Coronavirus - COVID-19 - Global Health Pandemic #24

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Anyway.... WHY does one need OTC cold and cough medicines for COVID-19? The experts and others have said SINCE DAY ONE do not take anti-pyretics. (fever reducing stuff such as Tylenol/Advil/Asprin). Can we as a thread of folks from the beginning not tell ALL NEWCOMERS to this thread NOT to do such? I cannot do it now, and wish I could.

Fever for the body is good. It gets the temperature up where the virus doesn't live/like it as much, and gets the hypothalmus in gear to get those antibodies going. No, I don't have a link as someone has asked we all's just commonly known and accepted science by those who have followed since threads one and two... yet new folks have no idea.

As to taking cough medicine... the only thing that that does is suppress the cough. ok... you want to suppress it. Yet why? IF IF IF it is COVID-19, they say that it is a dry cough like walking pneumonia/mycoplasma pneumonia. Same symptoms. The cough is the body saying you have an infection, and all you are doing is stopping the normal body from doing what is needed. STAY AT HOME AND ISOLATE if that happens. Many expectorants only bring up phlegm with cilia, e.g guffanessein - yet this disease does not create primarly sputum and need for such until it turns into ARDS.

Gosh, I really hate that I only have time these days to be on here for an hour or less a day and miss 90% of posts since I have so many posts I want to add in information to respond to.

Dear Dixie,

I’m very sorry about the death in your family.

I don’t remember the Tylenol, Advil part? I haven’t seen that? Was it in one of your infinite medical videos (lol)?

You are busy so making a note to get this very important clarification on Advil and Tylenol linked.
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I don't know if it's a fear of the corona virus or just an ordinary variation of patients visiting our emergency room, but the two last afternoon/evenings I've worked (Thursday and today Saturday), we have had less patients, almost half as many as we usually have. There are 8 cases of CoViD-19 in our region, and all of them are, and have been, in self-isolation at home.
Hubby went to pick up groceries today. They were out of toilet paper and ibuprofen. He stopped at Dollar General on the way home and found those items there and when he went to pay for it, he asked if they had hand sanitizer. The cashier pulled a bottle from under the counter and sold it to him. So if you need it, ask at the register. They may have it, but are just limiting how much you can buy and only selling to those who ask.

Hubby went to pick up groceries today. They were out of toilet paper and ibuprofen. He stopped at Dollar General on the way home and found those items there and when he went to pay for it, he asked if they had hand sanitizer. The cashier pulled a bottle from under the counter and sold it to him. So if you need it, ask at the register. They may have it, but are just limiting how much you can buy and only selling to those who ask.
Health authorities advising against using Ibuprofen with Coronavirus.

Anti-inflammatories may aggravate Covid-19, France advises

Anti inflammatories suppress your body's immune response.
I'm almost 60 years old and just found out today that hand sanitizer has an expiration date. I shop at Bath and Body Works semi annual clearance sales and stock up on it every so often. All my bottles expired in 2018.


Am I not killing germs at all?

*a couple from 2016

We have 4 dogs now. 50lb bags of Ol Roy Chicken n Rice delivered from WalMart. Just ordered another bag to have on hand with all this going on. I know people who "would never" use store brand dog food- we have never had an issue- and our oldest dog recently passed at 21 yrs of age. Vet says our dogs are in excellent health, and now we have plenty for the next month.

love! Please post pics of your babies if you feel comfortable on this thread

I try not to post too often but my fur babies are my pride and joy.
We have 4 dogs now. 50lb bags of Ol Roy Chicken n Rice delivered from WalMart. Just ordered another bag to have on hand with all this going on. I know people who "would never" use store brand dog food- we have never had an issue- and our oldest dog recently passed at 21 yrs of age. Vet says our dogs are in excellent health, and now we have plenty for the next month.

I also have 4 dogs and have stocked up on dog food. I think I can make it a month. I ordered from Chewy. I just wish I had stocked up on ice cream too.
I've been a poster since the beginning of this, yet out for the last week and probably the next week due to death in family... that said..

