing.

Yeah. Only the phlebotomist today at the doctor’s was wearing a mask. And maybe a nurse’s assistant. But my doctor wasn’t and none of the nurses I saw were. But again, my doctor said the masks are useless. Even the N95’s.
The Post obtained data on the coronavirus outbreak from hospitals in Tehran. The data from more than a dozen hospitals shows 80 recorded deaths in Tehran over the past six days and the rapid spread of the virus.

The data gathered by @NarimanGharib and provided to The Post strongly suggest that the epidemic has spread even more than the government has acknowledged.

@erinmcunningham spoke with medical workers on the ground who revealed the extent of the crisis and the strain placed on Iran's health care system. A spokesman for the health ministry, said Wednesday the virus has killed 92 people across the country with nearly 3,000 infections.

Using the data set we obtained from Tehran, Ashleigh Tuite, an infectious-disease epidemiologist at @uoftmedicine, estimated that the current outbreak in Iran has reached up to 28,000 cases.
IMO no, hard to sustain for too long. Some sports are especially age sensitive- like gymnastics & figure skating. Grow 3 inches & your center of gravity changes- forcing recalibration/training to accomplish the same move on a “different“ body. Sometimes easy, sometimes tougher. Plus the mental state of getting hyper focused- then getting your head into a new timeframe... not easy. Sometimes one shot at one Olympics is all they’ve got.
Does anyone remember when president Carter called for a boycott of the 1980 Olympics? Some of the athletes lost their only opportunity to compete.
I was going to say “public shaming” but HIPAA rules won’t allow that and it would bring out angry mobs. Making it a misdemeanor would clog up the courts and also violate HIPAA. Short of making it legally mandatory, I don’t see how quarantine can be enforced.

Interesting question! My guess is that it will depend on how bad the situation becomes as to whether compliance with medical guidance can or will be 'compelled'. We saw in China that their 'system' of govt offers many more such options to enforce compliance. But, if things devolve in the US, we might see the need for some strong measures.

I do think the NH case though was worth the coverage by the NYTs as it raises awareness of the issue of compliance being the right thing to do for the 'overall good' and also points a finger directly at the person involved in the case who as a Medical Resident should have clearly known and done better. For now, we might just have to resort to public shaming and my guess is that this NH Medical Resident will get a fair dose of it if his behaviour choices results in a cluster of cases that develop into a hot spot!

Was slightly overwhelmed today thinking of all the possible exposure routes in day to day life and viruses in general. Not just this one but the possibility of one that would be more virulent.

Had a leaking tire so I went to chain shop. First I stressed out before walking in because the last time I had my oil changed and tires rotated apparently the dealership didn’t give me back my lug cover key and I had no idea what this little adventure was going to cost me in time and money so I was ramped up to begin with. (Not as expensive or time consuming as I had stressed about.).
Walk up to door- pull handle. Wearing long sleeves and slipped it over my hand. Inside out keys on counter instead of touching hands. Now to pay. Remembered info about how dirty credit card slots are much less the touching of the machine, thinking about developing a credit card condom to patent. Push door with elbow to DH awaiting truck, had to touch door handle which I’ve possibly now contaminated, hand sanitizer inside truck and I’m good back to the lab to wash hands. Situation managed.

Phone call an hour later to pick up vehicle. Pull door handle-got that one covered with long sleeves. Reminder to buy more long sleeve t-shirts. Waiting patiently, busy place lots of people in front of me. Eventually guy goes back grabs my keys. Well crap , he’s touched I don’t know how many other keys and how many car door handles. To the computer he goes and starts typing where the last guy was typing and who knows how many others have typed who have touched how many key fobs handed to them by how many people? Get to my vehicle which has been moved. Touch car door handle- there’s another, at least one other person has touched it to get into the vehicle. Inside.. crap least one other person has been inside my car. Touched steering wheel, gear shift, key fob, what else on the inside. Break out the hand sanitizer and do my hands, wheel, gear shift and key fob. Now I need to get gas, again trying to figure out the credit card condom, more buttons, when was the last time a gas pump handle was wiped down?? Then back into car to hand sanitizer. Thankfully I have one sitting out otherwise I would have to dig though my purse with “dirty hands”. Trying to imagine the drills we did in the vet pathology lab about not touching ourselves or things with gloves which I’m sure isn’t helping. Even if I had gloves in the vehicle and donned them before getting out, would I remember next time grabbing my door handle if I touched it with the gloves? Too many years of safety training drilled into my brain. I know I can drive myself crazy thinking of possible exposure routes. If I can’t laugh about it I might cry.

Got back to the lab and remembered we have 5 gallon cans of Isopropyl in the lab so we joked about starting a hand sanitizer operation in the back room based on the current prices on Amazon. Growing aloe plants out back, hidden under tarps so it’s all clandestine. That got me out of my exposure spiral. Also reminded me to order more isopropyl for the lab in case supplies get tight. Now to find 5 gallon buckets of aloe Vera gel.
Hahaha! I'm exhausted just reading your post! The credit card condom idea is BRILLIANT! :D
Without knowing who they are or where they live or work how can people know if they had contact?

