Coronavirus COVID-19 - Global Health Pandemic #107

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Amonet, I want to thank you very much for starting this thread. You opened my eyes. Your thread caused me to research, then to take action long before anyone in my city even knew what was coming.
Thank you for opening our eyes, years ago.
Sincerely, Kali

I agonized somewhat over starting this thread. I really don't like starting threads. And I didn't want to look like I was spreading fear stuff.

But what it said in the quotes in the first post, that those numbers coming out were the tip of the iceberg, that is how it seemed to be. It seemed to be spreading too fast and too far for those figures to be correct.

Although looking back on it I can see the potential for it going global, I didn't realise it would happen so fast or what the consequences would be. I never imagined 'lockdowns' in countries like the UK!

I dunno what else to say other than that I was so impressed at the quality of posts that started turning up within a few days, and I'm stunned that what I thought was going to be a flash in the pan thread of a couple of pages ended up like this.

It's all so crazy when you think of it how we felt about the possibility of a pandemic before and then how it's actually happened, and all the people affected so deeply by it :(
Amonet, I want to thank you very much for starting this thread. You opened my eyes. Your thread caused me to research, then to take action long before anyone in my city even knew what was coming.
Thank you for opening our eyes, years ago. Sincerely, Kali

I agonized somewhat over starting this thread. I really don't like starting threads. And I didn't want to look like I was spreading fear stuff.

But what it said in the quotes in the first post, that those numbers coming out were the tip of the iceberg, that is how it seemed to be. It seemed to be spreading too fast and too far for those figures to be correct.

Although looking back on it I can see the potential for it going global, I didn't realise it would happen so fast or what the consequences would be. I never imagined 'lockdowns' in countries like the UK!

I dunno what else to say other than that I was so impressed at the quality of posts that started turning up within a few days, and I'm stunned that what I thought was going to be a flash in the pan thread of a couple of pages ended up like this.

It's all so crazy when you think of it how we felt about the possibility of a pandemic before and then how it's actually happened, and all the people affected so deeply by it :(
I’ve been scarce posting, but reading along

I’m :eek: how many thread regulars (and others, family members etc) that have tested positive here recently. My sincerest get well soon thoughts and vibes to everyone currently dealing with the virus.

it’s disheartening to read about the lax precautions some of you are experiencing at your drs/clinics etc :( Use those n95s if you got them, best defense imo.

I am currently not working, prob for 2-3 months (I hope ha) and it couldn’t have been better timed. I was hitting the wall with the day to day of it all. So many sick people. :( Among other issues. It’s a relief to be out of the thick of it.

I’ve got an appointment(ortho) myself tomorrow and will post back with how it goes re precautions there ;)

take care y’all :)
And thanks again for this thread
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Thank you, @Lilibet, it's a good suggestion but with Uber it's $50 each way and I don't yet know how frequently I'd have to go. The subway is $2.75 each way but I absolutely do not want to get on a train yet.

I'm like you, I don't like to rock the boat either, but after two years of this I find I'm complaining out loud a lot more. My doctor, a good guy with a sterling reputation whom I've always liked, actually got very testy with me because I did complain to him. I mentioned, somewhat meekly, that I was concerned because I didn't see everyone in a mask, and particularly that the respiratory therapist who would conduct my pulmonary function test was only chin-masked. That caused my usually even-keeled Doctor to scold me that he is a pulmonary specialist, that his office is in order, that as a pulmonologist he's seen a million cases of Covid, and that his office is not a Covid hotbed.

I'm still so aggravated from all this. That was also when he told me I didn't need to do the pulmonary function test, for the first time ever, and also directed me to get my CT scan at his hospital program for pulmonary studies instead of my local radiology center.

That's why I am seriously considering if it's time to look elsewhere.

My eldest granddaughter who is 17 is on the subway a lot, and I often pay for an Uber for her. She does wear her mask, or at least she tells me she does, and when I'm with her I make her wear her mask even though I took her for all three Moderna shots. I trust her, mostly, but I do not trust whomever else is on the subway or has ridden in the Uber before her.

I took a book to read while at the doctor's office, and I actually wiped it down with Lysol wipes when I got home. That's how much I feel that his office may be teeming with Covid.

ETA: unfortunately, so many of my fellow posters have Covid now or have family with Covid. I don't remember everyone's names at the moment, but my sincere wishes for a speedy recovery for all my peeps here! I'm sort of expecting to get it eventually; it seems inevitable if we are the only ones in our environments who are following the rules.

Yikes! $100 round trip for Uber! :eek: I agree it’s time to look elsewhere @Arkay. He was probably embarrassed that you mentioned the poor mask habits in his office, but his reaction would send me somewhere else. It’s his JOB to make sure you feel safe. You pay him, after all. Can you refuse to go to his hospital program for your tests and get them locally (including the pulmonary function test) while you shop for a new doctor?
This week a year ago my husband and I tested positive for covid and I had my monoclonal antibody infusion. He was a little behind me and got his the next week. This was about two weeks before we would have been eligible for our first vax in mid-Feb. Instead, I landed in the hospital on Feb. 4 and spent six days there. All this despite following every precaution.

Now, vaxxed and boosted, we are trying to stay out of omicron’s way, but we’ll see how that goes. I’m really sorry to see so many here having to deal with it or having family members sick. Especially after taking so many precautions. I hope everyone gets well soon.

I join in the thanks for starting this thread @Amonet. It’s kept me up to speed for almost two years. And it continues to keep me informed. :)
Do any of you awesome sleuthers know what the contagiousness of Omicron is compared to the contagiousness of the common cold?

@Steelhead, Here’s what my dear friend Google says regarding contagiousness: omicron (R-15) is second behind measles (R-18) in contagiousness, as this article mentions. The R-naught for a cold is usually less than one according to the second link. So omicron is LOTS more contagious!

