Coronavirus COVID-19 - Global Health Pandemic #108

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Well - I'm in Europe - and can't read the article - as you need to subscribe to get in.

The article states that tinnitus may be an unexpected side effect of the Covid-19 vaccine. As of September 2021 12, 247 cases of tinnitus have been reported following the vaccine- This was reported as an adverse event to the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. It is stated that the precise pathophysiology is still not clear. Apparently there is an article that discusses this issue that went on line in Feb in the Annals of medicine and surgery.

Bottom line: an association between the vaccine and tinnitus has not yet been established and further investigation is on-going into vaccine induced tinnitus.

The article goes on to state that treatment for non-vaccine related tinnitus varys
significantly, but the treatment for vaccine induced tinnitus are corticosteroids.

The article goes on to state that although the incidence of Covid-19 vaccine associated tinnitus is rare, there is an overwhelming need to discern the precise pathophysiology and clinical management, as a better understanding of adverse events may help in encountering vaccine hesitancy, and hence fostering the Covid-19 global vaccination program.
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I too have this problem - pulsating tinnitus!! I thought it might have been from my 2 carotid artery surgeries - but it did start after my first vaccine shot...
And unfortunately - you have to subscribe to that article you posted - can give about 10% synopsis on it, please? TIA! :)

There is a study here about it, that you may be able to read. Only 12,000 or so cases of vaccine-related tinnitus reported. It is considered a 'rare' side effect. Apparently, about 20% of the adult population get tinnitus (in non-covid-vaccine situations).

They think some medications may damage the auditory pathway and cochlear hair cells. (Look up "ototoxic".)
And some people are more genetically predisposed to tinnitus.
They want more studies about it.

SARS-CoV-2 vaccine-associated-tinnitus: A review - ScienceDirect
I too have this problem - pulsating tinnitus!! I thought it might have been from my 2 carotid artery surgeries - but it did start after my first vaccine shot...
And unfortunately - you have to subscribe to that article you posted - can give about 10% synopsis on it, please? TIA! :)

This is the first I've heard about Covid vaccines being related to tinnitus and have just finished perusing several reports on the possible side effect. I suppose that the onset of tinnitus could have been a reaction to the vaccine, but are you on a new medication following your surgeries? Blood pressure and/or cardiac medications can cause tinnitus. Just suggesting this as another possibility.
called my drs office and they said that they have not recommended a 4th shot to anyone unless they are severely immunocompromised, on chemo, etc. I have felt that I should possibly get one but I really do not know. Person at the drs office said "They really only last 8-10 weeks..." (to which I thought, then I should definitely get one... but I realized the whole staff there has not gotten them so they think they are unnecessary).

read this today: If You've Never Had COVID, Should You Relax or Worry?

so while the world in general is blase and sort of saying" expose yourself; what have you got to lose?" The medical experts are saying "keep avoiding it."
I got a fourth shot. I had very little reaction to it. The worst reaction I had was after the third shot. I figured, everybody is going around maskless, I better get one.
A co-worker (male, 30s) complained of tinnitus after his first AstraZeneca vaccine. He had never suffered from it before. It did resolve for him after several weeks, although he found it extremely annoying at the time. It was publicised as a possible side effect but he is the only one I know who had that reaction.
  • Regulators in Europe say getting too many COVID-19 booster shots may actually weaken your immune response.
  • Scientists in Israel also report that a fourth vaccine dose doesn’t appear to produce enough antibodies to protect against an Omicron variant infection.

4th COVID-19 Shot Could Weaken Your Immune System

read this article and half the experts say no 4th shot and half of them say go for it... to me, means that they do not really know... great
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'Overwhelming' Need to Study COVID Vaccine-Associated Tinnitus

Just happened to log on to Medscape and found this article that tinnitus is considered an unexpected side effect of the vaccine. I have had tinnitus for years and never noticed it got worse due to the vaccine, but apparently here are enough incidents of tinnitus related to the vaccine that they are going to study it.
I am vaccinated and boosted and I’ve had tinnitus for decades but it never got worse after my shots.
V strange about tinnitus. Its definitely reported as a common symptom in the long covid facebook group I'm in (apologies, appreciate this isnt a quotable source). I think I mentioned before that I get it myself, but luckily it comes and goes as opposed to being constant.
ilovewings said:

The article goes on to state that treatment for non-vaccine related tinnitus varys
significantly, but the treatment for vaccine induced tinnitus are corticosteroids.

I read that ginkgo biloba helps - so started taking that. It seems to have lessen the sound just a bit. If vaccine induced tinnitus treatment is corticosteriods - "where" would they give you the shot? In the neck??!! :eek: or pills?

And thank you for giving the jest of the article!

