Coronavirus COVID-19 *Global Health Emergency* #6

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China bans trade, consumption of wild animals due to coronavirus
Feb 24 2020
''The decision, made by the National People’s Congress, stipulates the illegal consumption and trade of wildlife will be “severely punished” as will be hunting, trading or transporting wild animals for the purpose of consumption.

The use of wild animals for non-edible purposes, including scientific research, medical use and display, will be subject to strict examination, approval and quarantine inspection.

Prior to the announcement, traders legally selling donkey, dog, deer, crocodile and other meat told Reuters they planned to get back to business as soon as the markets reopen.

Many academics, environmentalists and residents in China have joined international conservation groups in calling for a permanent ban. Online debate within China has also heavily favored a permanent ban.''
China bans trade, consumption of wild animals due to coronavirus
Feb 24 2020
''The decision, made by the National People’s Congress, stipulates the illegal consumption and trade of wildlife will be “severely punished” as will be hunting, trading or transporting wild animals for the purpose of consumption.

The use of wild animals for non-edible purposes, including scientific research, medical use and display, will be subject to strict examination, approval and quarantine inspection.

Prior to the announcement, traders legally selling donkey, dog, deer, crocodile and other meat told Reuters they planned to get back to business as soon as the markets reopen.

Many academics, environmentalists and residents in China have joined international conservation groups in calling for a permanent ban. Online debate within China has also heavily favored a permanent ban.''

I don’t understand China at all. Cats and Dogs are being brutally murdered because they may spread coronavirus (which is not true according to the WHO) but it’s still ok to eat them? It’s madness.

This is a little OT, but to add a bit of levity, and how scared we are all getting!! My girlfriend and I went to the casino in Tampa last week-end for a long girls' week-end. We ordered room service and a little Asian man delivered it. He barely spoke any English. He had to go retrieve something else for us, and while he was gone I said to my girlfriend, "oh, no, did you see that man? Ask him where he is from and how long he has been in our country. She refused and said you do it. Well, needless to say, neither of us did it, but it definitely where, unfortunately, our heads are going to these days. MOO. Katt
Really? SMH

With the floods over the past several years and less than 100 days until the start of the 2020 Hurricane season - I keep a list of certain supplies.

No power and intermittent internet means you have to go old school.
Board games, jigsaw puzzles, card games and books of crossword puzzles/sudoku/etc.
Get them cheap at Goodwill, thrift store, etc.
Dear Henry2326. I personally have a difficult time seeing Chinese citizens, turning to "the streets". Of course anything is possible. From what I know of the Chinese people, they emphatically trust their government to take care of them.
It's certainly frustrating for us trying to find out what's REALLY going on with these tens of millions of people on lockdown and radio silence.
I'm sure that any news, or videos that they allow to be broadcast, are highly suspect of these citizens reality.
In other words. The Chinese regime has a long history of lying.
It's worked out for them for untold number of years.
This is their culture.
I don't agree with it. Normally, I don't even think about it.
When their culture, secrets and practices endanger the entire world...
NOW, I'm angry.
This same message applies to ALL countries.
However, it is my understanding that China leads beyond any other country in the distribution of deadly viruses due to their barbaric food choices and lack of sanitary education.
Did they learn nothing from the SARS virus, the H1N1 virus?
The needed slaughter of millions of their farmed pigs and Chickens?
A frigging NOT. MONEY.
It's Always about money.
Personally, I want to see a ban on all Chinese goods.
Probably impossible. As we've allowed and made ourselves dependent on cheap goods from China.
With all of this said.
I grieve for the people in China.
It is my opinion that their so called "leaders" have brought them to this horrific reality.
Think about this.

Yes they do! And sometimes desperation is caused by not knowing whats going to happen. They then turn to the streets....
This building is straight out of a horror movie!
Do any of our leaders research anything?
See if you'd like you put dear old mum here. I think not!

Still waiting on update.....but found this in the meantime.......

