Coronavirus COVID-19 *Global Health Pandemic* #21

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Look after yourself @margarita25 . I have had the same problem with pains in my chest due to stress. Please take a break when you need to from the coronavirus news as it can be overwhelming. I’m just trying to take each day at a time and hope for the best. Please know we are all here for you if you ever need to talk about how you are feeling.

Mental health and a COVID 19 break are important. After my stressful trip to pick up grocery order, pick up a few last minute items I was SUPER stressed. Lucky we are having early spring in Virginia. I grabbed the trimming shears and heading to the garden. After just a few minutes of trimming, the birds singing, sun in my face, my spirit lifted. I kicked off my shoes and walked barefoot, it felt good to have the earth below my feet. I finally felt grounded.

We don't have to be confined our homes, we can enjoy nature. The earth has many heeling powers.
Saga suspends all cruises amid coronavirus threat to the over-70s and group warns its profits will take a hit as the outbreak worsens

Saga is suspending all its cruises from 15 March to 1 May after heeding Government warnings about the risks posed to over 70s and those with underlying medical conditions from the coronavirus outbreak.

Saga suspends all cruises over conronavirus concerns for the over 70s | Daily Mail Online

I wonder when other cruise lines will also do this, they need to do so in my opinion.

In the last thread....I think......discussions were about about a trend in pulling some of yer cash out of the bank.

Most were from bad weather prone areas.

Iirc, @Amonet had also mentioned the idea of having cash on hand in case you need to pay someone for something, neighbor who goes to store. Something along those lines, perhaps she can chime in again if she sees this.

Meanwhile, I just read "What is Going on Around Town This Week". It is insanity! Music gatherings, plays, concerts..WTH?!

I’m in the UK. I’ve been taking sensible precautions - you know, ‘wash hands frequently, don’t cough on people like a savage, don’t touch your face’. And that was it. Felt terrible for people in Italy and anyone suffering, but I cannot say I was worried more than that.
However, over the past few days, my unease started growing. First, arriving at London City Airport for a flight to Scotland - where were the people, where were the usual queues? Return flight, Glasgow Airport was deserted. Lots of people wearing face masks.
Yesterday, I popped down to the local supermarket. Empty shelves - no pasta, no loo roll, no hand sanitiser, no hand wash.
A similar story at another supermarket.
Then yesterday afternoon, I watched as the PM and Medical Advisers outlined just how bad things are going to get. And now I am - not scared, exactly, but very apprehensive. More worried for my elderly Dad than anything - he is fiercely independent and loves to travel, but right now we are questioning the wisdom of him even getting on a train to London to visit me.
Ugh. I’m not even sure of the point of this post. I just needed to brain dump.
Take good care of yourselves, WebSleuthers - I have a feeling the road will be a rocky one.
s for checking in ceecee.sorry to hear of your shopping dilemma. I would tell my dad to please stay where he is . Take care.
I’m in the UK. I’ve been taking sensible precautions - you know, ‘wash hands frequently, don’t cough on people like a savage, don’t touch your face’. And that was it. Felt terrible for people in Italy and anyone suffering, but I cannot say I was worried more than that.
However, over the past few days, my unease started growing. First, arriving at London City Airport for a flight to Scotland - where were the people, where were the usual queues? Return flight, Glasgow Airport was deserted. Lots of people wearing face masks.
Yesterday, I popped down to the local supermarket. Empty shelves - no pasta, no loo roll, no hand sanitiser, no hand wash.
A similar story at another supermarket.
Then yesterday afternoon, I watched as the PM and Medical Advisers outlined just how bad things are going to get. And now I am - not scared, exactly, but very apprehensive. More worried for my elderly Dad than anything - he is fiercely independent and loves to travel, but right now we are questioning the wisdom of him even getting on a train to London to visit me.
Ugh. I’m not even sure of the point of this post. I just needed to brain dump.
Take good care of yourselves, WebSleuthers - I have a feeling the road will be a rocky one.

Hi I’m Scottish. I feel the same way you do. I’m more worried about my parents than myself as they are both high risk. The press conference yesterday brought home the gravity of the situation. Everyone I know is taking the crisis seriously now.

I really hope you and your Dad will be ok.
In the last thread....I think......discussions were about about a trend in pulling some of yer cash out of the bank.

Most were from bad weather prone areas.

The ATM and banks in the east closed shortly after 911 for an afternoon. Bank security felt risk of hacking. After the towers were hit, I let each employee go fill with gas and encouraged them to get cash. I remembered mom talking about the times banks closed during crisis.

Yes, CASH is still king. It will trade at any time, with any one for needed commodities, everyone takes cash.

Yes, we should all have some CASH on hand.

Gov. Kate Brown has announced that all K-12 public schools in the state of Oregon will be closed Monday through the end of March.

