Coronavirus COVID-19 - Global Health Pandemic #111

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Glad to hear you're not feeling horrible. I'm also glad to hear you say "lesson learned" and back to masking up in public. :) I wish more would do that, with or without a lesson learned. It's the smart thing to do, IMO, cuz it ain't over till its over, and it doesn't look like that'll happen, unfortunately. :(

And yes, I know ain't isn't proper. :) (Or is it 'I know ain't ain't proper'? lol)

I looked up SB's medicine ball since I'm not into tea and it's more than that so thought I'd post what I found here as this description makes it sound better than just hot tea. :)

The Medicine Ball or Cold Buster is made with Jade Citrus Mint Green Tea, Peach Tranquility Herbal Tea, hot water, steamed lemonade, and a hint of honey. To jazz it up, some customers also order a pump of peppermint syrup for extra flavor in their sniffles-busting beverage.

My mom always made hot lemonade when we were sick with a cold/sore throat. My daughter is an NP and she used it to this day. Hint: Chic-Fil-A makes real lemonade. Order it without ice.

Unfortunately, I tested positive for COVID-19 today. I'm disappointed to have to miss critical work on the Senate's NDAA this week in Washington. Consistent with CDC guidelines, I'll quarantine at home and follow the advice of my doctor while I work remotely.

Unfortunately, I tested positive for COVID-19 today. I'm disappointed to have to miss critical work on the Senate's NDAA this week in Washington. Consistent with CDC guidelines, I'll quarantine at home and follow the advice of my doctor while I work remotely.
Sorry to hear that :( but glad you're following guidelines. :)
You know what's nuts? A coroner coming to get a deceased person from our retirement home, put them on a gurney, wheel them out, all the while unmasked. Saw with my own eyes. Super risky if this is how they conduct business all the time. Yes, the room was packed with family, no they don't know the exact cause of death (was cardiac arrest from ??)
Also, all the EMTs and Firemen who show up here on an almost daily basis ( lots of elderly people fall alot!) never wear masks..
It's crazy.

First on CNN: Updated Covid shot should be ready by ‘latter part of September,’ HHS secretary says in letter to manufacturers​

US health officials are moving forward with plans to sunset the federal government’s Covid-19 vaccine distribution program next month and move the vaccines to the commercial market this fall, and they are laying out their expectations to manufacturers about what that transition should look like.
COVID is most definitely on the rise in my area. I have heard of quite a few work associates who have tested positive. None that I have been around but other work from home coworkers on Teams meetings.

I know two people who were sick after attending a large event, and both declined to get tested for COVID despite my urging. They both said that there really isn’t anything they do for COVID anyway so why test?

One of my friends was recently sick with what she insisted was a sinus infection, even though she had all the typical COVID symptoms. She was sick for over a week and had very low energy for the following few weeks.

COVID hospitalizations are up too.

My last COVID booster was November 22 and I am planning to get the booster as soon as the new one is available.
COVID is most definitely on the rise in my area. I have heard of quite a few work associates who have tested positive. None that I have been around but other work from home coworkers on Teams meetings.

I know two people who were sick after attending a large event, and both declined to get tested for COVID despite my urging. They both said that there really isn’t anything they do for COVID anyway so why test?

One of my friends was recently sick with what she insisted was a sinus infection, even though she had all the typical COVID symptoms. She was sick for over a week and had very low energy for the following few weeks.

COVID hospitalizations are up too.

My last COVID booster was November 22 and I am planning to get the booster as soon as the new one is available.
I think it's on the rise in Europe as well. A friend has Covid for the sixth time now. I think I'd just quit going outside at that point! She's not careless either but seems very susceptible to repeated reinfection despite all her vaccines and boosters. Her doctor says her lungs are in a bad way and she needs to try to stop catching it. He suggested moving to a rural area. I feel for her. She is very frustrated. Other than that a few family members have had it recently and had a bad time with it. I'll definitely be getting my booster this winter.
I know two people who were sick after attending a large event, and both declined to get tested for COVID despite my urging. They both said that there really isn’t anything they do for COVID anyway so why test?
Because the CDC is still taking stats, as are many local health agencies. :( People not testing (and reporting their results if it's an at home test) are HORRIBLY skewing the stats making it look like things are better than they are!
One of my friends was recently sick with what she insisted was a sinus infection, even though she had all the typical COVID symptoms. She was sick for over a week and had very low energy for the following few weeks.
Can anyone say Denial? Reminds me of North Korea's mysterious "fever cases". Everyone repeat with me... Denial.
COVID hospitalizations are up too.
It's rare that I see a mask around here. I'm never out without one.
I think it's on the rise in Europe as well. A friend has Covid for the sixth time now. I think I'd just quit going outside at that point! She's not careless either but seems very susceptible to repeated reinfection despite all her vaccines and boosters. Her doctor says her lungs are in a bad way and she needs to try to stop catching it. He suggested moving to a rural area. I feel for her. She is very frustrated. Other than that a few family members have had it recently and had a bad time with it. I'll definitely be getting my booster this winter.
When I read 'for the sixth time' my eyes literally widened in a gaping stare at my screen.

When I hear of cases like your friend it always makes me think that if I followed them around 24/7 I'd be able to hand them a list of times they could have caught it. My mother insists she's just as careful as I am, but I've witnessed first hand multiple times that she is not. And I'm not with her 24/7 or I'd have a LOOOOONG list of times she wasn't as safe as I am (If you've read (and remembered) my previous posts you could say I'm a tad anal about the whole thing.

