Coronavirus - COVID-19 - Global Health Pandemic #24

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I'm almost 60 years old and just found out today that hand sanitizer has an expiration date. I shop at Bath and Body Works semi annual clearance sales and stock up on it every so often. All my bottles expired in 2018.


Am I not killing germs at all?

*a couple from 2016

So sorry Hazel.
I can't wait for the times when we don't become sad upon expired hand sanitizers, find plenty of toilet papers on sale, buy one get one free even, everything to be normal again.
This is the first time that I have seen this advice. Tylenol has never worked as a pain reliever for me. Ibuprofen always helps. Does anyone have any experience with this? Any tips from our medical people? Thank you in Advance.
Ibuprofen is definitely an anti inflammatory drug.

In that respect it is often a better choice for pain.
However, with a virus NSAIDS are often discouraged.
I have no opinion about COVID19 and ibuprofen.
I have no experience with the virus.
I would only use tylenol/acetaminophen myself.
I'm not happy at all about the March 1st plastic bag ban in NYC given the COVID-19 spread.

They enforced it immediately at the grocery stores on March 1st. I have always been fanatic about recycling, and understand the damage to the environment re plastic bags, but I don't want my filthy germ-invested sustainable bags in my laundry mixed w/ my clothing, nor do I want to run a separate load for them. And (Yuk!) I don't want to wash them by hand either!

Won't the ban on plastic bags at the supermarkets, box stores, etc spread transmission of the virus quicker than the use of plastic bags, or am I making much ado out of nothing?
Yeah but we’ve seen his hygiene practices and his consideration for others. The dude likely coughed in his hands or touched his face and then shook the child’s hand. That’s enough.

We also need to be asking why a child is getting tested for this. Clearly they’re experiencing more than a routine cold if they’re getting tested which goes to show this virus impacts more than just the old.

FYI. I'm in Utah. No link as I watched it on the local news...he had recently visited Primary Children's Hospital before he showed symptoms.....
This is the first time that I have seen this advice. Tylenol has never worked as a pain reliever for me. Ibuprofen always helps. Does anyone have any experience with this? Any tips from our medical people? Thank you in Advance.
It's from the French Health Minister. I'm trying to find corroborating information from a second source as we speak.....
I'm an ibuprofen user as well (for headaches)

A jail in Ohio is looking to release hundreds on inmates due to concern of Coronavirus spread.

WCBD on Twitter


Omg we talked about this! I even said no way this would happen in the States after Iran released their 54,000 prisoners.

What was I thinking. Of course the States would do it. They do it all the time

Bang head.

I'm almost 60 years old and just found out today that hand sanitizer has an expiration date. I shop at Bath and Body Works semi annual clearance sales and stock up on it every so often. All my bottles expired in 2018.


Am I not killing germs at all?

*a couple from 2016


Not even a few days ago before this hit I threw away expired hand sanitizer.

Regretting that in case it was still useful.

Would like to know the answer to your question.
Cream of Wheat
Canned chicken
Canned tuna
Instant mashed potatoes. (it's blasphemy to this Irish girl but they'll do in an emergency)
Dried fruits

Oats, dates, walnuts, frozen berries, shelf-stable nut milk.

I have cupboards and freezer full, but every time I see someone else's list I kick myself. Why didn't I buy instant mashed potatoes?!! Makes me want to go out for one more thing.
Did you get any canned Hommel Roast Beef Hash? It has potatoes in it, too.

Hi everyone, I’m still running a low grade fever. Last night it was difficult getting to sleep, coughing is much worse. Not much more I can do except take Tylenol, guaifenesin, honey and cough medicine. Plenty of tea, oranges juice and water.
l wake up hoping l’ll feel better... Nine days of a low grade fever now my cough is worse. Not much more l can do.
Take care!
PS I’m staying away from people.
I don't think it should every be considered "inevitable". This would a great time for parents to explain the importance of kindness and acceptance to their children (even the young adult ones). Because ageism is no different than any other form of prejudice. JMO
I don’t think it’s ageism, I think it’s misplaced anger. My daughter is angry, but she doesn’t know who to be mad at. Like I said I don’t condone “boomer remover” jokes—my parents are boomers—and yes, we should teach our kids compassion and kindness. But I just think we’re obviously focusing on the immediate victims here, but there is another generation of victims also. I’m just saying I saw this coming.
Hahaha! I saw on Etsy last night that someone makes flannel reusable toilet 'paper'. There are snaps on each end to link it all together and place it on a roll.
Then on sm I saw a post about what happens when you tell your grandma that you have no toilet paper and it shows a crocheted toilet 'paper' roll. People are very creative.
Washable toilet paper/Family cloth
Speaking of toilet paper... be careful about using paper towels or tissues in place of TP as they do not dissolve as easily and can end up clogging septic tanks and sewers.

I have very faint memories of my grandma's house. She had an indoor bathroom (decorated in pink and black tiles!) when I was little but the outhouse still stood in her backyard so I was excited to use it when I visited. She had a stack of old newspapers for wiping. I thought it was the most fun ever! :)
Lots of businesses in the Denver metro area of Colorado are closing doors to all but essential staff.

All businesses lining the street near mine are blocked off like this


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Speaking of toilet paper... be careful about using paper towels or tissues in place of TP as they do not dissolve as easily and can end up clogging the septic tanks and sewers.

I have very faint memories of my grandma's house. She had an indoor bathroom (decorated in pink and black tiles!) when I was little but the outhouse still stood in her backyard so I was excited to use it when I visited. She had a stack of old newspapers for wiping. I thought it was the most fun ever! :)

Yes!!!! Good point!!!!!
Oh yes! I forgot about canned tuna and chicken - great sources of protein. Add some frozen peas and carrots to the chicken and you can make a pot pie using flour or Bisquick. Or add some bread crumbs and an egg for tuna patties. Same for canned salmon.

And yeah, we have some instant mashed potatoes too - maybe pick up a small head of cabbage or kale and make colcannon American style? :D I'm hungry! :p
I bought some soup a week or so ago, that is the extent of my cooking. I may have to get creative when I run out of soup - that will not take long. I am really having to pace myself on ice cream.

Ummm, I am in BIG trouble. I was eating chips, the bag is empty. My husband wanted some...sorry Bud, no mo chips. Now, I can see why people break quarantine.

No, we can do Walmart online ordering, and they will put the bags in the car. Completely touch free shopping. They will even deliver.
...snipped by me for focus...

It was shocking to me to go to the store yesterday, and see bare shelves. When has this ever happened in the United States? WWII? Wow.


Im sure this has been brought up already here but it dawned on me yesterday how there is a domino effect too, in now that places are closing, there is more people at home needing to use the household supplies, so the demand for certain things like food and TP is actually increasing too.
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