COSTA MESA (CBSLA) – The federal government has called the city of Costa Mesa’s attempt to block the transfer of coronavirus patients to the city “ill-informed and legally baseless.”

Documents filed Sunday by the federal government, including the CDC and the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, urge the court to lift the temporary injunction in place that is stopping the transfer of up to 50 confirmed coronavirus patients from Travis Air Force Base near Sacramento to Costa Mesa’s Fairview Developmental Center.

Plaintiffs’ ill-informed and legally baseless application endangers the safety and well-being of the American people. Plaintiffs ask this Court to substitute unfounded speculation for the expertise of federal and state public-health authorities,” the documents state. “Public health experts at all levels of federal and state government need to spend their time and efforts addressing the COVID-19 outbreak and protecting the health and safety of our communities. Plaintiffs’ efforts have only increased the likelihood of the threats to public health that they seek to avoid.”

On Friday, the city of Costa Mesa filed a request for a temporary restraining order to block the transfer, stating that the federal government planned to transfer the patients this weekend but did not inform city officials until late Thursday night.

Officials said the patients are California residents and may be coming from the Diamond Princess cruise ship in Japan from which more than 300 U.S. citizens were removed on Feb. 17.

'Ill-Informed And Legally Baseless': Federal Government Urges Court To Lift Injunction On Transfer Of Coronavirus Patients To Costa Mesa
Signing off for tonight.
Just fed my two sweetheart rescued doggies. They like to nuzzle and kiss me in the middle of the night. My guess is that they want to know if I'm still here.
Nature is a wonderful thing that should be embraced.
You can call me crazy.
However, I think that horribly killing without conscience, any living creature, is a sin.
Going to a market where wounded captured animals are in cages, bleeding on each other as buyers rejoice about their dinner find. Is disrespectful and disgusting.
I really am out of words now.
SEOUL (Reuters) - South Korean health authorities said on Tuesday they aim to test more than 200,000 members of a church at the centre of a surge of new coronavirus cases that has taken the country's tally to 893.
About 60 percent of South Korea's cases have been linked to the Shincheonji Church of Jesus, where the first case was reported in a 61-year-old woman, but it is not known how she became infected.
Of 60 new cases reported on Tuesday, 16 were in the southeastern city of Daegu, where the church is located, and 33 from nearby North Gyeongsang Province, the Korea Centres for Disease Control and Prevention said.

South Korea also reported its ninth death from the virus, a patient from a hospital in North Gyeongsang Province.

The leader of the Shincheonji Church said it had agreed to provide authorities with the names of all its members in South Korea, estimated by media at about 215,000 people.

The government would conduct coronavirus tests on all members "as soon as possible" once it got the information, the prime minister's office said in a statement.

"It is essential to test all of the church members in order to contain the spread of the virus and relieve public anxiety," the office said.
BEIJING/WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump will seek $2.5 billion from Congress to fight the coronavirus epidemic and U.S. and South Korean militaries are considering scaling back joint training as the virus spreads in Europe and the Middle East.

The White House said more than $1 billion of the requested virus budget would go toward developing a vaccine, while other funds would be used for therapeutics and the stockpiling of personal protective equipment such as masks.

Washington pledges $1 billion for coronavirus vaccine as pandemic risks grow
SEOUL (Reuters) - South Korean health authorities said on Tuesday they aim to test more than 200,000 members of a church at the centre of a surge of new coronavirus cases that has taken the country's tally to 893.
About 60 percent of South Korea's cases have been linked to the Shincheonji Church of Jesus, where the first case was reported in a 61-year-old woman, but it is not known how she became infected.
Of 60 new cases reported on Tuesday, 16 were in the southeastern city of Daegu, where the church is located, and 33 from nearby North Gyeongsang Province, the Korea Centres for Disease Control and Prevention said.

South Korea also reported its ninth death from the virus, a patient from a hospital in North Gyeongsang Province.

The leader of the Shincheonji Church said it had agreed to provide authorities with the names of all its members in South Korea, estimated by media at about 215,000 people.