The school closure announcement comes on the heels of Brown’s decision to ban public gatherings of more than 250 people for four weeks.

Brown said she heard from superintendents, teachers, parents and school board members who said they were struggling to operate in the wake of staff shortages and student absences. The governor said a lot of concern was also voiced for teachers over the age of 60 with underlying medical issues.
Gov. Brown Orders All Oregon Schools To Close
Reconsider travel to anywhere....

Global Level 3 Health Advisory - Reconsider Travel

The Department of State advises U.S. citizens to reconsider travel abroad due to the global impact of COVID-19. Many areas throughout the world are now experiencing COVID-19 outbreaks and taking action that may limit traveler mobility, including quarantines and border restrictions.Even countries, jurisdictions, or areas where cases have not been reported may restrict travel without notice.
There is a feline corona virus, FCoV, among cats, and it's common indoor cats in households where there are several cats (for example cat breeders), and cats can be reinfected several times. The virus can't be passed on to humans, or other animals. Usually the FCoV only causes mild infections in cats, but there are unfortunately a risk for it to cause Feline Infectious Peritonitis, FIP, in a few cats/kittens, and it's almost always fatal. Feline Infectious Peritonitis (FIP) | International Cat Care

There are many corona viruses. About 10% of cases of the common cold are caused by them, they are not new, you have probably been infected by one before sometime in your life. Covid-19 is a new mutated version related to virus that caused SARS and MERS.
ronavirus May Circulate Forever as a Seasonal ... › the-new-coronavirus-could-circulate-forever-...

Mar 2, 2020 - The new coronavirus is likely here to stay. Experts think will probably become a permanent part of the human respiratory-virus repertoire. ... The virus causes a disease called COVID-19 that's marked by fevers, coughing, and ...

“This is going to be with us for some time – it's endemic in human populations and not going to go away without a vaccine," Amesh Adalja, an infectious-disease expert at the Johns Hopkins Centre for Health Security, told Business Insider.”

I very respectfully disagree with the estimate of 100k #COVID19 infections in Ohio
put forth by the @OHdeptofhealth. As far as I can ascertain from the press coverage (Ohio Department of Health believes 100,000 Ohioans are carrying coronavirus), this number comes from extrapolating from 2 community cases detected. 1/5

A couple simple ways to think about this estimate. On one hand, we believe that Wuhan had roughly 100k infections on Feb 1 (via @MRC_Outbreak report 7 COVID-19 reports | Faculty of Medicine | Imperial College London). 2/5

Wuhan as a city had seen 1000 severe cases and 300 deaths at this point (COVID-2019). Thus, given the severity of this disease I don't see how it's possible to reach 100k infections and not notice it in deaths and hospitalizations. 3/5

Another way to look at this is that it took the virus from ~Nov 1 to Feb 1 to reach 100k infections in Wuhan. This is ~90 days. Thus, it would have had to have been circulating in Ohio since mid-Dec for this to be the case, which is almost certainly not the case. 4/5

I don't doubt community spread is happening Ohio and it's highly difficult to do these prevalence estimates well without wider surveillance efforts, but I think this is certainly a strong overestimate. 5/5

Trevor Bedford on Twitter
Let me tell you: the people on CNBC who are hammering on about this being a financial crisis are trying to pressure the government into more corporate bailouts. Bailouts for the hotels and cruise lines - not bailouts for regular people. I know because that was the bank strategy at certain failing banks in 2008 to get propped up.

This is a medical crisis. It is a human tragedy. People are going to die and we’re not prepared. It will be an employment crisis - but state governments are already expanding unemployment insurance to hopefully help hourly and gig workers who are laid off or have hours reduced. Hopefully we will ensure everyone who is affected gets appropriate support.

But when they spin it as a financial crisis it’s for one thing - to try to get the Fed to buy equities. The market crash is natural. Would you want to be holding hotel stocks knowing some resort companies may be filing bankruptcy if quarantines last months? I wouldn’t. But once there is a clear path for how the US is finally actually going to address this crisis investors will calm down and get back into stocks.

I strongly think people need to focus on the human response like ensuring there are enough tests and ventilators and let the rich people cry it out a little. Our 401ks won’t matter if our family members are dying.

I’ve never been a fan of this type of response either. IMO, the money that gets pumped into the market is extra money that will just be siphoned off of the top by the wealthy as they continue to pull out their funds. The 401k’s won’t see a dime in benefit.
IMO, 491k’s were a brilliant move for the wealthy. In the event of a financial crisis, the 401k’s holds the market up long enough for the rich to retreat. Perfect for big corporations that can do the same and not have to worry about pensions, etc,...

In essence, it’s a transfer of additional wealth to the top %, paid for by additional hardships placed on the rest.
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