Coronavirus - COVID-19 - Global Health Pandemic #22

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You guys, I learned on very good authority that clinical staff in King County must now in certain instances, re-use masks, and....not changing gloves between patients with similar symptoms, instead they are to wash their dirty gloved hands with soap, water, and disinfectant, and move on to the next patient.

They're having serious, serious shortages of masks, N95 and surgical, and gloves.

China sends medical supplies, experts to help Italy battle coronavirus China sends medical supplies, experts to help Italy battle coronavirus / Twitter2aJagAHyu1

YEAP, and NO ONE helping the US, not even ou own government !!!
We have emergency policies in place. The government has the power to produce PPE equipment. We have a trillion dollars going to Stock market bail out but NOT ONE DIME to produce what we need to beat this.

Everybody's talking, the president, physicians, CDC admits failure but NO ONE is actually DOING anything for fix our problems. Talking heads.....

@gitana1 thank you so much for your response to me in the last thread. Saying that we know ourselves and we have to do what is best for us (in terms of travel) was very helpful.

We are taking it day by day in our decision of whether or not to go to NYC. I know that is apalling to some, and I understand.
Phone trees are an old phenomenon. Can you set up some sort of round robin so everyone gets a call or two every day? I had a friend who worked in a call center for mail order and she used to say that there were some obviously older people who would prolong the call just to be talking to a human being for a while. The call center didn't like it but she always gave them as much time as they wanted.

I'm making a point of calling older relatives more frequently. I spoke to my grandma last night and she's already going stir crazy being stuck inside. :(

Edit: something she specifically mentioned is that she misses going to church and her bible study group. I'm not religious but I imagine churches and other types of faith communities could do a lot of good reaching out to their congregants and setting up something like a phone tree.
Workplace tent is up. We are now officially a circus :rolleyes:
I think they’re triaging folks out there who come in the emergency dept via ambulance

and one day closure to clean (3 day weekend really) of lots of local schools Lots of overtime put in there. Also lots of OT being offered at my work.

There are several visuals of this I recall from Asia (outdoor triages, tents, etc)...


I’m assuming you’re a medical worker. God Speed to all of you.

This virus likes politicians, but it loves front line workers due to potentially higher viral loads and a gazillion other more obvious factors. Moo. We e trained ourselves sometimes to try to think like the criminals when trying to find a body. We just now think like the virus moo.

Sorry sick can barely talk about I think we are at the point where can start to talk about what we’ve seen so far.

This is what this virus does MOO.

When stuff first starts going down, some of the first ones to get hit big are the medical workers. I can name many examples for reference.

There are many variables obviously, sorry posting in short disjointed fragments as can barely talk.

Not trying to sound negative Nellie but we can possibly expect this to really start happening more, hopefully not.

Workers, you are trained on how to use this equipment properly. Know that this equipment if not used properly can cause adverse issues...for example, such as going to the bathroom, workers had to wear diapers so as to save suits because they have to change them out if they go to the bathroom

Dr Slyvie has talked proper use of PPE some, and it’s so important. The equipment is useless if you do not properly use it and J can not stress this enough. Not one little mistake.

That was china, we’ve had more time to prepare, hopefully such things will not be an issue.

Reading post back and will edit delete typos or disjointed thoughts

We can expect military and firemen and policemen moo to also take the first hit moo

Health ministers, inspectors..


We’ve learned so much from China
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Agree, good post SS.
US has burned so many bridges lately, few countries will come to our aid. Certainly not China.
I read just in last few weeks a political loyalist
was put in position to liason w/ WHO and United Nations. That could be why WHO is
criticizing which countries are not stepping up
to control the spread. WHO has not been kind
to US. Backroom shenanigans that don't make the news right now. We made our bed and now must lie in it.
Relationships matter, in good times and bad.
So true!
It’s so easy to start thinking that the who in leadership positions doesn’t affect our daily lives all that much. But if this catastrophe doesn’t drive home how important good leadership is....I don’t know what will.
I’m looking out my window. Seeing some loaded cars and empty spaces....

I wonder if people are retreating into the mountains. I hope they’ve read the information associated with this.

Didn't see information attached about fleeing to the mountains.