When I lot on now there is so much information that folks are getting that is misinformation. So perhaps others here can jump on newcomers posts to correct, I just don't have the time now. I have to do RL with family as a priority, but it concerns me as I want to correct stuff here with new folks or misinformation (vs. the folks I have on a *special feature* here at WS where I cannot see the posts)

Anyway.... WHY does one need OTC cold and cough medicines for COVID-19? The experts and others have said SINCE DAY ONE do not take anti-pyretics. (fever reducing stuff such as Tylenol/Advil/Asprin). Can we as a thread of folks from the beginning not tell ALL NEWCOMERS to this thread NOT to do such? I cannot do it now, and wish I could.

Fever for the body is good. It gets the temperature up where the virus doesn't live/like it as much, and gets the hypothalmus in gear to get those antibodies going. No, I don't have a link as someone has asked we all's just commonly known and accepted science by those who have followed since threads one and two... yet new folks have no idea.

As to taking cough medicine... the only thing that that does is suppress the cough. ok... you want to suppress it. Yet why? IF IF IF it is COVID-19, they say that it is a dry cough like walking pneumonia/mycoplasma pneumonia. Same symptoms. The cough is the body saying you have an infection, and all you are doing is stopping the normal body from doing what is needed. STAY AT HOME AND ISOLATE if that happens. Many expectorants only bring up phlegm with cilia, e.g guffanessein - yet this disease does not create primarly sputum and need for such until it turns into ARDS.

Gosh, I really hate that I only have time these days to be on here for an hour or less a day and miss 90% of posts since I have so many posts I want to add in information to respond to.
Very good article about fever.

Should You Treat A Fever? - GoodRx
This is not believable at the moment imo - how does one report a ballpark flu death of 22K - 55K, a differential of 33K? Which is it? What is the source? Or is it an opinion?

Why is 5K for COVID-19 fixed at 5K? Could it be 5K - 25K? Could some of the 33K maybe, sorta deaths for flu be transferred to COVID-19?

Very baffling numbers unless a test can attribute an exact COD through a proper test.

Is the source for the above not reliable enough for WS?


It's a rough raw figure estimated on average over the last 9 yrs as originally stated in an intro on CDC. However, this is all this statement is. Rough, raw, estimate.
Here is the thing. We know what to expect from Flu. We also have a vaccine. We have annual capped numbers "seasonal" which show us that the actual percentage of mortalities is only 0.1%.
This virus is just starting. We don't know what to expect. We don't have a vaccine. Globally it's not slowing down. (The bright spot is that new cases have slowed in China.) Those closed cases (cases with outcomes) is showing a mortality of 7%. Now, if and when this virus runs it's course, that percentage may fall well below the flu. But we just don't know that right now.
Key word-Now. To take a position that there is too much hype is very risky. I for one, am not willing to do that.
Good article, well sourced, citing CDC and WHO:
Hundreds of foreign passengers, including dozens of Americans, & Egyptians were potentially exposed to the virus between mid-Feb & early March -a dramatic illustration of how, from a single, overlooked infection, the novel coronavirus could multiply & be carried across the globe.

There are now more than 110 cases of foreigners reportedly testing positive for the coronavirus after recent tourist travel in Egypt, including Nile cruises. They include citizens of Greece, France, Canada and Americans from several states, including Iowa, Florida and California.

COVID19 on Twitter

This!! Humans lived for centuries before toilet paper. Honestly, it’s NOT a necessity (without going into too much graphic detail). I’m much more concerned with having enough pet food. My fur babies have to eat properly.
Hahaha! I saw on Etsy last night that someone makes flannel reusable toilet 'paper'. There are snaps on each end to link it all together and place it on a roll.
Then on sm I saw a post about what happens when you tell your grandma that you have no toilet paper and it shows a crocheted toilet 'paper' roll. People are very creative.
Washable toilet paper/Family cloth
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