Coronavirus COVID-19 *Global Health Pandemic* #19

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Sneezing isn't a symptom of corona, so I wouldn't worry about that.

Asymtomatic transmission does occur.

As stated by others, sneezing carries respiratory droplets, the main source of transmission that we know about.

Additionally, al though sneezing is not listed specifically as a symptom on cdc’s website, I do recall the very sick individual from that taxi video in China who was trying to get to the hospital who was sneezing.

Absolutely @JerseyGirl , you should be worried about this, moo. I completely disagree with the OP.

See, again, people need to be very careful about making statements about things to which they do not fully know the extent. Jmo.
Isolating is the best course of action, imo. As an expert just pointed out, if we wear gloves, once we touch ONE thing, our gloves are then contaminated.
Eta: obviously the same goes for our hands, we can wash wash wash but once we touch one thing, they are contaminated!

my motto has been “live like everyone has it”.
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That news is about 2 days old.

Thanks, I am quite aware. I can view the date on the headline. I am posting it in relation to concerns of other countries doing the same and eventually the possibility of medical martial law. OR more of our freedoms taken away, or more surveillance.

Also "old" news or "old" journal articles still have a necessary use in examining and understanding any issue.
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I sure hope its more improved than Tamiflu, that did nothing for my friend when he had the flu except add nausea on top of the flu...tho it might have kept him from getting pneumonia it did not make him 'feel better'

Thanks for sharing that. Ive seen mostly good reports about it but like yours I also have seen some reports that claim it did not help much.

My understanding is it mainly helps if given within the first few days of catching the Flu, so maybe that has a lot to do with how people perceive its effectiveness. Because by the time people get a real positive diagnosis of Flu through a proper nasal swab testing at doctors office or clinic, it usually is past those initial days.

Lets hope any therapy medicines they develop for this Coronavirus does a good job of helping symptoms.
Italy has banned funerals. Here’s how some people are getting around the rule.

A group of mourners in Rome got around the restrictions by parking a hearse outside a church and having a priest come outside to give a blessing over the coffin as it sat inside.


Live updates: Coronavirus cases pass 115,000 worldwide - CNN
Reminds me of "Airplane", suited up for "safe sex".

I am impressed that Dr. Fauci is still front and center. I guess that the government is finally realizing that HE is da MAN! We only want to hear him.

Oh don’t say “Airplane”...I’ll have to post the “we’re all out of coffee” video again! :D

WHO Presser today is now live. It's supposed to start in 1 minute but people are Milling around.

:waiting: ...

(I miss that :waiting: emoji, Dixie!)
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Coronavirus: Smith College developing plan to reimburse fees

As they should imo. Or a 50% off your next semester deal or something. In favor of some reimbursement for this unplanned stuff. Colleges are doing pretty well nowadays

I didn’t have paid sick time until I was 45. Working since 16 lol. My own fault I’m sure. Anyyyuway
if these companies can’t bite the bullet for a few weeks / months ? and figure things out They’re gonna lose out sooooo much more money in the long run. Imo
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Im stealing your motto :)
Isolating is the best course of action, imo. As an expert just pointed out, if we wear gloves, once we touch ONE thing, our gloves are then contaminated.
Eta: obviously the same goes for our hands, we can wash wash wash but once we touch one thing, they are contaminated!
my motto has been “live like everyone has it”.
New York governor: "Like it or not, we’re going to have to make some tough decisions"

New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo said he will ask the state's business leaders to reduce workplace density during the coronavirus outbreak. Possible tactics include running two shifts of workers and letting workers who can work from home to do so.

He said in a city like New York City, “there’s no such thing as social distancing, you’re always within six feet of a person.”

“We really need to take more aggressive actions. This is not going away on its own," he added. “Like it or not, we’re going to have to make some tough decisions, and we’re going to have to start to act united to reduce the density, more testing more testing more testing that’s the only way to reduce the spread.”

“We don’t want to overreact but we understand we have to take aggressive actions and we’re looking at all those large gatherings today and I will have an announcement either later today or tomorrow.”

Cuomo said the state cases as of this morning are at 193 — but added, “we’re going to get another tranche of numbers in the next couple of hours.”

“We test around-the-clock now so the number constantly adjusts, but it is constantly going up and that shouldn’t give people alarm," he said.

Cuomo said he anticipates the number of cases will keep going up for weeks, and warned that the virus is “much more advanced than we are seeing in any of these numbers.”

Live updates: Coronavirus cases pass 115,000 worldwide - CNN

Thank goodness for Cuomo. I lived in NYC for 25 years, and I have to say, I wouldn't want to be there now. But at least he's on the case, and doing his best to fight this virus in a timely way. He must feel like he paddling upstream all the time with the complacency of the fed. gov.
Isolating is the best course of action, imo. As an expert just pointed out, if we wear gloves, once we touch ONE thing, our gloves are then contaminated.
Eta: obviously the same goes for our hands, we can wash wash wash but once we touch one thing, they are contaminated!

my motto has been “live like everyone has it”.

I wash my gloves too while they are on my hand. LOL

If i am doing some cleaning like wiping off soup cans from the grocery store before I put them on the shelf, then I find myself starting to do other cleaning chores like cleaning the inside of the fridge, and what I have been doing is periodically going over to the sink and washing my gloved hands to clean the gloves off before cleaning something else.

It helps reduce how many disposable gloves I end up throwing out when done. Since they are such short supply I may start to rinse them off when done in a bleach bath and start saving a set for just cleaning stuff.
@JerseyGirl hln is discussing workplace hygiene, lol.
How to deal with the coughing coworker that doesn’t wash hands after coughing, then uses computer.
The guest speaker said “nice hoes put the window”, when LS asked how to address things in the office.

I am making my guys text me pics of their timecards and I'll print them from my phone myself. I am not touching their paperwork after they've been working at the hospital all day, especially since they aren't taking this too seriously.
WHO Presser today is now live. It's supposed to start in 1 minute but people are Milling around.

Transcribing—inserting Doc T accent:

“Thank you, Thank you Tarik. Good afternoon.”

“In the past 24 hours China has reported x new cases, and x deathzzzz.”

Just kidding, it hasn’t started yet. :)
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