But my point about my mother is... some people wrongly think they are doing everything to not catch it, but I'll bet my house that I could point out times they weren't.

Here's another example... masks. I posted a while back about my "mask watching". Out of ALLL the people I saw wearing masks when they were mandatory... I don't recall ever seeing anyone with an N95 mask (unless I looked in the mirror). I could see gaps at their cheeks and the bridge of their noses. You need a WELL-fitted mask with NO gaps. N95 is best, those blue surgical masks 2nd best (but should be fitting to not have gaps which they all do if you don't take steps to fit them better. There are lots of vids out there showing people how to do that).

Then there are all the chin ornaments that I see people wearing. You know what I'm talking about... they aren't even covering their noses. It's like... I've got my mask on!!! See??? smh
Add some honey, and it's the perfect "toddy" when you're not feeling well.
Or sugar. But just lemon and water like the OP posted... I can't even do that and I LOVE lemons. I'd eat them with a little sugar and salt as a kid, I make lemon salsa (chopped lemon with some other ingredients compliments of Nigella Lawson), and I even cut thin slices of lemon, peel and all, and top slabs of figs with it. But just lemon and water? Even I can't do that. lol
When I read 'for the sixth time' my eyes literally widened in a gaping stare at my screen.

When I hear of cases like your friend it always makes me think that if I followed them around 24/7 I'd be able to hand them a list of times they could have caught it. My mother insists she's just as careful as I am, but I've witnessed first hand multiple times that she is not. And I'm not with her 24/7 or I'd have a LOOOOONG list of times she wasn't as safe as I am (If you've read (and remembered) my previous posts you could say I'm a tad anal about the whole thing.

But my point about my mother is... some people wrongly think they are doing everything to not catch it, but I'll bet my house that I could point out times they weren't.

Here's another example... masks. I posted a while back about my "mask watching". Out of ALLL the people I saw wearing masks when they were mandatory... I don't recall ever seeing anyone with an N95 mask (unless I looked in the mirror). I could see gaps at their cheeks and the bridge of their noses. You need a WELL-fitted mask with NO gaps. N95 is best, those blue surgical masks 2nd best (but should be fitting to not have gaps which they all do if you don't take steps to fit them better. There are lots of vids out there showing people how to do that).

Then there are all the chin ornaments that I see people wearing. You know what I'm talking about... they aren't even covering their noses. It's like... I've got my mask on!!! See??? smh
She was very careful for a long time, masked religiously, avoided all social gatherings and worked from home (she still caught it), but her job now requires her to meet people again and there is some travel involved. She does her best and avoids crowded spaces where possible. I'm not sure what more she can do while getting on with her life and work. She has a large family that she lives with, lots of people coming and going, and the younger ones don't like to mask anymore. So she either catches it again through work or a family member brings it home. It's a tough situation. She seems to have almost no resistance to it and she's very worried about what her health will be like when she is older. She has been so unlucky. Even the people I know who have taken almost no precautions haven't caught it this often. Twice or three times at most.
She was very careful for a long time, masked religiously, avoided all social gatherings and worked from home (she still caught it), but her job now requires her to meet people again and there is some travel involved. She does her best and avoids crowded spaces where possible. I'm not sure what more she can do while getting on with her life and work. She has a large family that she lives with, lots of people coming and going, and the younger ones don't like to mask anymore. So she either catches it again through work or a family member brings it home. It's a tough situation. She seems to have almost no resistance to it and she's very worried about what her health will be like when she is older. She has been so unlucky. Even the people I know who have taken almost no precautions haven't caught it this often. Twice or three times at most.
I thought it would be something like that.

As for those taking almost no precautions and haven't caught it... I'm going to venture a guess that they have, and were asymptomatic, and just THINK they haven't had it. I found this very interesting:

The pooled percentage of asymptomatic infections was 32.40% (95% CI: 25.30–39.51%) among SARS-CoV-2 Omicron variant-positive individuals, which was higher in the population in developing countries (38.93%; 95% CI: 19.75–58.11%), with vaccine coverage ≥ 80% (35.93%; 95% CI: 25.36–46.51%), with a travel history (40.05%; 95% CI: 7.59–72.51%), community infection (37.97%; 95% CI: 10.07–65.87%), and with a median age < 20 years (43.75%; 95% CI: 38.45–49.05%). Conclusion: In this systematic review and meta-analysis, the pooled percentage of asymptomatic infections was 32.40% among SARS-CoV-2 Omicron variant-positive individuals.

The people who were vaccinated, young (median age < 20 years), had a travel history, and were infected outside of a clinical setting (community infection) had higher percentages of asymptomatic infections. Screening is required to prevent clustered epidemics or sustained community transmission caused by asymptomatic infections of Omicron variants, especially for countries and regions that have successfully controlled SARS-CoV-2.

One of the classes I conduct at manufacturing plants and in healthcare environments is Respiratory Safety. Included in the class is fit testing, to ensure that people are wearing the proper mask size to fit their face.

Mask fit testing includes allowing each person to select a mask and put it on. Then we test for a proper seal by putting a large hood on a frame over their head and shoulders, and spraying a mist inside the hood. The mist has a sweet flavor, and if the person can detect the spray by smelling or tasting it that means the mask does not fit. Then they will need to select a different size of mask and try again.

That is a greatly simplified explanation of fit testing, but we find many people who are not wearing the correct size of mask or are wearing it incorrectly.
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