Coronavirus COVID-19 - Global Health Pandemic #107

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Would you feel better about the visit if they get tested prior to arriving or immediately upon arrival? Maybe you could all meet up in an outdoor setting? This pandemic is the pits!

I don't know if I tru
There’s probably no stopping your husband from seeing his kids even during the pandemic. Can you lesson the risk by making reservations at a safer location like a cabin, provide meals or delivery service, provide masks, sanitizer, and Covid tests. This would allow them to spend much needed time catching up and you could FaceTime. Your husband could remain there to quarantine after the visit. Everyone is in a difficult spot. if my elderly parents were still alive, I would have to visit, cherish their remaining time, and mitigate the risk.

I did tell him if he wants to see them he would have To quarantine
For a number of days after they left- he didn't !one that idea.
Would you feel better about the visit if they get tested prior to arriving or immediately upon arrival? Maybe you could all meet up in an outdoor setting? This pandemic is the pits!

I don't know if I tru
There’s probably no stopping your husband from seeing his kids even during the pandemic. Can you lesson the risk by making reservations at a safer location like a cabin, provide meals or delivery service, provide masks, sanitizer, and Covid tests. This would allow them to spend much needed time catching up and you could FaceTime. Your husband could remain there to quarantine after the visit. Everyone is in a difficult spot. if my elderly parents were still alive, I would have to visit, cherish their remaining time, and mitigate the risk.

I did tell him if he wants to see them he would have To quarantine
For a number of days after they left- he didn't !ike that idea.
They aren't resistant to the vaccine. They are resistant to mandates. Totally different thing. I'm fully vaxxed. I'm 100% against mandates.

By your avatar you seem to be an American.

I equate this vaccine with the vaccines we were MANDATED to have in order to attend school. Same for your children and grandchildren, if you have them.

As a homeroom teacher for 8th graders, I often received letters addressed to parents, telling them that their child could not return to school until they received all mandated vaccines. We have a lot of immigrant students; therefore, many of them did not have the required childhood vaccines, and were in fact banned from school until they were caught up with proof from the doctor.

I genuinely see this as the same. Even though we are adults, free Americans, we are in a pandemic. I'm 100% for vaccine mandates. To me it's no different than the vaccines you and I already had to get as children.

There’s probably no stopping your husband from seeing his kids even during the pandemic. Can you lesson the risk by making reservations at a safer location like a cabin, provide meals or delivery service, provide masks, sanitizer, and Covid tests. This would allow them to spend much needed time catching up and you could FaceTime. Your husband could remain there to quarantine after the visit. Everyone is in a difficult spot. if my elderly parents were still alive, I would have to visit, cherish their remaining time, and mitigate the risk.

I am sorry your parents are gone, but let me ask you a question ---::
Given the highly contagious virus we are presently living with,
Would you visit your elderly parents knowing you could expose
Them to. this potentially deadly virus??
Would you feel better about the visit if they get tested prior to arriving or immediately upon arrival? Maybe you could all meet up in an outdoor setting? This pandemic is the pits!

My personal, unsolicited opinion is that this is a conversation that she should be having directly with her father. If he wants to see them, then it becomes something that should be resolved between the two of you. I understand that you want to keep him safe and healthy, but in the end he is a grown adult and is responsible for his own choices and decisions. You being the middleman is only going to cause conflict between you and his children, which will never end well, especially when you are (from their perspective) the "roadblock" between them seeing their father.


There’s probably no stopping your husband from seeing his kids even during the pandemic. Can you lesson the risk by making reservations at a safer location like a cabin, provide meals or delivery service, provide masks, sanitizer, and Covid tests. This would allow them to spend much needed time catching up and you could FaceTime. Your husband could remain there to quarantine after the visit. Everyone is in a difficult spot. if my elderly parents were still alive, I would have to visit, cherish their remaining time, and mitigate the risk.

@ilovewings I say this with affection, and I regard you as someone who is as cautious as I am when it comes to Covid.

I, too, want to live in a fortress of solitude ((TM Superman) and keep myself and my loved ones safe from harm.

Again, I do not want to know or delve into your business. I say this as someone who is not a stepmother, but my husband married 7 years after our divorce and I've had to deal with my daughter's stepmother (decades ago). No pandemic back then, so it's very different, but I do have experience with the push and pull of stepparent involvement.

I admire how protective you are of your husband. But IMO as @justbeachy noted, your husband is the pivotal person in this. I presume he loves his son and daughter, who were his family before you (again I mean this delicately) and he may resent you prohibiting your stepdaughter from seeing him.

As @LaborDayRN noted, I think a PCR test before she arrives would at least alleviate your fears of whether she's contracted Covid from working in a school and having teenagers. I took a PCR before I visited my parents. It's true that you won't know if she catches anything on the plane or in the airports, but it would at least reveal if she has it prior to arrival.