But I can say, before folks head to the mountain make sure you are WELCOMED. I know many rural communities established militia groups in Virginia recently. I know closed FB groups are already preparing to defend themselves from invasion.

If this continues and our government does not provide what we need we will see martial law. We saw this in China as well. Communities are going to protect themselves especially when the government is not helping them.

All my opinion and experience and living in a rural community.
@gitana1 thank you so much for your response to me in the last thread. Saying that we know ourselves and we have to do what is best for us (in terms of travel) was very helpful.

We are taking it day by day in our decision of whether or not to go to NYC. I know that is apalling to some, and I understand.

Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19)

Coronavirus and Travel in the United States
Should I travel within the US?
CDC does not generally issue advisories or restrictions for travel within the United States. However, cases of COVID-19 have been reported in many states, and some areas are experiencing community spread of the disease. Crowded travel settings, like airports, may increase your risk of exposure to COVID-19, if there are other travelers with COVID-19. There are several things you should consider when deciding whether it is safe for you to travel.

Things to consider before travel:

  • Is COVID-19 spreading where you’re going?
    If COVID-19 is spreading at your destination, but not where you live, you may be at higher risk of exposure if you travel there.
  • Will you or your travel companion(s) be in close contact with others during your trip?
    Your risk of exposure to respiratory viruses like COVID-19 may increase in crowded settings, particularly closed-in settings with little air circulation, if there are people in the crowd who are sick. This may include settings such as conferences, public events (like concerts and sporting events), religious gatherings, public spaces (like movie theatres and shopping malls), and public transportation (like buses, metro, trains).
  • Are you or your travel companion(s) at higher risk of severe illness if you do get COVID-19?
    People at higher risk for severe disease are older adults and people of any age with serious chronic medical conditions (such as heart disease, lung disease, or diabetes). CDC recommends that travelers at higher risk for COVID-19 complications avoid all cruise travel and nonessential air travel.
  • Do you have a plan for taking time off from work or school, in case you get exposed to, or are sick with, COVID-19?
    If you have close contact with someone with COVID-19 during travel, you may be asked to stay home to self-monitor and avoid contact with others for up to 14 days after travel. If you become sick with COVID-19, you may be unable to go to work or school until you’re considered noninfectious. You will be asked to avoid contact with others (including being in public places) during this period of infectiousness.
  • Do you live with someone who is older or has a severe chronic health condition?
    If you get sick with COVID-19 upon your return from travel, your household contacts may be at risk of infection. Household contacts who are older adults or have severe chronic medical conditions are at higher risk for severe illness from COVID-19.
  • Is COVID-19 spreading where you live?
    Consider the risk of passing COVID-19 to others during travel, particularly if you will be in close contact with people who are older adults or have severe chronic health condition These people are at higher risk of getting very sick. If your symptoms are mild or you don’t have a fever, you may not realize you are infectious.
Depending on your unique circumstances, you may choose to delay or cancel your plans. If you do decide to travel, be sure to practice precautions to prevent getting and spreading COVID-19 and other respiratory diseases during travel. For the most up-to-date COVID-19 travel information, visit CDC COVID-19 Travel page.
Just received email from local market where we get most of our food:

Our Commitment to Providing a Safe Environment |

Dear Friends and Valued Customers,

For 40 years, we have been honored that you have entrusted us as an extension of your family to provide you the best grocery shopping experience at your neighborhood Nino’s. We care deeply about your health and well-being, and remain committed to providing a clean and safe environment for everyone. With the recent concerns about COVID-19, we want to keep you informed about the proactive steps we have taken.

At all of our stores, we have ramped up our existing cleaning and sanitizing procedures. We have full-time associates at each store solely focused on cleaning and sanitizing throughout the stores daily, including registers and credit card pin pads at check-out, deli slicers and kiosks, scales, counter tops in each department and our cafés. We are closing check-out lanes daily, one at a time, for the area to be completely sanitized. Restrooms are being cleaned with greater frequency, with soap and paper towel dispensers being constantly restocked...
Didn't see information attached about fleeing to the mountains.

Sorry, that post was referring to an
earlier post on that subject, here is the link and full post for clarity:


Social distancing is easier in rural areas.
Dean Conger/Corbis via Getty Images


“Remote rural towns are a good place to be early in a pandemic, as they tend to be more spread out, which potentially means fewer chances to catch a bug. Remote rural areas are also, by definition, way removed from major seaports, airports and often even big highways. So it generally takes longer for new viruses to show up in tiny towns, like Fredonia, Kan.”


