Coronavirus COVID-19 - Global Health Pandemic #106

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
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Oh no.:( Hope she has a quick recovery.

Our daughter, fully vaccinated and boosted, tested positive today. :(
Right now she is only experiencing a very sore throat and headache. I pray that is the extent of what she will experience. She is an adult, no longer living at home, so we have not been around her for a couple weeks. She is pretty certain she contracted it at work since a couple co-workers had it last week.
Hi all,
Hope everyone is doing good.
Hubby has been upstairs in isolation for 7 days now. He’s supposed to be out of isolation this Wednesday. He took a nasal swab test today and it was positive.
I also took one and it was negative.
My next chemo is scheduled for this Friday and I’m really nervous. My oncologist originally wanted me to have the chemo last week, knowing that my husband had just tested positive and was sick with Covid. I don’t trust that thinking.
If my husband doesn’t test negative by Thursday what should I do? He drives me to/from and basically takes care of me for the first few days.
I feel like a sitting duck with cancer/chemo and this stupid virus.
Many thanks for all your wisdom/insight.
Hi all,
Hope everyone is doing good.
Hubby has been upstairs in isolation for 7 days now. He’s supposed to be out of isolation this Wednesday. He took a nasal swab test today and it was positive.
I also took one and it was negative.
My next chemo is scheduled for this Friday and I’m really nervous. My oncologist originally wanted me to have the chemo last week, knowing that my husband had just tested positive and was sick with Covid. I don’t trust that thinking.
If my husband doesn’t test negative by Thursday what should I do? He drives me to/from and basically takes care of me for the first few days.
I feel like a sitting duck with cancer/chemo and this stupid virus.
Many thanks for all your wisdom/insight.

I'm so glad you've checked in, I thought about you and your husband several times. Your husband must be so tired of isolation but kudos to him for realizing the importance of doing it right for your sake.
Does your oncology department have a social worker? that could help you acquire a safe ride to and from chemo if your husband is still isolating?
Perhaps you or your husband will feel well enough to pre-order meals, meds whatever you generally need after a chemo day and have it in place by Friday. I'm awfully sorry for the added stress that you don't need. Pamper yourself and ask for help if you need it. Good luck.
My boyfriend started to have dry cough and tickle in this throat yesterday night on my day 7. He tested positive this morning on my day 8. I hoped that he will not get it after a week seemed like a long time. Average is 3-5 days. It shows that it might take a while to some people who might isolate after close contacts .
Hi Jane,
Zen is a good way to be. :cool: Most folks I run into here around my area are pleasant and dealing with life as is. Those who lose it, do so mostly over sports. :)

New Jersey isn't actually a foreign country (some might disagree), but I wanted to give you a comparison from here.

We are doing fairly well with supplies and services. Pharmacies have never closed up, though I often can't find all the vitamins etc I want; Chewy delivered my most recent order practically overnight (maybe I order different items than you); ShopRite had everything I ordered in my most recent pickup (prices are still high); and anything I order from Amazon arrives either overnight or within a day. We do have a rather large Amazon warehouse about 15 miles from our house so betting that helps.

The only place I see a need still is with businesses finding employees. The coffee shop has had help wanted signs up for months and thus cut their hours, restaurants don't all have enough wait staff to meet the demand of customers so often don't take in as many diners, and the schools cannot get substitute teachers. This I know, as I often sub, and have even reduced my own time doing so.

Our local vet has cut her hours due to lack of vet techs. Also seems the number of actual vets has gone from 5 to 2. I still had no problem getting a same day/urgent care appointment for my cat though, only had to pick her up sooner (had to leave her there for the day) as they closed earlier than they used to.

Hope you are well. Staying zen as well in South Jersey.
About the vet techs---my daughter's best friend is a vet tech, studying to be a vet.

She has been really stressed for months because of the work overload. She says that so many people got pets during the lockdown, which is wonderful----however, now all of the local vet offices are being overwhelmed with more patients than they can handle. Especially because a lot of vet techs have left and moved around, etc, due to covid.

She had to take a mental health break because she said so many people have been impatient and rude because of the lack of available appointments and the long waits and she is in tears many days at the end of her shift.
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My boyfriend started to have dry cough and tickle in this throat yesterday night on my day 7. He tested positive this morning on my day 8. I hoped that he will not get it after a week seemed like a long time. Average is 3-5 days. It shows that it might take a while to some people who might isolate after close contacts .
Awwww, I hoped he had made it through. Oh well, at least he knows what to expect now. I hope you are both feeling better soon.
My husband went to a dinner with friends from out of town because they had a good job offer they wanted to tell him about. I wanted him to ZOOM instead but he said they took a test before they flew and were negative.

2 days afterwards, his friends tested positive...:eek:....We have close friends who are out of the country for 6 months. My husband has been checking on their house for them, watering lawn etc.