As @Teche noted, your husband can at least keep YOU safe if he stays elsewhere during their visit, follows all mask rules, and quarantines at home. Of course you're in anguish about his safety and you resent his daughter for putting you in this quandary, after all you've done to stay healthy.

It's clear you're in torment about this. I don't blame you. But IMO your husband probably wants to see her and you don't need to jeopardize your happy home. We were happier in the AirB&B than the hotel, because no strangers were coming and going. That would be my choice in this situation. Let him see his daughter before your remaining years with him are filled with strife. Have him stay away from home during their visit and quarantine at home afterwards. Make him get a PCR test when the quarantine is over.

I know you don't care about any of this because you don't want him to be with her, period, due to wanting to keep him safe. Understandable. But she wants to see her dad. I understand that, too. She lives in a different state, and she is also worried that something could happen to him and she wouldn't have seen him. You're afraid she will be the cause of something happening.

IMO it's very clear that your husband is the central person here. Exempt yourself from his decision and keep yourself safe.

I'll shut up now.
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@ilovewings I say this with affection, and I regard you as someone who is as cautious as I am when it comes to Covid.

I, too, want to live in a fortress of solitude ((TM Superman) and keep myself and my loved ones safe from harm.

Again, I do not want to know or delve into your business. I say this as someone who is not a stepmother, but my husband married 7 years after our divorce and I've had to deal with my daughter's stepmother (decades ago). No pandemic back then, so it's very different, but I do have experience with the push and pull of stepparent involvement.

I admire how protective you are of your husband. But IMO as @justbeachy noted, your husband is the pivotal person in this. I presume he loves his son and daughter, who were his family before you (again I mean this delicately) and he may resent you prohibiting your stepdaughter from seeing him.

As @LaborDayRN noted, I think a PCR test before she arrives would at least alleviate your fears of whether she's contracted Covid from working in a school and having teenagers. I took a PCR before I visited my parents. It's true that you won't know if she catches anything on the plane or in the airports, but it would at least reveal if she has it prior to arrival.

As @Teche noted, your husband can at least keep YOU safe if he stays elsewhere during their visit, follows all mask rules, and quarantines at home. Of course you're in anguish about his safety and you resent his daughter for putting you in this quandary, after all you've done to stay healthy.

It's clear you're in torment about this. I don't blame you. But IMO your husband probably wants to see her and you don't need to jeopardize your happy home. We were happier in the AirB&B than the hotel, because no strangers were coming and going. That would be my choice in this situation. Let him see his daughter before your remaining years with him are filled with strife. Have him stay away from home during their visit and quarantine at home afterwards. Make him get a PCR test when the quarantine is over.

I know you don't care about any of this because you don't want him to be with her, period, due to wanting to keep him safe. Understandable. But she wants to see her dad. I understand that, too. She lives in a different state, and she is also worried that something could happen to him and she wouldn't have seen him. You're afraid she will be the cause of something happening.

IMO it's very clear that your husband is the central person here. Exempt yourself from his decision and keep yourself safe.

I'll shut up now.

Arkay: I so appreciate your concern and thoughtful response, so I talked to my husband - he said he knows his kids won't get a PCR test before they would come here, and he won't get a PCR test and quarantine- so what can I do with that. I know she is worried due to his age and her fear she won't see him healthy and happy before God forbid something happens to him: I understand it. Oh by the way, they were going to surprise him by coming here: In a pandemic, who needs surprises like that ? LOL. I don't see his kids or my husband cooperating with masks, testing and such.
It is what it is , and yes I am tormented by this situation. I have always stayed out of the way of the relationship between my husband and his children. If he wants to give him money, I figuare its his money and he earned it: I don't interfere. But this situation is truly a matter of life and death.

Thank you again for your affectionate response. You really are a dear person!!!
Arkay: I so appreciate your concern and thoughtful response, so I talked to my husband - he said he knows his kids won't get a PCR test before they would come here, and he won't get a PCR test and quarantine- so what can I do with that. I know she is worried due to his age and her fear she won't see him healthy and happy before God forbid something happens to him: I understand it. Oh by the way, they were going to surprise him by coming here: In a pandemic, who needs surprises like that ? LOL. I don't see his kids or my husband cooperating with masks, testing and such.
It is what it is , and yes I am tormented by this situation. I have always stayed out of the way of the relationship between my husband and his children. If he wants to give him money, I figuare its his money and he earned it: I don't interfere. But this situation is truly a matter of life and death.

Thank you again for your affectionate response. You really are a dear person!!!
What exactly is their objection to testing? Are they even vaccinated?
Arkay: I so appreciate your concern and thoughtful response, so I talked to my husband - he said he knows his kids won't get a PCR test before they would come here, and he won't get a PCR test and quarantine- so what can I do with that. I know she is worried due to his age and her fear she won't see him healthy and happy before God forbid something happens to him: I understand it. Oh by the way, they were going to surprise him by coming here: In a pandemic, who needs surprises like that ? LOL. I don't see his kids or my husband cooperating with masks, testing and such.
It is what it is , and yes I am tormented by this situation. I have always stayed out of the way of the relationship between my husband and his children. If he wants to give him money, I figuare its his money and he earned it: I don't interfere. But this situation is truly a matter of life and death.