I think health officials are the ones identifying and reaching out to contacts, based on info provided by the patient...rather than people contacting the health officials, unless they know for sure they had contact because the contact told them. But if you tested positive, can you imagine trying to remember everywhere you had been in the past 2-3 weeks?! Every random contact at the quick stop or coffee kiosk? I guess we all need to start keeping diaries.
Was slightly overwhelmed today thinking of all the possible exposure routes in day to day life and viruses in general. Not just this one but the possibility of one that would be more virulent.

Had a leaking tire so I went to chain shop. First I stressed out before walking in because the last time I had my oil changed and tires rotated apparently the dealership didn’t give me back my lug cover key and I had no idea what this little adventure was going to cost me in time and money so I was ramped up to begin with. (Not as expensive or time consuming as I had stressed about.).
Walk up to door- pull handle. Wearing long sleeves and slipped it over my hand. Inside out keys on counter instead of touching hands. Now to pay. Remembered info about how dirty credit card slots are much less the touching of the machine, thinking about developing a credit card condom to patent. Push door with elbow to DH awaiting truck, had to touch door handle which I’ve possibly now contaminated, hand sanitizer inside truck and I’m good back to the lab to wash hands. Situation managed.

Phone call an hour later to pick up vehicle. Pull door handle-got that one covered with long sleeves. Reminder to buy more long sleeve t-shirts. Waiting patiently, busy place lots of people in front of me. Eventually guy goes back grabs my keys. Well crap , he’s touched I don’t know how many other keys and how many car door handles. To the computer he goes and starts typing where the last guy was typing and who knows how many others have typed who have touched how many key fobs handed to them by how many people? Get to my vehicle which has been moved. Touch car door handle- there’s another, at least one other person has touched it to get into the vehicle. Inside.. crap least one other person has been inside my car. Touched steering wheel, gear shift, key fob, what else on the inside. Break out the hand sanitizer and do my hands, wheel, gear shift and key fob. Now I need to get gas, again trying to figure out the credit card condom, more buttons, when was the last time a gas pump handle was wiped down?? Then back into car to hand sanitizer. Thankfully I have one sitting out otherwise I would have to dig though my purse with “dirty hands”. Trying to imagine the drills we did in the vet pathology lab about not touching ourselves or things with gloves which I’m sure isn’t helping. Even if I had gloves in the vehicle and donned them before getting out, would I remember next time grabbing my door handle if I touched it with the gloves? Too many years of safety training drilled into my brain. I know I can drive myself crazy thinking of possible exposure routes. If I can’t laugh about it I might cry.

Got back to the lab and remembered we have 5 gallon cans of Isopropyl in the lab so we joked about starting a hand sanitizer operation in the back room based on the current prices on Amazon. Growing aloe plants out back, hidden under tarps so it’s all clandestine. That got me out of my exposure spiral. Also reminded me to order more isopropyl for the lab in case supplies get tight. Now to find 5 gallon buckets of aloe Vera gel.
This post is hilarious. Makes me wonder about the outbreak of OCD after this outbreak of COVID-19. Looking forward to testing out your credit card condoms & grow light aloe hand sanitizer.:D
Jumping off your post -
I'm cautious but not overly concerned about Covid-19. I'm very aware of what's going on across the globe and I care about what happens to people. I'm listening to the experts, weighing information and following the common sense guidelines just as many others are doing. Some have a different perception than I do. Some may have a more heightened fear and a higher level of preparedness and that's ok.

There's something called risk perception and there's a whole psychology behind it, if anyone wants to go down that rabbit hole. If I had to jump out of a plane, that would be paralyzing fear. :eek: To each his own 'risk perception'.


That makes sense.
Ok I just really figured something out.

Today I noticed my face is more noticeably plump from last week (excessive tator tots, ice cream, etc.).

While it’s important to have these goodies to keep ourselves sane (I personally have no intention of being without chocolate during this outbreak as I hate that “squirrel on crack” feeling), it might be better to buy more things at the store this time that are nutritious, that I will only eat when I’m really hungry (not a new concept to me by any means but I sure didn’t practice it last week). Not only did my choices of grocery items last week not last long at all budget-wise, but I also ate a bunch of junk, more than I normally do.

So, my point is that I’m going in for my last round of shopping soon and thinking about what I’ll try to buy this time. Last week was an epic failure.

I’ve decided that my focus this week is going to be frozen vegetables and other healthy things, in addition to some treats (perhaps more “fruit based”). We need to take care of ourselves. The last few days I haven’t felt the greatest (which instigated a major hypochondriac episode btw), and I think it’s because I’m stressed and run down (at least I hope that’s the reason :eek:). This journey has been quite intense, to say the least. But, I finally got a LOT of uninterrupted and much needed rest and feel so much better. We have already talked about the negative effect of stress, etc.

Additionally, while it’s important of course to keep up with the evolving news, especially in one’s area, it’s also good to step away from it for a bit. I’ve noticed this twice now, how much better I feel after stepping away for a while. Some of us can get sucked into this stuff beyond obsession (raises hand).

My advice: Take a breather, step away from the computer for an extended period of time, and do something completely unrelated to anything that may trigger thoughts about the “coronavirus”. It can be hard to do sometimes when you’re “all wrapped up in it” and stuff is hitting the fan, but sometimes it is much needed.
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