Omicron is the 'second most contagious' virus in the world

“Omicron is the second most contagious virus on the planet,” she said. “The most contagious virus we think of is measles, which has a factor of about 18.”

The “factor” Hoyen is referring to is the basic reproduction number or the average number of people who someone with the virus would infect.<snip>

“This new variant of COVID-19 has a factor of 15,” Hoyen said. “It’s just very important for people to understand that we are in a much different position than we were just two weeks ago.

Flu, COVID-19, or Cold: What to Expect This Fall| ID Care

However, there is not an exact R-naught available for a cold, but it’s less than 1 for most cold viruses, so they are not as infectious.
Oh dear. I hope you're getting treatment.

I've heard that if a person has had Omicron, they can still immediately afterwards get the new version of Omicron. I wonder if this is happening with your son?
He told me the symptoms have gone away, but I do wonder if he had it briefly. Omicron seems to reinfect over and and over again instead of building up antibodies. Can that be true?

I treated myself with Zicam and Tylenol. I'm getting better, but it was rough for a while.
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At Christmas-time, the delta variant was still circulating, so maybe he had the delta variant then, and now has the omicron variant. I hope you are feeling better soon, and that your son has only mild symptoms and recovers quickly.
He doesn't know which variant he had, but the symptoms he had after being with me have gone away and he's tested negative.

I'm wondering what variant I have because I lost all taste and smell and it hasn't returned. Do you know if that's only Delta or can it be Omicron, too? I was sick but not sick enough to be hospitalized. I treated myself with Zicam and Tylenol. It helped.
He doesn't know which variant he had, but the symptoms he had after being with me have gone away and he's tested negative.

I'm wondering what variant I have because I lost all taste and smell and it hasn't returned. Do you know if that's only Delta or can it be Omicron, too? I was sick but not sick enough to be hospitalized. I treated myself with Zicam and Tylenol. It helped.

Omicron can cause loss of smell and taste but it’s not as common. I know one person who has all the omicron symptoms and is currently sick with loss of smell and taste.

“One study released by the U.K. Health Security Agency Friday found that loss of smell or taste occurred in about 13% of omicron cases tracked by the country’s National Health Service. For people infected with the delta variant, the U.K. health agency found loss of smell or taste happened in about 34% of cases.”

Does omicron cause loss of smell or taste? | NewsNation Now
I started probiotics about 6 months ago after a medical issue. I eat Greek yogurt daily to add probiotics to my diet but also take a supplement. It took me trying several probiotic brands to find one that worked well with my system. It causes me no side effects at all so I take it daily.

curious about what you learned. I just seem to grab different probiotics so don't differentiate....... but would appreciate your input.
Not off topic, since we are talking about some long covid theories!!!!
Thank does sound like a good's a three-year pulmonary study.

However, I'm squeamish for three reasons:

1) Usually this doctor sends me for a CT scan in a facility two blocks from me. This hospital is far from me, and I'd have to take the subway. I haven't been on the subway since Covid. There's no parking around the hospital or that whole neighborhood. In NYC, you always have to think about the parking situation when you go anywhere.

2). I really don't want to expose myself to a hospital setting

3) I figured right away that my doctor must have some personal interest in this program since he typically sends me to the local radiology center. I looked it up, and Lo and behold, he's the program director.

Of course that doesn't mean it's not a credible and probably excellent program. But naturally when a doctor has a financial interest in a facility, I question whether I need to travel so far for medical reasons, or because the doctor just wants to expand his program.

This just sounds like a really tough call.

Lately, I have noticed a slew of COPD and other pulmonology related programs that people can sign up for. Seems as if there has been a load of funding going on. Lots of different ones show up on Facebook...

Perhaps you can do a bit of research to find other programs in nyc where they are seeking participants....
Here at the Retirement home our director is having a meeting today- I happened to see the notes when I was downstairs getting mail/coffee...the only Covid subjects were, she is asking if anyone has visitors that are unvaccinated - that they dine in the apartments. Also, she is saying masks are recommended everywhere (I find this laughable because her and her husband who helps out here, never wear them-nor does anyone else) and that she says we will return to "normal" soon. Whatever normal is- since I don't see any difference between then and now.

I know for sure that some have had Covid here. In fact, I was coughed at by a "friend" who had been holed up in his room, but ventured out. He said "don't worry, I am at the end of it" cough cough. Thank goodness I had my mask on.

I am especially concerned now that the super contagious B.2 is in the US. I have seen sources say that expect it everywhere by mid-March. If B.1 didn't get you, then B.2 just might. Also, there is some research that having had B.1 does not make you immune to getting B.2. Fun times. And like usual, I am the only concerned person in the whole building. MOO
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Yikes! $100 round trip for Uber! :eek: I agree it’s time to look elsewhere @Arkay. He was probably embarrassed that you mentioned the poor mask habits in his office, but his reaction would send me somewhere else. It’s his JOB to make sure you feel safe. You pay him, after all. Can you refuse to go to his hospital program for your tests and get them locally (including the pulmonary function test) while you shop for a new doctor?
Uber rates have doubled or tripled in the area where I live recently. I don’t know if is because there is a shortage of drivers maybe?

I used to take an Uber home fairly often, the charge was $30 - $33 depending on time of day. A couple weeks ago I ordered an Uber for my usual trip and it cost me $103! I couldn’t believe it was correct but I would have been stranded without Uber so I paid the price and then sent a message to Uber asking if the price was correct. I was informed that it was correct.

Now I cannot afford to take Uber anymore, I drive my own vehicle and pay for parking, which although parking is expensive it is now much cheaper than Uber.
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