“It's a scenario that has played out before. Alex Navarro, a medical historian at the University of Michigan, says Spanish flu swept the entire U.S. in 1918, except for a few notable exceptions, including Gunnison, Colo.

"You have the story of a town that literally barricaded the roads and forced everyone who did come into town into quarantine," Navarro says.

In fact, all of Gunnison County sealed itself off from the outside world for four months. And it worked. At the height of the Spanish flu pandemic, Gunnison recorded just two cases, both in isolation.”



“Edson says a serious outbreak could quickly overwhelm the local health system.

"If enough people need more hospitalization, well they'll have to go elsewhere and [that's] a fact. It'll be challenging to everybody," Edson says.”


Now, let’s take the (full) above article and compare it to this, which is why I said earlier there goes my bright idea of retreating into the mountains”:


“Polis called Aspen a “hotspot” for infection, noting that mountain communities are especially vulnerable because of their lack of resources to fight the virus’ spread. Combined with their high altitude and the fact that they draw so many visitors from the Front Range and out of state, they are particularly risky.”

“A test of our Colorado character”: High country will be hardest hit by coronavirus, governor warn
MAR 11, 2020

And this:

“Resort and mountain communities will be hit hardest first, Polis said. They have "limited surge capacity." The governor advises that people over 60 or those with chronic health conditions avoid unnecessary travel to high country outbreak areas and/or attending large public events.”

Colorado Ramps Up Coronavirus Response As Reported Cases Double In One Day, High Country Becomes ‘Hot Spot’
March 11, 2020

Coronavirus COVID-19 *Global Health Pandemic* #22
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CDC WORSE CASE SCENARIO....if no actions taken to slow transmission. THEY KNEW THIS LAST MONTH...

Between 160 million and 214 million people in the U.S. could be infected over the course of the epidemic, according to one projection. That could last months or even over a year, with infections concentrated in shorter periods, staggered across time in different communities, experts said. As many as 200,000 to 1.7 million people could die.

And, the calculations based on the C.D.C.’s scenarios suggested, 2.4 million to 21 million people in the U.S. could require hospitalization, potentially crushing the nation’s medical system, which has
only about 925,000 staffed hospital beds. Fewer than a tenth of those are for people who are critically ill.

Worst-Case Estimates for U.S. Coronavirus Deaths
You guys, I learned on very good authority that clinical staff in King County must now in certain instances, re-use masks, and....not changing gloves between patients with similar symptoms, instead they are to wash their dirty gloved hands with soap, water, and disinfectant, and move on to the next patient.

They're having serious, serious shortages of masks, N95 and surgical, and gloves.

We are living in desperate times. Please, please write your representatives, demand help, beg for supplies. They are in CONTROL!!!
We know the increased mortality rate for the "elderly" in Italy is the result of triage decisions. I imagine the same decisions were made in China ? Which would make the virus equally serious for all adults but the elderly and those with underlying health conditions are deemed not viable compared to those under 50 ? (Not including the patients under 50 at higher risk due to diabetes and high blood pressure)
Where the heck is everybody? It’s going ghost town over here feels like...

I wonder if people are at the store...

And at the drive through testing lab :eek:

(Being sort of facetious on that last one, not really)

I feel the pot on the lid about to blow around here and I’m not talking about the legal green kind.
When the dispensaries close it’ll get interesting!
Didn't see information attached about fleeing to the mountains.

But I can say, before folks head to the mountain make sure you are WELCOMED. I know many rural communities established militia groups in Virginia recently. I know closed FB groups are already preparing to defend themselves from invasion.

If this continues and our government does not provide what we need we will see martial law. We saw this in China as well. Communities are going to protect themselves especially when the government is not helping them.

All my opinion and experience and living in a rural community.

Uh yeah, do not flee to the Colorado mountains. Our high county has more cases than anywhere else in the state right now. The high altitude will exacerbate any respiratory condition and health care facilities in the mountains are very limited and spread out. I can't think of a worse place to be if you're at risk.

“A test of our Colorado character”: High country will be hardest hit by coronavirus, governor warns
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