The government would conduct coronavirus tests on all members "as soon as possible" once it got the information, the prime minister's office said in a statement.

"It is essential to test all of the church members in order to contain the spread of the virus and relieve public anxiety," the office said.

I hope I'm not the only one who sees the irony in virus related death by large church gatherings in the name of Jesus.
The U.S. and South Korean militaries said on Monday they may cut back joint training due to mounting concerns about the spreading coronavirus, in one of the first concrete signs of the virus's fallout on global U.S. military activities.

The disclosure came during a visit to the Pentagon by South Korean Defense Minister Jeong Kyeong-doo, who acknowledged following talks with U.S. Defense Secretary Mark Esper that 13 South Korean troops had tested positive for the virus.

"We do regard this situation as a serious one," Jeong told a news conference, adding he had suspended military vacations and off-base leave.

"We have also limited their movement across the nation."

Washington pledges $1 billion for coronavirus vaccine as pandemic risks grow
BEIJING/WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump will seek $2.5 billion from Congress to fight the coronavirus epidemic and U.S. and South Korean militaries are considering scaling back joint training as the virus spreads in Europe and the Middle East.

The White House said more than $1 billion of the requested virus budget would go toward developing a vaccine, while other funds would be used for therapeutics and the stockpiling of personal protective equipment such as masks.

Washington pledges $1 billion for coronavirus vaccine as pandemic risks grow

What about hospitals and patient care preparations, will money be allocated for that later if and when it is needed?

China has been building temporary hospitals in record time, perhaps a little money should go towards building a couple of additional isolation beds or wards here and there.
If dogs can be trained (or naturally detect) a number of conditions, wondering if some could help detect cv. too.
speculation, imo.
Vancouver canine sniffers have the right superbug detection stuff, study finds
''The dogs found C. diff scents in washrooms, on medical equipment, in linen carts, in hospital beds, in family waiting areas, in hospital staff lockers and even in places no one thought about, like inside toilet paper dispensers.

“Now we are thinking about whether this is a toilet paper dispenser design issue that needs to be fixed or whether it’s the quality of the toilet paper or both,” Bryce said, noting that apparently when people with contaminated hands reach into the dispenser to pull the tissue down, they leave bacteria on the surface.

“The results highlight the impact of cross-transmission not only by health care workers but also by patients and the public,” the study says.

Medical equipment and other clutter stashed in hallways accounted for over half the alerts, “emphasizing the importance of decluttering to permit effective cleaning,” Bryce said

After the dogs sniff out the superbug, ultraviolet light robots are brought in to do quick disinfection. The light kills antibiotic-resistant germs like C. diff.''

Hero Medical Detection Dogs can sniff out cystic fibrosis before it takes hold | Metro News
'' Dogs can sniff out bacteria that is a major of cause of lung damage in people with cystic fibrosis before it takes hold, according to a study. Research found the animals can detect ultra-low concentrations of pseudomonas, the commonest cause of lung infection in the disease. Bio detection dogs have a very high level of accuracy when asked to identify bacteria associated with serious lung infections, research by Imperial College London and the Cystic Fibrosis Trust suggests.''

After a deep cleaning and sanitation process, the recently quarantined Diamond Princess cruise ship is projected to set sail on April 29. Coronavirus cruise ship to undergo major cleaning before April sail

Coronavirus cruise ship to undergo major cleaning before April sail
From the article:

"I think there's extremely low risk of getting novel coronavirus on a cruise ship," said Dr. John Lynch, who has specialties in infectious disease and travel medicine at University of Washington School of Medicine.”

Say whaa??

My periodic reminder that not all doctors are created equal.

U.S. airlines on Monday said they would waive cancellation and change fees for travelers booked to South Korea as the coronavirus spreads beyond China, prompting a warning from government officials about travel there.

Earlier on Monday, the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention warned travelers to avoid non-essential travel to South Korea, where the disease has sickened close to 900 people.

US airlines waive cancellation fees for South Korea flights as coronavirus spreads beyond China
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