Coronavirus COVID-19 - Global Health Pandemic #106

DNA Solves
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DNA Solves
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So just tested positive on rapid saliva test. Feel pretty miserable. Tested negative on nasal swab only saliva one showed immediately two strong lines . I did two tests both positive. I was sure it’s covid because of rather odd symptoms.
Sending best wishes. Please stay strong, isolate and keep posting here. :)
This probably varies regionally but around here tradespeople (plumbing electrical etc) are swamped with work. Scheduled weeks/months in advance if you can even find someone available. And unfortunately (for us not them lol) costs for these services have skyrocketed.

It's the same here where I live in Ohio, you have to book about four to six months out, if you're lucky. Tradesmen have never been so busy, whether plumbing, electrical, dry wall, etc. When I called for a dry wall person last fall, they said they weren't taking on more projects until April of 2022, so I am booked for then. We did have someone come in to help with the furnace in mid-fall, but it is the company that put in the furnace, and he said he's never had so much work - his company has contracts to put in furnaces for a builder in the area, and new construction has been booming since covid started (continuously, including now).

All the new construction, plus people working from home and staying home more during the early days of covid and ongoing, led to more remodelling projects, etc.
I mentioned here yesterday that our local Meijer was handing out packs of three N95 masks to customers. DH and I tried the masks on and found that they are very uncomfortable for long-term wear. I have asthma and find wearing a cloth mask to be almost unbearable at times. I can't imagine wearing the tight N95 for more than a few minutes at a time.

Thank you! This. I have been tasked with wearing one for 8 hours a day.

I have a severe hearing loss. Even with hearing aids, I default to lip reading. Its practically impossible for my brain to process sound filtered through a mask and plexiglass. Your hearing impaired friends are not okay.

I wear a cloth mask my company provides. I don't think I could do the N95 all day like you do.

And, guess what? I take off my mask when communication is too challenging for someone. They are coming to see me for help. My job is to help folks. No one has complained yet. As a matter of fact, the person usually has a lot of gratitude that they understood me, and I solved their problem. And then, I put my mask back on.
Thank you! This. I have been tasked with wearing one for 8 hours a day.

And, guess what? I take off my mask when communication is too challenging for someone. They are coming to see me for help. My job is to help folks. No one has complained yet. As a matter of fact, the person usually has a lot of gratitude that they understood me, and I solved their problem. And then, I put my mask back on.
Taking your mask off is not going to end well if one of you has covid. I hope you realize that.
Taking your mask off is not going to end well if one of you has covid. I hope you realize that.
I know it's not ideal but sometimes there is no other way. My sister is completely deaf and relies totally on lipreading. She can't understand anything when someone is wearing a mask. Sometimes people put on clear face shields when talking to her but they aren't great either for preventing infection and the person may not always have one. If it is an important conversation and the interaction is kept as brief as possible, I think it is the lesser of two evils. My sister will remain masked at least while the other person speaks clearly and keeps their distance. If there is no leeway, it is difficult for her to cope in society. Obviously for everyday things like food shopping she does not need a worker to be unmasked to deal with her. It would only be for important stuff.
In Louisiana, a vaccine stalemate and a long road ahead — The Globe and Mail

“It is places such as East Feliciana that are increasingly suffering the consequences. The parish has seen 154 deaths in a population of 19,500, a per-capita rate more than double those of Los Angeles and Chicago, and triple that of New Orleans. Out of the 100 U.S. counties with the highest death rates, 95 have populations of fewer than 100,000 people. None contain major cities.”
I live in Louisiana where Covid is extremely high. Our governor is from this area.
This probably varies regionally but around here tradespeople (plumbing electrical etc) are swamped with work. Scheduled weeks/months in advance if you can even find someone available. And unfortunately (for us not them lol) costs for these services have skyrocketed.
I agree!! Had we waited the cost of this project would have been much higher. We locked in these prices in May.
And, guess what? I take off my mask when communication is too challenging for someone. They are coming to see me for help. My job is to help folks. No one has complained yet. As a matter of fact, the person usually has a lot of gratitude that they understood me, and I solved their problem. And then, I put my mask back on.

Is it not possible to have the person call you on the phone (or you call them) - or email - to communicate maskless?

To diminish the risk to you both.
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Even though I don't post often here, I always follow. Just thought I'd share my personal Covid experience with you FWIW:

My husband and me are both vaccinated and boosted even though we're not 65 but were being super cautious. Neither of us have any comorbidities, enjoy good health and have always practiced safe masking and social distancing from the beginning.

My brother-in-law died the day after Christmas, so my husband flew to the funeral. I had my family at my house for holidays. He got back New Years Eve and we both started feeling icky, scratchy throat, headache, sinus drainage and cough. Never even considered having Covid. It got worse, we tested positive on Jan. 3. We were in phone contact with our Doctors . Received antibiotics, steroids and cough syrup with codeine.

It got so horrible. I'm not saying this to scare anyone, but I honestly thought I might die at one point. I could not breathe. We were sick for 10 plus days. Covid brain is a real thing, I couldn't even read home test instructions.

Almost 3 weeks later, I am still coughing deep down in chest. I am super lethargic, get winded easily. Hubs is doing better than me. I can't even imagine what would have happened if we had not been vaccinated. I now understand how so many people have died; it really ravages your respiratory system. I did see the Dr. in person on Wednesday. He said I could have these symptoms for a while even though I'm not testing positive or contagious anymore.

Please everyone, keep your guard up. Being vaxed doesn't make you immune, but it could very well save your life.
Oh my gosh, @girlhasnoname I know you from so many threads we have posted on together. I am so sorry you and your DH have been so sick. I keep telling my friends they have to take this disease more seriously. Just one slip up gets you and others sick. Please take care of yourself. Best wishes and let us know your progress.
I know. I am exhausted by all these variants.

All life forms evolve via genetic mutation so there will be more to come, no doubt. We will get through this, as they did (had to) 100 years ago with the Spanish Flu.
I’m on day 7 today and tested negative on home test. I still have sinus congestion and occasional tickle in throat and general tiredness. Tomorrow I can leave the house (yaay) but back to work on Wednesday if I’m up for that.
So glad to hear you tested negative and are beginning to feel better. Take care of yourself.
Is it not possible to have the person call you on the phone (or you call them) - or email - to communicate maskless?

To diminish the risk to you both.
While email services might be nice if they're available, we have to remember that not all people have the same literacy levels, tech savviness or access to internet unfortunately. Sometimes for better or worse communication has to be face to face if important matters are being discussed.
This probably varies regionally but around here tradespeople (plumbing electrical etc) are swamped with work. Scheduled weeks/months in advance if you can even find someone available. And unfortunately (for us not them lol) costs for these services have skyrocketed.

early in the fall, I thought I might "treat myself" to a new door... called in early November... they got back to me in late December... not only was the cost about 380% more than I ever anticipated (!) (ouch)... they said to order the actual door would take until April. I decided to skip the whole thing and hope for better pricing later.
Ivermectin is used in humans to treat parasites but not viruses.
In human pill form from a pharmacy though right? hopefully? Not off the farm store shelf.

I somehow missed recently that urine consumption is now a covid preventative thing now in certain circles ? I don’t feel the need to look into that further tbh.

I will admit to years ago having a little crush on Bear Grylls.
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