Thank you again for your affectionate response. You really are a dear person!!!

Aww, thank you.

Well, if she won't get a PCR test then she is wrong. She loves her dad and the test will take 10 seconds of her time. For that, I do blame her. Of course she wants to see him but she must safeguard him. Why he won't do it, I don't know. I wish he would be convinced by you to do so.

As far as surprising him, I agree with you. This is the time for cautious planning, not spontaneity.
yes they are vaccinated -- my husband said they won't
Get tests-- I don't know why but he won't get tested either
"Just cause"---go figure!!!

Maybe what you're left with is to speak to the daughter and tell her you understand she wants to see her dad and that he wants the same. You could say it would mean so much to me if you guys would test before seeing dad. I would even offer to pay for the test and have them sent to them. That's really a simple, easy thing that they could do for your peace of mind. You deserve that.
Oh boy- I am in a full blown crisis with my stepdaughter and step son. She lives in Manassas Virginia and he lives in Michigan. They want to come here for their dad's birthday on 2/23/22. I basically said they cannot do this and expose us to the virus- we are old. She works in a school setting around kids all day long and she has two teenagers. She went off on me on the phone- I could not believe it. Am I wrong? I don't think so. I told my husband if he wants to see them he can go to a hotel for 10 days and quarantine.

Yeah. I stayed out of that. My husband's kids came and went during Covid, no masks. I let him make his choices.
yes they are vaccinated -- my husband said they won't
Get tests-- I don't know why but he won't get tested either
"Just cause"---go figure!!!
That is a tough predicament you are in. I sympathise. Could your husband ask her to do an antigen test at least before she comes? They are so quick and easy and a lot less of a hassle than getting a PCR if that is objectionable to her. Your husband could also do a couple of antigen tests after she leaves for peace of mind. Whatever you all decide to do, I hope it works out for you.
Maybe what you're left with is to speak to the daughter and tell her you understand she wants to see her dad and that he wants the same. You could say it would mean so much to me if you guys would test before seeing dad. I would even offer to pay for the test and have them sent to them. That's really a simple, easy thing that they could do for your peace of mind. You deserve that.
Maybe what you're left with is to speak to the daughter and tell her you understand she wants to see her dad and that he wants the same. You could say it would mean so much to me if you guys would test before seeing dad. I would even offer to pay for the test and have them sent to them. That's really a simple, easy thing that they could do for your peace of mind. You deserve that.

Not sure I trust home tests---it would have to be a PCR
That is a tough predicament you are in. I sympathise. Could your husband ask her to do an antigen test at least before she comes? They are so quick and easy and a lot less of a hassle than getting a PCR if that is objectionable to her. Your husband could also do a couple of antigen tests after she leaves for peace of mind. Whatever you all decide to do, I hope it works out for you.

it is a tricky situation all feel PCR test is so much more accurate.
I don't know if I tru

I did tell him if he wants to see them he would have To quarantine
For a number of days after they left- he didn't !ike that idea.

I'm just looking for angles here. Does your hubs have dementia or something? It just seems like you are taxed with making his decisions. That could really factor in here. JMO
My personal, unsolicited opinion is that this is a conversation that she should be having directly with her father. If he wants to see them, then it becomes something that should be resolved between the two of you. I understand that you want to keep him safe and healthy, but in the end he is a grown adult and is responsible for his own choices and decisions. You being the middleman is only going to cause conflict between you and his children, which will never end well, especially when you are (from their perspective) the "roadblock" between them seeing their father.


I agree --- I will let my husband do the talking to his kids
I'm just looking for angles here. Does your hubs have dementia or something? It just seems like you are taxed with making his decisions. That could really factor in here. JMO

No thank God but he has not taken this pandemic seriously enough.
If it were not for me he would not mask up. <modsnip>
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There’s probably no stopping your husband from seeing his kids even during the pandemic. Can you lesson the risk by making reservations at a safer location like a cabin, provide meals or delivery service, provide masks, sanitizer, and Covid tests. This would allow them to spend much needed time catching up and you could FaceTime. Your husband could remain there to quarantine after the visit. Everyone is in a difficult spot. if my elderly parents were still alive, I would have to visit, cherish their remaining time, and mitigate the risk.
I had to travel to see my elderly parents and wasn’t excited about wearing a mask every time I entered their house for long hours but those were the ground rules. Because it wasn’t just about them. It was also about other family members who cared for them.

Maybe a compromise. No indoor dining, nice restaurant with a outdoor patio?
Or have their favorite meal sent via door dash/instacart?
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