So I banished him to the other house for this week. lol But I am supposed to go to Mom's and I can't have him bring the virus to me before I go up there. :confused:
...Snipped for focus...
When that is blown off it just feels like soft eugenics. "We only lost our fat people and old people, our diabetic people, our people with lupus."

It does feel like that.

And, to be sure, people in those groups are more susceptible to other diseases as well.

But, they're people, and as such, they're valuable.

At the same time, the rest of the world can't stand still if they're not at risk. Now that we know who is most likely to fall prey to covid, we need to focus our efforts on protecting them. Without judgement.

In time, we need to focus on encouraging healthier eating habits, and encouraging exercise. But, right now, we need to focus on those who are at risk. Because, they're still dying.
Awwww, I hoped he had made it through. Oh well, at least he knows what to expect now. I hope you are both feeling better soon.

Thank you! I thought he wouldn’t get it when day 7 hit. So far he has dry annoying cough and weird feeling in chest hard to describe. I’m feeling better now but have a bit if dry cough .Tested today to confirm yesterday’s negative and it was negative again. Cough will probably hang around for a bit even though I’m negative now
where were masks prohibited??

Masks were strictly forbidden where I worked in February and March. We were verbally told that mask wearing would be "alarmist".

I remember this vividly. Because then we shut down in April, and were issued masks that month, and mask wearing has been mandatory since then. We had a two month break, last April to May...back to masks.
Oh my gosh, @girlhasnoname I know you from so many threads we have posted on together. I am so sorry you and your DH have been so sick. I keep telling my friends they have to take this disease more seriously. Just one slip up gets you and others sick. Please take care of yourself. Best wishes and let us know your progress.
Thanks C, doing much better the last couple of days. :)
Got our FREE, government issued tests today. Never heard of the company. Too tired to bother looking them up. Anyway, thanks for the heads up about free tests Katy23.
I got an Email from USPS this morning that said my test kits will arrive today. I'm surprised they are showing up so quick.
I got an Email from USPS this morning that said my test kits will arrive today. I'm surprised they are showing up so quick.

That is a surprise!

I check my USPS delivery notifications every morning as well, good idea to sign up for this, as here in the midwest we don't want test kits to sit in mailboxes too long with the freezing temperatures we are having.
COVID’s Turbo-Mutation Is Killing This Vax Dream, So What’s Next?

This article is behind a paywall (from the Daily Beast), but well worth reading if you can access it. Scientists are working on a pan-vaccine, one that would cover all variants---instead of trying to tailor a vaccine to one particular variant (i.e. Omicron for example).
That is a surprise!

I check my USPS delivery notifications every morning as well, good idea to sign up for this, as here in the midwest we don't want test kits to sit in mailboxes too long with the freezing temperatures we are having.
They just showed up. They are iHealth antigen rapid test. Use by date of 2022-06-26, made in China.
My boyfriend started to have dry cough and tickle in this throat yesterday night on my day 7. He tested positive this morning on my day 8. I hoped that he will not get it after a week seemed like a long time. Average is 3-5 days. It shows that it might take a while to some people who might isolate after close contacts .

I am working with Public Health Ontario. We've been finding that many people are getting positive results on day 8 when isolating with family members. Just when they think all chance of becoming infected has passed, then suddenly they are sick.
My entire family of 5 took this as soon as symptoms started. First it was my husband and I then my 3 kids trickled in and got sick one after the other. We were all feeling almost 100% after 24 hours on the meds. Maybe it worked. Maybe it was a coincidence. But we all made it out unscathed with zero complications. I hope they look more into this.
It is a good drug for its purposes. Reading the press constantly refer to it as a horse dewormer has been divisive and counter-productive. Most people advocating for its use were not suggesting everyone down enough paste for a 1200 lb animal.
Any drug that has potential in treatment should be investigated. If it isn't effective, then we can put the debate to bed.
Any off-label treatment when no other options are available also shouldn't cause firing.

I'm glad you all felt better quickly.
Are the positive results based on an antigen test or PCR test? Experts are sayng that the PCR tests are so sensitive that they pick up viral components even when the person who had covid is no longer shedding and infectious. If that person no longer has symptoms here in the U.S., the CDC allows them to return to work or school after 5 days.

In my case it was home rapid test that my boyfriend tested positive with on day 8. He didn’t have any symptoms before the night 7 of mine covid positive. He always tested negative until then , we did a test on him daily.
My problem with even thinking about trying invermectin is that I had horses for years and used this to deworm them! We're talking 1200 pound plus livestock. Nobody weighs 1200 pounds. How can they even figure out ho I w much to take? It comes in a tube with a plunger!
Yes, horse person here too. Glad to hear there are others. :) Similar to SMZs, which also are for people and for horses, people shouldn't take 20 tablets. Interestingly enough, the tablets from the vet and the ones for my child from the pharmacy had the same markings, shape, color, etc. Big difference in price though. I don't think the ivermectin human formulation is a paste though. JMO.
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