SouthAussie said:
There is a study here about it, that you may be able to read. Only 12,000 or so cases of vaccine-related tinnitus reported. It is considered a 'rare' side effect. Apparently, about 20% of the adult population get tinnitus (in non-covid-vaccine situations).

They think some medications may damage the auditory pathway and cochlear hair cells. (Look up "ototoxic".)
And some people are more genetically predisposed to tinnitus.
They want more studies about it.

Thank you - I'll check out the link you provided.

BetteDavisEyes said:
This is the first I've heard about Covid vaccines being related to tinnitus and have just finished perusing several reports on the possible side effect. I suppose that the onset of tinnitus could have been a reaction to the vaccine, but are you on a new medication following your surgeries? Blood pressure and/or cardiac medications can cause tinnitus. Just suggesting this as another possibility.

Nope - no medication after my surgeries - just aspirin. I take no medications.
I read that ginkgo biloba helps - so started taking that. It seems to have lessen the sound just a bit. If vaccine induced tinnitus treatment is corticosteriods - "where" would they give you the shot? In the neck??!! :eek: or pills?

And thank you for giving the jest of the article!

Thank you - I'll check out the link you provided.

Nope - no medication after my surgeries - just aspirin. I take no medications.

My late uncle actually had brain surgery in an attempt to relieve his tinnitus and
That surgery did not work. I tried to talk him out of having surgery but he did it
Anyway--- as far as I am aware, there is no surgery that will cure tinnitus
Not to sidetrack the topic, but how did everyone's tinnitus start ?

Mine was instant, years ago when I washed my hair in the bath.
After I dried my hair I noticed a sound, and thought I still had water in my ear.
But the sound never went away.
At first it upset me at times but I've come to live with it and I feel my head has it's own built in white noise.
I quite like it.

But most of the time it's just faded into the background and I rarely think about it at all.
Not to sidetrack the topic, but how did everyone's tinnitus start ?

Mine was instant, years ago when I washed my hair in the bath.
After I dried my hair I noticed a sound, and thought I still had water in my ear.
But the sound never went away.
At first it upset me at times but I've come to live with it and I feel my head has it's own built in white noise.
I quite like it.

But most of the time it's just faded into the background and I rarely think about it at all.

Mine only happens when I lie down. It's my heart beat that I hear in my ears... no matter what position I try. I have to be REALLY sleepy to fall asleep...
Not to sidetrack the topic, but how did everyone's tinnitus start ?

Mine was instant, years ago when I washed my hair in the bath.
After I dried my hair I noticed a sound, and thought I still had water in my ear.
But the sound never went away.
At first it upset me at times but I've come to live with it and I feel my head has it's own built in white noise.
I quite like it.

But most of the time it's just faded into the background and I rarely think about it at all.

Mine started when I worked in an office with a constant "White Noise" recording.
Pfizer plans to submit data on a 4th Covid shot to FDA (

Pfizer is close to submitting data to the Food and Drug Administration on a fourth dose of its Covid-19 vaccine, according to CEO Albert Bourla.

“Clearly there is a need in an environment of omicron to boost the immune response,” he told CNBC in an interview Friday.


But Bourla said Friday that Pfizer's scientists are now seeing the protection from the initial booster shot begin to wane against omicron after three or four months, meaning a fourth dose may be needed.

"We are going to submit to FDA a significant package of data about the need for a fourth dose," he said, noting that the FDA and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention would need to come to their own conclusions.

(more at link)
Not to sidetrack the topic, but how did everyone's tinnitus start ?...

I experienced intermittent tinnitus in my left ear within 72 hours of taking a new blood pressure medication. I didn't associate it with the medication right away and figured it was an aspect of aging that I would have to live with from now on. After a week or so on the medication, I did not like the way I felt - weak, tired, dizzy - and my heartrate was consistently below 60 which meant that it probably was even lower during the night as I slept. I called for an appointment with my PCP but couldn't get in to see her for nearly two weeks. I was told to take only half a dose for the time being. Medication was eventually changed, and the tinnitus went away completely in 72 hours - just like it had started. Haven't had the problem since.
Not to sidetrack the topic, but how did everyone's tinnitus start ?

Mine was instant, years ago when I washed my hair in the bath.
After I dried my hair I noticed a sound, and thought I still had water in my ear.
But the sound never went away.
At first it upset me at times but I've come to live with it and I feel my head has it's own built in white noise.
I quite like it.

But most of the time it's just faded into the background and I rarely think about it at all.

I really can't pinpoint when and how it started: I just know one day it was there and it has been there for many years. It is a hissing sound most of the time. Sometimes it gets louder (like right now), sometimes it seems to fade away a bit. I just tune it out most of the time. I have to say though, the one thing I really miss is hearing nothing. totally quiet. My mother had tinnitus so I wonder if there is a hereditary component involved.
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